path: root/third_party/rust/jsparagus/jsparagus/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/jsparagus/jsparagus/')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/jsparagus/jsparagus/ b/third_party/rust/jsparagus/jsparagus/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..99545b6804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/jsparagus/jsparagus/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+""" - Parse grammars written in the pgen parser specification language.
+I'm not sure I want to keep this pgen mini-language around; ignore this for now.
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from .lexer import LexicalGrammar
+from .grammar import Grammar, Production, CallMethod, is_concrete_element, Optional
+from . import gen
+from . import parse_pgen_generated
+pgen_lexer = LexicalGrammar(
+ "goal nt var token { } ; ? = => ( ) ,",
+ r'([ \t\r\n]|#.*)*',
+ IDENT=r'[A-Za-z_](?:\w|[_-])*',
+ STR=r'"[^\\\n"]*"',
+ MATCH=r'\$(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)',
+ COMMENT=r'//.*',
+def list_of(e, allow_comments=False):
+ nt = e + 's'
+ prods = [
+ Production([e], CallMethod('single', (0,))),
+ Production([nt, e], CallMethod('append', (0, 1))),
+ ]
+ if allow_comments:
+ prods.append(Production(['COMMENT'], CallMethod('empty', (0,))))
+ return prods
+def call_method(name, body):
+ arg_indexes = []
+ current = 0
+ for e in body:
+ if is_concrete_element(e):
+ if e not in discards:
+ arg_indexes.append(current)
+ current += 1
+ return CallMethod(name, tuple(arg_indexes))
+def prod(body, reducer):
+ if isinstance(reducer, str):
+ reducer = call_method(reducer, body)
+ return Production(body, reducer)
+discards = set('token var nt goal Some None = => ; ( ) { } , ?'.split())
+pgen_grammar = Grammar(
+ {
+ 'grammar': [
+ [Optional('token_defs'), 'nt_defs']
+ ],
+ 'token_defs': list_of('token_def'),
+ 'token_def': [
+ prod(['token', 'IDENT', '=', 'STR', ';'], 'const_token'),
+ prod(['var', 'token', 'IDENT', ';'], 'var_token'),
+ ],
+ 'nt_defs': [
+ prod(['nt_def'], 'nt_defs_single'),
+ prod(['nt_defs', 'nt_def'], 'nt_defs_append'),
+ ],
+ 'nt_def': [
+ prod([Optional('COMMENT'), Optional('goal'), 'nt', 'IDENT', '{',
+ Optional('prods'), '}'], 'nt_def'),
+ ],
+ 'prods': list_of('prod', allow_comments=True),
+ 'prod': [
+ prod(['terms', Optional('reducer'), ';'], 'prod'),
+ ],
+ 'terms': list_of('term'),
+ 'term': [
+ ['symbol'],
+ prod(['symbol', '?'], 'optional'),
+ ],
+ 'symbol': [
+ prod(['IDENT'], 'ident'),
+ prod(['STR'], 'str'),
+ ],
+ 'reducer': [
+ prod(['=>', 'expr'], 1)
+ ],
+ 'expr': [
+ prod(['MATCH'], 'expr_match'),
+ prod(['IDENT', '(', Optional('expr_args'), ')'], 'expr_call'),
+ prod(['Some', '(', 'expr', ')'], 'expr_some'),
+ prod(['None'], 'expr_none'),
+ ],
+ 'expr_args': [
+ prod(['expr'], 'args_single'),
+ prod(['expr_args', ',', 'expr'], 'args_append'),
+ ],
+ },
+ goal_nts=['grammar'],
+ variable_terminals=['IDENT', 'STR', 'MATCH', 'COMMENT']
+Literal = namedtuple("Literal", "chars")
+default_token_list = [
+ ("Var", "var"),
+ ("Token", "token"),
+ ("Goal", "goal"),
+ ("Nt", "nt"),
+ ("IDENT", None),
+ ("STR", None),
+ ("OpenBrace", "{"),
+ ("CloseBrace", "}"),
+ ("OpenParenthesis", "("),
+ ("CloseParenthesis", ")"),
+ ("Colon", ":"),
+ ("EqualSign", "="),
+ ("Asterisk", "*"),
+ ("PlusSign", "+"),
+ ("MinusSign", "-"),
+ ("Slash", "/"),
+ ("Semicolon", ";"),
+ ("QuestionMark", "?"),
+ ("RightArrow", "->"),
+ ("Comma", ","),
+class AstBuilder:
+ def grammar(self, token_defs, nt_defs):
+ nonterminals, goal_nts = nt_defs
+ return (token_defs or default_token_list, nonterminals, goal_nts)
+ def empty(self, value):
+ return []
+ def single(self, value):
+ return [value]
+ def append(self, values, value):
+ values.append(value)
+ return values
+ def const_token(self, name, picture):
+ assert picture[0] == '"'
+ assert picture[-1] == '"'
+ return (name, picture[1:-1])
+ def var_token(self, name):
+ return (name, None)
+ def comment(self, comment):
+ pass
+ def nt_defs_single(self, nt_def):
+ return self.nt_defs_append(({}, []), nt_def)
+ def nt_defs_append(self, grammar_in, nt_def):
+ is_goal, nt, prods = nt_def
+ grammar, goal_nts = grammar_in
+ if nt in grammar:
+ raise ValueError("multiple definitions for nt {}".format(nt))
+ grammar[nt] = prods
+ if is_goal:
+ goal_nts.append(nt)
+ return grammar, goal_nts
+ def nt_def(self, _comment, goal_kw, ident, prods):
+ is_goal = goal_kw == "goal"
+ prods = [Production(body, reducer) for body, reducer in prods]
+ return (is_goal, ident, prods)
+ def prod(self, symbols, reducer):
+ if reducer is None:
+ if sum(1 for e in symbols if is_concrete_element(e)) == 1:
+ reducer = 0
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("reducer required for {!r}".format(symbols))
+ return (symbols, reducer)
+ def optional(self, sym):
+ return Optional(sym)
+ def ident(self, sym):
+ return sym
+ def str(self, sym):
+ assert len(sym) > 1
+ assert sym[0] == '"'
+ assert sym[-1] == '"'
+ chars = sym[1:-1] # This is a bit sloppy.
+ return Literal(chars)
+ def expr_match(self, match):
+ assert match.startswith('$')
+ return int(match[1:])
+ def expr_call(self, ident, args):
+ return CallMethod(ident, tuple(args or ()))
+ def args_single(self, expr):
+ return [expr]
+ def args_append(self, args, arg):
+ args.append(arg)
+ return args
+def check_grammar(result):
+ tokens, nonterminals, goal_nts = result
+ tokens_by_name = {}
+ tokens_by_image = {}
+ for name, image in tokens:
+ if name in tokens_by_name:
+ raise ValueError("token `{}` redeclared".format(name))
+ tokens_by_name[name] = image
+ if image is not None and image in tokens_by_image:
+ raise ValueError("multiple tokens look like \"{}\"".format(image))
+ tokens_by_image[image] = name
+ if name in nonterminals:
+ raise ValueError("`{}` is declared as both a token and a nonterminal (pick one)".format(name))
+ def check_element(nt, i, e):
+ if isinstance(e, Optional):
+ return Optional(check_element(nt, i, e.inner))
+ elif isinstance(e, Literal):
+ if e.chars not in tokens_by_image:
+ raise ValueError("in {} production {}: undeclared token \"{}\"".format(nt, i, e.chars))
+ return e.chars
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(e, str), e.__class__.__name__
+ if e in nonterminals:
+ return e
+ elif e in tokens_by_name:
+ image = tokens_by_name[e]
+ if image is not None:
+ return image
+ return e
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("in {} production {}: undeclared symbol {}".format(nt, i, e))
+ out = {nt: [] for nt in nonterminals}
+ for nt, rhs_list in nonterminals.items():
+ for i, p in enumerate(rhs_list):
+ out_rhs = [check_element(nt, i, e) for e in p.body]
+ out[nt].append(p.copy_with(body=out_rhs))
+ return (tokens, out, goal_nts)
+def load_grammar(filename):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ text =
+ parser = parse_pgen_generated.Parser(builder=AstBuilder())
+ lexer = pgen_lexer(parser, filename=filename)
+ lexer.write(text)
+ result = lexer.close()
+ tokens, nonterminals, goals = check_grammar(result)
+ variable_terminals = [name for name, image in tokens if image is None]
+ return Grammar(nonterminals,
+ goal_nts=goals,
+ variable_terminals=variable_terminals)
+def regenerate():
+ import sys
+ gen.generate_parser(sys.stdout, pgen_grammar)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if sys.argv[1:] == ['--regenerate']:
+ regenerate()
+ else:
+ print("usage: python -m jsparagus.parse_pgen --regenerate")
+ sys.exit(1)