path: root/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/')
1 files changed, 783 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
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index 0000000000..3276696751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+"""Generic logging classes and functionalities for single and multi file logging.
+Capturing console output and providing general logging functionalities.
+ FATAL_LEVEL (int): constant logging level value set based on the logging.CRITICAL
+ value
+ DEBUG (str): mozharness `debug` log name
+ INFO (str): mozharness `info` log name
+ WARNING (str): mozharness `warning` log name
+ CRITICAL (str): mozharness `critical` log name
+ FATAL (str): mozharness `fatal` log name
+ IGNORE (str): mozharness `ignore` log name
+ LOG_LEVELS (dict): mapping of the mozharness log level names to logging values
+ ROOT_LOGGER (logging.Logger): instance of a logging.Logger class
+- network logging support.
+- log rotation config
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+from datetime import datetime
+from six import binary_type
+# Define our own FATAL_LEVEL
+FATAL_LEVEL = logging.CRITICAL + 10
+logging.addLevelName(FATAL_LEVEL, "FATAL")
+# mozharness log levels.
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "warning",
+ "error",
+ "critical",
+ "fatal",
+ "ignore",
+ DEBUG: logging.DEBUG,
+ INFO: logging.INFO,
+ ERROR: logging.ERROR,
+# mozharness root logger
+ROOT_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
+# Force logging to use UTC timestamps
+logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
+# LogMixin {{{1
+class LogMixin(object):
+ """This is a mixin for any object to access similar logging functionality
+ The logging functionality described here is specially useful for those
+ objects with self.config and self.log_obj member variables
+ """
+ def _log_level_at_least(self, level):
+ """Check if the current logging level is greater or equal than level
+ Args:
+ level (str): log level name to compare against mozharness log levels
+ names
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the current logging level is great or equal than level,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ log_level = INFO
+ if hasattr(self, "config"):
+ log_level = self.config.get("log_level", INFO)
+ return levels.index(level) >= levels.index(log_level)
+ def _print(self, message, stderr=False):
+ """prints a message to the sys.stdout or sys.stderr according to the
+ value of the stderr argument.
+ Args:
+ message (str): The message to be printed
+ stderr (bool, optional): if True, message will be printed to
+ sys.stderr. Defaults to False.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, "config") or self.config.get("log_to_console", True):
+ if stderr:
+ print(message, file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ print(message)
+ def log(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1):
+ """log the message passed to it according to level, exit if level == FATAL
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to be logged
+ level (str, optional): logging level of the message. Defaults to INFO
+ exit_code (int, optional): exit code to log before the scripts calls
+ SystemExit.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ if self.log_obj:
+ return self.log_obj.log_message(
+ message,
+ level=level,
+ exit_code=exit_code,
+ post_fatal_callback=self._post_fatal,
+ )
+ if level == INFO:
+ if self._log_level_at_least(level):
+ self._print(message)
+ elif level == DEBUG:
+ if self._log_level_at_least(level):
+ self._print("DEBUG: %s" % message)
+ elif level in (WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL):
+ if self._log_level_at_least(level):
+ self._print("%s: %s" % (level.upper(), message), stderr=True)
+ elif level == FATAL:
+ if self._log_level_at_least(level):
+ self._print("FATAL: %s" % message, stderr=True)
+ raise SystemExit(exit_code)
+ def worst_level(self, target_level, existing_level, levels=None):
+ """Compare target_level with existing_level according to levels values
+ and return the worst among them.
+ Args:
+ target_level (str): minimum logging level to which the current object
+ should be set
+ existing_level (str): current logging level
+ levels (list(str), optional): list of logging levels names to compare
+ target_level and existing_level against.
+ Defaults to mozharness log level
+ list sorted from most to less critical.
+ Returns:
+ str: the logging lavel that is closest to the first levels value,
+ i.e. levels[0]
+ """
+ if not levels:
+ if target_level not in levels:
+ self.fatal("'%s' not in %s'." % (target_level, levels))
+ for l in levels:
+ if l in (target_level, existing_level):
+ return l
+ # Copying Bear's dumpException():
+ #
+ def exception(self, message=None, level=ERROR):
+ """log an exception message base on the log level passed to it.
+ This function fetches the information of the current exception being handled and
+ adds it to the message argument.
+ Args:
+ message (str, optional): message to be printed at the beginning of the log.
+ Default to an empty string.
+ level (str, optional): log level to use for the logging. Defaults to ERROR
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ if message is None:
+ message = ""
+ else:
+ message = "%s\n" % message
+ for s in traceback.format_exception(tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback):
+ message += "%s\n" % s
+ # Log at the end, as a fatal will attempt to exit after the 1st line.
+ self.log(message, level=level)
+ def debug(self, message):
+ """calls the log method with DEBUG as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=DEBUG)
+ def info(self, message):
+ """calls the log method with INFO as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=INFO)
+ def warning(self, message):
+ """calls the log method with WARNING as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=WARNING)
+ def error(self, message):
+ """calls the log method with ERROR as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=ERROR)
+ def critical(self, message):
+ """calls the log method with CRITICAL as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=CRITICAL)
+ def fatal(self, message, exit_code=-1):
+ """calls the log method with FATAL as logging level
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log
+ exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit
+ exception to be raised. Default to -1.
+ """
+ self.log(message, level=FATAL, exit_code=exit_code)
+ def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None):
+ """Sometimes you want to create a report or cleanup
+ or notify on fatal(); override this method to do so.
+ Please don't use this for anything significantly long-running.
+ Args:
+ message (str, optional): message to report. Default to None
+ exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit
+ exception to be raised. Default to None
+ """
+ pass
+# OutputParser {{{1
+class OutputParser(LogMixin):
+ """Helper object to parse command output.
+ This will buffer output if needed, so we can go back and mark
+ [(linenum - 10) : linenum+10] as errors if need be, without having to
+ get all the output first.
+ linenum+10 will be easy; we can set self.num_post_context_lines to 10,
+ and self.num_post_context_lines-- as we mark each line to at least error
+ level X.
+ linenum-10 will be trickier. We'll not only need to save the line
+ itself, but also the level that we've set for that line previously,
+ whether by matching on that line, or by a previous line's context.
+ We should only log that line if all output has ended (self.finish() ?);
+ otherwise store a list of dictionaries in self.context_buffer that is
+ buffered up to self.num_pre_context_lines (set to the largest
+ pre-context-line setting in error_list.)
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, config=None, log_obj=None, error_list=None, log_output=True, **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Initialization method for the OutputParser class
+ Args:
+ config (dict, optional): dictionary containing values such as `log_level`
+ or `log_to_console`. Defaults to `None`.
+ log_obj (BaseLogger, optional): instance of the BaseLogger class. Defaults
+ to `None`.
+ error_list (list, optional): list of the error to look for. Defaults to
+ `None`.
+ log_output (boolean, optional): flag for deciding if the commands
+ output should be logged or not.
+ Defaults to `True`.
+ """
+ self.config = config
+ self.log_obj = log_obj
+ self.error_list = error_list or []
+ self.log_output = log_output
+ self.num_errors = 0
+ self.num_warnings = 0
+ # TODO context_lines.
+ # Not in use yet, but will be based off error_list.
+ self.context_buffer = []
+ self.num_pre_context_lines = 0
+ self.num_post_context_lines = 0
+ self.worst_log_level = INFO
+ def parse_single_line(self, line):
+ """parse a console output line and check if it matches one in `error_list`,
+ if so then log it according to `log_output`.
+ Args:
+ line (str): command line output to parse.
+ Returns:
+ If the line hits a match in the error_list, the new log level the line was
+ (or should be) logged at is returned. Otherwise, returns None.
+ """
+ for error_check in self.error_list:
+ # TODO buffer for context_lines.
+ match = False
+ if "substr" in error_check:
+ if error_check["substr"] in line:
+ match = True
+ elif "regex" in error_check:
+ if error_check["regex"].search(line):
+ match = True
+ else:
+ self.warning("error_list: 'substr' and 'regex' not in %s" % error_check)
+ if match:
+ log_level = error_check.get("level", INFO)
+ if self.log_output:
+ message = " %s" % line
+ if error_check.get("explanation"):
+ message += "\n %s" % error_check["explanation"]
+ if error_check.get("summary"):
+ self.add_summary(message, level=log_level)
+ else:
+ self.log(message, level=log_level)
+ if log_level in (ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL):
+ self.num_errors += 1
+ if log_level == WARNING:
+ self.num_warnings += 1
+ self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, self.worst_log_level)
+ return log_level
+ if self.log_output:
+" %s" % line)
+ def add_lines(self, output):
+ """process a string or list of strings, decode them to utf-8,strip
+ them of any trailing whitespaces and parse them using `parse_single_line`
+ strings consisting only of whitespaces are ignored.
+ Args:
+ output (str | list): string or list of string to parse
+ """
+ if not isinstance(output, list):
+ output = [output]
+ for line in output:
+ if not line or line.isspace():
+ continue
+ if isinstance(line, binary_type):
+ line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace")
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ self.parse_single_line(line)
+# BaseLogger {{{1
+class BaseLogger(object):
+ """Base class in charge of logging handling logic such as creating logging
+ files, dirs, attaching to the console output and managing its output.
+ Attributes:
+ LEVELS (dict): flat copy of the `LOG_LEVELS` attribute of the `log` module.
+ TODO: status? There may be a status object or status capability in
+ either logging or config that allows you to count the number of
+ error,critical,fatal messages for us to count up at the end (aiming
+ for 0).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ log_level=INFO,
+ log_format="%(message)s",
+ log_date_format="%H:%M:%S",
+ log_name="test",
+ log_to_console=True,
+ log_dir=".",
+ log_to_raw=False,
+ logger_name="",
+ append_to_log=False,
+ ):
+ """BaseLogger constructor
+ Args:
+ log_level (str, optional): mozharness log level name. Defaults to INFO.
+ log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a
+ `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%(message)s'
+ log_date_format (str, optional): date format string to instantiate a
+ `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%H:%M:%S'
+ log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created.
+ Defaults to 'test'
+ log_to_console (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a Handler
+ instance base on the `Logger`
+ current instance. Defaults to True.
+ log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files.
+ Defaults to '.', i.e. current working directory.
+ log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log
+ file. Defaults to False.
+ logger_name (str, optional): currently useless parameter. According
+ to the code comments, it could be useful
+ if we were to have multiple logging
+ objects that don't trample each other.
+ append_to_log (bool, optional): set to True if the logging content should
+ be appended to old logging files. Defaults to False
+ """
+ self.log_format = log_format
+ self.log_date_format = log_date_format
+ self.log_to_console = log_to_console
+ self.log_to_raw = log_to_raw
+ self.log_level = log_level
+ self.log_name = log_name
+ self.log_dir = log_dir
+ self.append_to_log = append_to_log
+ # Not sure what I'm going to use this for; useless unless we
+ # can have multiple logging objects that don't trample each other
+ self.logger_name = logger_name
+ self.all_handlers = []
+ self.log_files = {}
+ self.create_log_dir()
+ def create_log_dir(self):
+ """create a logging directory if it doesn't exits. If there is a file with
+ same name as the future logging directory it will be deleted.
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir):
+ os.remove(self.log_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.log_dir)
+ self.abs_log_dir = os.path.abspath(self.log_dir)
+ def init_message(self, name=None):
+ """log an init message stating the name passed to it, the current date
+ and time and, the current working directory.
+ Args:
+ name (str, optional): name to use for the init log message. Defaults to
+ the current instance class name.
+ """
+ if not name:
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ self.log_message(
+ "%s online at %s in %s"
+ % (name, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%SZ"), os.getcwd())
+ )
+ def get_logger_level(self, level=None):
+ """translate the level name passed to it and return its numeric value
+ according to `LEVELS` values.
+ Args:
+ level (str, optional): level name to be translated. Defaults to the current
+ instance `log_level`.
+ Returns:
+ int: numeric value of the log level name passed to it or 0 (NOTSET) if the
+ name doesn't exists
+ """
+ if not level:
+ level = self.log_level
+ return self.LEVELS.get(level, logging.NOTSET)
+ def get_log_formatter(self, log_format=None, date_format=None):
+ """create a `logging.Formatter` base on the log and date format.
+ Args:
+ log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor.
+ Defaults to the current instance log format.
+ date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor.
+ Defaults to the current instance date format.
+ Returns:
+ logging.Formatter: instance created base on the passed arguments
+ """
+ if not log_format:
+ log_format = self.log_format
+ if not date_format:
+ date_format = self.log_date_format
+ return logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format)
+ def new_logger(self):
+ """Create a new logger based on the ROOT_LOGGER instance. By default there are no handlers.
+ The new logger becomes a member variable of the current instance as `self.logger`.
+ """
+ self.logger = ROOT_LOGGER
+ self.logger.setLevel(self.get_logger_level())
+ self._clear_handlers()
+ if self.log_to_console:
+ self.add_console_handler()
+ if self.log_to_raw:
+ self.log_files["raw"] = "%s_raw.log" % self.log_name
+ self.add_file_handler(
+ os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, self.log_files["raw"]),
+ log_format="%(message)s",
+ )
+ def _clear_handlers(self):
+ """remove all handlers stored in `self.all_handlers`.
+ To prevent dups -- logging will preserve Handlers across
+ objects :(
+ """
+ attrs = dir(self)
+ if "all_handlers" in attrs and "logger" in attrs:
+ for handler in self.all_handlers:
+ self.logger.removeHandler(handler)
+ self.all_handlers = []
+ def __del__(self):
+ """BaseLogger class destructor; shutdown, flush and remove all handlers"""
+ logging.shutdown()
+ self._clear_handlers()
+ def add_console_handler(self, log_level=None, log_format=None, date_format=None):
+ """create a `logging.StreamHandler` using `sys.stderr` for logging the console
+ output and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable
+ Args:
+ log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here.
+ Defaults to None.
+ log_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the
+ StreamHandler. Defaults to None.
+ date_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the
+ StreamHandler. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ console_handler.setFormatter(
+ self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, date_format=date_format)
+ )
+ self.logger.addHandler(console_handler)
+ self.all_handlers.append(console_handler)
+ def add_file_handler(
+ self, log_path, log_level=None, log_format=None, date_format=None
+ ):
+ """create a `logging.FileHandler` base on the path, log and date format
+ and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable.
+ Args:
+ log_path (str): filepath to use for the `FileHandler`.
+ log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here.
+ Defaults to None.
+ log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor.
+ Defaults to the current instance log format.
+ date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor.
+ Defaults to the current instance date format.
+ """
+ if not self.append_to_log and os.path.exists(log_path):
+ os.remove(log_path)
+ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)
+ file_handler.setLevel(self.get_logger_level(log_level))
+ file_handler.setFormatter(
+ self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, date_format=date_format)
+ )
+ self.logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ self.all_handlers.append(file_handler)
+ def log_message(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1, post_fatal_callback=None):
+ """Generic log method.
+ There should be more options here -- do or don't split by line,
+ use os.linesep instead of assuming \n, be able to pass in log level
+ by name or number.
+ Adding the IGNORE special level for runCommand.
+ Args:
+ message (str): message to log using the current `logger`
+ level (str, optional): log level of the message. Defaults to INFO.
+ exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use in case of a FATAL level is used.
+ Defaults to -1.
+ post_fatal_callback (function, optional): function to callback in case of
+ of a fatal log level. Defaults None.
+ """
+ if level == IGNORE:
+ return
+ for line in message.splitlines():
+ self.logger.log(self.get_logger_level(level), line)
+ if level == FATAL:
+ if callable(post_fatal_callback):
+ self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, "Running post_fatal callback...")
+ post_fatal_callback(message=message, exit_code=exit_code)
+ self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, "Exiting %d" % exit_code)
+ raise SystemExit(exit_code)
+# SimpleFileLogger {{{1
+class SimpleFileLogger(BaseLogger):
+ """Subclass of the BaseLogger.
+ Create one logFile. Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log
+ (no prepending of level or date)
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ log_format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s",
+ logger_name="Simple",
+ log_dir="logs",
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """SimpleFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor,
+ creates a new logger instance and log an init message.
+ Args:
+ log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a
+ `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s'
+ log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created.
+ Defaults to 'Simple'
+ log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files.
+ Defaults to 'logs'
+ **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor
+ """
+ BaseLogger.__init__(
+ self,
+ logger_name=logger_name,
+ log_format=log_format,
+ log_dir=log_dir,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ self.new_logger()
+ self.init_message()
+ def new_logger(self):
+ """calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler to it."""
+ BaseLogger.new_logger(self)
+ self.log_path = os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, "%s.log" % self.log_name)
+ self.log_files["default"] = self.log_path
+ self.add_file_handler(self.log_path)
+# MultiFileLogger {{{1
+class MultiFileLogger(BaseLogger):
+ """Subclass of the BaseLogger class. Create a log per log level in log_dir.
+ Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log (no prepending of level or date)
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ logger_name="Multi",
+ log_format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s",
+ log_dir="logs",
+ log_to_raw=True,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """MultiFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor,
+ creates a new logger instance and log an init message.
+ Args:
+ log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a
+ `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s'
+ log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created.
+ Defaults to 'Multi'
+ log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files.
+ Defaults to 'logs'
+ log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log
+ file. Defaults to False.
+ **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor
+ """
+ BaseLogger.__init__(
+ self,
+ logger_name=logger_name,
+ log_format=log_format,
+ log_to_raw=log_to_raw,
+ log_dir=log_dir,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ self.new_logger()
+ self.init_message()
+ def new_logger(self):
+ """calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler per
+ logging level in the `LEVELS` class attribute.
+ """
+ BaseLogger.new_logger(self)
+ min_logger_level = self.get_logger_level(self.log_level)
+ for level in list(self.LEVELS.keys()):
+ if self.get_logger_level(level) >= min_logger_level:
+ self.log_files[level] = "%s_%s.log" % (self.log_name, level)
+ self.add_file_handler(
+ os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, self.log_files[level]),
+ log_level=level,
+ )
+# ConsoleLogger {{{1
+class ConsoleLogger(BaseLogger):
+ """Subclass of the BaseLogger.
+ Output logs to stderr.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ log_format="%(levelname)8s - %(message)s",
+ log_date_format="%H:%M:%S",
+ logger_name="Console",
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """ConsoleLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor,
+ creates a new logger instance and log an init message.
+ Args:
+ log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a
+ `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to
+ '%(levelname)8s - %(message)s'
+ **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger
+ constructor
+ """
+ BaseLogger.__init__(
+ self, logger_name=logger_name, log_format=log_format, **kwargs
+ )
+ self.new_logger()
+ self.init_message()
+ def new_logger(self):
+ """Create a new logger based on the ROOT_LOGGER instance. By default
+ there are no handlers. The new logger becomes a member variable of the
+ current instance as `self.logger`.
+ """
+ self.logger = ROOT_LOGGER
+ self.logger.setLevel(self.get_logger_level())
+ self._clear_handlers()
+ self.add_console_handler()
+def numeric_log_level(level):
+ """Converts a mozharness log level (string) to the corresponding logger
+ level (number). This function makes possible to set the log level
+ in functions that do not inherit from LogMixin
+ Args:
+ level (str): log level name to convert.
+ Returns:
+ int: numeric value of the log level name.
+ """
+ return LOG_LEVELS[level]
+# __main__ {{{1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """Useless comparison, due to the `pass` keyword on its body"""
+ pass