From 43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Baumann
Možne rešitve:
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger-smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger-smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f781080967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger-smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Signature Information strings
+SINoneLabel=Sporočilo je brez digitalnega podpisa
+SINone=To sporočilo ne vsebuje digitalnega podpisa pošiljatelja. Če elektronski podpis manjka, pomeni, da je sporočilo lahko da poslal nekdo, ki se pretvarja za lastnika tega e-poštnega naslova. Prav tako je mogoče, da je kdo sporočilo na poti skozi omrežja spremenil. Vendar niti eno niti drugo ni posebno verjetno.\u0020
+SIValidLabel=Sporočilo je podpisano
+SIValid=To sporočilo vsebuje veljaven digitalni podpis. Sporočilo ni bilo spremenjeno, odkar se ga je poslalo.
+SIInvalidLabel=Digitalni podpis ni veljaven
+SIInvalidHeader=To sporočilo vključuje digitalni podpis, vendar je podpis neveljaven.
+SIContentAltered=Podpis se ne ujema pravilno z vsebino sporočila. Videti je, da je bilo sporočilo po podpisu pošiljatelja spremenjeno. Ne smete zaupati v veljavnost tega sporočila, dokler ne preverite njegove vsebine s pošiljateljem.
+SIExpired=Potrdilu, ki se ga je uporabilo za podpis sporočila, je potekel rok veljavnosti. Preverite, ali je na vašem računalniku ura nastavljena pravilno.
+SIRevoked=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, je bilo preklicano. Ne smete zaupati v veljavnost tega sporočila, dokler ne preverite njegove vsebine s pošiljateljem.
+SINotYetValid=Potrdilo, ki se ga je uporabilo za podpis sporočila, še ni veljavno. Preverite, ali je na vašem računalniku ura nastavljena pravilno.
+SIUnknownCA=Potrdilo, ki se ga je uporabilo za podpis sporočila, je izdal neznan overitelj potrdil.
+SIUntrustedCA=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, je izdal overitelj potrdil, ki mu, kar se izdajanja te vrste potrdil tiče, ne zaupate.
+SIExpiredCA=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, je izdal overitelj potrdil, katerega lastno potrdilo je poteklo. Preverite, ali je na vašem računalniku ura nastavljena pravilno.
+SIRevokedCA=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, je izdal overitelj potrdil, kateremu je bilo njegovo lastno potrdilo preklicano. Ne smete zaupati v veljavnost tega sporočila, dokler ne preverite njegove vsebine s pošiljateljem.
+SINotYetValidCA=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, je izdal overitelj, katerega lastno potrdilo še ni veljavno. Preverite, ali je na vašem računalniku ura nastavljena pravilno.
+SIInvalidCipher=Sporočilo je bil podpisano s pomočjo močnega šifriranja, ki ga ta različica programske opreme ne podpira.
+SIClueless=S tem digitalnim podpisom so neznani problemi. Ne smete zaupati v veljavnost tega sporočila, dokler ne preverite njegove vsebin s pošiljateljem.
+SIPartiallyValidLabel=Sporočilo je podpisano
+SIPartiallyValidHeader=Čeprav je digitalni podpis veljaven, ni znano, ali sta pošiljatelj in podpisnik ena in ista oseba.
+SIHeaderMismatch=E-poštni naslov, naveden v podpisnikovem potrdilu, se razlikuje od e-poštnega naslova, s katerim se je to sporočilo poslalo. Oglejte si podrobnosti v potrdilu za podpis, če želite izvedeti, kdo je sporočilo podpisal.
+SICertWithoutAddress=Potrdilo, uporabljeno za podpis sporočila, ne vsebuje e-poštnega naslova. Oglejte si podrobnosti v potrdilu za podpis, če želite izvedeti, kdo je sporočilo podpisal.
+## Encryption Information strings
+EINoneLabel2=Sporočilo ni šifrirano
+EINone=Tega sporočila se pred pošiljanjem ni šifriralo. Podatke, poslane preko interneta v nešifrirani obliki, lahko med prenosom vidijo drugi.
+EIValidLabel=Sporočilo je šifrirano
+EIValid=To sporočilo se je pred pošiljanjem šifriralo. Šifriranje nepooblaščenim ljudem v veliki meri otežkoči vpogled v podatke, ki potujejo skozi omrežje.
+EIInvalidLabel=Tega sporočila ni mogoče odšifrirati
+EIInvalidHeader=To sporočilo se je, preden se ga je vam poslalo, šifriralo, vendar se ga ne da odšifrirati.
+EIContentAltered=Videti je, da se je sporočilo med prenosom spremenilo.
+EIClueless=S tem šifriranim sporočilom obstaja neznana težava.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/AccountManager.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/AccountManager.dtd
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc3683b7cc
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+buttonLabel=Vaše pravice …
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3f193cd21
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (warningLabel): Label for warning text that shows up when private data is included
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (warningText): Warning text that shows up when private data is included
+warningText=To vsebuje občutljive podatke, ki jih ne bi smeli posredovati ali objavljati brez dovoljenja.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fsType.local): Indicator that the displayed directory is on a local drive
+fsType.local = (krajevni pogon)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Indicator that the displayed directory is on the network = (omrežni pogon)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fsType.unknown): Indicator that we couldn't figure out whether the directory is local or on a network
+fsType.unknown = (neznano mesto)
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c006885bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file has the strings, mostly error strings, for the logic / JS backend / model
+# files: fetchConfig.js, readFromXML.js, guessConfig.js, verifyConfig.js, createInBackend.js
+# readFromXML.js
+no_emailProvider.error=Datoteka XML za nastavitev ne vsebuje podatkov o e-poštnem računu.
+outgoing_not_smtp.error=Odhodni strežnik mora biti vrste SMTP
+# verifyConfig.js
+cannot_login.error=Na strežnik se ni mogoče prijaviti. Verjetno napačna nastavitev, uporabniško ime ali geslo.
+# guessConfig.js
+cannot_find_server.error=Strežnika ni mogoče najti
+# exchangeAutoDiscover.js
+no_autodiscover.error=XML Exchange AutoDiscover je neveljaven.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f623c304c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file has the strings, mostly error strings, for the logic / JS backend / model
+# files: sanitizeDatatypes.js, fetchhttp.js, util.js
+# sanitizeDatatypes.js
+hostname_syntax.error=Ime gostitelja je prazno ali pa vsebuje prepovedane znake. Samo črke, številke, - in . so dovoljene.
+alphanumdash.error=Niz vsebuje nepodprte znake. Dovoljene so samo črke, številke, - in _.
+allowed_value.error=Navedena vrednost ni na seznamu dovoljenih
+url_scheme.error=Shema URL ni dovoljena
+url_parsing.error=Spletni naslov ni prepoznan
+string_empty.error=Navesti morate vrednost za ta niz
+boolean.error=Ni logična spremenljivka
+no_number.error=Ni število
+number_too_large.error=Število je preveliko
+number_too_small.error=Število je premajhno
+# fetchhttp.js
+cannot_contact_server.error=Ni mogoče dobiti stika s strežnikom
+bad_response_content.error=Vsebina odgovora slaba
+# verifyConfig.js
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(auth_failed_generic.error): The login failed (server refused to allow the user in), but the server did not give any meaningful error message. This is a common case when the user entered a wrong password or is otherwise not allowed.
+auth_failed_generic.error=Prijava ni uspela. Ali sta uporabniško ime / E-poštni naslov in geslo pravilna?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(auth_failed_with_reason.error): The login failed (server refused to allow the user in), and the server gave an error message which we can present to the user. This is a common case when the user entered a wrong password or is otherwise not allowed. %1$S will be the IMAP/POP3/SMTP server hostname. %2$S will be the error message from the server (usually in the local language where the server is or in English).
+auth_failed_with_reason.error=Prijava ni uspela. Strežnik %1$S sporoča: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verification_failed.error): We had some other error, not during authentication with the server, but at earlier points, e.g. locally or we entirely failed to contact the given server, and we unfortunately have no detailed error message.
+verification_failed.error=Preverjanje prijave iz neznanega razloga ni uspelo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verification_failed_with_exception.error): We had some other error, not during authentication with the server, but at earlier points, e.g. locally or we entirely failed to contact the given server, and we have an error message. %1$S will be an error message, possibly in English
+verification_failed_with_exception.error=Preverjanje prijave ni uspelo iz razloga:%1$S.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/activity.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/activity.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1fbff7828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/activity.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28b466f2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Status Text
+notStarted=Ni začeto
+waitingForInput=Čakanje na vnos
+waitingForRetry=Čakanje na ponoven poskus
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendingMessages): this is used as a title for grouping processes in the activity manager when sending email.
+sendingMessages=Pošiljanje sporočil
+sendingMessage=Pošiljanje sporočila
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendingMessageWithSubject): %S will be replaced by the subject of the message being sent.
+sendingMessageWithSubject=Pošiljanje sporočila: %S
+copyMessage=Kopiranje sporočila v mapo Poslano
+sentMessage=Poslano sporočilo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sentMessageWithSubject): %S will be replaced by the subject of the message being sent.
+sentMessageWithSubject=Poslano sporočilo: %S
+failedToSendMessage=Pošiljanje sporočila je spodletelo
+failedToCopyMessage=Kopiranje sporočila je spodletelo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (failedToSendMessageWithSubject): %S will be replaced by the subject of the message being sent.
+failedToSendMessageWithSubject=Spodletelo je pošiljanje sporočila: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (failedToCopyMessageWithSubject): %S will be replaced by the subject of the message being sent.
+failedToCopyMessageWithSubject=Spodletelo je kopiranje sporočila: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncProcessProgress2): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", "%3$S" and "%4$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Place the word %4$S in your translation where the name of account being processed should appear.
+# EXAMPLE: Ted's account: Downloading message 334 of 1008 in Inbox…
+autosyncProcessProgress2=%4$S: Prenašanje sporočila %1$S od %2$S v %3$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncProcessDisplayText): %S will be replaced by the folder name
+autosyncProcessDisplayText=Posodabljanje mape %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncEventDisplayText): %S will be replaced by the account name
+autosyncEventDisplayText=Račun %S je posodobljen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncEventStatusText): %S will be replaced by total number of downloaded messages
+autosyncEventStatusText=Skupno število prenesenih sporočil: %S
+autosyncEventStatusTextNoMsgs=Ni prenesenih sporočil
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncContextDisplayText): %S will be replaced by the account name
+autosyncContextDisplayText=Sinhroniziranje: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3EventStartDisplayText2): Do not translate the words "%1$S" and "%2$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account being checked for new messages should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder being checked for new messages should appear.
+# EXAMPLE: George's account: Checking Inbox for new messages…
+pop3EventStartDisplayText2=%1$S: Preverjanje za nova sporočila v %2$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3EventDisplayText): %S will be replaced by the account name
+pop3EventDisplayText=Račun %S je posodobljen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3EventStatusText): #1 will be replaced by total number of downloaded messages
+pop3EventStatusText=Preneseno #1 sporočilo;Preneseni #1 sporočili;Prenesena #1 sporočila;Prenesenih #1 sporočil
+pop3EventStatusTextNoMsgs=Ni sporočil za prenos
+# Message actions that show up in activity manager
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (deletedMessages2): #1 number of messages, #2 folder name
+deletedMessages2=Izbrisano #1 sporočilo iz #2;Izbrisani #1 sporočili iz #2;Izbrisana #1 sporočila iz #2;Izbrisanih #1 sporočil iz #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (movedMessages): #1 number of messages, #2 and #3: folder names
+movedMessages=#1 sporočilo premaknjeno iz #2 v #3;#1 sporočili premaknjeni iz #2 v #3;#1 sporočila premaknjena iz #2 v #3;#1 sporočil premaknjenih iz #2 v #3
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copiedMessages): #1 number of messages, #2 and #3: folder names
+copiedMessages=Kopirano #1 sporočilo iz #2 v #3;Kopirani #1 sporočili iz #2 v #3;Kopirana #1 sporočila iz #2 v #3;Kopiranih #1 sporočil iz #2 v #3
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fromServerToServer): #1 source server, #2 destination server
+fromServerToServer=iz #1 v #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (deletedFolder): #1 folder name
+deletedFolder=Mapa #1 izbrisana
+emptiedTrash=Koš je bil izpraznjen
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (movedFolder): #1 and #2 are folder names
+movedFolder=Mapa #1 je bila premaknjena v mapo #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (movedFolderToTrash): #1 is the folder name
+movedFolderToTrash=Mapa #1 je bila prestavljena v Koš
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copiedFolder): #1 and #2 are folder names
+copiedFolder=Mapa #1 je bila kopirana v mapo #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (renamedFolder): #1 and #2 are folder names
+renamedFolder=Mapa #1 je bila preimenovana v #2
+indexing=Sestavljanje kazala za sporočila
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexingFolder): #1 is a folder name
+indexingFolder=Sestavljanje kazala za sporočila v #1
+indexingStatusVague=Ugotavljanje, za katera sporočila naj se sestavi kazalo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexingFolderStatusVague): #1 is a folder name
+indexingFolderStatusVague=Ugotavljanje, za katera sporočila naj se sestavi kazalo v #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexingStatusExact):
+# #1 is the number of the message currently being indexed
+# #2 is the total number of messages being indexed
+# #3 is the percentage of indexing that is complete
+indexingStatusExact=Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočilo od #2;Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočili od #2 (#3% končano);Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočila od #2 (#3% končano);Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočil od #2 (#3% končano)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexingFolderStatusExact):
+# #1 is the number of the message currently being indexed
+# #2 is the total number of messages being indexed
+# #3 is the percentage of indexing that is complete
+# #4 is a folder name
+indexingFolderStatusExact=Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočilo od #2 v #4;Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočili od #2 v #4 (#3% končano);Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočila od #2 v #4 (#3% končano);Sestavljanje kazala za #1 sporočil od #2 v #4 (#3% končano)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexedFolder): #1 number of messages; #2 folder name
+indexedFolder=Kazalo za #1 sporočilo v #2 sestavljeno;Kazalo za #1 sporočili v #2 sestavljeno;Kazalo za #1 sporočila v #2 sestavljeno;Kazalo za #1 sporočil v #2 sestavljeno
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexedFolderStatus): #1 number of seconds spent indexing
+indexedFolderStatus=potekla #1 sekunda;potekli #1 sekundi;potekle #1 sekunde;poteklo #1 sekund
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addbuddy.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addbuddy.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9379c96689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addbuddy.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+xpinstallPromptMessage=%S je tej strani preprečil vprašati, ali lahko na vaš računalnik namesti programsko opremo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xpinstallPromptMessage.header)
+# The string contains the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.header=Dovoli %S namestitev dodatka?
+xpinstallPromptMessage.message=Poskušate namestiti dodatek iz %S. Preden nadaljujete, preverite, da zaupate tej strani.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.header.unknown=Ali dovolite nameščanje dodatka neznani strani?
+xpinstallPromptMessage.message.unknown=Poskušate namestiti dodatek iz neznane strani. Preden nadaljujete, preverite, da zaupate tej strani.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.learnMore=Več o varni namestitvi dodatkov
+xpinstallPromptMessage.dontAllow=Ne dovoli
+xpinstallPromptMessage.neverAllow=Nikoli ne dovoli
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstallPromptMessage.install=Nadaljuj z namestitvijo
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Skrbnik vašega sistema je onemogočil nameščanje programske opreme.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage=Namestitev programske opreme je trenutno onemogočena. Kliknite gumb Omogoči, če jo želite omogočiti, potem pa poskusite znova.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallBlockedByPolicy)
+# This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by
+# enterprise policy. %1$S is replaced by the name of the add-on.
+# %2$S is replaced by the ID of add-on. %3$S is a custom message that
+# the administration can add to the message.
+addonInstallBlockedByPolicy=Vaš sistemski skrbnik je zavrnil %1$S (%2$S). %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDomainBlockedByPolicy)
+# This message is shown when the installation of add-ons from a domain
+# is blocked by enterprise policy.
+addonDomainBlockedByPolicy=Skrbnik vašega sistema je tej strani preprečil vprašati, ali lahko na vaš računalnik namesti programsko opremo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonPostInstall.message2)
+# %S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that was
+# just installed.
+addonPostInstall.message2=Razširitev %S je dodana
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloadingAndVerifying):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# Also see for mockups
+addonDownloadingAndVerifying=Prenašanje in potrjevanje dodatka …;Prenašanje in potrjevanje #1 dodatkov …;Prenašanje in potrjevanje #1 dodatkov …;Prenašanje in potrjevanje #1 dodatkov …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallMessage,addonConfirmInstallUnsigned):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the number of add-ons being installed
+addonConfirmInstall.message=Stran želi namestiti dodatek za #1:;Stran želi namestiti #2 dodatka za #1:;Stran želi namestiti #2 dodatke za #1:;Stran želi namestiti #2 dodatkov za #1:
+addonConfirmInstallUnsigned.message=Pozor: ta stran želi v #1 namestiti nepreverjen dodatek. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.; Pozor: ta stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 nepreverjena dodatka. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.; Pozor: ta stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 nepreverjene dodatke. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.; Pozor: ta stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 nepreverjenih dodatkov. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the total number of add-ons being installed (at least 2)
+addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message=;Pozor: stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 dodatka, od katerih je vsaj en nepotrjen. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.;Pozor: stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 dodatke, od katerih je vsaj en nepotrjen. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.;Pozor: stran želi v #1 namestiti #2 dodatkov, od katerih je vsaj en nepotrjen. Nadaljujte na lastno odgovornost.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstalled):
+# %S is the name of the add-on
+addonInstalled=%S je bil uspešno nameščen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsGenericInstalled):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 number of add-ons
+addonsGenericInstalled=#1 dodatek je bil uspešno nameščen.;#1 dodatka sta bila uspešno nameščena.;#1 dodatki so bili uspešno nameščeni.;#1 dodatkov je bilo uspešno nameščenih.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallError-1, addonInstallError-2, addonInstallError-3, addonInstallError-4, addonInstallError-5, addonLocalInstallError-1, addonLocalInstallError-2, addonLocalInstallError-3, addonLocalInstallError-4, addonLocalInstallError-5):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallError-1=Dodatka ni bilo mogoče prenesti zaradi neuspele povezave.
+addonInstallError-2=Dodatka ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker ne ustreza pričakovanemu dodatku %1$S.
+addonInstallError-3=Dodatka, prenesenega s te strani, ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker je verjetno poškodovan.
+addonInstallError-4=%2$S ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker %1$S ne more spremeniti zahtevane datoteke.
+addonInstallError-5=%1$S je tej strani preprečil namestitev nepotrjenega dodatka.
+addonLocalInstallError-1=Tega dodatka ni bilo mogoče namestiti zaradi napake v datotečnem sistemu.
+addonLocalInstallError-2=Dodatka ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker ne ustreza pričakovanemu dodatku %1$S.
+addonLocalInstallError-3=Tega dodatka ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker je verjetno poškodovan.
+addonLocalInstallError-4=%2$S ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker %1$S ne more spremeniti zahtevane datoteke.
+addonLocalInstallError-5=Tega dodatka ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker ni potrjen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorIncompatible):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the application version, %3$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallErrorIncompatible=Ni bilo mogoče namestiti dodatka %3$S, ker ni združljiv s %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorBlocklisted): %S is add-on name
+addonInstallErrorBlocklisted=%S ni bilo mogoče namestiti, ker predstavlja veliko tveganje za težave z varnostjo ali zanesljivostjo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.header,webextPerms.headerWithPerms,webextPerms.headerUnsigned,webextPerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms)
+# These strings are used as headers in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# See
+# for an example of the full dialog.
+# Note, these strings will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.header=Dodaj %S?
+# %S is brandShortName
+webextPerms.experimentWarning=Zlonamerni dodatki lahko ukradejo vaše zasebne podatke ali ogrozijo vaš računalnik. Ta dodatek namestite samo v primeru, da zaupate izvoru.
+webextPerms.headerWithPerms=Želite dodati %S? Razširitev bo imela dovoljenje za:
+webextPerms.headerUnsigned=Želite dodati %S? Ta razširitev je nepreverjena. Zlonamerne razširitve lahko ukradejo vaše zasebne podatke ali ogrozijo vaš računalnik. Razširitev dodajte samo v primeru, da zaupate izvoru.
+webextPerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms=Želite dodati %S? Ta razširitev je nepreverjena. Zlonamerne razširitve lahko ukradejo vaše zasebne podatke ali ogrozijo vaš računalnik. Razširitev dodajte samo v primeru, da zaupate izvoru. Razširitev bo imela dovoljenje za:
+webextPerms.learnMore2=Več o tem
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the localized name of the sideloaded add-on.
+# %2$S will be replace with the name of the application (e.g., Firefox, Nightly)
+webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem=%1$S je bil dodan v %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadHeader)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog
+# when the extension is side-loaded.
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.sideloadHeader=%S je bil dodan
+webextPerms.sideloadText2=V vaš računalnik je drug program namestil dodatek, ki lahko vpliva na vaš brskalnik. Preglejte zahtevke za dovoljenja tega dodatka in izberite Omogoči ali Prekliči (da ga pustite onemogočenega).
+webextPerms.sideloadTextNoPerms=V vaš računalnik je drug program namestil dodatek, ki lahko vpliva na vaš brskalnik. Izberite Omogoči ali Prekliči (da ga pustite onemogočenega).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateMenuItem)
+# %S will be replaced with the localized name of the extension which
+# has been updated.
+webextPerms.updateMenuItem=%S zahteva nova dovoljenja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText2)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.updateText2=Razširitev %S se je posodobila. Pred namestitvijo posodobljene različice morate odobriti nova dovoljenja. Če izberete “Prekliči”, bo ohranjena trenutna različica. Ta razširitev bo imela dovoljenje za:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader)
+# %S is replace with the localized name of the extension requested new
+# permissions.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader=%S zahteva dodatna dovoljenja.
+webextPerms.description.accountsFolders=ustvarjanje, preimenovanje ali brisanje map e-poštnih računov
+webextPerms.description.accountsIdentities=ustvarjanje, spreminjanje ali brisanje identitet e-poštnih računov
+webextPerms.description.accountsRead2=dostop do vaših poštnih računov, njihovih identitet in map
+webextPerms.description.addressBooks=branje in spreminjanje imenikov ter stikov
+webextPerms.description.bookmarks=branje in spreminjanje zaznamkov
+webextPerms.description.browserSettings=branje in spreminjanje nastavitev brskalnika
+webextPerms.description.browsingData=brisanje nedavne zgodovine, piškotkov in povezanih podatkov
+webextPerms.description.clipboardRead=dostop do podatkov z odložišča
+webextPerms.description.clipboardWrite=shranjevanje podatkov na odložišče
+webextPerms.description.compose=branje in spreminjanje e-poštnih sporočil, ko jih pišete in pošiljate
+webextPerms.description.compose.send=pošiljanje sestavljenih e-poštnih sporočil v vašem imenu sestavljenih sporočil kot osnutke ali predloge
+webextPerms.description.declarativeNetRequest=zavrnitev vsebine na katerikoli strani
+webextPerms.description.devtools=razširjanje razvojnih orodij za dostop do vaših podatkov v odprtih zavihkih
+webextPerms.description.dns=dostop do IP-naslova in informacij o gostitelju
+webextPerms.description.downloads=prenašanje datotek ter branje in spreminjanje zgodovine prenosov datotek, prenesenih na vaš računalnik
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.experiment)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.experiment=popoln, neomejen dostop do %Sa in vašega računalnika
+webextPerms.description.find=branje besedila vseh odprtih zavihkov
+webextPerms.description.geolocation=dostop do vaše lokacije
+webextPerms.description.history=dostop do zgodovine brskanja rabe razširitev in upravljanje tem
+webextPerms.description.messagesImport=uvoz sporočil v Thunderbird
+webextPerms.description.messagesModify=branje in spreminjanje e-poštnih sporočil, ko se prikazujejo
+webextPerms.description.messagesMove2=kopiranje ali premikanje e-poštnih sporočil (vključno s premikanjem v smetnjak)
+webextPerms.description.messagesDelete=trajno brisanje e-poštnih sporočil
+webextPerms.description.messagesRead=branje e-poštnih sporočil in njihovo označevanje
+webextPerms.description.messagesTags=ustvarjanje, spreminjanje in brisanje oznak sporočil
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging=izmenjevanje sporočil z vsemi programi, razen %S
+webextPerms.description.notifications=prikazovanje obvestil
+webextPerms.description.pkcs11=zagotavljanje kriptografskih storitev za overjanje
+webextPerms.description.privacy=branje in spreminjanje nastavitev zasebnosti
+webextPerms.description.proxy=nadzor nad nastavitvami posrednika
+webextPerms.description.sessions=dostop do nedavno zaprtih zavihkov
+webextPerms.description.tabs=dostop do zavihkov brskalnika
+webextPerms.description.tabHide=skrivanje in prikazovanje zavihkov brskalnika
+webextPerms.description.topSites=dostop do zgodovine brskanja
+webextPerms.description.unlimitedStorage=shranjevanje neomejene količine podatkov odjemalca
+webextPerms.description.webNavigation=dostop do dejavnosti brskalnika
+webextPerms.hostDescription.allUrls=dostop do vaših podatkov za vse spletne strani
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard=dostop do vaših podatkov za strani domene %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# domains for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards=dostop do vaših podatkov v #1 drugi domeni;dostop do vaših podatkov v #1 drugih domenah;dostop do vaših podatkov v #1 drugih domenah;dostop do vaših podatkov v #1 drugih domenah
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite=dostop do vaših podatkov za %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# hosts for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites=dostop do vaših podatkov na #1 drugi strani;dostop do vaših podatkov na #1 drugih straneh;dostop do vaših podatkov na #1 drugih straneh;dostop do vaših podatkov na #1 drugih straneh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithPerms,webextSitePerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension enables permissions
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextSitePerms.headerWithPerms=Želite dodati %1$S? Ta razširitev daje spletnemu mestu %2$S naslednje zmožnosti:
+webextSitePerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms=Želite dodati %1$S? Ta razširitev je nepreverjena. Zlonamerne razširitve lahko ukradejo vaše zasebne podatke ali ogrozijo vaš računalnik. Razširitev dodajte samo v primeru, da zaupate izvoru. Ta razširitev daje spletnemu mestu %2$S naslednje zmožnosti:
+# These should remain in sync with permissions.NAME.label in
+webextSitePerms.description.midi=dostop do naprav MIDI
+webextSitePerms.description.midi-sysex=dostop do naprav MIDI s podporo SysEx
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.defaultSearch.description)
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that is asking to change the default search engine.
+# %2$S is replaced with the name of the current search engine
+# %3$S is replaced with the name of the new search engine
+webext.defaultSearch.description=Razširitev %1$S bi rada zamenjala vaš privzet iskalnik %2$S s %3$S. Se strinjate?
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10cfb1b844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abContactsPanel.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abContactsPanel.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea7dcfc3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abContactsPanel.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e1b98bbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee85756a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abResultsPane.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abResultsPane.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20af7943d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/abResultsPane.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1234bd750d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the Mailing list dialog.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailingListTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the Mailing List's display name.
+mailingListTitleEdit=Uredi %S
+emptyListName=Vnesti morate ime seznama.
+badListNameCharacters=Ime seznama ne more vsebovati naslednjih znakov: < > ; , "
+badListNameSpaces=Ime seznama ne more vsebovati več presledkov skupaj.
+lastFirstFormat=%S, %S
+firstLastFormat=%S %S
+allAddressBooks=Vsi imeniki
+newContactTitle=Nov stik
+# %S will be the contact's display name
+newContactTitleWithDisplayName=Nov stik za %S
+editContactTitle=Uredi stik
+# %S will be the contact's display name
+editContactTitleWithDisplayName=Uredi stik za %S
+# don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitle=Uredi vizitko (vCard)
+# %S will be the card's display name, don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitleWithDisplayName=Uredi vizitko (vCard) za %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cardRequiredDataMissingMessage): do not localize \n
+cardRequiredDataMissingMessage=Vnesti morate vsaj eno od naslednjih predmetov:\nE-naslov, ime, priimek, prikazano ime, organizacija
+cardRequiredDataMissingTitle=Zahtevani podatki manjkajo
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatMessage=Primarni e-naslov mora biti v obliki uporabnik@strežnik.
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatTitle=Napačna oblika za e-poštni naslov
+viewListTitle=Dopisni seznam: %S
+mailListNameExistsTitle=Dopisni seznam že obstaja
+mailListNameExistsMessage=Dopisni seznam s tem imenom že obstaja. Izberite kako drugo ime.
+propertyListName=Ime seznama
+propertySecondaryEmail=Dodatna e-pošta
+propertyDisplayName=Prikazano ime
+propertyBirthday=Rojstni dan
+propertyCustom1=Po meri 1
+propertyCustom2=Po meri 2
+propertyCustom3=Po meri 3
+propertyCustom4=Po meri 4
+propertyGtalk=Google Talk
+propertyXMPP=ID Jabber
+propertyIRC=Vzdevek za IRC
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state, %3$S is zip
+cityAndStateAndZip=%3$S %1$S, %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateNoZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state
+cityAndStateNoZip=%1$S, %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityOrStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city or state, %2$S is zip
+cityOrStateAndZip=%1$S %2$S
+# Contact photo management
+browsePhoto=Fotografija stika
+stateImageSave=Shranjevanje slike …
+errorInvalidUri=Napaka: neveljavna slika vira.
+errorNotAvailable=Napaka: Datoteka ni dostopna.
+errorInvalidImage=Napaka: Podprte so samo slike JPG, PNG in GIF.
+errorSaveOperation=Napaka: Slike ni bilo mogoče shraniti.
+# mailnews.js
+ldap_2.servers.pab.description=Osebni imenik
+ldap_2.servers.history.description=Zbrani naslovi
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.osx.description is only used on Mac OS X)
+ldap_2.servers.osx.description=Imenik Mac OS X
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.outlook.description is only used on Windows)
+ldap_2.servers.outlook.description=Imenik Outlook
+# status bar stuff
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (totalContactStatus):
+## %1$S is address book name, %2$S is contact count
+totalContactStatus=Skupaj stikov v %1$S: %2$S
+noMatchFound=Ni zadetkov
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound1):
+## Semicolon-separated list of singular and plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the number of matching contacts found
+matchesFound1=#1 zadetek;#1 zadetka;#1 zadetki;#1 zadetkov
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsCopied): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were copied. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsCopied=Kopiran %1$S stik;Kopirana %1$S stika;Kopirani %1$S stiki;Kopiranih %1$S stikov
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsMoved): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were moved. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsMoved=Premaknjen %1$S stik;Premaknjena %1$S stika;Premaknjeni %1$S stiki;Premaknjenih %1$S stikov
+# LDAP directory stuff
+invalidName=Vnesite veljavno ime.
+invalidHostname=Vnesite veljavno ime za gostitelja.
+invalidPortNumber=Vnesite veljavno število vrat.
+invalidResults=Vnesite veljavno število v polje rezultatov.
+abReplicationOfflineWarning=Za podvojevanje LDAP morate biti povezani.
+abReplicationSaveSettings=Nastavitve je potrebno shraniti pred prenosom imenika.
+# For importing / exporting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ExportAddressBookNameTitle): %S is the name of exported addressbook
+ExportAddressBookNameTitle=Izvozi imenik - %S
+CSVFiles=ločeno z vejico
+CSVFilesSysCharset=ločeno z vejico (sistemski nabor znakov)
+CSVFilesUTF8=ločeno z vejico (UTF-8)
+TABFiles=ločeno s zamikom
+TABFilesSysCharset=ločeno z zamikom (sistemski nabor znakov)
+TABFilesUTF8=ločeno z zamikom (UTF-8)
+VCFFiles=Vizitka (vCard)
+SupportedABFiles=Podprte datoteke imenika
+failedToExportTitle=Izvoz je spodletel
+failedToExportMessageNoDeviceSpace=Napaka pri izvozu imenika, na napravi ni več prostora.
+failedToExportMessageFileAccessDenied=Napaka pri izvozu imenika, dostop do datoteke je zavrnjen.
+# For getting authDN for replication using dlg box
+AuthDlgTitle=Podvajanje imenika LDAP
+AuthDlgDesc=Za dostop do strežnika za imenike vnesite svoje uporabniško ime in geslo.
+# use + for spaces
+# For printing
+## For address books
+addressBookTitleNew=Nov imenik
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressBookTitleEdit):
+# %S is the current name of the address book.
+# Example: My Custom AB Properties
+addressBookTitleEdit=Lastnosti %S
+duplicateNameTitle=Podvojeno ime imenika
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateNameText):
+# Don't localize "\n• %S" unless your local layout comes out wrong.
+# %S is the name of the existing address book.
+# Example: An address book with this name already exists:
+# • My Custom AB
+duplicateNameText=Imenik s tem imenom že obstaja:\n• %S
+# For corrupt .mab files
+corruptMabFileTitle=Pokvarjena datoteka imenika
+corruptMabFileAlert=Ene od vaših datotek imenika (datoteko %1$S) ni bilo mogoče prebrati. V isti mapi bo ustvarjena nova datoteka %2$S in varnostna kopija prejšnje datoteke %3$S.
+# For locked .mab files
+lockedMabFileTitle=Datoteke imenika ni mogoče naložiti
+lockedMabFileAlert=Datoteke imenika %S ni mogoče naložiti. Lahko je samo za branje, oziroma jo je drug program zaklenil. Poskusite znova kasneje.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da1113e5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These are error strings for problems that happen while in the
+# various states declared in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl. Note that
+# the number that indexes each error state is the same as the number
+# corresponding to that state in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl.
+# These are error strings for problems that happen while in the
+# various states declared in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl. Note that
+# the number that indexes each error state is the same as the number
+# corresponding to that state in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl.
+## @loc none
+0=Težava z začenjanjem LDAP-a
+## @loc none
+1=Povezava s strežnikom LDAP je spodletela
+## @loc none
+2=Povezava s strežnikom LDAP je spodletela
+## @loc none
+3=Težava pri komunikaciji s strežnikom LDAP
+## @loc none
+4=Težava pri iskanju strežnika LDAP
+# The format of the alert dialog itself
+## @name ALERT_FORMAT
+## @loc None of %1$S, %2$S and %3$S should be localized.
+## %1$S is the error code itself, %2$S is an LDAP SDK error message from
+## chrome://mozldap/locale/, and %3$S is a hint relating
+## to that specific error, found in this file.
+errorAlertFormat=Koda napake %1$S: %2$S\n\n %3$S
+## The following errors are for error codes other than LDAP-specific ones.
+## Someday mozilla will actually have a system for mapping nsresults to
+## error strings that's actually widely used, unlike nsIErrorService. But
+## until it does, these strings live here...
+## @name HOST_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+5000=Gostitelja ni bilo mogoče najti
+## @loc none
+9999=Neznana napaka
+# Hints to for the user, associated with specific error codes (ie error code
+# + 10000)
+## @loc none
+10003=Poskusite znova kasneje ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
+## @loc none
+10008=Močna overitev trenutno ni podprta.
+## @loc none
+10021=Preverite, ali je filter za iskanje je pravilen in poskusite znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti ali je filter za iskanje pravilen, v meniju Uredi izberite Nastavitve, nato Pošto in novičarske skupine in nato Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki go uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi in nato Napredno, da prikažete Filter za iskanje.
+## @loc none
+10032=Preverite, da je osnovni DN pravilen in poskusite znova, sicer pa se obrnite na svojega skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti, ali je osnovni DN pravilen, v meniju Uredi izberite Nastavitve, nato Pošto in novičarske skupine in nato Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki ga uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi, da prikažete osnovni DN.
+## @name BUSY_HINT
+## @loc none
+10051=Poskusite znova kasneje.
+## @loc none
+10081=Preverite da sta ime gostitelja in številka vrat pravilna in poizkusite znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti ali sta ime gostitelja in številka vrat pravilna, v meniju Uredi izberite Nastavitve, nato Pošto in novičarske skupine in nato Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki ga uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena gostitelja. Kliknite Napredno za prikaz števila vrat.
+## @name TIMEOUT_HINT
+## @loc none
+10085=Poskusite znova kasneje.
+## @loc none
+10087=Preverite ali je filter za iskanje je pravilen in poskusite znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti ali je filter za iskanje pravilen, v meniju Uredi izberite Nastavitve, nato Pošto in novičarske skupine in nato Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki ga uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi in nato na Napredno, da prikažete Filter za iskanje.
+## @name NO_MEMORY_HINT
+## @loc none
+10090=Zaprite nekaj drugih oken in/ali programov in poskusite znova.
+## @loc none
+10091=Preverite, da sta ime gostitelja in številka vrat pravilna in poizkusite znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti ali sta ime gostitelja in številka vrat pravilna, v meniju Uredi izberite Nastavitve, nato Pošto in novičarske skupine in nato Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki ga uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena gostitelja. Kliknite Napredno za prikaz števila vrat.
+## @loc none
+15000=Prepričajte se, da je ime gostitelja pravilno ter poizkusite ponovno ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Če želite preveriti ali je ime gostitelja je pravilno, v meniju Uredi izberite Možnosti, nato pa Pošto in novičarske skupine in nazadnje Naslavljanje. Kliknite na Uredi imenike in izberite strežnik LDAP, ki ga uporabljate. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena gostitelja.
+## @name GENERIC_HINT
+## @loc none
+19999=Obrnite se na svojega skrbnika sistema.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory-add.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory-add.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a639b93706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory-add.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2f21b30b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/pref-directory.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0150446a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+replicationStarted=Začetek podvojevanja …
+changesStarted=Začetek iskanja sprememb za podvojitev …
+replicationSucceeded=Podvojevanje je uspelo
+replicationFailed=Podvojevanje je spodletelo
+replicationCancelled=Podvojevanje preklicano
+# do not localize %S. %S is the current entry number (an integer)
+currentCount=Podvojevanje vnosa imenika: %S
+downloadButton=Prenesi zdaj
+cancelDownloadButton=Prekliči prenos
+directoryTitleNew=Nov imenik LDAP
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (directoryTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the LDAP directory's display name
+directoryTitleEdit=Lastnosti %S
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-addressing.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-addressing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50577a4c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-addressing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-advanced.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fdbe471ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-archiveoptions.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-archiveoptions.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61faf9bf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-archiveoptions.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-copies.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-copies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d16bde0abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-copies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..563789530f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+prefPanel-e2e=Šifriranje od konca do konca
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identities-list.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identities-list.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f79634c62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identities-list.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identity-edit.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identity-edit.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ab8af65ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-identity-edit.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-im.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-im.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff56b34105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-im.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-junk.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-junk.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c53cc92e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-junk.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-main.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-main.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..710d03aa88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-main.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-mdn.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-mdn.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a62d39f9a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-mdn.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..004f7ecbeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Strings used in prefs.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-offline.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-offline.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f83541011f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-offline.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-advanced.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e6b8575a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-top.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-top.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..737c41f68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-server-top.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54612d5528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-smime.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-smime.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe0b756e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/am-smime.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5587f330c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## S/MIME error strings.
+## Note to localization: %S is a placeholder
+NoSenderSigningCert=Zahtevali ste, da se to sporočilo digitalno podpiše, vendar program ali ni uspel najti potrdila za podpis, ki ste ga v nastavitvah za račun za pošto in novice navedli, ali pa je potrdilu potekel rok veljavnosti.
+NoSenderEncryptionCert=Zahtevali ste, da se to sporočilo šifrira, vendar program ali ni uspel najti potrdila za šifriranje, ki ste ga v nastavitvah za račun za pošto in novice navedli, ali pa je potrdilu potekel rok veljavnosti.
+MissingRecipientEncryptionCert=Zahtevali ste, da se to sporočilo šifrira, vendar program ali ni uspel najti potrdila za šifriranje, za %S.
+ErrorEncryptMail=Sporočila ni mogoče šifrirati. Preverite, ali imate za vsakega od prejemnikov veljavno potrdilo za pošto. Preverite, ali so potrdila, ki ste jih v nastavitvah za pošto in novice navedli za ta poštni račun, veljavna in vredna zaupanja.
+ErrorCanNotSignMail=Sporočila ni mogoče podpisati. Preverite, ali so potrdila, ki ste jih v nastavitvah za pošto in novice navedli za ta poštni račun, veljavna in vredna zaupanja.
+NoSigningCert=Upravitelj potrdil ne more najti veljavnega potrdila, ki bi ga lahko uporabil za digitalno podpisovanje vaših sporočil.
+NoSigningCertForThisAddress=Upravitelj potrdil ne more najti veljavnega potrdila, ki bi ga lahko uporabil za digitalno podpisovanje vaših sporočil z naslovom <%S>.
+NoEncryptionCert=Upravitelj potrdil ne more najti veljavnega potrdila, ki bi ga lahko drugi uporabili za to, da vam pošiljajo šifrirano pošto.
+NoEncryptionCertForThisAddress=Upravitelj potrdil ne more najti veljavnega potrdila, ki bi ga lahko drugi uporabili za to, da vam pošiljajo šifrirano pošto na naslov <%S>.
+encryption_needCertWantSame=Navesti je treba tudi potrdilo, ki ga potrebujejo drugi za to, da vam lahko pošiljajo šifrirana sporočila. Želite uporabljati isto potrdilo za šifriranje in odšifriranje vam poslanih sporočil?
+encryption_wantSame=Želite uporabljati isto potrdilo za šifriranje in odšifriranje vam poslanih sporočil?
+encryption_needCertWantToSelect=Navesti je treba tudi potrdilo, ki ga potrebujejo drugi za to, da vam lahko pošiljajo šifrirana sporočila. Ali želite zdaj nastaviti svoje potrdilo za šifriranje?
+signing_needCertWantSame=Navesti morate tudi potrdilo, ki je potrebno za digitalni podpis vaših sporočil. Želite za digitalno podpisovanje svojih sporočil uporabljati isto potrdilo ?
+signing_wantSame=Želite za digitalno podpisovanje svojih sporočil uporabljati isto potrdilo ?
+signing_needCertWantToSelect=Navesti morate tudi potrdilo, ki je potrebno za digitalni podpis vaših sporočil. Ali želite zdaj nastaviti potrdilo za digitalno podpisovanje svojih sporočil?
+## Strings used by nsMsgComposeSecure
+mime_smimeEncryptedContentDesc=Šifrirano sporočilo S/MIME
+mime_smimeSignatureContentDesc=Kriptografski podpis S/MIME
+## Strings used by the cert picker.
+CertInfoIssuedFor=Izdano za:
+CertInfoStoredIn=Shranjeno v:
+NicknameNotYetValid=(še ni veljavno)
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b513d6ebde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAvailableTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateAvailableTitle=Na voljo je nova posodobitev za %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAvailableMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateAvailableMessage=Posodobite svoj %S za najnovejše izboljšave hitrosti in zasebnosti.
+updateAvailablePrimaryButtonLabel=Prenesi posodobitev
+updateAvailableSecondaryButtonLabel=Ne zdaj
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateManualTitle=%Sa ni mogoče posodobiti na najnovejšo različico.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateManualMessage=Prenesite svežo kopijo %Sa, mi pa vam jo bomo pomagali namestiti.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualPrimaryButtonLabel): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateManualPrimaryButtonLabel=Prenesi %S
+updateManualSecondaryButtonLabel=Ne zdaj
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateUnsupportedTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateUnsupportedTitle=%Sa ni mogoče posodobiti na najnovejšo različico.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateUnsupportedMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateUnsupportedMessage=Najnovejša različica %Sa ni podprta v vašem sistemu.
+updateUnsupportedPrimaryButtonLabel=Več o tem
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateRestartTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateRestartTitle=Ponovno zaženi za posodobitev %Sa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateRestartMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+updateRestartMessage=Po hitrem ponovnem zagonu bo %S obnovil vse odprte zavihke in okna.
+updateRestartPrimaryButtonLabel=Ponovno zaženi
+updateRestartSecondaryButtonLabel=Ne zdaj
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfeb8ee141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Short name of import module
+ApplemailImportName=Apple Mail
+# Description of import module
+ApplemailImportDescription=Uvozi krajevno pošto iz Pošte Mac OS X
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxSuccess): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ApplemailImportMailboxSuccess=Krajevna sporočila so bila uspešno uvožena iz %S
+# Error Message
+ApplemailImportMailboxBadparam=Prišlo je do notranje napake. Uvoz ni uspel. Poskusite uvoziti znova.
+# Error message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxConverterror): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ApplemailImportMailboxConverterror=Med uvozom sporočil s/z %S je prišlo do napake. Sporočila se niso uvozila.\u0020
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/baseMenuOverlay.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/baseMenuOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4f1e378e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/baseMenuOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13b08b954a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the becky import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+BeckyImportName=Becky! Internetna pošta
+# Description of import module
+BeckyImportDescription=Uvozi krajevno pošto iz internetne pošte Becky!
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+BeckyImportMailboxSuccess=Krajevna sporočila so bila uspešno uvožena iz %S.
+BeckyImportAddressSuccess=Imenik uvožen
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6b1c02a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Rule of this file:
+## 1. key should always be in lower case ascii so we can do case insensitive
+## comparison in the code faster.
+## Format of this file:
+## charset_name.title = a_title - specifies the human readable title for
+## this charset
+## Format of this file:
+## charset_name.title = a_title - specifies the human readable title for
+## this charset
+iso-8859-1.title = Zahodno (ISO-8859-1)
+iso-8859-2.title = Srednjeevropsko (ISO-8859-2)
+iso-8859-3.title = Južnoevropsko (ISO-8859-3)
+iso-8859-4.title = Baltsko (ISO-8859-4)
+iso-8859-10.title = Nordijsko (ISO-8859-10)
+iso-8859-13.title = Baltsko (ISO-8859-13)
+iso-8859-14.title = Keltsko (ISO-8859-14)
+iso-8859-15.title = Zahodno (ISO-8859-15)
+iso-8859-16.title = Romunsko (ISO-8859-16)
+windows-1250.title = Srednjeevropsko (Windows-1250)
+windows-1252.title = Zahodno (Windows-1252)
+windows-1254.title = Turško (Windows-1254)
+windows-1257.title = Baltsko (Windows-1257)
+macintosh.title = Zahodno (MacRoman)
+x-mac-ce.title = Srednjeevropsko (MacCE)
+x-mac-turkish.title = Turško (MacTurkish)
+x-mac-croatian.title = Hrvaško (MacCroatian)
+x-mac-romanian.title = Romunsko (MacRomanian)
+x-mac-icelandic.title = Islandsko (MacIcelandic)
+iso-2022-jp.title = Japonsko (ISO-2022-JP)
+shift_jis.title = Japonsko (Shift_JIS)
+euc-jp.title = Japonsko (EUC-JP)
+big5.title = Tradicionalno kitajsko (Big5)
+big5-hkscs.title = Tradicionalno kitajsko (Big5-HKSCS)
+gb2312.title = Poenostavljeno kitajsko (GB2312)
+gbk.title = Poenostavljeno kitajsko (GBK)
+euc-kr.title = Korejsko (EUC-KR)
+utf-7.title = Unicode (UTF-7)
+utf-8.title = Unicode (UTF-8)
+utf-16.title = Unicode (UTF-16)
+utf-16le.title = Unicode (UTF-16LE)
+utf-16be.title = Unicode (UTF-16BE)
+iso-8859-5.title = Cirilsko (ISO-8859-5)
+windows-1251.title = Cirilsko (Windows-1251)
+x-mac-cyrillic.title = Cirilsko (MacCyrillic)
+x-mac-ukrainian.title = Cirilsko/Ukrajinsko (MacUkrainian)
+koi8-r.title = Cirilsko (KOI8-R)
+koi8-u.title = Cirilsko/Ukrajinsko (KOI8-U)
+iso-8859-7.title = Grško (ISO-8859-7)
+windows-1253.title = Grško (Windows-1253)
+x-mac-greek.title = Grško (MacGreek)
+windows-1258.title = Vietnamsko (Windows-1258)
+windows-874.title = Tajsko (Windows-874)
+iso-8859-6.title = Arabsko (ISO-8859-6)
+iso-8859-8.title = Hebrejsko vidno (ISO-8859-8)
+iso-8859-8-i.title = Hebrejsko (ISO-8859-8-I)
+windows-1255.title = Hebrejsko (Windows-1255)
+windows-1256.title = Arabsko (Windows-1256)
+x-user-defined.title = Uporabniško določeno
+ibm866.title = Cirilsko/Rusko (CP-866)
+gb18030.title = Poenostavljeno kitajsko (GB18030)
+x-mac-arabic.title = Arabsko (MacArabic)
+x-mac-farsi.title = Farsi (MacFarsi)
+x-mac-hebrew.title = Hebrejsko (MacHebrew)
+x-mac-devanagari.title = Hindujsko (MacDevanagari)
+x-mac-gujarati.title = Gujaratsko (MacGujarati)
+x-mac-gurmukhi.title = Gurmukhijsko (MacGurmukhi)
+ = (Izključeno)
+chardet.universal_charset_detector.title = Splošno
+chardet.ja_parallel_state_machine.title = Japonščina
+chardet.ko_parallel_state_machine.title = Korejščina
+chardet.zhtw_parallel_state_machine.title = Tradicionalna kitajščina
+chardet.zhcn_parallel_state_machine.title = Poenostavljena kitajščina
+chardet.zh_parallel_state_machine.title = Kitajščina
+chardet.cjk_parallel_state_machine.title = Vzhodnoazijski
+chardet.ruprob.title = Ruščina
+chardet.ukprob.title = Ukrajinščina
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/chat.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/chat.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62b12414c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/chat.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1443b090c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+goBackToCurrentConversation.button=Nazaj na trenutni pogovor
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (startAConversationWith.button):
+# %S is replaced with the display name of a contact.
+startAConversationWith.button=Začni pogovor s/z %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (defaultGroup):
+# this is used in the addBuddies dialog if the list of existing groups is empty
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.authRequest.label):
+# This string appears in a notification bar at the
+# top of the Contacts window when someone added the user to his/her
+# contact list, to request the permission from the user to share
+# status information with this potential new contact.
+# %S is replaced with the user name of the potential new contact.
+buddy.authRequest.label=%S želi klepetati z vami
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.verificationRequest):
+# Strings used in a notification bar at the top of the chat tab when someone
+# sends a verification request for end-to-end encryption keys.
+# %S is replaced with the display name of the user or, if this is to verify a
+# session of yourself, a string that identifies the session.
+buddy.verificationRequest.label=%S želi, da preverita identiteti drug drugega
+buddy.verificationRequest.allow.label=Začni preverjanje
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.deletePrompt.title):
+# %S here will be replaced by the alias (or username) of a buddy about
+# to be removed from the buddy list.
+buddy.deletePrompt.title=Izbriši %S?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.deletePrompt.message):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the name of a buddy (either the alias
+# followed by the username between parenthesis if an alias is set, or
+# only the username otherwise).
+# %2$S will be the name of the protocol on which this buddy is removed
+# (for example: AIM, MSN, Google Talk).
+# Please find a wording that will keep the username as close as
+# possible to the beginning of the string, because this is the
+# important information that an user should see when looking quickly
+# at this prompt.
+buddy.deletePrompt.message=Če boste nadaljevali, bo %1$S trajno odstranjen iz vašega seznama znancev %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.deletePrompt.displayName):
+# This is used to format the display name inserted in buddy.deletePrompt.message
+# %1$S is the alias, %2$S is the username.
+buddy.deletePrompt.displayName=%1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (buddy.deletePrompt.button):
+# the & symbol indicates the position of the character that should be
+# used as the accesskey for this button.
+displayNameEmptyText=Prikazano ime
+userIconFilePickerTitle=Izberi novo ikono …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (chat.isTyping, chat.hasStoppedTyping):
+# The contact display name is displayed with a big font on a first
+# line and these two strings are displayed on a second line with a
+# smaller font. Please try to find a wording that make this look
+# almost like a sentence.
+chat.isTyping=tipka …
+chat.hasStoppedTyping=je prenehal tipkati.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (chat.contactIsTyping, chat.contactHasStoppedTyping):
+# These strings are displayed in a tooltip when hovering the status type icon.
+# %S is replaced with the display name of the contact.
+chat.contactIsTyping=%S tipka.
+chat.contactHasStoppedTyping=%S je prenehal tipkati.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unknownCommand):
+# This is shown when an unknown command (/foo) is attempted. %S is the command.
+unknownCommand=%S ni podprt ukaz. Vtipkajte /help za seznam ukazov.
+# These are special entries in the log tree for the corresponding days.
+# These are special groups in the log tree for the last 3-7 days and
+# the last 8-14 days.
+log.currentWeek=Ta teden
+log.previousWeek=Zadnji teden
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messagePreview):
+# This is the default message preview to be shown
+# when the user has chosen not to show any info in the notification about the
+# incoming message being notified.
+messagePreview=Novo sporočilo klepeta
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (bundledMessagePreview): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# Used when multiple incoming messages from the same sender are bundled
+# into a single notification.
+# #1 is the number of incoming messages the user is being notified about. When #1
+# is greater than one, the plural form after the semicolon is used.
+# Do not translate %1$S, it is the message preview to be shown in the
+# notification, i.e. the first incoming message.
+bundledMessagePreview=%1$S … (in še #1 sporočilo);%1$S … (in še #1 sporočili);%1$S … (in še #1 sporočila);%1$S … (in še #1 sporočil)
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/configEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/configEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d78799d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/configEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/converterDialog.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/converterDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30c4822d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/converterDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e55577633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.warning):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the name of the account which is going to be converted.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the format into which the account will be converted.
+# %3$S will be replaced by $BrandShortName.
+converterDialog.warning=Sporočila v računu %1$S bodo pretvorjena v obliko %2$S. Po dokončani pretvorbi se bo %3$S znova zagnal.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.message):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the name of the account which is being converted.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the format into which the account will be converted.
+converterDialog.message=Pretvarjanje računa %1$S v %2$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.warningForDeferredAccount):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the name of the deferred account for which migration is initiated by the user.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the name of the account to which the deferred account is deferred ie the name of the deferred-to account.
+# %3$S will be replaced by the name of the deferred-to account.
+# %4$S will be replaced by a comma separated list of names of accounts which are deferred to the deferred-to account.
+# %5$S will be replaced by a comma separated list of names of accounts which are going to get converted.
+# %6$S will be replaced by the format into which the accounts will be converted.
+# %7$S will be replaced by $BrandShortName.
+converterDialog.warningForDeferredAccount=%1$S je odložen na %2$S. Računi, odloženi na %3$S: %4$S. Sporočila v računih %5$S bodo zdaj pretvorjena v obliko %6$S. Po dokončanju pretvorbe se bo %7$S znova zagnal.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.warningForDeferredToAccount):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the name of the deferred-to account for which migration is initiated by the user and to which other accounts are deferred.
+# %2$S will be replaced by a comma separated list of names of accounts which are deferred to the deferred-to account.
+# %3$S will be replaced by a comma separated list of names of accounts which are going to get converted.
+# %4$S will be replaced by the format into which the accounts will be converted.
+# %5$S will be replaced by $BrandShortName.
+converterDialog.warningForDeferredToAccount=Računi, odloženi na %1$S: %2$S. Sporočila v računih %3$S bodo zdaj pretvorjena v obliko %4$S. Po dokončanju pretvorbe se bo %5$S znova zagnal.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.messageForDeferredAccount):
+# %1$S will be replaced by a comma separated list of names of accounts which are being converted.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the format into which the accounts will be converted.
+converterDialog.messageForDeferredAccount=Pretvarjanje računov %1$S v %2$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (converterDialog.percentDone):
+# %1$S will be replaced by the percentage of conversion that is complete.
+converterDialog.percentDone=%1$S %% dokončano
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62eddb212c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colonInHeaderName=Glava, ki ste jo vnesli, vsebuje neveljaven znak, kot npr. ':', nenatisljiv znak, znak, ki ni znak ASCII ali pa osem bitni znak ASCII. Odstranite neveljaven znak in poskusite znova.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/customizeToolbar.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/customizeToolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fc012ba19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/customizeToolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ce38a7c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+enterToolbarTitle=Nova orodna vrstica
+enterToolbarName=Vnesite ime orodne vrstice:
+enterToolbarDup=Orodna vrstica “%S” že obstaja. Vnesite drugo ime.
+enterToolbarBlank=Če želite ustvariti novo orodno vrstico, morati vnesti ime.
+springTitle=Prilagodljiv prostor
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/dbgserver.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/dbgserver.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8511ceabe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/dbgserver.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5056aa42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/devtools/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+options.stop.label=Ustavi strežnik razvojnih orodij
+options.start.label=Zaženi strežnik razvojnih orodij
+options.connected.label=Povezan #1 odjemalec;Povezana #1 odjemalca;Povezani #1 odjemalci;Povezanih #1 odjemalcev;
+options.connected.tooltip=Strežnik razvojnih orodij se izvaja in nanj so povezani odjemalci.
+options.listening.tooltip=Strežnik razvojnih orodij se izvaja in čaka na povezave.
+options.idle.label=Se ne izvaja
+options.idle.tooltip=Strežnik razvojnih orodij se ne izvaja. Zaženete ga lahko v tem pogovornem oknu.
+options.unsupported.tooltip=Pri nalaganju vgrajenega strežnika razvojnih orodij je prišlo do napake. Prepričajte se, da je zapakiran in preverite konzolo napak.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/downloadheaders.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/downloadheaders.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4898d7b22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/downloadheaders.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/editContactOverlay.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/editContactOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07b14addc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/editContactOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c58e3f7225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+editTitle=Uredi stik
+viewTitle=Pokaži stik
+editDetailsLabel=Uredi podrobnosti
+viewDetailsLabel=Pokaži podrobnosti
+deleteContactTitle=Izbriši stik
+deleteContactMessage=Ali res želite izbrisati ta stik?
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/fieldMapImport.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/fieldMapImport.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8b1403eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/fieldMapImport.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..599906032b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+mustSelectFolder=Izbrati morate ciljno mapo.
+enterValidEmailAddress=Vnesite veljaven poštni naslov za posredovanje.
+pickTemplateToReplyWith=Izberite predlogo za odgovor.
+mustEnterName=Filter morate poimenovati.
+cannotHaveDuplicateFilterTitle=Kopirajte ime filtra
+cannotHaveDuplicateFilterMessage=Ime za filter, ki ste ga vnesli, že obstaja. Vnesite drugo ime za filter.
+mustHaveFilterTypeTitle=Dogodek filtra ni izbran
+mustHaveFilterTypeMessage=Izbrati morate vsaj en dogodek, kdaj naj se filter uporablja. Če filtra začasno ne želite uporabljati, ga izključite v pogovornem oknu Filtri sporočil.
+deleteFilterConfirmation=Ali želite izbrisati ta filter oz. filtre?
+matchAllFilterName=Uporabi za vsa sporočila
+filterListBackUpMsg=Vaši filtri ne delujejo, ker se datoteke msgFilterRules.dat, ki vsebuje filtre, ni dalo prebrati. V isti mapi se bo ustvarila nova datoteka msgFilterRules.dat in varnostna kopija prejšnje datoteke z imenom rulesbackup.dat.
+customHeaderOverflow=Presegli ste mejo 50-ih glav po meri. Odstranite nekaj glav po meri in poskusite znova.
+filterCustomHeaderOverflow=Vaši filtri so presegli mejo 50-ih glav po meri. Obdelajte datoteko msgFilterRules.dat, v kateri se vaši filtri nahajajo, tako da boste uporabljali manj glav po meri.
+invalidCustomHeader=Eden od filtrov vsebuje glavo po meri, v kateri je neveljaven znak, kot denimo, ':', nenatisljiv znak, znak, ki ni znak ASCII ali pa osem-bitni ASCII znak. Uredite datoteko msgFilterRules.dat, v kateri se vaši filtri nahajajo in odstranite neveljavne znake iz glav po meri.
+continueFilterExecution=Uporaba filtra %S ni uspela. Ali želite nadaljevati z uporabo filtrov?
+promptTitle=Filtri se izvajajo
+promptMsg=Trenutno se vaša sporočila filtrirajo.\nAli želite nadaljevati z uporabo filtrov?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cannotEnableIncompatFilter)
+# %S=the name of the application
+cannotEnableIncompatFilter=Ta filter je verjetno ustvarila novejša ali nezdružljiva različica %S. Ne morete ga omogočiti, ker ga vaša različica ne zna uporabiti.
+dontWarnAboutDeleteCheckbox=Ne sprašuj več
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(copyToNewFilterName)
+# %S=the name of the filter that is being copied
+copyToNewFilterName=Kopija od %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(contextPeriodic.label): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1=the number of minutes
+contextPeriodic.label=redno, vsako minuto;redno, vsaki #1 minuti;redno, vsake #1 minute;redno, vsakih #1 minut
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFailureWarningPrefix)
+# %1$S=filter error action
+# %2$S=error code as hexadecimal string.
+filterFailureWarningPrefix=Dejanje filtra je spodletelo: "%1$S" s kodo napake=%2$S med poskusom:
+filterFailureSendingReplyError=Napaka pri pošiljanju odgovora
+filterFailureSendingReplyAborted=Pošiljanje odgovora prekinjeno
+filterFailureMoveFailed=Premik ni uspel
+filterFailureCopyFailed=Kopiranje ni uspelo
+filterFailureAction=Dejanja filtra ni bilo mogoče uporabiti
+searchTermsInvalidTitle=Neveljavni pogoji iskanja\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchTermsInvalidRule)
+# %1$S=search attribute name from the invalid rule
+# %2$S=search operator from the bad rule
+searchTermsInvalidRule=Tega filtra ni mogoče shraniti, ker je iskalni niz "%1$S %2$S" neveljaven v trenutnem kontekstu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionOrderExplanation)
+# Keep the \n\n that mean 2 linebreaks.
+filterActionOrderExplanation=Ko sporočilo ustreza temu filtru, se bodo dejanja izvedla v tem vrstnem redu:\n\n
+filterActionOrderTitle=Vrstni red dejanj
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionItem):
+# %1$S=sequence number of the action, %2$S=action text, %3$S=action argument
+filterActionItem=%1$S. %2$S %3$S\n
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterCountVisibleOfTotal):
+# %1$S=number of matching filters, %2$S=total number of filters
+filterCountVisibleOfTotal=%1$S od %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterCountItems):
+## Semicolon-separated list of singular and plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the count of items in the list.
+filterCountItems=#1 predmet;#1 predmeta;#1 predmeti;#1 predmetov
+# for junk mail logging / mail filter logging
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(junkLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=author, %2$S=subject, %3$S=date
+junkLogDetectStr=Zaznana je bila neželena pošta od %1$S - %2$S ob %3$S
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+logMoveStr=Sporočilo id = %1$S je bilo premaknjeno v %2$S
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+logCopyStr=sporočilo id = %1$S kopirano v %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterLogLine):
+# %1$S=timestamp, %2$S=log message
+filterLogLine=[%1$S] %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterMessage):
+# %1$S=filter name, %1$S=log message
+filterMessage=Sporočilo filtra "%1$S": %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=filter name %2$S=author, %3$S=subject, %4$S=date
+filterLogDetectStr=Filter "%1$S" uporabljen za sporočilo %2$S - %3$S ob %4$S
+filterMissingCustomAction=Manjka dejanje po meri
+filterAction2=spremenjena prednost
+filterAction4=označeno kot prebrano
+filterAction5=nit ukinjena
+filterAction6=nit spremljana
+filterAction7=označeno z zvezdico
+filterAction11=izvajanje ustavljeno
+filterAction12=izbrisano s strežnika POP3
+filterAction13=preostalo na strežniku POP3
+filterAction14=ocena za neželeno pošto
+filterAction15=telo dobljeno s strežnika POP3
+filterAction16=kopirano v mapo
+filterAction18=prezrta podnit
+filterAction19=označeno kot neprebrano
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterAutoNameStr)
+# %1$S=Header or item to match, e.g. "From", "Tag", "Age in days", etc.
+# %2$S=Operator, e.g. "Contains", "is", "is greater than", etc.
+# %3$S=Value, e.g. "Steve Jobs", "Important", "42", etc.
+filterAutoNameStr=%1$S %2$S: %3$S
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderProps.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderProps.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf0af9be26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderProps.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
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+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# %S=name of the Local folders account
+globalInbox=Splošna mapa Prejeto (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S na %2$S
+chooseFolder=Izberi mapo …
+chooseAccount=Izberi račun …
+noFolders=Ni razpoložljivih map
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderpane.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderpane.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3302396492
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+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/folderpane.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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index 0000000000..ec09ed2e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.facetNameLabel): These are the labels used to label the facet
+# displays in the global search facet display mechanism. They should be
+# compact descriptions of the facet type (e.g. "Folder", and don't need to
+# refer to the objects being faceted (e.g. "Message" or "Mail").
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.includeLabel): The label to use for the included group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.included.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.excludeLabel): The label to use for the excluded group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.excluded.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.remainderLabel): The label to use for the remaining items
+# that are neither part of the included group or the excluded group in the
+# facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.remainder.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.mustMatchLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should be restricted to messages which match
+# a particular value. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatch.fallbackLabel". #1, if present, is
+# replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.cantMatchLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should be restricted to messages which match
+# a particular value. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.cantMatch.fallbackLabel". #1, if present, is
+# replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.mayMatchLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should no longer be restricted relative to
+# this particular facet value. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.mayMatch.fallbackLabel". #1, if present, is
+# replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.mustMatchSomeLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should be restricted to messages which have
+# _some_ value (e.g. at least one tag is set). If not provided, we will fall
+# back to "glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchSome.fallbackLabel". #1, if present,
+# is replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.mustMatchNoneLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should be restricted to messages which have _no_
+# value (e.g. no tags are set). If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchNoneLabel.fallbackLabel". #1, if present, is
+# replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.mayMatchAnyLabel): The label to use for the popup menu
+# to indicate that the results should not be restricted to messages which have
+# any or no value (e.g. no requirements on any tags are set). If not provided,
+# we will fall back to "glodaFacetView.facets.mayMatchAnyLabel.fallbackLabel".
+# #1, if present, is replaced by the value of the facet (name, folder, mailing
+# list, etc.)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.account.*): Stores the account in which
+# a message's folder is located.
+gloda.message.attr.account.includeLabel=shranjeni v katerem koli od:
+gloda.message.attr.account.excludeLabel=ni shranjeno v:
+gloda.message.attr.account.remainderLabel=drugi računi
+gloda.message.attr.account.mustMatchLabel=mora biti v #1
+gloda.message.attr.account.cantMatchLabel=ne sme biti v #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.folder.*): Stores the message folder in
+# which the message is stored.
+gloda.message.attr.folder.includeLabel=shranjeni v katerem koli od:
+gloda.message.attr.folder.excludeLabel=ni shranjeno v:
+gloda.message.attr.folder.remainderLabel=druge mape:
+gloda.message.attr.folder.mustMatchLabel=mora biti v #1
+gloda.message.attr.folder.cantMatchLabel=ne sme biti v #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.fromMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.fromMe.facetNameLabel=Od mene
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.toMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.toMe.facetNameLabel=Za mene
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.involves.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.involves.includeLabel=vključuje kateregakoli od:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.excludeLabel=ne vključuje:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.remainderLabel=drugi udeleženci:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.mustMatchLabel=mora vključevati #1
+gloda.message.attr.involves.cantMatchLabel=ne sme vključevati #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores the date of the message.
+# Thunderbird normally stores the date the message claims it was composed
+# according to the "Date" header. This is not the same as when the message
+# was sent or when it was eventually received by the user. In the future we
+# may change this to be one of the other dates, but not anytime soon.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.attachmentTypes.*): Stores the list of
+# MIME types (ex: image/png, text/plain) of real attachments (not just part of
+# the message content but explicitly named attachments) on the message.
+# Although we hope to be able to provide localized human-readable explanations
+# of the MIME type (ex: "PowerPoint document"), I don't know if that is going
+# to happen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.*): Stores the mailing
+# lists detected in the message. This will normally be the email address of
+# the mailing list and only be detected in messages received from the mailing
+# list. Extensions may contribute additional detected mailing-list-like
+# things.
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.facetNameLabel=Dopisni seznam
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.includeLabel=prejeto od katerega koli:
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.excludeLabel=ni prejeto od nobenega:
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.remainderLabel=drugi poštni seznami:
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.mustMatchLabel=mora biti v #1
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.cantMatchLabel=ne sme biti v #1
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.mustMatchSomeLabel=mora biti na dopisnem seznamu
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.mustMatchNoneLabel=ne sme biti na dopisnem seznamu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.tag.*): Stores the tags applied to the
+# message. Notably, gmail's labels are not currently exposed via IMAP and we
+# do not do anything clever with gmail, so this is independent of gmail labels
+# This may change in the future, but it's a safe bet it's not happening on
+# Thunderbird's side prior to 3.0.
+gloda.message.attr.tag.includeLabel=je označil katero koli od:
+gloda.message.attr.tag.excludeLabel=ni označeno:
+gloda.message.attr.tag.remainderLabel=druge oznake:
+gloda.message.attr.tag.mustMatchLabel=mora biti označeno s/z #1
+gloda.message.attr.tag.cantMatchLabel=ne sme biti označeno s/z #1
+gloda.message.attr.tag.mustMatchSomeLabel=mora biti označeno
+gloda.message.attr.tag.mustMatchNoneLabel=ne sme biti označeno
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the message is
+# starred or not, as indicated by a pretty star icon. In the past, the icon
+# used to be a flag. The IMAP terminology continues to be "flagged".čeno z zvezdico
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the user has
+# read the message or not.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.repliedTo.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever replied to the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+gloda.message.attr.repliedTo.facetNameLabel=Odgovorjeno za
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.forwarded.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever forwarded the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.*.label): Map categories of MIME
+# types defined in MimeTypeCategories to labels.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.archives.label): Archive is
+# referring to things like zip files, tar files, tar.gz files, etc.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Media is meant to
+# encompass both audio and video. This is because video and audio streams are
+# frequently stored in the same type of container and we cannot rely on the
+# sending email client to have been clever enough to figure out what was
+# really in the file. So we group them together. (zvok, slika)
+gloda.mimetype.category.pdf.label=Datoteke PDF
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.other.label): Other is the category
+# for MIME types that we don't really know what it is.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..459cbde433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaComplete.messagesTagged.label): The label used
+# in the autocomplete widget to refer to a query for all messages tagged
+# by a particular tag (replacing #1).
+glodaComplete.messagesTagged.label=Sporočila označena s/z: #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaComplete.messagesMentioning.label): The label used
+# in the autocomplete widget to refer to a search for all messages mentioning
+# a particular word (replacing #1).
+glodaComplete.messagesMentioning.label=Sporočila, ki omenjajo: #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaComplete.messagesWithMany.label): The label used
+# in the autocomplete widget to refer to a search for all messages mentioning
+# a set of words, or a phrase containing multiple words (e.g. "red pepper")
+# We use the same words in en-US, but maybe that's not always true.
+glodaComplete.messagesMentioningMany.label=Sporočila, ki omenjajo: #1
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/glodaFacetView.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/glodaFacetView.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..946375f03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/glodaFacetView.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af7e143099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The tab title to display for tabs that are based on a gloda (global database)
+# query or collection rather than a user search. At some point we might try
+# and explain what the query/collection is in automatic fashion, but not today.šči
+# The tab title to display for tabs with a new gloda (global database)
+# user search (rather than a query or collection) without a search string.
+# After the search has been started, we just display the search string entered
+# by the user.
+# The heading for the search page.
+# A short description of user's search query will be appended. za:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.constraints.query.fulltext.label):
+# The label to display to describe when our base query was a fulltext search
+# across messages. The value is displayed following the label.
+glodaFacetView.constraints.query.fulltext.label=Iskanje #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.constraints.query.initial):
+# The label to display to describe when our base query is not a full-text
+# search. Additional labels are appended describing each constraint.
+glodaFacetView.constraints.query.initial=Iskanje sporočil
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.constraints.query.involves.label):
+# The label to display to describe when our base query was on messages
+# involving a given contact from the address book. The value is displayed
+# where the #1 is.
+glodaFacetView.constraints.query.involves.label=ki vključujejo #1
+# The label to display to describe when our base query was on messages
+# tagged with a specific tag. The tag is displayed following the label.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The label to
+# use when we are only displaying the top entries for a facet. When the
+# label is clicked on, it results in us displaying all of the values for that
+# facet. The value "#1" (if present) is replaced with the total number of
+# values that will be displayed (rather than the number currently hidden).
+# This string supports pluralization. See
+# for details on
+# how this stuff works. #1;Navedi oba #1;Navedi vse #1;Navedi vseh #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.included.fallbackLabel): The label to
+# use for groups in a facet that have been explicitly included by the user if
+# there is no explicit attribute "includeLabel" defined. (The explicit label
+# would be named "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.includeLabel".)
+glodaFacetView.facets.included.fallbackLabel=vključno s katerimkoli od:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.excluded.fallbackLabel): The label to
+# use for groups in a facet that have been explicitly excluded by the user if
+# there is no explicit attribute "excludeLabel" defined. (The explicit label
+# would be named "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.excludeLabel".)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.remainder.fallbackLabel): The label
+# to use for groups in a facet that are neither part of the included group or
+# the excluded group if there is no explicit attribute "remainderLabel"
+# defined. (The explicit label would be named
+# "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.remainderLabel".)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchLabel.fallbackLabel): The label
+# to use to restrict a facet by a particular value if there is no explicit
+# attribute "mustMatchLabel" defined. (The explicit label would be named
+# "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.mustMatchLabel".)
+glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchLabel.fallbackLabel=mora ustrezati #1
+glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchNoneLabel.fallbackLabel=ne sme imeti vrednosti
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.cantMatchLabel.fallbackLabel): The label
+# to use to restrict a facet by the absence of a particular value if there is
+# no explicit attribute "cantMatchLabel" defined. (The explicit label would be
+# named "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.cantMatchLabel".)
+glodaFacetView.facets.cantMatchLabel.fallbackLabel=ne sme ustrezati #1
+glodaFacetView.facets.mustMatchSomeLabel.fallbackLabel=mora imeti vrednost
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.mayMatchLabel.fallbackLabel): The label
+# to use to undo the restriction of a facet by a particular value if there is
+# no explicit attribute "mayMatchLabel" defined. (The explicit label would be
+# named "gloda.message.attr.ATTRIBUTE.mayMatchLabel".)
+glodaFacetView.facets.mayMatchLabel.fallbackLabel=odstrani omejitev
+glodaFacetView.facets.mayMatchAnyLabel.fallbackLabel=odstrani omejitev
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.noneLabel): The text to display when
+# a facet needs to indicate that an attribute omitted a value or was otherwise
+# empty.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.facets.filter.attachmentTypes.allLabel):
+# The label to use when all types of attachments are being displayed.
+glodaFacetView.facets.filter.attachmentTypes.allLabel=Katerekoli vrste
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.result.message.fromLabel): Used in the
+# faceted search message display to indicate the author of a message.
+# An example usage is "from: Bob".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.result.message.toLabel): Used in the
+# faceted search message display to indicate the recipients of a message.
+# An example usage is "to: Bob, Chuck, Don".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (glodaFacetView.result.message.noSubject): Used in the
+# faceted search message display to act as a click target for messages with
+# no subject.
+glodaFacetView.result.message.noSubject=(brez zadeve)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel):
+# This label is displayed above the list of result messages; it tells the user
+# how many messages we are displaying in the list out of the total number of
+# messages in the active set (the set of messages remaining after the
+# application of the facet constraints.)
+# The goal of the various sub-parts here is to make a label along the lines of
+# "M of N". Because there are two numbers, this is split into two parts,
+# 'NMessages' for what in English is just the first number and 'ofN' for the
+# "of N" part. We then use 'grouping' to decide how to combine the two. This
+# was suggested by Rimas Kudelis.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.NMessages):
+# The first part of the countLabel string (although you can change the order
+# in 'grouping'). This is pluralized using the mechanism described at
+# We replace
+# "#1" with the number of messages being shown in the result list.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.ofN):
+# The second part of the countLabel string (although you can change the order
+# in 'grouping'). This is pluralized using the mechanism described at
+# We replace
+# "#1" with the total number of messagse in the active set.
+glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.ofN=od #1;od #1;od #1;od #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.grouping):
+# Combines the pluralized
+# "glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.NMessages" string (as #1) with
+# the pluralized "glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.ofN" (as #2)
+# to make a single label.
+glodaFacetView.results.header.countLabel.grouping=#1 #2
+glodaFacetView.results.message.timeline.label=Preklopi časovnico
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.message.sort.relevance2):
+# a clickable label causing the sort to be done by most relevant messages first.
+glodaFacetView.results.message.sort.relevance2=Razvrsti po ustreznosti
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.message.sort.date2):
+# a clickable label causing the sort to be done by most recent messages first.
+glodaFacetView.results.message.sort.date2=Razvrsti po datumu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.message.recipientSeparator): This is
+# the string in between the names of recipients (see
+# glodaFacetView.results.message.andOthers for more information). The \u0020
+# character is a Unicode space character, which is needed as otherwise the
+# trailing whitespace is trimmed before it gets to the code.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(glodaFacetView.results.message.andOthers):
+# When a message has too many recipients, we only show the first few and then
+# display this label to express how many are not displayed. So if a message
+# has 5 recipients, we might only show the first 3, and then use this label
+# to indicate that there are 2 that are not displayed. This string can be
+# pluralized; see
+# for details on how to do that. Note that in English, we use the "serial
+# comma", but other languages may not need a leading separator there.
+glodaFacetView.results.message.andOthers=\u0020in #1 drugi; in #1 druga; in #1 drugi; in #1 drugih
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/imAccountWizard.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/imAccountWizard.dtd
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/imAccountWizard.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ebce58b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protoOptions):
+# %S is replaced by the name of a protocol
+protoOptions=Možnosti %S
+accountUsername=Uporabniško ime:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accountColon):
+# This string is used to append a colon after the label of each
+# option. It's localizable so that the typography can be adapted.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accountUsernameInfo):
+# %S is replaced by the name of a protocol
+accountUsernameInfo=Vnesite uporabniško ime za svoj račun %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accountUsernameInfoWithDescription):
+# %1$S is a hint for the expected format of the username
+# %2$S is the name of a protocol
+accountUsernameInfoWithDescription=Vnesite uporabniško ime (%1$S) za svoj račun %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (account.connection.error):
+# %S is the error message.
+account.connection.error=Napaka: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (account.connection.errorUnknownPrpl)
+# %S is the id (not very user friendly; hence the quotes) of the missing plugin.
+account.connection.errorUnknownPrpl=Ni vtičnika za protokol '%S'.
+account.connection.errorEnteringPasswordRequired=Za povezavo na ta račun morate vnesti geslo.
+account.connection.errorCrashedAccount=Med povezovanjem na ta račun je prišlo do sesutja.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (account.connection.progress):
+# %S is a message indicating progress of the connection process
+account.connection.progress=Povezovanje: %S …
+account.connecting=Povezovanje …
+account.connectedForSeconds=Povezano za nekaj sekund.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (account.connectedFor{Double,Single},
+# account.reconnectIn{Double,Single}):
+# Each pair of %S is a number followed by a unit. The units are
+# already localized in a file of the toolkit.
+account.connectedForDouble=Povezano za %1$S %2$S in %3$S %4$S.
+account.connectedForSingle=Povezano za približno %1$S %2$S.
+account.reconnectInDouble=Ponovna povezava v %1$S %2$S in %3$S %4$S.
+account.reconnectInSingle=Ponovna povezava v %1$S %2$S.
+requestAuthorizeTitle=Zahteva za pooblastitev
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestAuthorizeAllow, requestAuthorizeDeny):
+# the & symbol indicates the position of the character that should be
+# used as the accesskey for this button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestAuthorizeText):
+# %S is a contact username.
+requestAuthorizeText=%S vas je dodal(a) na svoj seznam znancev, ali dovolite, da vas vidi?
+accountsManager.notification.button.label=Poveži se zdaj
+accountsManager.notification.userDisabled.label=Onemogočili ste samodejne povezave.
+accountsManager.notification.safeMode.label=Nastavitve za samodejne povezave so bile prezrte, ker program trenutno dela v varnem načinu.
+accountsManager.notification.startOffline.label=Nastavitve za samodejne povezave so bile prezrte, ker je bil program zagnan v načinu brez povezave.
+accountsManager.notification.crash.label=Prejšnja seja se je med povezovanjem nepričakovano končala. Samodejne povezave so bile onemogočene, da lahko prilagodite svoje nastavitve.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accountsManager.notification.singleCrash.label): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of accounts that are suspected to have caused a crash.
+accountsManager.notification.singleCrash.label=Prejšnja seja se je med povezovanjem na nov ali spremenjen račun nepričakovano končala. Do povezave ni prišlo, tako da lahko prilagodite svoje nastavitve.;Prejšnja seja se je med povezovanjem na #1 nova ali spremenjena računa nepričakovano končala. Do povezave ni prišlo, tako da lahko prilagodite svoje nastavitve.;Prejšnja seja se je med povezovanjem na #1 nove ali spremenjene račune nepričakovano končala. Do povezave ni prišlo, tako da lahko prilagodite svoje nastavitve.;Prejšnja seja se je med povezovanjem na #1 novih ali spremenjenih računov nepričakovano končala. Do povezave ni prišlo, tako da lahko prilagodite svoje nastavitve.
+accountsManager.notification.other.label=Samodejna povezava je bila onemogočena.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3971084698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+imapAlertDialogTitle=Opozorilo za račun %S
+# Status - opening folder
+imapStatusSelectingMailbox=Odpiranje mape %S …
+# Status - create folder
+imapStatusCreatingMailbox=Ustvarjanje mape …
+# Status - deleting a folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being deleted.
+imapStatusDeletingMailbox=Brisanje mape %S …
+# Status - renaming mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being renamed.
+imapStatusRenamingMailbox=Preimenovanje mape %S …
+# Status - looking for mailboxes
+imapStatusLookingForMailbox=Iskanje map …
+# Status - subscribing to mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being subscribed to.
+imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=Naročanje na mapo %S …
+# Status - unsubscribing from mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being unsubscribed from.
+imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=Odjavljanje mape %S …
+# Status - searching imap folder
+imapStatusSearchMailbox=Iskanje mape …
+# Status - closing a folder
+imapStatusCloseMailbox=Zapiranje mape …
+# Status - compacting a folder
+imapStatusExpungingMailbox=Strnjevanje mape …
+# Status - logging out
+imapStatusLoggingOut=Odjava …
+# Status - checking server capabilities
+imapStatusCheckCompat=Preverjanje zmogljivosti poštnega strežnika …
+# Status - logging on
+imapStatusSendingLogin=Pošiljanje podatkov za prijavo …
+# Status - auth logon
+imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=Pošiljanje podatkov za prijavo …
+imapDownloadingMessage=Prenašanje sporočila …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below.
+imapGettingACLForFolder=Prejemanje mape ACL …
+imapGettingServerInfo=Prejemanje podatkov o nastavitvah strežnika …
+imapGettingMailboxInfo=Prejemanje podatkov o nastavitvah poštnega predala …
+imapEmptyMimePart=Ta del telesa bo prenesen na zahtevo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…"
+imapReceivingMessageHeaders3=Prenašanje glave sporočila %1$S od %2$S v %3$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…"
+imapReceivingMessageFlags3=Prenašanje zastavice sporočila %1$S od %2$S v %3$S …
+imapDeletingMessages=Brisanje sporočil …
+imapDeletingMessage=Brisanje sporočila …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessages=Prenašanje sporočil v %S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessage=Prenašanje sporočila v %S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessages=Kopiranje sporočil v %S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessage=Kopiranje sporočila v %S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…"
+imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3=Prenašanje sporočila %1$S od %2$S v %3$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapDiscoveringMailbox=Najdena mapa: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear.
+imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt=Vnesite svoje geslo za %1$S na %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below.
+imapServerNotImap4=Poštni strežnik %S ni vrste IMAP4.
+# This is intentionally left blank.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername): Do not translate the
+# word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername=Vnesite svoje geslo za %1$S
+imapUnknownHostError=Povezava s strežnikom %S ni uspela.
+imapOAuth2Error=Spodletela overitev med povezovanjem na strežnik %S.
+imapConnectionRefusedError=Povezava s strežnikom %S je bila zavrnjena.
+imapNetTimeoutError=Povezava s strežnikom %S je potekla.
+imapTlsError=Prišlo je do napake TLS, ki je bi mogoče zaobiti. Napaka pri rokovanju ali pa je različica TLS ali digitalno potrdilo strežnika %S nezdružljivo.
+# Status - no messages to download
+imapNoNewMessages=Na strežniku ni novih sporočil.
+imapDefaultAccountName=Pošta za %S
+imapSpecialChar2=Znak %S je na tem strežniku IMAP rezerviran. Izberite drugo ime.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Osebna mapa
+imapPublicFolderTypeName=Javna mapa
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeName=Mapa drugega uporabnika
+imapPersonalFolderTypeDescription=To je osebna mapa za pošto. Ni v skupni rabi.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeDescription=To je osebna mapa za pošto. Je v skupni rabi.
+imapPublicFolderTypeDescription=To je javna mapa.
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeDescription=To je mapa za pošto, ki jo uporabljate skupaj s/z '%S'.
+imapAclFullRights=Popoln nadzor
+imapAclSeenRight=Nastavi na Prebrano/Neprebrano
+imapAclInsertRight=Vstavi (kopiraj v)
+imapAclCreateRight=Ustvari podmapo
+imapAclDeleteRight=Izbriši sporočila
+imapAclAdministerRight=Upravljaj mapo
+imapServerDoesntSupportAcl=Ta strežnik ne podpira skupne rabe map.
+imapServerDisconnected= Strežnik %S je prekinil povezavo. Lahko da je nehal delovati ali pa gre za problem z omrežjem.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder.
+imapSubscribePrompt=Bi se radi naročili na %1$S?
+imapServerDroppedConnection=Povezava z vašim strežnikom IMAP ni mogoča. Morda ste presegli največje dovoljeno število povezav na ta strežnik. V tem primeru uporabite pogovorno okno za napredne nastavitve strežnika IMAP in znižajte število povezav v predpomnilniku.
+# This will occur when a folder that has never been imap selected or opened
+# (left-clicked) is first right-clicked to access quota properties.
+imapQuotaStatusFolderNotOpen=Podatek o količinski omejitvi ni na razpolago, ker mapa ni odprta.
+# The imap capability response reports that QUOTA is not supported.
+imapQuotaStatusNotSupported=Ta strežnik ne podpira količinskih omejitev.
+# The getqutaroot command succeeded but reported no quota information.
+imapQuotaStatusNoQuota2=Ta mapa ne vsebuje podatkov o kvotah.
+# Folder properties were requested by the user (right-click) before the getquotaroot
+# command was sent.
+imapQuotaStatusInProgress=Podatki o količinski omejitvi še niso na voljo.
+# Out of memory
+imapOutOfMemory=Programu je zmanjkalo pomnilnika.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear.
+# Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear.
+imapCopyingMessageOf2=Kopiranje sporočila %1$S od %2$S v %3$S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+imapMoveFolderToTrash=Ali želite izbrisati mapo '%S'?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+imapDeleteNoTrash=Če izbrišete to mapo, je ne boste mogli več obnoviti; izbrisali boste vsa sporočila in vse podmape v njej. Ali res še vedno želite izbrisati mapo '%S'?
+imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Izbriši mapo
+imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Izbriši mapo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=Strežnik IMAP %S očitno ne podpira šifriranih gesel. Če ste ta račun ravnokar odprli, poskusite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na 'Običajno geslo'. Če je deloval in zdaj ne deluje več, se obrnite na svojega e-poštnega skrbnika ali ponudnika.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt=Strežnik IMAP %S očitno ne podpira golega besedila za gesla. Poskusite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na 'Šifrirano geslo'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=Strežnik IMAP %S očitno ne podpira šifriranih gesel. Če ste ta račun ravnokar odprli, poskusite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na "Geslo, preneseno na nezanesljiv način". Če je deloval in zdaj ne deluje več, je morda prišlo do kraje gesla.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthMechNotSupported=Strežnik IMAP %S ne podpira izbrane metode overitve. Spremenite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthGssapiFailed=Listka Kerberos / GSSAPI strežnik IMAP %S ni sprejel. Preverite, ali ste prijavljeni na območje Kerberos / GSSAPI.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapServerCommandFailed=Trenutni ukaz ni uspel. Poštni strežnik za račun %1$S je odgovoril: %2$S\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapFolderCommandFailed=Trenutno opravilo na '%2$S' ni uspelo. Poštni strežnik za račun %1$S je odgovoril: %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear.
+imapServerAlert=Račun %1$S opozarja: %2$S
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5c2f9f285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ba485d96c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Success message when no address books are found to import
+## @loc None
+2000=Imenikov za uvoz ni bilo mogoče najti.
+# Error: Address book import not initialized
+## @loc None
+2001=Imenikov ni mogoče uvoziti; napaka ob začenjanju.
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+2002=Imenikov ni mogoče uvoziti; ustvarjanje niti za uvoz ni mogoče.
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2003): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+2003=Napaka med uvozom %S: ustvarjanje imenika ni mogoče.
+# Success message when no mailboxes are found to import
+## @loc None
+2004=Nabiralnikov za uvoz ni bilo mogoče najti.
+# Error: Mailbox import not initialized
+## @loc None
+2005=Nabiralnikov ni mogoče uvoziti; napaka ob začenjanju.
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+2006=Nabiralnikov ni mogoče uvoziti; niti za uvoz ni mogoče ustvariti.
+# Error: Unable to create the proxy object for importing mailboxes
+## @loc None
+2007=Nabiralnikov ni mogoče uvoziti; predmeta posrednika za ciljne nabiralnike ni mogoče ustvariti.
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2008): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+2008=Napaka pri ustvarjanju ciljnih nabiralnikov, nabiralnika %S ni bilo mogoče najti.
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2009): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+2009=Napaka med uvozom %S: ciljnega nabiralnika ni bilo mogoče ustvariti .
+# Error: No destination folder to import mailboxes
+## @loc None
+2010=Mape za uvoz pošte ni mogoče ustvariti
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2102=Prikazano ime
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2104=Glavna e-pošta
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2105=Dodatna e-pošta
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2106=Telefon v službi
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2107=Telefon doma
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2108=Številka faksa
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2109=Številka pozivnika
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2110=Številka mobilnika
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2111=Domači naslov
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2112=Domači naslov 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2113=Mesto (doma)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2114=Zv. država (doma)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2115=Poštna številka (doma)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2116=Država (doma)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2117=Naslov v službi
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2118=Naslov v službi 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2119=Mesto (služba)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2120=Zv. država (služba)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2121=Poštna številka (služba)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2122=Država (služba)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2123=Službeni naziv
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2126=Spletna stran 1
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2127=Spletna stran 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2128=Rojstno leto
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2129=Rojstni mesec
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2130=Rojstni dan
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2131=Po meri 1
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2132=Po meri 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2133=Po meri 3
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2134=Po meri 4
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2136=Zaslonsko ime
+#Error strings
+ImportAlreadyInProgress=Trenutno je v teku pomembno opravilo. Poskusite znova, ko bo trenutni uvoz končan.
+#Error strings for settings import
+ImportSettingsBadModule=Ni mogoče naložiti modula z nastavitvami
+ImportSettingsNotFound=Nastavitev ni mogoče najti. Prepričajte se, da je program na tem računalniku nameščen.
+ImportSettingsFailed=Med uvozom sporočil je prišlo do napake. Nekaterih, če ne celo vseh nastavitev ni bilo mogoče uvoziti.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportSettingsSuccess=Nastavitve so bile uspešno uvožene iz %S
+#Error string for mail import
+ImportMailBadModule=Ni mogoče naložiti modula za uvoz pošte
+ImportMailNotFound=Ni mogoče najti pošte za uvoz. Preverite, ali je program za pošto na tem računalniku pravilno nameščen.
+ImportEmptyAddressBook=Ni mogoče uvoziti praznega imenika %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportMailFailed=Med uvozom pošte z %S je prišlo do napake.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportMailSuccess=Pošto se je uspešno uvozilo iz %S
+# Error string for address import
+ImportAddressBadModule=Ni mogoče naložiti modula za uvoz imenikov.
+ImportAddressNotFound=Ni mogoče najti imenikov za uvoz. Preverite, ali sta izbrani program ali oblika na tem računalniku pravilno nameščena.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportAddressFailed=Med uvozom naslovov s/z %S je prišlo do napake.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportAddressSuccess=Naslove se je uspešno uvozilo iz %S.
+# Error string for filters import
+ImportFiltersBadModule=Ni mogoče naložiti modula za uvoz filtrov.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersFailed=Med uvozom filtrov z %S je prišlo do napake.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersSuccess=Filtre se je uspešno uvozilo iz %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersPartial=Filtre se je delno uvozilo iz %S. Opozorila spodaj:
+#Progress strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+MailProgressMeterText=Pretvarjam poštne predale iz %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+AddrProgressMeterText=Pretvarjanje imenika iz %S
+#Import file dialog strings
+ImportSelectSettings=Izberite datoteko z nastavitvami
+ImportSelectMailDir=Izberite imenik za pošto
+ImportSelectAddrDir=Izberite mapo imenika
+ImportSelectAddrFile=Izberite datoteko imenika
+# Folder Names for imported Mail
+DefaultFolderName=Uvožena pošta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportModuleFolderName=Uvoz %S
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/joinChat.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/joinChat.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4253366072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/joinChat.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/junkLog.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/junkLog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f0b1f66b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/junkLog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc5a99230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the local mail code to display progress/status/error messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ErrorDialogTitle): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ErrorDialogTitle=Napaka računa %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3EnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername): Do not translate the
+# word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+pop3EnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername=Vnesite svoje geslo za %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3EnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words "%1$S"
+# and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear, and
+# %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3EnterPasswordPrompt=Vnesite svoje geslo za %1$S na %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt): Do not
+# translate the words "%1$S" and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# user name should appear, and %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt=Vnesite novo geslo za uporabnika %1$S na %2$S:
+# Status - Downloading message n of m
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (receivingMessages): Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following lines.
+# Place the word %1$S where the number of messages downloaded so far should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages to receive should appear;
+receivingMessages=Prenašanje sporočila %1$S od %2$S …
+# Status - connecting to host
+hostContact=Gostitelj je povezan, pošiljanje podatkov za prijavo …
+# Status - no messages to download
+noNewMessages=Ni novih sporočil.
+# Status - messages received after the download
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following line.
+# %1$S will receive the number of messages received
+# %2$S will receive the total number of messages
+receivedMsgs=Prejeto %1$S od %2$S sporočil
+# Status - parsing folder
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (buildingSummary): Do not translate %S in the following line.
+# Place the word %S where the name of the mailbox should appear
+buildingSummary=Izgradnja datoteke s povzetkom za %S …
+# Status - parsing folder
+# Status - pop3 server error
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerError): Do not translate POP3 in the following line.
+pop3ServerError=Prišlo je do napake poštnega strežnika POP3.
+# Status - pop3 user name failed
+pop3UsernameFailure=Pošiljanje uporabniškega imena ni uspelo.
+# Status - password failed
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3PasswordFailed): Do not translate "%1$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+pop3PasswordFailed=Pošiljanje gesla za uporabnika %1$S ni uspelo.
+# Status - write error occurred
+pop3MessageWriteError=E-pošte ni bilo mogoče shraniti v poštni predal. Preverite, da imate dovoljenje za pisanje v datotečni sistem in dovolj prostora na disku za kopiranje poštnega predala.
+# Status - retr failure from the server
+pop3RetrFailure=Ukaz RETR ni uspel. Prišlo je do napake pri prejemanju sporočila.
+# Status - password undefined
+pop3PasswordUndefined=Napaka pri pridobivanju gesla za pošto.
+# Status - username undefined
+pop3UsernameUndefined=Niste navedli uporabniškega imena za strežnik. Vnesite ga v meniju za nastavitev računov in poskusite znova.
+# Status - list failure
+pop3ListFailure=Ukaz LIST ni uspel. Prišlo je do napake pri prejemanju ID-ja in velikosti sporočila.
+# Status - delete error
+pop3DeleFailure=Ukaz DELE ni uspel. Prišlo je do napake pri označevanju sporočila kot izbrisanega.
+# Status - stat failed
+pop3StatFail=Ukaz STAT ni uspel. Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju števila in velikosti sporočil.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerSaid): Do not remove the leading space during translation.
+pop3ServerSaid= Poštni strežnik %S je odgovoril:
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3TempServerError): %S is where the POP3 server name will appear.
+pop3TempServerError=Začasna napaka strežnika %S pri pridobivanju novih sporočil. \
+Dejanje se bo skušalo ponoviti ob naslednjem preverjanju novih sporočil.
+copyingMessagesStatus=Kopiranje sporočil %S od %S v %S
+movingMessagesStatus=Premikanje sporočil %S od %S v %S
+# Status - pop3 server or folder busy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerBusy): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ServerBusy=Račun %S je v obdelavi. Za prejem sporočil počakajte do konca obdelave.
+pop3TmpDownloadError=Prišlo je do napake pri prenosu naslednjega sporočila: \nOd: %S\n Zadeva: %S\n To sporočilo lahko vsebuje virus ali pa na disku ni dovolj prostora. Naj se sporočilo preskoči?
+# Status - the server doesn't support UIDL…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "UIDL"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc=Strežnik za pošto POP3 (%S) ne podpira UIDL ali XTND XLST, ki sta potrebna za možnosti ``Pusti na strežniku'', ``Največja velikost sporočila'' ali ``Prenesi samo glave''. Da bi lahko prenesli svojo pošto, odprite okno Nastavitve računa in v nastavitvah za svoj strežnik izključite te možnosti.
+# Status - the server doesn't support the top command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "TOP"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand=Strežnik za pošto POP3 (%S) ne podpira ukaza TOP. Brez strežnikove podpore za ta ukaz ni mogoče ustreči vašim nastavitvam ``Največja velikost sporočila'' ali ``Prenesi samo glave''. Ta izbira je bila onemogočena in sporočila bodo prenesena ne glede na njihovo velikost.
+nsErrorCouldNotConnectViaTls=Povezave TLS s strežnikom POP3 ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti. Lahko da strežnik ne dela ali pa je napačno nastavljen. Preverite nastavitve poštnega strežnika v oknu Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve za strežnik in poizkusite znova.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3MoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+pop3MoveFolderToTrash=Ali želite izbrisati mapo '%S'?
+pop3DeleteFolderDialogTitle=Izbriši mapo
+pop3DeleteFolderButtonLabel=I&zbriši mapo
+pop3AuthInternalError=Notranja napaka stanja med preverjanjem strežnika POP3. To je notranja, nepričakovana napaka v programu, lahko jo prijavite kot hrošča.
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=Ta strežnik POP3 očitno ne podpira šifriranih gesel. Če ste ta račun ravnokar odprli, poskusite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na 'Geslo, poslano nezaščiteno'. Če ga uporabljate za delo, pa zdaj nenadoma ne uspe, gre morda za krajo vašega gesla.
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=Ta strežnik POP3 očitno ne podpira šifriranih gesel. Če ste ta račun ravnokar odprli, poskusite 'Metodo overvitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na 'Običajno geslo'. Če ga uporabljate za delo, pa zdaj nenadoma ne uspe, se obrnite na svojega e-poštnega skrbnika ali ponudnika.
+pop3AuthChangePlainToEncrypt=Ta strežnik POP3 ne dovoljuje običajnega besedila za gesla. Poskusite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika' nastaviti na 'Šifrirano geslo'.
+# Authentication server caps and pref don't match
+pop3AuthMechNotSupported=Ta strežnik ne podpira izbrane metode preverjanja. Spremenite 'Metodo overitve' v 'Nastavitve računa | Nastavitve strežnika'.
+# Status - Could not log in to GSSAPI, and it was the only method
+pop3GssapiFailure=Listka Kerberos / GSSAPI strežnik POP ni sprejel. Preverite, ali ste prijavljeni na območje Kerberos / GSSAPI.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1be67bd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailOverlay.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f333e9f0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewList.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewList.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..312bb2e592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewList.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewSetup.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewSetup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d584631e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/mailViewSetup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6b58a43d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Mail Views
+mailViewPeopleIKnow=Ljudje, ki jih poznam
+mailViewRecentMail=Nedavna pošta
+mailViewLastFiveDays=Zadnjih 5 dni
+mailViewNotJunk=Ni neželeno
+mailViewHasAttachments=Ima priponke
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/markByDate.dtd b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/markByDate.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..240604d5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/markByDate.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6abc266da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/messenger.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fe7be5d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the messenger application
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(statusMessage):
+# Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# account name should appear and %2$S where the status message should appear.
+# EXAMPLE: Jim's Account: Downloading messages...
+statusMessage=%1$S: %2$S
+removeAccount=Izbriši račun …
+newFolderMenuItem=Mapa …
+newSubfolderMenuItem=Podmapa …
+newFolder=Nova mapa …
+newSubfolder=Nova podmapa …
+markFolderRead=Označi mapo kot prebrano;Označi mapi kot prebrani;Označi mape kot prebrane;Označi mape kot prebrane
+markNewsgroupRead=Označi skupino kot prebrano;Označi skupini kot prebrani;Označi skupine kot prebrane;Označi skupine kot prebrane
+folderProperties=Lastnosti mape
+newTag=Nova oznaka …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getNextNewsMessages): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of news messages to get.
+getNextNewsMessages=Prejmi naslednje novo sporočilo;Prejmi naslednji #1 novi sporočili;Prejmi naslednje #1 nova sporočila;Prejmi naslednjih #1 novih sporočil
+advanceNextPrompt=Naprej na naslednje neprebrano sporočilo: %S
+replyToSender=Odgovori pošiljatelju
+EMLFiles=Poštne datoteke
+OpenEMLFiles=Odpri sporočilo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(defaultSaveMessageAsFileName): Do not translate ".eml"
+# in the line below. Also, the complete file name should be 8.3.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(longMsgSubjectTruncator): A suffix string appended to the filename
+# (created from message subject) if it needed to be truncated due to length.
+SaveMailAs=Shrani sporočilo kot
+SaveAttachment=Shrani priponko
+SaveAllAttachments=Shrani vse priponke
+DetachAttachment=Odpni priponko
+DetachAllAttachments=Odpni vse priponke
+ChooseFolder=Izberite mapo
+MessageLoaded=Sporočilo naloženo …
+PreviewTitle=%S - %S
+saveAttachmentFailed=Priponke ni mogoče shraniti. Preverite ime svoje datoteke in poskusite znova kasneje.
+saveMessageFailed=Sporočila ni mogoče shraniti. Preverite ime svoje datoteke in poskusite znova kasneje.
+fileExists=%S že obstaja. Ali jo želite zamenjati?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(failedToReadFile): %1$S is replaced by the file name, %2$S is replaced by the reason the file load failed.
+failedToReadFile=Datoteke %1$S ni bilo mogoče prebrati, razlog: %2$S
+downloadingNewsgroups=Prenašanje novičarskih skupin za delo brez povezave
+downloadingMail=Prenašanje pošte za delo brez povezave
+sendingUnsent=Pošiljanje neposlanih sporočil
+folderExists=Mapa s tem imenom že obstaja. Vnesite kako drugo ime.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmDuplicateFolderRename): %1$S is name of folder being moved, %2$S is parent folder name, %3$S is proposed new folder name
+confirmDuplicateFolderRename=Podmapa z imenom '%1$S' v mapi '%2$S' že obstaja. Ali bi jo radi premaknili z uporabo novega imena '%3$S'?
+folderCreationFailed=Mape ni bilo mogoče ustvariti, ker vneseno ime vsebuje neprepoznan znak. Vnesite drugo ime in poskusite znova.
+compactingFolder=Strnjevanje mape %S …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(compactingDone): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+compactingDone=Strnjevanje je končano (prihranjenih je bilo pribl. %1$S).
+confirmFolderDeletionForFilter=Izbris mape '%S' bo tudi onemogočil filtre, ki so z njo povezani. Ali res želite mapo izbrisati?
+alertFilterChanged=Filtri, ki so povezani s to mapo, bodo posodobjeni.
+filterDisabled=Mape '%S' ni bilo mogoče najti, tako da bodo filtri, ki so s to mapo povezani, onemogočeni. Prepričajte se, da mapa obstaja in da filtri kažejo na veljavno ciljno mapo.
+filterFolderDeniedLocked=Sporočil ni bilo mogoče filtrirati v mapo '%S', ker je v teku drugo opravilo.
+parsingFolderFailed=Mape %S ni mogoče odpreti, ker jo uporablja neko drugo opravilo. Počakajte, da se to opravilo konča in potem mapo ponovno izberite.
+deletingMsgsFailed=Ni mogoče izbrisati sporočil v mapi %S, ker jo uporablja neko drugo opravilo. Počakajte, da se to opravilo konča in poskusite potem znova.
+alertFilterCheckbox=Ne opozarjaj me več.
+compactFolderDeniedLock=Mape '%S' ni mogoče strniti, ker je v teku drugo opravilo. Poskusite znova kasneje.
+compactFolderWriteFailed=Mape '%S' ni mogoče strniti, ker v mapo ni bilo mogoče pisati. Prepričajte se, da je na disku dovolj prostora in da imate za sistem datotek pravico pisanja, potem pa poskusite znova.
+compactFolderInsufficientSpace=Nekaterih map (npr. '%S') ni mogoče strniti, ker ni dovolj prostora na disku. Izbrišite nekaj datotek in poskusite znova.
+filterFolderHdrAddFailed=Sporočil v mapo '%S' ni mogoče filtrirati, ker je dodajanje sporočila v njo spodletelo. Preverite, ali se mapa prikaže pravilno ali pa jo poskusite popraviti iz lastnosti mape.
+filterFolderWriteFailed=Sporočil ni bilo mogoče filtrirati v mapo '%S', ker v mapo ni bilo mogoče pisati. Prepričajte se, da je na disku dovolj prostora in da imate za sistem datotek pravico pisanja, potem pa poskusite znova.
+copyMsgWriteFailed=Sporočil ni bilo mogoče premakniti ali kopirati v mapo '%S', ker v mapo ni bilo mogoče pisati. Da sprostite prostor na disku, v meniju Datoteka izberite Izprazni Koš in nato Strni mape, potem poskusite znova.
+cantMoveMsgWOBodyOffline=Če delate brez povezave, sporočil, ki jih za delo brez povezave niste prenesli, ni mogoče premikati ali kopirati. V oknu za pošto odprite meni Datoteka, označite in potem odznačite Brez povezave, potem pa poskusite znova.
+operationFailedFolderBusy=Opravilo ni uspelo, ker mapo uporablja neko drugo opravilo. Počakajte, da se to opravilo konča in potem poskusite znova.
+folderRenameFailed=Mape ni bilo mogoče preimenovati. Lahko, da se mapo ravnokar obdeluje, ali pa novo ime ni veljavno ime za mape.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S na %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFolderTruncateFailed): %1$S is replaced by the folder name, %2$S is replaced by the brandShortName
+filterFolderTruncateFailed=Potem, ko se je sporočilo filtriralo v '%1$S, je med krčenjem nabiralnika prišlo do napake. Lahko, da boste morali končati delo s/z %2$S in izbrisati datoteko INBOX.msf.
+mailboxTooLarge=Mapa %S je polna in ne more prevzeti dodatnih sporočil. Izbrišite staro ali nepotrebno pošto in strnite mapo, da boste imeli prostor za nova sporočila.
+outOfDiskSpace=Ni dovolj prostora na disku za prenos novih sporočil. Poskusite izbrisati staro pošto, izprazniti Koš ter strniti mape s pošto in nato poskusite znova.
+errorGettingDB=Ni mogoče odpreti datoteke povzetka za %S. Lahko, da je na disku prišlo do napake, ali pa je celotna pot predolga.
+# Used in message database list view to provide a text value for graphic based cells.
+messageHasFlag=Označeno z zvezdico
+messageHasAttachment=S priponko
+# Used in the SMTP Account Settings panel when a server value has no properties
+# Don't translate embedded "\n".
+# Don't translate strings like this: %variable%
+# as they will be replaced using JavaScript
+MoreProperties=Več lastnosti
+FewerProperties=Manj lastnosti
+OpenHTMLFile=Odpri datoteko HTML
+OpenTextFile=Odpri besedilno datoteko
+SelectImageFile=Izberi slikovno datoteko
+SaveDocument=Shrani stran
+SaveDocumentAs=Shrani stran kot
+SaveTextAs=Shrani besedilo kot
+EditMode=Urejevalni način
+PublishPage=Objavi stran
+DontPublish=Ne objavi
+SavePassword=Za shranjevanje tega gesla uporabi Upravitelja gesel
+CorrectSpelling=(popravi črkovanje)
+NoSuggestedWords=(ni predlogov za izraz)
+NoMisspelledWord=Vse besede so brez napak
+CheckSpellingDone=Črkovanje je zaključeno.
+CheckSpelling=Preveri črkovanje
+CantEditFramesetMsg=Sestavljalnik ne more urejati niza okvirjev HTML oziroma strani z okvirji v besedilu. Za nize okvirjev poskusite urediti stran za vsak okvir posebej. Za strani z okvirji iframe shranite kopijo strani in odstranite oznako
"> + + + + +Strani, ki si jo poskušate ogledati, ni mogoče prikazati, ker je bila zaznana napaka omrežnega protokola.about:config
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-2 = Vtipkajte geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-3 = Dvokliknite na lastnost geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-4 = Brskanje, ki se zaveda položaja, je tako onemogočeno.
+rights-webservices-unbranded = Tukaj mora biti na voljo pregled storitev za spletne strani, ki jih vsebuje izdelek, skupaj z navodili, kako jih onemogočiti, če so na razpolago.
+rights-webservices-term-unbranded = Tukaj morajo biti našteti vsi morebitni pogoji za uporabo tega izdelka.
+rights-webservices-term-1 = { -vendor-short-name } poskuša skupaj s sodelavci, licenčniki in partnerji zagotoviti čimbolj natančne in sveže storitve. Kljub temu ni mogoče zagotoviti, da so podatki celoviti in brez napak. Storitev Varno brskanje lahko na primer ne prepozna nekaterih tveganih strani ali pa pomotoma prepozna nekatere varne strani kot nevarne; med brskanjem, ki se zaveda lokacije, pa so vsi naslovi, ki nam jih naši ponudniki storitve dostavljajo, samo ocene, za katere ne mi ne ponudniki storitev ne jamčimo točnosti.
+rights-webservices-term-2 = { -vendor-short-name } lahko storitve brez objave opusti ali spremeni.
+rights-webservices-term-3 = Te storitve lahko uporabljate z ustrezno različico programa { -brand-short-name } in { -vendor-short-name } vam za to uporabo podeljuje pravice, ki jih ima. { -vendor-short-name } in odjemalci njegovih licenc si pridržujejo vse druge pravice v zvezi s storitvami. Namen teh pogojev ni omejiti kakršne koli pravice na osnovi odprtokodne licence programa { -brand-short-name } in pripadajočih različic njegove izvorne kode.
+rights-webservices-term-4 = Storitve so na voljo "kot take." in { -vendor-short-name }, skupaj s sodelavci, licenčniki in partnerji, vam ne zagotavlja nikakršne izrecne ali implicitne garancije, med drugim brez kakršnih omejitev nobene garancije, da so Storitve primerne in uporabne za vaše namene. Ne glede na kakovost in učinkovitost storitev nosite vso odgovornost za uporabo za svoje namene vi sami Zakonodaja nekaterih držav ne dovoljuje izločevanja ali omejevanja garancije, zato ta pogoj morda ne velja za vas.
+rights-webservices-term-5 = Razen če tako zahteva zakon, { -vendor-short-name }, skupaj s sodelavci, licenčniki in partnerji ne odgovarja za nobeno posredno, posebno, posledično ali vzročno škodo, ki izhaja ali je na kakršenkoli način povezana z uporabo programa { -brand-short-name } in storitev. Skupna odgovornost pod temi pogoji ne bo presegala 500$ (petsto dolarjev). Zakonodaja nekaterih držav ne dovoljuje izločevanja ali omejevanja nekaterih škod, zato ta pogoj morda ne velja za vas.
+rights-webservices-term-6 = { -vendor-short-name } lahko od časa do časa po potrebi te pogoje posodobi. Brez pisnega soglasja { -vendor-short-name } pa jih ni dovoljeno spreminjati ali preklicati.
+rights-webservices-term-7 = Ti pogoji so predmet zakonodaje države Kalifornija, ZDA, z izjemo določil v zvezi s kolizijo zakonov. Če se za katerikoli del teh pogojev meni, da je neveljaven ali neizvršljiv, ostaja preostali del še vedno v polni veljavi. V primeru neskladnosti med prevodom teh pogojev in angleško različico, obvelja različica v angleškem jeziku.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportCalendar.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportCalendar.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c28d5a9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportCalendar.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendars-title = Nastavitve koledarja
+calendars-table-heading-property = Ime
+calendars-table-heading-value = Vrednost
+calendars-table-name = Ime
+calendars-table-type = Vrsta
+calendars-table-disabled = Onemogočeno
+calendars-table-username = Uporabniško ime
+calendars-table-uri = URI
+calendars-table-refreshinterval = Pogostost osveževanja
+calendars-table-readonly = Samo za branje
+calendars-table-suppressalarms = Zaduši alarme
+calendars-table-cache-enabled = Predpomnilnik omogočen
+calendars-table-imip-identity = Identiteta iMIP
+calendars-table-imip-identity-disabled = iMIP je onemogočen
+calendars-table-imip-identity-account = Račun iMIP
+calendars-table-organizerid = ID organizatorja
+calendars-table-forceemailscheduling = Prisili načrtovanje e-pošte
+calendars-table-capabilities-alarms-popup-supported = Podpora za pojavne alarme
+calendars-table-capabilities-alarms-oninviations-supported = Podpora za alarme ob povabilu
+calendars-table-capabilities-alarms-maxcount = Največje število alarmov na dogodek
+calendars-table-capabilities-attachments-supported = Podpora za priponke
+calendars-table-capabilities-categories-maxcount = Največje število kategorij
+calendars-table-capabilities-privacy-supported = Podpora za stanje zasebnosti
+calendars-table-capabilities-priority-supported = Podpora za nastavljanje prednosti
+calendars-table-capabilities-events-supported = Podpora za dogodke
+calendars-table-capabilities-tasks-supported = Podpora za opravila
+calendars-table-capabilities-timezones-floating-supported = Podpora za krajevni čas
+calendars-table-capabilities-timezones-utc-supported = Podpora za čas UTC/GMT
+calendars-table-capabilities-autoschedule-supported = Podpora za samodejno načrtovanje
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportChat.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportChat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251db03b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportChat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+chat-title = Računi za klepet
+chat-table-heading-account = ID
+chat-table-heading-protocol = Protokol
+chat-table-heading-name = Ime
+chat-table-heading-actions = Dejanja
+chat-table-copy-debug-log = Kopiraj razhroščevalni dnevnik
+ .title = Kopiraj napake in druge zapisane dogodke iz tega računa za klepet v odložišče. Lahko vsebuje osebne podatke, kot so sporočila klepeta.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportMail.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportMail.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47a6fe6e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/aboutSupportMail.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+accounts-title = Računi za pošto in novice
+show-private-data-main-text = Vključi imena računov
+show-private-data-explanation-text = (lahko vključuje osebne podatke)
+accounts-ID = ID
+accounts-name = Ime
+accounts-incoming-server = Dohodni strežnik
+accounts-outgoing-servers = Odhodni strežniki
+accounts-server-name = Ime
+accounts-conn-security = Varnost povezave
+accounts-auth-method = Metoda overitve
+accounts-default = Privzeto?
+identity-name = Identiteta
+send-via-email = Pošlji po e-pošti
+app-basics-telemetry = Telemetrija
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountCentral.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountCentral.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcdcdd29f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountCentral.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-central-title = Dobrodošli v { -brand-full-name }
+account-settings = Nastavitve računa
+# $accounts (Number) - the number of configured accounts
+setup-title = Izberite, kaj nastaviti
+about-title = O { -brand-full-name }u
+resources-title = Viri
+release-notes =
+ .title = O { -brand-full-name }u
+email-label = E-pošta
+ .aria-label = Poveži z obstoječim e-poštnim računom
+email-description = { -brand-short-name } vam omogoča, da povežete svoj obstoječi e-poštni račun ter hitro in udobno prebirate pošto v programu.
+calendar-label = Koledar
+ .aria-label = Ustvari nov koledar
+calendar-description = { -brand-short-name } omogoča urejanje dogodkov za boljšo organiziranost. Če vzpostavite povezavo z oddaljenim koledarjem, bodo vsi vaši dogodki sinhronizirani v vseh napravah.
+chat-label = Klepet
+ .aria-label = Poveži račun za klepet
+chat-description = { -brand-short-name } vam omogoča povezati več računov za neposredno sporočanje in ponuja podporo za različne platforme.
+filelink-label = Filelink
+ .aria-label = Nastavi Filelink
+filelink-description = { -brand-short-name } vam omogoča nastaviti priročen račun v oblaku, v katerega lahko naložite velike datoteke za preprosto pošiljanje.
+addressbook-label = Imenik
+ .aria-label = Ustvari nov imenik
+addressbook-description = { -brand-short-name } vam omogoča organizirati vse stike v imenik. Povežete lahko tudi oddaljen imenik, s katerim bodo vsi vaši stiki sinhronizirani.
+feeds-label = Viri
+ .aria-label = Poveži z viri
+feeds-description = { -brand-short-name } se vam omogoča naročiti na vire RSS/Atom za prejemanje novic in različnih posodobitev.
+newsgroups-label = Novičarske skupine
+ .aria-label = Poveži v novičarsko skupino
+newsgroups-description = { -brand-short-name } se vam omogoča priključiti vsem mogočim novičarskim skupinam.
+import-title = Uvoz iz drugega programa
+import-paragraph2 = { -brand-short-name } vam omogoča uvoziti e-poštna sporočila, stike, naročnine na vire, nastavitve in filtre iz drugih programov za e-pošto in iz običajnih oblik imenikov.
+import-label = Uvozi
+ .aria-label = Uvozi podatke iz drugih programov
+about-paragraph = Thunderbird je vodilni odprtokodni odjemalec za e-pošto in koledar, ki deluje v več okoljih ter je brezplačen tako za poslovno kot za osebno uporabo. Želimo, da ostane varen in postane še boljši. Donacija nam bo omogočala najeti razvijalce, plačati stroške infrastrukture in nadaljevati izboljševanje.
+about-paragraph-consider-donation = Thunderbird financirajo uporabniki, kot ste vi! Če imate radi Thunderbird, nam lahko namenite donacijo. Najboljši način, da pomagate ohraniti Thunderbird pri življenju, je donacija.
+explore-link = Raziščite možnosti
+support-link = Podpora
+involved-link = Pridružite se
+developer-link = Dokumentacija za razvijalce
+read = Beri sporočila
+compose = Sestavi novo sporočilo
+search = Išči po sporočilih
+filter = Upravljaj s filtri sporočil
+nntp-subscription = Naroči se na novičarske skupine
+rss-subscription = Naroči se na vire
+e2e = Šifriranje od konca do konca
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountManager.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountManager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..607c734eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountManager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+open-preferences-sidebar-button2 = Nastavitve { -brand-short-name(sklon: "rodilnik") }
+open-addons-sidebar-button = Dodatki in teme
+account-action-add-newsgroup-account =
+ .label = Dodaj račun za novičarsko skupino …
+ .accesskey = č
+server-change-restart-required = Za uveljavitev spremembe imena strežnika ali uporabniškega imena je potreben ponovni zagon.
+edit-vcard-dialog-accept-button = Shrani
+ .accesskey = S
+edit-vcard-dialog-cancel-button = Prekliči
+ .accesskey = k
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountProvisioner.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountProvisioner.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea5d0702cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountProvisioner.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-provisioner-tab-title = Pridobite nov e-poštni naslov pri ponudniku storitev
+provisioner-searching-icon =
+ .alt = Iskanje …
+account-provisioner-title = Ustvarite nov e-poštni naslov
+account-provisioner-start-help = Uporabljene iskalne poizvedbe se pošljejo { -vendor-short-name(sklon: "dajalnik") } (pravilnik o zasebnosti) in ponudnikom e-pošte (pravilnik o zasebnosti, pogoji uporabe) in (pravilnik o zasebnosti, pogoji uporabe), da odkrije razpoložljive e-poštne naslove.
+account-provisioner-mail-account-title = Kupite nov e-poštni naslov
+account-provisioner-mail-account-description = Thunderbird je združil moči s ponudnikom Mailfence, da bi vam ponudil nov zaseben in varen e-poštni naslov. Verjamemo, da bi vsak e-poštni predal moral biti varen.
+account-provisioner-domain-title = Kupite lasten e-poštni naslov in domeno
+## Forms
+account-provisioner-mail-input =
+ .placeholder = Vaše ime, vzdevek ali druga iskalna poizvedba
+account-provisioner-domain-input =
+ .placeholder = Vaše ime, vzdevek ali druga iskalna poizvedba
+account-provisioner-search-button = Išči
+account-provisioner-button-cancel = Prekliči
+account-provisioner-button-existing = Uporabi obstoječ e-poštni račun
+account-provisioner-button-back = Nazaj
+## Notifications
+account-provisioner-fetching-provisioners = Pridobivanje ponudnikov …
+account-provisioner-connection-issues = Ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti stika s strežniki za registracijo računa. Preverite svojo povezavo.
+account-provisioner-searching-email = Iskanje razpoložljivih e-poštnih računov …
+account-provisioner-searching-domain = Iskanje razpoložljivih domen …
+account-provisioner-searching-error = Najden ni bil noben naslov, ki bi ga lahko predlagali. Poskusite z drugačnim iskanjem.
+## Illustrations
+account-provisioner-step1-image =
+ .title = Izberite, kateri račun želite ustvariti
+## Search results
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of domains found during search.
+account-provisioner-results-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Najden je razpoložljiv naslov za:
+ [two] Najdena sta { $count } razpoložljiva naslova za:
+ [few] Najdeni so { $count } razpoložljivi naslovi za:
+ *[other] Najdenih je { $count } razpoložljivih naslovov za:
+ }
+account-provisioner-mail-results-caption = Poskusite iskati z vzdevki ali s kakim drugim izrazom, če želite najti še več e-poštnih naslovov.
+account-provisioner-domain-results-caption = Poskusite iskati z vzdevki ali s kakim drugim izrazom, če želite najti še več domen.
+account-provisioner-free-account = Brezplačno
+account-provision-price-per-year = { $price } na leto
+account-provisioner-all-results-button = Pokaži vse rezultate
+account-provisioner-open-in-tab-img =
+ .title = Odpre se v novem zavihku
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountHub.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountHub.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0db01bd65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountHub.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Header
+account-hub-brand = { -brand-full-name }
+account-hub-welcome-line = Dobrodošli v { -brand-full-name(sklon: "mestnik") }
+account-hub-title = Središče za račune
+## Footer
+account-hub-release-notes = Opombe ob izdaji
+account-hub-support = Podpora
+account-hub-donate = Donirajte
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34348a25e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-setup-tab-title = Nastavitev računa
+## Header
+account-setup-title = Nastavite obstoječi e-poštni naslov
+account-setup-description = Za uporabo svojega trenutnega e-poštnega naslova vnesite svoje poverilnice.
+account-setup-secondary-description = { -brand-product-name } bo samodejno poiskal delujoče in priporočene nastavitve za strežnik.
+account-setup-success-title = Račun uspešno ustvarjen
+account-setup-success-description = Zdaj lahko uporabljate ta račun s { -brand-short-name(sklon: "orodnik") }.
+account-setup-success-secondary-description = Uporabniško izkušnjo si lahko še izboljšate s priključitvijo povezanih storitev in z nastavitvijo naprednih nastavitev računa.
+## Form fields
+account-setup-name-label = Vaše polno ime
+ .accesskey = i
+# Note: "John Doe" is a multiple-use name that is used when the true name of a person is unknown. We use this fake name as an input placeholder. Translators should update this to reflect the placeholder name of their language/country.
+account-setup-name-input =
+ .placeholder = Janez Novak
+account-setup-name-info-icon =
+ .title = Vaše ime, s katerim se predstavljate
+account-setup-name-warning-icon =
+ .title = { account-setup-name-warning }
+account-setup-email-label = E-poštni naslov
+ .accesskey = E
+account-setup-email-input =
+ .placeholder =
+account-setup-email-info-icon =
+ .title = Vaš obstoječi e-poštni naslov
+account-setup-email-warning-icon =
+ .title = { account-setup-email-warning }
+account-setup-password-label = Geslo
+ .accesskey = G
+ .title = Neobvezno, uporabljeno bo samo za preveritev veljavnosti uporabniškega imena
+account-provisioner-button = Pridobite nov e-poštni naslov
+ .accesskey = n
+account-setup-password-toggle-show =
+ .title = Pokaži geslo kot čisto besedilo
+account-setup-password-toggle-hide =
+ .title = Skrij geslo
+account-setup-remember-password = Zapomni si geslo
+ .accesskey = Z
+account-setup-exchange-label = Vaša prijava
+ .accesskey = p
+# YOURDOMAIN refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. yourusername refers to the user's account name in Windows.
+account-setup-exchange-input =
+ .placeholder = VAŠADOMENA\vašeuporabniškoime
+# Domain refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. We mean the user's login in Windows at the local corporate network.
+account-setup-exchange-info-icon =
+ .title = Domenska prijava
+## Action buttons
+account-setup-button-cancel = Prekliči
+ .accesskey = k
+account-setup-button-manual-config = Nastavi ročno
+ .accesskey = r
+account-setup-button-stop = Ustavi
+ .accesskey = U
+account-setup-button-retest = Preizkusi znova
+ .accesskey = o
+account-setup-button-continue = Nadaljuj
+ .accesskey = N
+account-setup-button-done = Končano
+ .accesskey = č
+## Notifications
+account-setup-looking-up-settings = Iskanje nastavitev …
+account-setup-looking-up-settings-guess = Iskanje nastavitev: Poskušanje z običajnimi imeni strežnikov …
+account-setup-looking-up-settings-half-manual = Iskanje nastavitev: Raziskovanje strežnika …
+account-setup-looking-up-disk = Iskanje nastavitev: v { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") } …
+account-setup-looking-up-isp = Iskanje nastavitev: Ponudnik e-pošte …
+# Note: Do not translate or replace Mozilla. It stands for the public project, not Mozilla Corporation. The database is a generic, public domain facility usable by any client.
+account-setup-looking-up-db = Iskanje nastavitev: Mozillina podatkovna zbirka ponudnikov internetnih storitev …
+account-setup-looking-up-mx = Iskanje nastavitev: Domena za dohodno e-pošto …
+account-setup-looking-up-exchange = Iskanje nastavitev: Strežnik Exchange …
+account-setup-checking-password = Preverjanje gesla …
+account-setup-installing-addon = Prenašanje in nameščanje dodatka …
+account-setup-success-half-manual = Z zaznavanjem navedenega strežnika so bile najdene naslednje nastavitve:
+account-setup-success-guess = Nastavitve so bile najdene s preskušanjem običajnih imen strežnikov.
+account-setup-success-guess-offline = Trenutno ste brez povezave. Nekatere od nastavitev smo uganili, vendar boste morali prave vrednosti vnesti sami.
+account-setup-success-password = Geslo pravilno
+account-setup-success-addon = Dodatek je uspešno nameščen
+# Note: Do not translate or replace Mozilla. It stands for the public project, not Mozilla Corporation. The database is a generic, public domain facility usable by any client.
+account-setup-success-settings-db = Nastavitve so bile najdene v Mozillini zbirki podatkov ponudnikov internetnih storitev.
+account-setup-success-settings-disk = Nastavitve so bile najdene v { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") }.
+account-setup-success-settings-isp = Nastavitve so bile najdene pri ponudniku e-pošte.
+# Note: Microsoft Exchange is a product name.
+account-setup-success-settings-exchange = Nastavitve so bile najdene za strežnik Microsoft Exchange.
+## Illustrations
+account-setup-step1-image =
+ .title = Začetna nastavitev
+account-setup-step2-image =
+ .title = Nalaganje …
+account-setup-step3-image =
+ .title = Nastavitve najdene
+account-setup-step4-image =
+ .title = Napaka v povezavi
+account-setup-step5-image =
+ .title = Račun ustvarjen
+account-setup-privacy-footnote2 = Vaše poverilnice bodo shranjene izključno na vašem računalniku.
+account-setup-selection-help = Ne veste, kaj izbrati?
+account-setup-selection-error = Potrebujete pomoč?
+account-setup-success-help = Niste prepričani o naslednjih korakih?
+account-setup-documentation-help = Dokumentacija za nastavitev
+account-setup-forum-help = Forum za podporo
+account-setup-privacy-help = Pravilnik o zasebnosti
+account-setup-getting-started = Prvi koraki
+## Results area
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of available protocols.
+account-setup-results-area-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Razpoložljiva nastavitev
+ [two] Razpoložljivi nastavitvi
+ [few] Razpoložljive nastavitve
+ *[other] Razpoložljive nastavitve
+ }
+account-setup-result-imap-description = E-pošta in mape naj se sinhronizirajo s strežnikom
+account-setup-result-pop-description = E-pošta in mape naj bodo shranjene na računalniku
+# Note: Exchange, Office365 are the name of products.
+account-setup-result-exchange2-description = Uporabi strežnik Microsoft Exchange ali storitve v oblaku Office365
+account-setup-incoming-title = Dohodni
+account-setup-outgoing-title = Odhodni
+account-setup-username-title = Uporabniško ime
+account-setup-exchange-title = Strežnik
+account-setup-result-no-encryption = Brez šifriranja
+account-setup-result-ssl = SSL/TLS
+account-setup-result-starttls = STARTTLS
+account-setup-result-outgoing-existing = Uporabi obstoječi odhodni strežnik SMTP
+# Variables:
+# $incoming (String): The email/username used to log into the incoming server
+# $outgoing (String): The email/username used to log into the outgoing server
+account-setup-result-username-different = Dohodni: { $incoming }, odhodni: { $outgoing }
+## Error messages
+# Note: The reference to "janedoe" (Jane Doe) is the name of an example person. You will want to translate it to whatever example persons would be named in your language. In the example, AD is the name of the Windows domain, and this should usually not be translated.
+account-setup-credentials-incomplete = Overitev ni uspela. Ali so vnesene poverilnice napačne ali pa je za prijavo zahtevano ločeno uporabniško ime. To uporabniško ime je običajno vaša prijava za domeno sistema Windows z ali brez domene (npr. janeznovak ali AD\\janeznovak).
+account-setup-credentials-wrong = Overitev ni uspela. Preverite uporabniško ime in geslo
+account-setup-find-settings-failed = { -brand-short-name } ni uspel najti nastavitev za vaš e-poštni račun
+account-setup-exchange-config-unverifiable = Nastavitve ni bilo mogoče preveriti. Če sta uporabniško ime in geslo pravilna, je skrbnik strežnika verjetno onemogočil izbrano nastavitev za vaš račun. Poskusite izbrati drug protokol.
+account-setup-provisioner-error = Pri nastavljanju vašega novega računa v { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") } je prišlo do napake. Poskusite ga nastaviti ročno s svojimi poverilnicami.
+## Manual configuration area
+account-setup-manual-config-title = Nastavitve strežnika
+account-setup-incoming-server-legend = Dohodni strežnik
+account-setup-protocol-label = Protokol:
+account-setup-hostname-label = Ime gostitelja:
+account-setup-port-label = Vrata:
+ .title = Za samodejno zaznavo nastavite številko vrat na 0
+account-setup-auto-description = { -brand-short-name } bo poskusil samodejno zaznati vrednosti za neizpolnjena polja.
+account-setup-ssl-label = Varnost povezave:
+account-setup-outgoing-server-legend = Odhodni strežnik
+## Incoming/Outgoing SSL Authentication options
+ssl-autodetect-option = Samodejno zaznaj
+ssl-no-authentication-option = Brez overitve
+ssl-cleartext-password-option = Običajno geslo
+ssl-encrypted-password-option = Šifrirano geslo
+## Incoming/Outgoing SSL options
+ssl-noencryption-option = Brez
+account-setup-auth-label = Način overitve:
+account-setup-username-label = Uporabniško ime:
+account-setup-advanced-setup-button = Napredne nastavitve
+ .accesskey = a
+## Warning insecure server dialog
+account-setup-insecure-title = Opozorilo!
+account-setup-insecure-incoming-title = Nastavitve za dohodno pošto:
+account-setup-insecure-outgoing-title = Nastavitve za odhodno pošto:
+# Variables:
+# $server (String): The name of the hostname of the server the user was trying to connect to.
+account-setup-warning-cleartext = { $server } ne uporablja šifriranja.
+account-setup-warning-cleartext-details = Nezaščiteni poštni strežniki za varnost vaših gesel in zasebnih podatkov ne uporabljajo šifriranih povezav. S povezavo s tem strežnikom bi lahko izpostavili svoje geslo in zasebne podatke.
+account-setup-insecure-server-checkbox = Razumem tveganja
+ .accesskey = u
+account-setup-insecure-description = { -brand-short-name } vam lahko omogoči, da dostopate do svoje pošte z uporabo navedenih nastavitev. Glede neprimernega načina povezovanja pa se morate obrniti na svojega skrbnika ali ponudnika e-poštnih storitev. Za več informacij si preberite pogosta vprašanja o Thunderbirdu.
+insecure-dialog-cancel-button = Spremeni nastavitve
+ .accesskey = S
+insecure-dialog-confirm-button = Potrdi
+ .accesskey = t
+## Warning Exchange confirmation dialog
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String): The name of the server where the configuration was found, e.g.
+exchange-dialog-question = { -brand-short-name } je našel podatke za nastavitev računa na { $domain }. Ali želite nadaljevati in vnesti svoje prijavne podatke?
+exchange-dialog-confirm-button = Prijava
+exchange-dialog-cancel-button = Prekliči
+## Dismiss account creation dialog
+exit-dialog-title = Ni nastavljenih e-poštnih računov
+exit-dialog-description = Ali ste prepričani, da želite preklicati postopek nastavitve? { -brand-short-name } lahko uporabljate tudi brez e-poštnega računa, vendar številne možnosti ne bodo na voljo.
+account-setup-no-account-checkbox = Uporabljaj { -brand-short-name } brez e-poštnega računa
+ .accesskey = U
+exit-dialog-cancel-button = Nadaljuj nastavitev
+ .accesskey = N
+exit-dialog-confirm-button = Izhod iz nastavitve
+ .accesskey = z
+## Alert dialogs
+account-setup-creation-error-title = Napaka pri ustvarjanju računa
+account-setup-error-server-exists = Dohodni strežnik že obstaja.
+account-setup-confirm-advanced-title = Potrdite napredne nastavitve
+account-setup-confirm-advanced-description = To pogovorno okno se bo zaprlo in ustvaril se bo račun s trenutnimi nastavitvami, tudi če nastavitev ni pravilna. Ali želite nadaljevati?
+## Addon installation section
+account-setup-addon-install-title = Namesti
+account-setup-addon-install-intro = Dostop do e-poštnega računa na tem strežniku si lahko omogočite z dodatkom tretjega ponudnika:
+account-setup-addon-no-protocol = Ta e-poštni strežnik žal ne podpira odprtih protokolov. { account-setup-addon-install-intro }
+## Success view
+account-setup-settings-button = Nastavitve računa
+account-setup-encryption-button = Šifriranje od konca do konca
+account-setup-signature-button = Dodaj podpis
+account-setup-dictionaries-button = Prenesi slovarje
+account-setup-address-book-carddav-button = Poveži z imenikom CardDAV
+account-setup-address-book-ldap-button = Poveži z imenikom LDAP
+account-setup-calendar-button = Poveži z oddaljenim koledarjem
+account-setup-linked-services-title = Povežite povezane storitve
+account-setup-linked-services-description = { -brand-short-name } je zaznal druge storitve, povezane z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+account-setup-no-linked-description = Nastavite ostale storitve, da kar najbolje izkoristite { -brand-short-name }.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of address books found during autoconfig.
+account-setup-found-address-books-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } je našel en imenik, povezan z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } imenika, povezana z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } imenike, povezane z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } imenikov, povezanih z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of calendars found during autoconfig.
+account-setup-found-calendars-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } je našel en koledar, povezan z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } koledarja, povezana z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } koledarje, povezane z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } koledarjev, povezanih z vašim e-poštnim računom.
+ }
+account-setup-button-finish = Dokončaj
+ .accesskey = D
+account-setup-looking-up-address-books = Iskanje imenikov …
+account-setup-looking-up-calendars = Iskanje koledarjev …
+account-setup-address-books-button = Imeniki
+account-setup-calendars-button = Koledarji
+account-setup-connect-link = Poveži
+account-setup-existing-address-book = Povezano
+ .title = Imenik je že povezan
+account-setup-existing-calendar = Povezano
+ .title = Koledar je že povezan
+account-setup-connect-all-calendars = Poveži vse koledarje
+account-setup-connect-all-address-books = Poveži vse imenike
+## Calendar synchronization dialog
+calendar-dialog-title = Poveži koledar
+calendar-dialog-cancel-button = Prekliči
+ .accesskey = P
+calendar-dialog-confirm-button = Poveži
+ .accesskey = v
+account-setup-calendar-name-label = Ime
+account-setup-calendar-name-input =
+ .placeholder = Moj koledar
+account-setup-calendar-color-label = Barva
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-label = Osveži
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-manual = Ročno
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-interval =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Vsako minuto
+ [two] Vsaki { $count } minuti
+ [few] Vsake { $count } minute
+ *[other] Vsakih { $count } minut
+ }
+account-setup-calendar-read-only = Samo za branje
+ .accesskey = b
+account-setup-calendar-show-reminders = Prikaži opomnike
+ .accesskey = o
+account-setup-calendar-offline-support = Podpora za nepovezan način
+ .accesskey = n
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVDialog.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c54e25e47d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+carddav-window-title = Nov imenik CardDAV
+carddav-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Nadaljuj
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = N
+carddav-username-label =
+ .value = Uporabniško ime:
+ .accesskey = U
+carddav-location-label =
+ .value = Naslov:
+ .accesskey = N
+carddav-location =
+ .default-placeholder = Spletni naslov ali domensko ime strežnika imenika
+carddav-loading = Iskanje nastavitev …
+carddav-known-incompatible = Znano je, da { $url } ni združljiv s { -brand-short-name(sklon: "orodnik") }.
+carddav-connection-error = Povezava neuspešna.
+carddav-none-found = Za navedeni račun ni bilo mogoče najti nobenega imenika.
+carddav-already-added = Vsi imeniki za navedeni račun so že bili dodani.
+carddav-available-books = Razpoložljivi imeniki:
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVProperties.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVProperties.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09358213d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/abCardDAVProperties.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+carddav-url-label =
+ .value = URL CardDAV:
+ .accesskey = V
+carddav-refreshinterval-label =
+ .label = Sinhroniziraj:
+ .accesskey = S
+# Variables:
+# $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes between address book synchronizations
+carddav-refreshinterval-minutes-value =
+ .label =
+ { $minutes ->
+ [one] vsako minuto
+ [two] vsaki dve minuti
+ [few] vsake { $minutes } minute
+ *[other] vsakih { $minutes } minut
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $hours (integer) - Number of hours between address book synchronizations
+carddav-refreshinterval-hours-value =
+ .label =
+ { $hours ->
+ [one] vsako uro
+ [two] vsako drugo uro
+ [few] vsake { $hours } ure
+ *[other] vsakih { $hours } ur
+ }
+carddav-readonly-label =
+ .label = Samo za branje
+ .accesskey = b
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/aboutAddressBook.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/aboutAddressBook.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e36e0cd0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/aboutAddressBook.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+about-addressbook-title = Imenik
+## Toolbar
+about-addressbook-toolbar-new-address-book =
+ .label = Nov imenik
+about-addressbook-toolbar-add-carddav-address-book =
+ .label = Dodaj imenik CardDAV
+about-addressbook-toolbar-add-ldap-address-book =
+ .label = Dodaj imenik LDAP
+about-addressbook-toolbar-new-contact =
+ .label = Nov stik
+about-addressbook-toolbar-new-list =
+ .label = Nov seznam
+about-addressbook-toolbar-import =
+ .label = Uvozi
+## Books
+all-address-books-row =
+ .title = Vsi imeniki
+all-address-books = Vsi imeniki
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - The name of the selected book/list.
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts in the selected book/list.
+about-addressbook-card-count = Skupaj stikov v imeniku { $name }: { $count }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts in all address books.
+about-addressbook-card-count-all = Skupaj stikov v vseh imenikih: { $count }
+about-addressbook-books-context-properties =
+ .label = Lastnosti
+about-addressbook-books-context-edit-list =
+ .label = Uredi seznam
+about-addressbook-books-context-synchronize =
+ .label = Sinhroniziraj
+about-addressbook-books-context-edit =
+ .label = Uredi
+about-addressbook-books-context-print =
+ .label = Natisni …
+about-addressbook-books-context-export =
+ .label = Izvozi …
+about-addressbook-books-context-delete =
+ .label = Izbriši
+about-addressbook-books-context-remove =
+ .label = Odstrani
+about-addressbook-books-context-startup-default =
+ .label = Privzeta zagonska mapa
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-book-title = Izbriši imenik
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the address book to be deleted.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-book = Ali res želite izbrisati imenik { $name } in vse stike v njem?
+about-addressbook-confirm-remove-remote-book-title = Odstrani imenik
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the remote address book to be removed.
+about-addressbook-confirm-remove-remote-book = Ali res želite odstraniti imenik { $name }?
+## Cards
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the address book that will be searched.
+about-addressbook-search =
+ .placeholder = Išči v imeniku { $name }
+about-addressbook-search-all =
+ .placeholder = Išči v vseh imenikih
+about-addressbook-sort-button2 =
+ .title = Možnosti prikaza seznama
+about-addressbook-name-format-display =
+ .label = Prikazno ime
+about-addressbook-name-format-firstlast =
+ .label = Ime Priimek
+about-addressbook-name-format-lastfirst =
+ .label = Priimek, Ime
+about-addressbook-sort-name-ascending =
+ .label = Razvrsti po imenu (A > Ž)
+about-addressbook-sort-name-descending =
+ .label = Razvrsti po imenu (Ž > A)
+about-addressbook-sort-email-ascending =
+ .label = Razvrsti po e-poštnem naslovu (A > Ž)
+about-addressbook-sort-email-descending =
+ .label = Razvrsti po e-poštnem naslovu (Ž > A)
+about-addressbook-horizontal-layout =
+ .label = Preklopi na vodoravno postavitev
+about-addressbook-vertical-layout =
+ .label = Preklopi na navpično postavitev
+about-addressbook-table-layout =
+ .label = Postavitev tabele
+## Card column headers
+## Each string is listed here twice, and the values should match.
+about-addressbook-column-header-generatedname = Ime
+about-addressbook-column-label-generatedname =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-generatedname }
+about-addressbook-column-header-emailaddresses = E-poštni naslovi
+about-addressbook-column-label-emailaddresses =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-emailaddresses }
+about-addressbook-column-header-nickname = Vzdevek
+about-addressbook-column-label-nickname =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-nickname }
+about-addressbook-column-header-phonenumbers = Telefonske številke
+about-addressbook-column-label-phonenumbers =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-phonenumbers }
+about-addressbook-column-header-addresses = Naslovi
+about-addressbook-column-label-addresses =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-addresses }
+about-addressbook-column-header-title = Naziv
+about-addressbook-column-label-title =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-title }
+about-addressbook-column-header-department = Oddelek
+about-addressbook-column-label-department =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-department }
+about-addressbook-column-header-organization = Organizacija
+about-addressbook-column-label-organization =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-organization }
+about-addressbook-column-header-addrbook = Imenik
+about-addressbook-column-label-addrbook =
+ .label = { about-addressbook-column-header-addrbook }
+about-addressbook-cards-context-write =
+ .label = Sestavi
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-mixed-title = Izbriši stike in sezname
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts and lists to be deleted. Always greater than 1.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-mixed = Ali res želite izbrisati izbranih { $count } stikov in seznamov?
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of lists to be deleted.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-lists-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Izbriši seznam
+ [two] Izbriši seznama
+ [few] Izbriši sezname
+ *[other] Izbriši sezname
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of lists to be deleted.
+# $name (String) - The name of the list to be deleted, if $count is 1.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-lists =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Ali res želite izbrisati seznam { $name }?
+ [two] Ali res želite izbrisati izbrana seznama?
+ [few] Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane { $count } sezname?
+ *[other] Ali res želite izbrisati izbranih { $count } seznamov?
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be removed.
+about-addressbook-confirm-remove-contacts-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Odstrani stik
+ [two] Odstrani stika
+ [few] Odstrani stike
+ *[other] Odstrani stike
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be removed.
+# $name (String) - The name of the contact to be removed, if $count is 1.
+# $list (String) - The name of the list that contacts will be removed from.
+about-addressbook-confirm-remove-contacts =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Ali res želite odstraniti stik { $name } s seznama { $list }?
+ [two] Ali res želite odstraniti izbrana stika s seznama { $list }?
+ [few] Ali res želite odstraniti izbrane { $count } stike s seznama { $list }?
+ *[other] Ali res želite odstraniti izbranih { $count } stikov s seznama { $list }?
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be deleted.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-contacts-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Izbriši stik
+ [two] Izbriši stika
+ [few] Izbriši stike
+ *[other] Izbriši stike
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be deleted.
+# $name (String) - The name of the contact to be deleted, if $count is 1.
+about-addressbook-confirm-delete-contacts =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Ali res želite izbrisati stik { $name }?
+ [two] Ali res želite izbrisati izbrana stika?
+ [few] Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane { $count } stike?
+ *[other] Ali res želite izbrisati izbranih { $count } stikov?
+ }
+## Card list placeholder
+## Shown when there are no cards in the list
+about-addressbook-placeholder-empty-book = Ni stikov
+about-addressbook-placeholder-new-contact = Nov stik
+about-addressbook-placeholder-search-only = Ta imenik bo prikazal stike samo ob iskanju
+about-addressbook-placeholder-searching = Iskanje …
+about-addressbook-placeholder-no-search-results = Ni najdenih stikov
+## Details
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of selected items (will never be fewer than two)
+about-addressbook-selection-mixed-header = { $count } izbranih stikov in seznamov
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of selected contacts
+about-addressbook-selection-contacts-header = { $count } izbranih stikov
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of selected lists
+about-addressbook-selection-lists-header = { $count } izbranih seznamov
+about-addressbook-details-edit-photo =
+ .title = Uredi fotografijo stika
+about-addressbook-new-contact-header = Nov stik
+about-addressbook-prefer-display-name = Daj prednost prikazanemu imenu namesto glavi sporočila
+about-addressbook-write-action-button = Piši
+about-addressbook-event-action-button = Dogodek
+about-addressbook-search-action-button = Išči
+about-addressbook-new-list-action-button = Nov seznam
+about-addressbook-begin-edit-contact-button = Uredi
+about-addressbook-delete-edit-contact-button = Izbriši
+about-addressbook-cancel-edit-contact-button = Prekliči
+about-addressbook-save-edit-contact-button = Shrani
+about-addressbook-add-contact-to = Dodaj v:
+about-addressbook-details-email-addresses-header = E-poštni naslovi
+about-addressbook-details-phone-numbers-header = Telefonske številke
+about-addressbook-details-addresses-header = Naslovi
+about-addressbook-details-notes-header = Opombe
+about-addressbook-details-impp-header = Neposredno sporočanje
+about-addressbook-details-websites-header = Spletne strani
+about-addressbook-details-other-info-header = Drugi podatki
+about-addressbook-entry-type-work = Služba
+about-addressbook-entry-type-home = Doma
+about-addressbook-entry-type-fax = Faks
+# Or "Mobile"
+about-addressbook-entry-type-cell = Mobilni
+about-addressbook-entry-type-pager = Pozivnik
+about-addressbook-entry-name-birthday = Rojstni dan
+about-addressbook-entry-name-anniversary = Obletnica
+about-addressbook-entry-name-title = Naziv
+about-addressbook-entry-name-role = Funkcija
+about-addressbook-entry-name-organization = Organizacija
+about-addressbook-entry-name-website = Spletno mesto
+about-addressbook-entry-name-time-zone = Časovni pas
+about-addressbook-entry-name-custom1 = Po meri 1
+about-addressbook-entry-name-custom2 = Po meri 2
+about-addressbook-entry-name-custom3 = Po meri 3
+about-addressbook-entry-name-custom4 = Po meri 4
+about-addressbook-unsaved-changes-prompt-title = Neshranjene spremembe
+about-addressbook-unsaved-changes-prompt = Ali želite shraniti spremembe, preden zapustite pogled za urejanje?
+# Photo dialog
+about-addressbook-photo-drop-target = Tukaj spustite ali prilepite fotografijo ali kliknite za izbiro datoteke.
+about-addressbook-photo-drop-loading = Nalaganje fotografije …
+about-addressbook-photo-drop-error = Fotografije ni bilo mogoče naložiti.
+about-addressbook-photo-filepicker-title = Izberi slikovno datoteko
+about-addressbook-photo-discard = Zavrzi obstoječo fotografijo
+about-addressbook-photo-cancel = Prekliči
+about-addressbook-photo-save = Shrani
+# Keyboard shortcuts
+about-addressbook-new-contact-key = N
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/fieldMapImport.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/fieldMapImport.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c09325760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/fieldMapImport.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import-ab-csv-dialog-title = Uvozi imenik iz besedilne datoteke
+# $recordNumber (Number) - The current record number of the preview data.
+import-ab-csv-preview-record-number = Predogled uvoza podatkov za zapis { $recordNumber }
+import-ab-csv-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Uvozi
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = U
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/vcard.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/vcard.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9bd7f95a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/addressbook/vcard.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+# Display Name
+vcard-displayname = Prikazano ime
+vcard-displayname-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = { vcard-displayname }
+# Type selection
+vcard-entry-type-label = Vrsta
+vcard-entry-type-home = Doma
+vcard-entry-type-work = Služba
+vcard-entry-type-none = brez
+vcard-entry-type-custom = Po meri
+# N vCard field
+vcard-name-header = Ime
+vcard-n-prefix = Predpona
+vcard-n-add-prefix =
+ .title = Dodaj predpono
+vcard-n-firstname = Ime
+vcard-n-add-firstname =
+ .title = Dodaj ime
+vcard-n-middlename = Drugo ime
+vcard-n-add-middlename =
+ .title = Dodaj drugo ime
+vcard-n-lastname = Priimek
+vcard-n-add-lastname =
+ .title = Dodaj priimek
+vcard-n-suffix = Pripona
+vcard-n-add-suffix =
+ .title = Dodaj pripono
+# Nickname
+vcard-nickname = Vzdevek
+# Email vCard field
+vcard-email-header = E-poštni naslovi
+vcard-email-add = Dodaj e-poštni naslov
+vcard-email-label = E-poštni naslov
+vcard-primary-email-label = Privzet
+# URL vCard field
+vcard-url-header = Spletne strani
+vcard-url-add = Dodaj spletno stran
+vcard-url-label = Spletna stran
+# Tel vCard field
+vcard-tel-header = Telefonske številke
+vcard-tel-add = Dodaj telefonsko številko
+vcard-tel-label = Telefonska številka
+# Or "Mobile"
+vcard-entry-type-cell = Mobilni
+vcard-entry-type-fax = Faks
+# TZ vCard field
+vcard-tz-header = Časovni pas
+vcard-tz-add = Dodaj časovni pas
+# IMPP vCard field
+vcard-impp2-header = Neposredno sporočanje
+vcard-impp-add = Dodaj račun za klepet
+vcard-impp-label = Račun za klepet
+vcard-impp-select = Protokol
+vcard-impp-option-other = Drugo
+vcard-impp-input-label = URI
+vcard-impp-input-title = URI za neposredno sporočanje
+# BDAY and ANNIVERSARY vCard field
+vcard-bday-anniversary-header = Posebni datumi
+vcard-bday-anniversary-add = Dodaj poseben datum
+vcard-bday-label = Rojstni dan
+vcard-anniversary-label = Obletnica
+vcard-date-day = dan
+vcard-date-month = mesec
+vcard-date-year = leto
+# ADR vCard field
+vcard-adr-header = Naslovi
+vcard-adr-add = Dodaj naslov
+vcard-adr-label = Naslov
+vcard-adr-delivery-label = Oznaka za dostavo
+vcard-adr-street = Ulica
+# Or "Locality"
+vcard-adr-locality = Mesto
+# Or "Region"
+vcard-adr-region = Okrožje/pokrajina
+# The term "ZIP code" only applies in USA. Most locales should use "Postal code" only.
+vcard-adr-code = Poštna številka
+vcard-adr-country = Država
+# NOTE vCard field
+vcard-note-header = Opombe
+vcard-note-add = Dodaj opombo
+# TITLE, ROLE and ORGANIZATION vCard fields
+vcard-org-header = Podatki organizacije
+vcard-org-add = Dodaj podatke o organizaciji
+vcard-org-title = Naziv
+vcard-org-role = Funkcija
+vcard-org-org = Organizacija
+vcard-org-org-input =
+ .title = Ime organizacije
+ .placeholder = Ime podjetja
+vcard-org-org-unit = Oddelek
+vcard-org-org-unit-input =
+ .title = Ime organizacijske enote
+ .placeholder = Oddelek
+# Custom properties
+vcard-custom-header = Lastnosti po meri
+vcard-custom-add = Dodaj lastnosti po meri
+vcard-remove-button-title =
+ .title = Odstrani
+vcard-remove-button = Odstrani
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/appmenu.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/appmenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83865c0442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/appmenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Sync
+appmenu-sync-panel-title =
+ .title = Sinhronizacija
+appmenu-signin-panel =
+ .label = Prijava v sinhronizacijo
+ .accesskey = i
+appmenu-sync-manage =
+ .value = Upravljanje računa
+ .accesskey = U
+appmenu-sync-account =
+ .value =
+appmenu-sync-now =
+ .label = Sinhroniziraj zdaj
+ .accesskey = z
+appmenu-sync-settings =
+ .label = Nastavitve sinhronizacije
+ .accesskey = t
+appmenu-sync-sign-out =
+ .label = Odjava …
+ .accesskey = O
+## New Account
+appmenu-new-account-panel-title =
+ .title = Nov račun
+appmenu-new-account-panel =
+ .label = Nov račun
+ .accesskey = N
+appmenu-create-new-mail-account =
+ .label = Pridobite nov naslov
+ .accesskey = b
+appmenu-new-mail-account =
+ .label = Obstoječ e-poštni naslov
+ .accesskey = O
+appmenu-new-calendar =
+ .label = Koledar
+ .accesskey = K
+appmenu-new-chat-account =
+ .label = Klepet
+ .accesskey = l
+appmenu-new-feed =
+ .label = Vir
+ .accesskey = V
+appmenu-new-newsgroup =
+ .label = Novičarska skupina
+ .accesskey = N
+## New Account / Address Book
+appmenu-newab-panel-title =
+ .title = Nov imenik
+appmenu-newab-panel =
+ .label = Nov imenik
+ .accesskey = i
+appmenu-new-addressbook =
+ .label = Krajevni imenik
+ .accesskey = K
+appmenu-new-carddav =
+ .label = Imenik CardDav
+ .accesskey = C
+appmenu-new-ldap =
+ .label = Imenik LDAP
+ .accesskey = L
+## Create
+appmenu-create-panel-title =
+ .title = Ustvari
+appmenu-create-panel =
+ .label = Ustvari
+ .accesskey = U
+appmenu-create-message =
+ .label = Sporočilo
+ .accesskey = S
+appmenu-create-event =
+ .label = Dogodek
+ .accesskey = g
+appmenu-create-task =
+ .label = Opravilo
+ .accesskey = O
+appmenu-create-contact =
+ .label = Stik
+ .accesskey = k
+## Open
+appmenu-open-file-panel =
+ .label = Odpri iz datoteke
+ .accesskey = O
+appmenu-open-file-panel-title =
+ .title = Odpri iz datoteke
+appmenu-open-message =
+ .label = Sporočilo …
+ .accesskey = S
+appmenu-open-calendar =
+ .label = Koledar …
+ .accesskey = K
+## View / Layout
+appmenu-view-panel-title =
+ .title = Pogled
+appmenu-view-panel =
+ .label = Pogled
+ .accesskey = P
+appmenu-font-size-value = Velikost pisave
+appmenu-mail-uidensity-value = Gostota
+appmenu-uidensity-compact =
+ .tooltiptext = Strnjeno
+appmenu-uidensity-default =
+ .tooltiptext = Privzeto
+appmenu-uidensity-relaxed =
+ .tooltiptext = Razmaknjeno
+appmenuitem-font-size-enlarge =
+ .tooltiptext = Povečaj velikost pisave
+appmenuitem-font-size-reduce =
+ .tooltiptext = Zmanjšajte velikost pisave
+# Variables:
+# $size (String) - The current font size.
+appmenuitem-font-size-reset =
+ .label = { $size } pik
+ .tooltiptext = Ponastavi velikost pisave
+## Tools
+appmenu-tools-panel-title =
+ .title = Orodja
+appmenu-tools-panel =
+ .label = Orodja
+ .accesskey = O
+appmenu-tools-import =
+ .label = Uvozi
+ .accesskey = U
+appmenu-tools-export =
+ .label = Izvozi
+ .accesskey = I
+appmenu-tools-message-search =
+ .label = Išči po sporočilih
+ .accesskey = š
+appmenu-tools-message-filters =
+ .label = Filtri sporočil
+ .accesskey = F
+appmenu-tools-download-manager =
+ .label = Upravitelj prenosov
+ .accesskey = p
+appmenu-tools-activity-manager =
+ .label = Upravitelj dejavnosti
+ .accesskey = d
+appmenu-tools-dev-tools =
+ .label = Orodja za razvijalce
+ .accesskey = z
+## Help
+appmenu-help-panel-title =
+ .title = Pomoč
+appmenu-help-get-help =
+ .label = Poiščite pomoč
+ .accesskey = P
+appmenu-help-explore-features =
+ .label = Raziščite možnosti
+ .accesskey = š
+appmenu-help-shortcuts =
+ .label = Bližnjice na tipkovnici
+ .accesskey = ž
+appmenu-help-get-involved =
+ .label = Pridružite se
+ .accesskey = u
+appmenu-help-donation =
+ .label = Donirajte
+ .accesskey = D
+appmenu-help-share-feedback =
+ .label = Sporočite ideje in povratne informacije
+ .accesskey = S
+appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode2 =
+ .label = Način za odpravljanje težav …
+ .accesskey = r
+appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode2 =
+ .label = Izključi način za odpravljanje težav
+ .accesskey = I
+appmenu-help-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Podatki za odpravljanje težav
+ .accesskey = a
+appmenu-help-about-product =
+ .label = O { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") }
+ .accesskey = O
+## Application Update
+appmenuitem-banner-update-downloading =
+ .label = Prenašanje posodobitve za { -brand-shorter-name(sklon: "tozilnik") }
+appmenuitem-banner-update-available =
+ .label = Na voljo je posodobitev – prenesi zdaj
+appmenuitem-banner-update-manual =
+ .label = Na voljo je posodobitev – prenesi zdaj
+appmenuitem-banner-update-unsupported =
+ .label = Posodobitev ni mogoča – nezdružljiv sistem
+appmenuitem-banner-update-restart =
+ .label = Na voljo je posodobitev – zaženi znova
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat-verifySession.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat-verifySession.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc8d4fccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat-verifySession.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+verify-window-title = Preveri istovetnost
+# Variables:
+# $subject (String) - a human readable identifier for the other side of the verification flow.
+verify-window-subject-title = Preveri istovetnost { $subject }
+verify-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Ujema se
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = U
+ .buttonlabelextra2 = Ne ujema se
+ .buttonaccesskeyextra2 = N
+challenge-label = Preverite, ali se prikazani niz ujema s prikazanim na drugem koncu.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9e2fe04a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/chat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+chat-joining-chat-icon2 =
+ .alt = Pridruževanje klepetu
+chat-left-chat-icon2 =
+ .alt = Zapustil klepet
+chat-participant-owner-role-icon2 =
+ .alt = Lastnik
+chat-participant-administrator-role-icon2 =
+ .alt = Skrbnik
+chat-participant-moderator-role-icon2 =
+ .alt = Moderator
+chat-participant-voiced-role-icon2 =
+ .alt = Udeleženec lahko objavlja sporočila
+chat-verify-identity =
+ .label = Preveri istovetnost
+ .accesskey = i
+chat-identity-verified =
+ .label = Istovetnost je že preverjena
+chat-buddy-identity-status = Zaupanje šifriranju
+chat-buddy-identity-status-verified = Preverjen
+chat-buddy-identity-status-unverified = Nepreverjen
+## Conversation invite notification box
+# This string appears in a notification bar at the top of the Contacts window
+# when someone invited the user to a multi user chat conversation, to request
+# the user to confirm they want to join the chat.
+# Variables:
+# $conversation (String) - Name of the conversation the user is invited to.
+chat-conv-invite-label = Povabljeni ste h klepetu v { $conversation }
+chat-conv-invite-accept =
+ .label = Sprejmi
+ .accesskey = S
+chat-conv-invite-deny =
+ .label = Zavrni
+ .accesskey = Z
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/compactFoldersDialog.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/compactFoldersDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34a7666945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/compactFoldersDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+compact-dialog-window =
+ .title = Strni mape
+ .style = width: 50em;
+compact-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Strni zdaj
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = S
+ .buttonlabelcancel = Opomni me pozneje
+ .buttonaccesskeycancel = p
+ .buttonlabelextra1 = Več o tem …
+ .buttonaccesskeyextra1 = V
+# Variables:
+# $data (String): The amount of space to be freed, formatted byte, MB, GB, etc., based on the size.
+compact-dialog-message = Za izboljšanje delovanja e-poštnih map mora { -brand-short-name } občasno opraviti vzdrževanje datotek. S tem bo obnovil { $data } prostora na disku, ne da bi kakorkoli spremenil sporočila. Če želite, da { -brand-short-name } v prihodnje to stori samodejno brez spraševanja, obkljukajte spodnje polje, preden izberete "{ compact-dialog.buttonlabelaccept }".
+compact-dialog-never-ask-checkbox =
+ .label = V prihodnje samodejno strnjuj mape
+ .accesskey = m
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/exportDialog.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/exportDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40e0fb7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/exportDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+export-dialog-brand-name = { -brand-product-name }
+export-dialog-title = Izvozi
+export-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Naprej
+export-dialog-button-finish = Dokončaj
+export-dialog-file-picker = Izvozi v datoteko .zip
+export-dialog-description1 = Izvozite poštne račune, sporočila, imenike in nastavitve v stisnjeno datoteko.
+export-dialog-desc2 = Ob potrebi lahko obnovite svoj profil z uvozom datoteke .zip.
+export-dialog-exporting = Izvažanje …
+export-dialog-exported = Izvoženo!
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/extensions/popup.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/extensions/popup.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91fdcef9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/extensions/popup.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+close-shortcut =
+ .key = w
+# Variables:
+# $title (String): the title of the popup window
+extension-popup-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] { $title }
+ *[other] { $title } – { -brand-full-name }
+ }
+extension-popup-default-title = { -brand-full-name }
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/importDialog.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/importDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ed3f1b750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/importDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Short name of the import module
+thunderbird-import-name = Thunderbird
+# Description of the import module
+thunderbird-import-description = Uvozite pošto iz Thunderbirdove mape s profilom.
+import-from-thunderbird-zip =
+ .label = Thunderbirda (izvožena varnostna kopija profila; datoteka .zip, manjša od 2 GB)
+ .accesskey = Z
+import-from-thunderbird-dir =
+ .label = Thunderbirda (mapa s profilom)
+ .accesskey = T
+import-select-profile-zip = Izberite stisnjeno mapo s profilom
+import-select-profile-dir = Izberite mapo s profilom
+zip-file-too-big-title = Datoteka .zip je prevelika
+zip-file-too-big-message = Izbrana datoteka .zip je večje od 2 GB. Namesto uvoza jo ekstrahirajte, nato pa uvozite ekstrahirano mapo.
+wizardpage-failed =
+ .label = Uvoz neuspešen
+wizardpage-failed-message = Uvoz je nepričakovano spodletel. Več podatkov je morda na voljo v konzoli napak.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/mailWidgets.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/mailWidgets.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3d4876f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/mailWidgets.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+apply-current-view-to-menu =
+ .label = Uporabi trenutni pogled za …
+threadpane-apply-changes-prompt-title = Uveljavi spremembe?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+threadpane-apply-changes-prompt-no-children-text = Uporabi pogled trenutne mape za { $name }?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+threadpane-apply-changes-prompt-with-children-text = Uporabi pogled trenutne mape za { $name } in njene podrejene?
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9466c85446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+toolbar-context-menu-menu-bar =
+ .toolbarname = Vrstica z menijem
+ .accesskey = m
+## Tools Menu
+menu-tools-settings =
+ .label = Nastavitve
+ .accesskey = t
+menu-addons-and-themes =
+ .label = Dodatki in teme
+ .accesskey = D
+## Help Menu
+menu-help-help-title =
+ .label = Pomoč
+ .accesskey = m
+menu-help-get-help =
+ .label = Poiščite pomoč
+ .accesskey = P
+menu-help-explore-features =
+ .label = Raziščite možnosti
+ .accesskey = š
+menu-help-shortcuts =
+ .label = Bližnjice na tipkovnici
+ .accesskey = ž
+menu-help-get-involved =
+ .label = Pridružite se
+ .accesskey = u
+menu-help-donation =
+ .label = Donirajte
+ .accesskey = D
+menu-help-share-feedback =
+ .label = Sporočite ideje in povratne informacije
+ .accesskey = S
+menu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Način za odpravljanje težav …
+ .accesskey = r
+menu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Izključi način za odpravljanje težav
+ .accesskey = I
+menu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Več podatkov za odpravljanje težav
+ .accesskey = V
+menu-help-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Podatki za odpravljanje težav
+ .accesskey = a
+menu-help-about-product =
+ .label = O { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") }
+ .accesskey = O
+# These menu-quit strings are only used on Windows and Linux.
+menu-quit =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Izhod
+ *[other] Izhod
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] h
+ *[other] h
+ }
+# This menu-quit-mac string is only used on macOS.
+menu-quit-mac =
+ .label = Izhod iz { -brand-shorter-name(sklon: "rodilnik") }
+quit-app-shortcut =
+ .key = h
+## Mail Toolbar
+toolbar-junk-button =
+ .label = Neželeno
+ .tooltiptext = Označi izbrana sporočila kot neželena
+toolbar-not-junk-button =
+ .label = Ni neželeno
+ .tooltiptext = Označi izbrana sporočila kot želena
+toolbar-delete-button =
+ .label = Izbriši
+ .tooltiptext = Izbriši izbrana sporočila ali mapo
+toolbar-undelete-button =
+ .label = Prekliči brisanje
+ .tooltiptext = Razveljavi izbris izbranih sporočil
+## View
+menu-view-repair-text-encoding =
+ .label = Popravi kodiranje besedila
+ .accesskey = r
+## View / Layout
+menu-font-size-label =
+ .label = Velikost pisave
+ .accesskey = o
+menuitem-font-size-enlarge =
+ .label = Povečaj velikost pisave
+ .accesskey = v
+menuitem-font-size-reduce =
+ .label = Zmanjšaj velikost pisave
+ .accesskey = m
+menuitem-font-size-reset =
+ .label = Ponastavi velikost pisave
+ .accesskey = n
+mail-uidensity-label =
+ .label = Gostota
+ .accesskey = G
+mail-uidensity-compact =
+ .label = Strnjeno
+ .accesskey = S
+mail-uidensity-normal =
+ .label = Običajno
+ .accesskey = O
+mail-uidensity-touch =
+ .label = Dotik
+ .accesskey = D
+mail-uidensity-default =
+ .label = Privzeto
+ .accesskey = P
+mail-uidensity-relaxed =
+ .label = Razmaknjeno
+ .accesskey = R
+menu-spaces-toolbar-button =
+ .label = Vrstica komponent
+ .accesskey = k
+## File
+file-new-newsgroup-account =
+ .label = Račun za novičarsko skupino …
+ .accesskey = č
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messageheader/headerFields.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messageheader/headerFields.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd0d36a22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messageheader/headerFields.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Header lists
+message-header-to-list-name = Za
+message-header-from-list-name = Od
+message-header-sender-list-name = Pošiljatelj
+message-header-reply-to-list-name = Odgovori na
+message-header-cc-list-name = Kp
+message-header-bcc-list-name = Skp
+message-header-newsgroups-list-name = Novičarske skupine
+message-header-tags-list-name = Oznake
+## Other message headers.
+## The field-separator is for screen readers to separate the field name from the field value.
+message-header-author-field = Avtor:
+message-header-organization-field = Organizacija:
+message-header-subject-field = Zadeva:
+message-header-followup-to-field = Nadaljuj na:
+message-header-date-field = Datum:
+message-header-user-agent-field = Uporabniški agent:
+message-header-references-field = Sklici:
+message-header-message-id-field = ID sporočila:
+message-header-in-reply-to-field = V odgovor na:
+message-header-website-field = Spletno mesto:
+# An additional email header field that the user has chosen to display. Unlike
+# the other headers, the name of this header is not expected to be localised
+# because it is generated from the raw field name found in the email header.
+# $fieldName (String) - The field name.
+message-header-custom-field = { $fieldName }:
+message-header-address-in-address-book-icon2 =
+ .alt = V imeniku
+message-header-address-not-in-address-book-icon2 =
+ .alt = Ni v imeniku
+message-header-address-not-in-address-book-button =
+ .title = Shrani ta naslov v imenik
+message-header-address-in-address-book-button =
+ .title = Uredi stik
+message-header-field-show-more = Več
+ .title = Prikaži vse prejemnike
+message-ids-field-show-all = Prikaži vse
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8de00db0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Window controls
+messenger-window-minimize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Pomanjšaj
+messenger-window-maximize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Povečaj
+messenger-window-restore-down-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Obnovi navzdol
+messenger-window-close-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Zapri
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of unread messages.
+unread-messages-os-tooltip =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] 1 neprebrano sporočilo
+ [two] { $count } neprebrani sporočili
+ [few] { $count } neprebrana sporočila
+ *[other] { $count } neprebranih sporočil
+ }
+about-rights-notification-text = { -brand-short-name } je brezplačen in odprtokoden program, ki ga ustvarja skupnost tisočev prostovoljcev z vsega sveta.
+## Content tabs
+content-tab-page-loading-icon =
+ .alt = Stran se nalaga
+content-tab-security-high-icon =
+ .alt = Povezava je varna
+content-tab-security-broken-icon =
+ .alt = Povezava ni zavarovana
+## Toolbar
+addons-and-themes-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = Dodatki in teme
+ .tooltiptext = Upravljanje dodatkov
+quick-filter-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = Hitri filter
+ .tooltiptext = Filtriraj sporočila
+redirect-msg-button =
+ .label = Preusmeri
+ .tooltiptext = Preusmeri izbrano sporočilo
+## Folder Pane
+folder-pane-toolbar =
+ .toolbarname = Orodna vrstica podokna map
+ .accesskey = O
+folder-pane-toolbar-options-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Možnosti podokna map
+folder-pane-header-label = Mape
+## Folder Toolbar Header Popup
+folder-toolbar-hide-toolbar-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = Skrij orodno vrstico
+ .accesskey = S
+show-all-folders-label =
+ .label = Vse mape
+ .accesskey = V
+show-unread-folders-label =
+ .label = Neprebrane mape
+ .accesskey = N
+show-favorite-folders-label =
+ .label = Priljubljene mape
+ .accesskey = P
+show-smart-folders-label =
+ .label = Poenotene mape
+ .accesskey = e
+show-recent-folders-label =
+ .label = Nedavne mape
+ .accesskey = d
+folder-toolbar-toggle-folder-compact-view =
+ .label = Zgoščen pogled
+ .accesskey = Z
+## Menu
+redirect-msg-menuitem =
+ .label = Preusmeri
+ .accesskey = u
+menu-file-save-as-file =
+ .label = Datoteko …
+ .accesskey = D
+## AppMenu
+appmenu-save-as-file =
+ .label = Datoteko …
+appmenu-settings =
+ .label = Nastavitve
+appmenu-addons-and-themes =
+ .label = Dodatki in teme
+appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Način za odpravljanje težav …
+appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Izključi način za odpravljanje težav
+appmenu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Več podatkov za odpravljanje težav
+appmenu-redirect-msg =
+ .label = Preusmeri
+## Context menu
+context-menu-redirect-msg =
+ .label = Preusmeri
+mail-context-delete-messages =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Izbriši sporočilo
+ [two] Izbriši izbrani sporočili
+ [few] Izbriši izbrana sporočila
+ *[other] Izbriši izbrana sporočila
+ }
+context-menu-decrypt-to-folder =
+ .label = Kopiraj v nešifrirani obliki v
+ .accesskey = f
+## Message header pane
+other-action-redirect-msg =
+ .label = Preusmeri
+message-header-msg-flagged =
+ .title = Označeno z zvezdico
+ .aria-label = Označeno z zvezdico
+# Variables:
+# $address (String) - The email address of the recipient this picture belongs to.
+message-header-recipient-avatar =
+ .alt = Slika profila { $address }.
+## Message header cutomize panel
+message-header-customize-panel-title = Nastavitve glav sporočil
+message-header-customize-button-style =
+ .value = Slog gumbov
+ .accesskey = g
+message-header-button-style-default =
+ .label = Ikone in besedilo
+message-header-button-style-text =
+ .label = Besedilo
+message-header-button-style-icons =
+ .label = Ikone
+message-header-show-sender-full-address =
+ .label = Vedno pokaži polni naslov pošiljatelja
+ .accesskey = p
+message-header-show-sender-full-address-description = E-poštni naslov bo prikazan pod prikaznim imenom.
+message-header-show-recipient-avatar =
+ .label = Prikaži sliko profila pošiljatelja
+ .accesskey = s
+message-header-hide-label-column =
+ .label = Skrij stolpec z oznakami
+ .accesskey = o
+message-header-large-subject =
+ .label = Velika zadeva
+ .accesskey = z
+message-header-all-headers =
+ .label = Prikaži vse glave
+ .accesskey = v
+## Action Button Context Menu
+toolbar-context-menu-manage-extension =
+ .label = Upravljaj razširitev
+ .accesskey = U
+toolbar-context-menu-remove-extension =
+ .label = Odstrani razširitev
+ .accesskey = s
+## Add-on removal warning
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the addon that will be removed.
+addon-removal-title = Odstranim { $name }?
+addon-removal-confirmation-button = Odstrani
+addon-removal-confirmation-message = Odstranim { $name } skupaj z njegovimi nastavitvami in podatki iz { -brand-short-name(sklon: "rodilnik") }
+caret-browsing-prompt-title = Brskanje s kazalko
+caret-browsing-prompt-text = Tipka F7 vključi ali izključi brskanje s kazalko. Ta možnost na nekatero vsebino postavi premični kazalec, ki vam omogoča izbiro besedila s tipkovnico. Ali želite vključiti brskanje s kazalko?
+caret-browsing-prompt-check-text = Ne sprašuj več.
+repair-text-encoding-button =
+ .label = Popravi kodiranje besedila
+ .tooltiptext = Ugani pravilni nabor znakov iz vsebine sporočila
+## no-reply handling
+no-reply-title = Odgovori niso podprti
+no-reply-message = Naslov za odgovor ({ $email }) ni videti kot spremljan naslov. Sporočil, poslanih na ta naslov, verjetno ne bo nihče prebral.
+no-reply-reply-anyway-button = Vseeno odgovori
+## error messages
+decrypt-and-copy-failures =
+ { $failures ->
+ [one] { $failures } od { $total } sporočil ni bilo mogoče dešifrirati, zato ni bilo kopirano.
+ [two] { $failures } od { $total } sporočil ni bilo mogoče dešifrirati, zato nista bili kopirani.
+ [few] { $failures } od { $total } sporočil ni bilo mogoče dešifrirati, zato niso bila kopirana.
+ *[other] { $failures } od { $total } sporočil ni bilo mogoče dešifrirati, zato niso bila kopirana.
+ }
+## Spaces toolbar
+spaces-toolbar-element =
+ .toolbarname = Vrstica komponent
+ .aria-label = Vrstica komponent
+ .aria-description = Navpična orodna vrstica za preklop med komponentami programa. Za premikanje med razpoložljivimi gumbi lahko uporabite tipke s puščicami.
+spaces-toolbar-button-mail2 =
+ .title = Pošta
+spaces-toolbar-button-address-book2 =
+ .title = Imenik
+spaces-toolbar-button-calendar2 =
+ .title = Koledar
+spaces-toolbar-button-tasks2 =
+ .title = Opravila
+spaces-toolbar-button-chat2 =
+ .title = Klepet
+spaces-toolbar-button-overflow =
+ .title = Več komponent …
+spaces-toolbar-button-settings2 =
+ .title = Nastavitve
+spaces-toolbar-button-hide =
+ .title = Skrij vrstico komponent
+spaces-toolbar-button-show =
+ .title = Prikaži vrstico komponent
+spaces-context-new-tab-item =
+ .label = Odpri v novem zavihku
+spaces-context-new-window-item =
+ .label = Odpri v novem oknu
+# Variables:
+# $tabName (String) - The name of the tab this item will switch to.
+spaces-context-switch-tab-item =
+ .label = Preklopi na { $tabName }
+settings-context-open-settings-item2 =
+ .label = Nastavitve
+settings-context-open-account-settings-item2 =
+ .label = Nastavitve računa
+settings-context-open-addons-item2 =
+ .label = Dodatki in teme
+## Spaces toolbar pinned tab menupopup
+spaces-toolbar-pinned-tab-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Odpri meni s komponentami
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-mail2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-mail2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-address-book2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-address-book2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-calendar2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-calendar2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-tasks2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-tasks2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-chat2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-chat2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-settings2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-settings2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-show =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-show.title }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of unread messages.
+chat-button-unread-messages = { $count }
+ .title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $count } neprebrano sporočilo
+ [two] { $count } neprebrani sporočili
+ [few] { $count } neprebrana sporočila
+ *[other] { $count } neprebranih sporočil
+ }
+## Spaces toolbar customize panel
+menuitem-customize-label =
+ .label = Prilagodi …
+spaces-customize-panel-title = Nastavitve vrstice komponent
+spaces-customize-background-color = Barva ozadja
+spaces-customize-icon-color = Barva gumbov
+# The background color used on the buttons of the spaces toolbar when they are
+# `current`, meaning the related space/tab is active and visible.
+spaces-customize-accent-background-color = Barva ozadja izbranega gumba
+# The icon color used on the buttons of the spaces toolbar when they are
+# `current`, meaning the related space/tab is active and visible.
+spaces-customize-accent-text-color = Barva izbranega gumba
+spaces-customize-button-restore = Povrni privzeto
+ .accesskey = v
+customize-panel-button-save = Končano
+ .accesskey = K
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3219e5c515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Send Format
+compose-send-format-menu =
+ .label = Oblika pošiljanja
+ .accesskey = O
+compose-send-auto-menu-item =
+ .label = Samodejno
+ .accesskey = a
+compose-send-both-menu-item =
+ .label = HTML in navadno besedilo
+ .accesskey = i
+compose-send-html-menu-item =
+ .label = Samo HTML
+ .accesskey = H
+compose-send-plain-menu-item =
+ .label = Samo navadno besedilo
+ .accesskey = n
+## Addressing widget
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row
+remove-address-row-button =
+ .title = Odstrani polje { $type }
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row
+# $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row
+address-input-type-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [0] { $type }
+ [one] { $type } z enim naslovom, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da ga izberete.
+ [two] { $type } z { $count } naslovoma, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da ju izberete.
+ [few] { $type } s { $count } naslovi, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da jih izberete.
+ *[other] { $type } s { $count } naslovi, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da jih izberete.
+ }
+# $email (String) - the email address
+# $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row
+pill-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $email }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev
+ [two] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev
+ [few] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev
+ *[other] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev
+ }
+# $email (String) - the email address
+pill-tooltip-invalid-address = { $email } ni veljaven e-poštni naslov
+# $email (String) - the email address
+pill-tooltip-not-in-address-book = Naslova { $email } ni v vašem imeniku
+pill-action-edit =
+ .label = Uredi naslov
+ .accesskey = U
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row, e.g. Cc, Bcc, etc.
+pill-action-select-all-sibling-pills =
+ .label = Izberi vse naslove v { $type }
+ .accesskey = v
+pill-action-select-all-pills =
+ .label = Izberi vse naslove
+ .accesskey = s
+pill-action-move-to =
+ .label = Premakni v Za
+ .accesskey = Z
+pill-action-move-cc =
+ .label = Premakni v Kp
+ .accesskey = K
+pill-action-move-bcc =
+ .label = Premakni v Skp
+ .accesskey = S
+pill-action-expand-list =
+ .label = Razširi seznam
+ .accesskey = š
+## Attachment widget
+ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⇧ ⌘{ " " }
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+
+ }
+trigger-attachment-picker-key = A
+toggle-attachment-pane-key = M
+menuitem-toggle-attachment-pane =
+ .label = Podokno za priponke
+ .accesskey = p
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }
+toolbar-button-add-attachment =
+ .label = Pripni
+ .tooltiptext = Dodaj priponko ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key })
+add-attachment-notification-reminder2 =
+ .label = Dodaj priponko …
+ .accesskey = p
+ .tooltiptext = { toolbar-button-add-attachment.tooltiptext }
+menuitem-attach-files =
+ .label = Datoteke …
+ .accesskey = D
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }
+context-menuitem-attach-files =
+ .label = Pripni datoteke …
+ .accesskey = d
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }
+# Note: Do not translate the term 'vCard'.
+context-menuitem-attach-vcard =
+ .label = Moja vizitka vCard
+ .accesskey = C
+context-menuitem-attach-openpgp-key =
+ .label = Moj javni ključ OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = k
+# $count (Number) - the number of attachments in the attachment bucket
+attachment-bucket-count-value =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $count } priponka
+ [two] { $count } priponki
+ [few] { $count } priponke
+ *[other] { $count } priponk
+ }
+attachment-area-show =
+ .title = Prikaži podokno s priponkami ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key })
+attachment-area-hide =
+ .title = Skrij podokno s priponkami ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key })
+drop-file-label-attachment =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Dodaj kot priponko
+ [two] Dodaj kot priponki
+ [few] Dodaj kot priponke
+ *[other] Dodaj kot priponke
+ }
+drop-file-label-inline =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Dodaj v vrstico
+ [two] Dodaj v vrstico
+ [few] Dodaj v vrstico
+ *[other] Dodaj v vrstico
+ }
+## Reorder Attachment Panel
+move-attachment-first-panel-button =
+ .label = Premakni na začetek
+move-attachment-left-panel-button =
+ .label = Premakni levo
+move-attachment-right-panel-button =
+ .label = Premakni desno
+move-attachment-last-panel-button =
+ .label = Premakni na konec
+button-return-receipt =
+ .label = Povratnica
+ .tooltiptext = Zahtevaj potrdilo o prejemu za to sporočilo
+## Encryption
+encryption-menu =
+ .label = Varnost
+ .accesskey = a
+encryption-toggle =
+ .label = Šifriraj
+ .tooltiptext = Za to sporočilo uporabi šifriranje od konca do konca
+encryption-options-openpgp =
+ .label = OpenPGP
+ .tooltiptext = Preglejte ali spremenite nastavitve šifriranja OpenPGP
+encryption-options-smime =
+ .label = S/MIME
+ .tooltiptext = Preglejte ali spremenite nastavitve šifriranja S/MIME
+signing-toggle =
+ .label = Podpiši
+ .tooltiptext = Za to sporočilo uporabi digitalni podpis
+menu-openpgp =
+ .label = OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = O
+menu-smime =
+ .label = S/MIME
+ .accesskey = S
+menu-encrypt =
+ .label = Šifriraj
+ .accesskey = Š
+menu-encrypt-subject =
+ .label = Šifriraj zadevo
+ .accesskey = z
+menu-sign =
+ .label = Digitalno podpiši
+ .accesskey = i
+menu-manage-keys =
+ .label = Pomočnik za ključe
+ .accesskey = P
+menu-view-certificates =
+ .label = Prikaži digitalna potrdila prejemnikov
+ .accesskey = g
+menu-open-key-manager =
+ .label = Upravitelj ključev
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-key-issue-notification-one = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključem za { $addr }
+openpgp-key-issue-notification-many = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnikov.
+smime-cert-issue-notification-one = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $addr }
+smime-cert-issue-notification-many = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnikov.
+key-notification-disable-encryption =
+ .label = Ne šifriraj
+ .accesskey = N
+ .tooltiptext = Onemogoči šifriranje od konca do konca
+key-notification-resolve =
+ .label = Razreši …
+ .accesskey = R
+ .tooltiptext = Odpri pomočnika za ključe OpenPGP
+can-encrypt-smime-notification = Možno je šifriranje od konca do konca S/MIME.
+can-encrypt-openpgp-notification = Možno je šifriranje od konca do konca OpenPGP.
+can-e2e-encrypt-button =
+ .label = Šifriraj
+ .accesskey = Š
+## Addressing Area
+to-address-row-label =
+ .value = Za
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-to-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = Polje Za
+ .accesskey = Z
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-to-row-button text.
+show-to-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = Za
+ .accesskey = Z
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-to-row-button = Za
+ .title = Prikaži polje Za ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+cc-address-row-label =
+ .value = Kp
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-cc-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = Polje Kp
+ .accesskey = K
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-cc-row-button text.
+show-cc-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = Kp
+ .accesskey = K
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-cc-row-button = Kp
+ .title = Prikaži polje Kp ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+bcc-address-row-label =
+ .value = Skp
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-bcc-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = Polje Skp
+ .accesskey = S
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-bcc-row-button text.
+show-bcc-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = Skp
+ .accesskey = S
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-bcc-row-button = Skp
+ .title = Prikaži polje Skp ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+extra-address-rows-menu-button =
+ .title = Druga polja za naslavljanje, ki naj bodo prikazana
+# $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the "To" and "Cc" fields.
+many-public-recipients-notice =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Sporočilo ima javnega prejemnika. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp.
+ [two] Prejemnika v poljih Za in Kp bosta videla naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp.
+ [few] { $count } prejemniki v poljih Za in Kp bodo videli naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp.
+ *[other] { $count } prejemnikov v poljih Za in Kp bo videlo naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp.
+ }
+many-public-recipients-bcc =
+ .label = Raje uporabi Skp
+ .accesskey = S
+many-public-recipients-ignore =
+ .label = Naj bodo prejemniki javni
+ .accesskey = N
+many-public-recipients-prompt-title = Preveč javnih prejemnikov
+# $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the public recipients fields.
+many-public-recipients-prompt-msg =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Sporočilo ima javnega prejemnika. Če to ogroža njegovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da ga premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp.
+ [two] Sporočilo ima { $count } javna prejemnika. Če to ogroža njuno zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da ju premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp.
+ [few] Sporočilo ima { $count } javne prejemnike. Če to ogroža njihovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da jih premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp.
+ *[other] Sporočilo ima { $count } javnih prejemnikov. Če to ogroža njihovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da jih premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp.
+ }
+many-public-recipients-prompt-cancel = Prekliči pošiljanje
+many-public-recipients-prompt-send = Vseeno pošlji
+## Notifications
+# Variables:
+# $identity (string) - The name of the used identity, most likely an email address.
+compose-missing-identity-warning = Edinstvene identitete za naslov v polju Od ni bilo mogoče najti. Sporočilo bo poslano z uporabo trenutnega polja Od in nastavitev za identiteto { $identity }.
+encrypted-bcc-warning = Ko pošiljate šifrirano sporočilo, prejemniki skrite kopije niso popolnoma skriti. Morda jih bodo lahko prepoznali vsi prejemniki.
+encrypted-bcc-ignore-button = Razumem
+## Editing
+# Tools
+compose-tool-button-remove-text-styling =
+ .tooltiptext = Odstrani oblikovanje besedila
+## Filelink
+# A text used in a tooltip of Filelink attachments, whose account has been
+# removed or is unknown.
+cloud-file-unknown-account-tooltip = Naloženo v neznan račun Filelink.
+# Placeholder file
+# Title for the html placeholder file.
+# $filename - name of the file
+cloud-file-placeholder-title = { $filename } – priponka Filelink
+# A text describing that the file was attached as a Filelink and can be downloaded
+# from the link shown below.
+# $filename - name of the file
+cloud-file-placeholder-intro = Datoteka { $filename } je priložena kot Filelink. Prenesete jo lahko s spodnje povezave.
+# Template
+# A line of text describing how many uploaded files have been appended to this
+# message. Emphasis should be on sharing as opposed to attaching. This item is
+# used as a header to a list, hence the colon.
+cloud-file-count-header =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteko:
+ [two] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteki:
+ [few] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteke:
+ *[other] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datotek:
+ }
+# A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional
+# information about the used service provider.
+# $link (string) - html a-tag for a link pointing to the web page of the provider
+cloud-file-service-provider-footer-single = Več o ponudniku { $link }.
+# A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional
+# information about the used service providers. Links for the used providers are
+# split into a comma separated list of the first n-1 providers and a single entry
+# at the end.
+# $firstLinks (string) - comma separated list of html a-tags pointing to web pages
+# of the first n-1 used providers
+# $lastLink (string) - html a-tag pointing the web page of the n-th used provider
+cloud-file-service-provider-footer-multiple = Več o ponudnikih { $firstLinks } in { $lastLink }.
+# Tooltip for an icon, indicating that the link is protected by a password.
+cloud-file-tooltip-password-protected-link = Z geslom zaščitena povezava
+# Used in a list of stats about a specific file
+# Service - the used service provider to host the file (Filelink Service:
+# Size - the size of the file (Size: 4.2 MB)
+# Link - the link to the file (Link:
+# Expiry Date - stating the date the link will expire (Expiry Date: 12.12.2022)
+# Download Limit - stating the maximum allowed downloads, before the link becomes invalid
+# (Download Limit: 6)
+cloud-file-template-service-name = Storitev Filelink:
+cloud-file-template-size = Velikost:
+cloud-file-template-link = Povezava:
+cloud-file-template-password-protected-link = Z geslom zaščitena povezava:
+cloud-file-template-expiry-date = Datum poteka:
+cloud-file-template-download-limit = Omejitev prenosa:
+# Messages
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+cloud-file-connection-error-title = Napaka v povezavi
+cloud-file-connection-error = { -brand-short-name } je brez povezave. Ni se bilo mogoče povezati s storitvijo { $provider }.
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was uploaded and caused the error
+cloud-file-upload-error-with-custom-message-title = Nalaganje { $filename } na { $size } je spodletelo
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-rename-error-title = Napaka pri preimenovanju
+cloud-file-rename-error = Pri preimenovanju datoteke { $filename } v storitvi { $provider } je prišlo do težave.
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-rename-error-with-custom-message-title = Preimenovanje datoteke { $filename } v storitvi { $provider } je spodletelo
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+cloud-file-rename-not-supported = { $provider } ne omogoča preimenovanja že naloženih datotek.
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-attachment-error-title = Napaka priponke Filelink
+cloud-file-attachment-error = Priponke Filelink { $filename } ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, ker je bila krajevno shranjena datoteka premaknjena ali izbrisana.
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-account-error-title = Napaka računa Filelink
+cloud-file-account-error = Priponke Filelink { $filename } ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, ker je bil račun za Filelink izbrisan.
+## Link Preview
+link-preview-title = Predogled povezave
+link-preview-description = { -brand-short-name } lahko pri lepljenju povezav doda vdelan predogled.
+link-preview-autoadd = Samodejno dodajaj predoglede povezav, kadar je to mogoče
+link-preview-replace-now = Želite dodati predogled za to povezavo?
+link-preview-yes-replace = Da
+## Dictionary selection popup
+spell-add-dictionaries =
+ .label = Dodaj slovarje …
+ .accesskey = D
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/migration.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/migration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc423b6f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/migration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+migration-progress-header = Pripravljanje { -brand-short-name(sklon: "rodilnik") } …
+## Migration tasks
+# These strings are displayed to the user if a migration is taking a long time.
+# They should be short (no more than a handful of words) and in the present tense.
+migration-task-test-fast = Preizkušanje hitre spremembe
+migration-task-test-slow = Preizkušanje počasne spremembe
+migration-task-test-progress = Preizkušanje vrstice z napredkom
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/backupKeyPassword.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/backupKeyPassword.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..600a05fe01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/backupKeyPassword.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+set-password-window =
+ .title = Izberite geslo za varnostno kopiranje ključa OpenPGP
+set-password-legend = Izberite geslo
+set-password-message = Tukaj nastavite geslo za zaščito datoteke z varnostno kopijo tajnega ključa OpenPGP, ki ga pravkar ustvarjate. Preden nadaljujete, morate nastaviti geslo.
+set-password-backup-pw =
+ .value = Geslo za varnostno kopijo tajnega ključa:
+set-password-repeat-backup-pw =
+ .value = Geslo za varnostno kopijo tajnega ključa (ponovno):
+set-password-reminder = Pomembno! Če pozabite geslo varnostne kopije tajnega ključa, je pozneje ne boste mogli obnoviti. Geslo shranite na varnem mestu.
+password-quality-meter = Merilnik kakovosti gesla
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/changeExpiryDlg.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/changeExpiryDlg.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..822f223c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/changeExpiryDlg.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-change-key-expiry-title =
+ .title = Spremeni obdobje veljavnosti ključa
+info-will-expire = Ta ključ je trenutno nastavljen, da mu veljavnost preteče { $date }.
+info-already-expired = Veljavnost tega ključa je že pretekla.
+info-does-not-expire = Ta ključ je trenutno nastavljen, da mu veljavnost ne preteče.
+info-explanation-1 = Potem ko ključ preteče, ga ni več mogoče uporabljati za šifriranje ali digitalno podpisovanje.
+info-explanation-2 = Če želite ta ključ uporabljati dlje časa, mu spremenite datum preteka veljavnosti in nato znova delite javni ključ s svojimi partnerji v pogovorih.
+expire-dont-change =
+ .label = Ne spremeni datuma preteka
+expire-never-label =
+ .label = Knjuč naj nikoli ne preteče
+expire-in-label =
+ .label = Ključ naj preteče čez:
+expire-in-months = mesecev
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/composeKeyStatus.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/composeKeyStatus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba5e39f97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/composeKeyStatus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-compose-key-status-intro-need-keys = Če želite poslati od konca do konca šifrirano sporočilo, morate za vsakega prejemnika pridobiti in sprejeti javni ključ.
+openpgp-compose-key-status-keys-heading = Razpoložljivost ključev OpenPGP:
+openpgp-compose-key-status-title =
+ .title = Varnost sporočil OpenPGP
+openpgp-compose-key-status-recipient =
+ .label = Prejemnik
+openpgp-compose-key-status-status =
+ .label = Stanje
+openpgp-compose-key-status-open-details = Upravljaj ključe za izbranega prejemnika …
+openpgp-recip-good = v redu
+openpgp-recip-missing = ni razpoložljivega ključa
+openpgp-recip-none-accepted = ni sprejetega ključa
+openpgp-compose-general-info-alias-learn-more = Več o tem
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyAssistant.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyAssistant.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24fa27ac83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyAssistant.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-key-assistant-title = Pomočnik za ključe OpenPGP
+openpgp-key-assistant-rogue-warning = Pazite, da ne sprejmete ponarejenega ključa. Da zagotovite, da je pridobljeni ključ pravi, ga morate preveriti. Več o tem …
+## Encryption status
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-issue-header = Ni mogoče šifrirati
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of recipients that need attention.
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-issue-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Za šifriranje morate pridobiti in sprejeti uporaben ključ za enega prejemnika. Več o tem …
+ [two] Za šifriranje morate pridobiti in sprejeti uporaben ključ za { $count } prejemnika. Več o tem …
+ [few] Za šifriranje morate pridobiti in sprejeti uporaben ključ za { $count } prejemnike. Več o tem …
+ *[other] Za šifriranje morate pridobiti in sprejeti uporaben ključ za { $count } prejemnikov. Več o tem …
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-info-alias = { -brand-short-name } običajno zahteva, da prejemnikov javni ključ vsebuje ID uporabnika z ujemajočim se e-poštnim naslovom. To je mogoče preglasiti z uporabo pravil OpenPGP za vzdevek prejemnika. Več o tem …
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of recipients that need attention.
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Uporaben in sprejet ključ že imate za enega prejemnika.
+ [two] Uporaben in sprejet ključ že imate za { $count } prejemnika.
+ [few] Uporaben in sprejet ključ že imate za { $count } prejemnike.
+ *[other] Uporaben in sprejet ključ že imate za { $count } prejemnikov.
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-description-no-issues = To sporočilo je mogoče šifrirati. Za vse prejemnike imate uporabne in sprejete ključe.
+## Resolve section
+# Variables:
+# $recipient (String) - The email address of the recipient needing resolution.
+# $numKeys (Number) - The number of keys.
+openpgp-key-assistant-resolve-title =
+ { $numKeys ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } je za { $recipient } našel naslednji ključ.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } je za { $recipient } našel naslednja ključa.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } je za { $recipient } našel naslednje ključe.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } je za { $recipient } našel naslednje ključe.
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-valid-description = Izberite ključ, ki ga želite sprejeti
+# Variables:
+# $numKeys (Number) - The number of available keys.
+openpgp-key-assistant-invalid-title =
+ { $numKeys ->
+ [one] Naslednjega ključa ni mogoče uporabiti, razen če prejmete posodobitev.
+ [two] Naslednjih ključev ni mogoče uporabiti, razen če prejmete posodobitev.
+ [few] Naslednjih ključev ni mogoče uporabiti, razen če prejmete posodobitev.
+ *[other] Naslednjih ključev ni mogoče uporabiti, razen če prejmete posodobitev.
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-no-key-available = Ni razpoložljivega ključa.
+openpgp-key-assistant-multiple-keys = Na voljo je več ključev.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of unaccepted keys.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-unaccepted =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Na voljo je ključ, ki pa še ni bil sprejet.
+ [two] Na voljo sta dva ključa, vendar še nobeden od njiju ni bil sprejet.
+ [few] Na voljo je več ključev, vendar še nobeden od njih ni bil sprejet.
+ *[other] Na voljo je več ključev, vendar še nobeden od njih ni bil sprejet.
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $date (String) - The expiration date of the key.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-accepted-expired = Sprejetemu ključu je potekla veljavnost { $date }.
+openpgp-key-assistant-keys-accepted-expired = Več sprejetim ključem je potekla veljavnost.
+# Variables:
+# $date (String) - The expiration date of the key.
+openpgp-key-assistant-this-key-accepted-expired = Ta ključ je bil prej sprejet, vendar mu je { $date } potekla veljavnost.
+# Variables:
+# $date (String) - The expiration date of the key.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-unaccepted-expired-one = Ključu je potekla veljavnost { $date }.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-unaccepted-expired-many = Več ključem je potekla veljavnost.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-fingerprint = Prstni odtis
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-source =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Vir
+ [two] Vira
+ [few] Viri
+ *[other] Viri
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-collected-attachment = e-poštna priponka
+# Autocrypt is the name of a standard.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-collected-autocrypt = Glava Autocrypt
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-collected-keyserver = strežnik ključev
+# Web Key Directory (WKD) is a concept.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-collected-wkd = spletni imenik ključev
+openpgp-key-assistant-keys-has-collected =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Najden je bil ključ, vendar še ni bil sprejet.
+ [two] Najdena sta bila dva ključa, vendar še nobeden od njiju ni bil sprejet.
+ [few] Najdenih je bilo več ključev, vendar še nobeden od njih ni bil sprejet.
+ *[other] Najdenih je bilo več ključev, vendar še nobeden od njih ni bil sprejet.
+ }
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-rejected = Ta ključ je bil prej zavrnjen.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-accepted-other = Ta ključ je bil prej sprejet za drug e-poštni naslov.
+# Variables:
+# $recipient (String) - The email address of the recipient needing resolution.
+openpgp-key-assistant-resolve-discover-info = Na spletu odkrijte dodatne ali posodobljene ključe za { $recipient } ali jih uvozite iz datoteke.
+## Discovery section
+openpgp-key-assistant-discover-title = Iskanje na spletu poteka.
+# Variables:
+# $recipient (String) - The email address which we're discovering keys.
+openpgp-key-assistant-discover-keys = Odkrivanje ključev za { $recipient } …
+# Variables:
+# $recipient (String) - The email address which we're discovering keys.
+openpgp-key-assistant-expired-key-update =
+ Najdena je bila posodobitev za enega od predhodno sprejetih ključev za { $recipient }.
+ Zdaj ga je mogoče uporabljati, saj njegova veljavnost ni več pretečena.
+## Dialog buttons
+openpgp-key-assistant-discover-online-button = Odkrij javne ključe na spletu …
+openpgp-key-assistant-import-keys-button = Uvozi javne ključe iz datoteke …
+openpgp-key-assistant-issue-resolve-button = Razreši …
+openpgp-key-assistant-view-key-button = Prikaži ključ …
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-show-button = Pokaži
+openpgp-key-assistant-recipients-hide-button = Skrij
+openpgp-key-assistant-cancel-button = Prekliči
+openpgp-key-assistant-back-button = Nazaj
+openpgp-key-assistant-accept-button = Sprejmi
+openpgp-key-assistant-close-button = Zapri
+openpgp-key-assistant-disable-button = Onemogoči šifriranje
+openpgp-key-assistant-confirm-button = Pošlji šifrirano
+# Variables:
+# $date (String) - The key creation date.
+openpgp-key-assistant-key-created = ustvarjeno { $date }
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyWizard.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyWizard.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbe9db8913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/keyWizard.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# $identity (String) - the email address of the currently selected identity
+key-wizard-dialog-window =
+ .title = Dodaj osebni ključ OpenPGP za { $identity }
+key-wizard-button =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Nadaljuj
+ .buttonlabelhelp = Pojdi nazaj
+key-wizard-warning = Če imate za ta račun obstoječ osebni ključ, ga uvozite. V nasprotnem primeru ne boste imeli dostopa do svojih arhivov šifrirane e-pošte, niti ne boste mogli prebrati šifriranih sporočil ljudi, ki bodo še vedno uporabljali vaš obstoječi ključ.
+key-wizard-learn-more = Več o tem
+radio-create-key =
+ .label = Ustvari nov ključ OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = U
+radio-import-key =
+ .label = Uvozi obstoječ ključ OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = v
+radio-gnupg-key =
+ .label = Uporabi obstoječ ključ preko GnuPG (npr. s pametne kartice)
+ .accesskey = r
+## Generate key section
+openpgp-generate-key-title = Ustvari ključ OpenPGP
+openpgp-generate-key-info = Ustvarjanje ključev lahko traja nekaj minut. Med ustvarjanjem ključev ne zapirajte programa. Dejavno brskanje ali izvajanje zahtevnih opravil na disku bo polnilo "bazen naključnosti" in pospešilo postopek ustvarjanja ključev. Obveščeni boste, ko bo postopek končan.
+openpgp-keygen-expiry-title = Pretek ključa
+openpgp-keygen-expiry-description = Določite datum preteka novo ustvarjenega ključa. Veljavnost lahko pozneje po potrebi podaljšate.
+radio-keygen-expiry =
+ .label = Ključ preteče čez
+ .accesskey = t
+radio-keygen-no-expiry =
+ .label = Ključ ne preteče
+ .accesskey = n
+openpgp-keygen-days-label =
+ .label = dni
+openpgp-keygen-months-label =
+ .label = mesecev
+openpgp-keygen-years-label =
+ .label = let
+openpgp-keygen-advanced-title = Napredne nastavitve
+openpgp-keygen-advanced-description = Nadzirajte napredne nastavitve ključa OpenPGP.
+openpgp-keygen-keytype =
+ .value = Vrsta ključa:
+ .accesskey = V
+openpgp-keygen-keysize =
+ .value = Velikost ključa:
+ .accesskey = o
+openpgp-keygen-type-rsa =
+ .label = RSA
+openpgp-keygen-type-ecc =
+ .label = ECC (eliptična krivulja)
+openpgp-keygen-button = Ustvari ključ
+openpgp-keygen-progress-title = Ustvarjanje vašega novega ključa OpenPGP …
+openpgp-keygen-import-progress-title = Uvažanje vaših ključev OpenPGP …
+openpgp-import-success = Ključi OpenPGP so uspešno uvoženi!
+openpgp-import-success-title = Dokončanje postopka uvoza
+openpgp-import-success-description = Za začetek uporabe uvoženega ključa OpenPGP za šifriranje e-pošte zaprite to pogovorno okno in ga izberite v nastavitvah računa.
+openpgp-keygen-confirm =
+ .label = Potrdi
+openpgp-keygen-dismiss =
+ .label = Prekliči
+openpgp-keygen-cancel =
+ .label = Prekliči postopek …
+openpgp-keygen-import-complete =
+ .label = Zapri
+ .accesskey = Z
+openpgp-keygen-missing-username = Za trenutni račun ni določenega imena. V nastavitvah računa vpišite ime v polje "Vaše ime".
+openpgp-keygen-long-expiry = Ne morete ustvariti ključa, ki preteče čez več kot 100 let.
+openpgp-keygen-short-expiry = Ključ mora biti veljaven vsaj en dan.
+openpgp-keygen-ongoing = Ustvarjanje ključev že poteka!
+openpgp-keygen-error-failed = Ustvarjanje ključev OpenPGP je nepričakovano spodletelo
+# $identity (String) - the newly generate OpenPGP Key
+openpgp-keygen-error-revocation = Ključ OpenPGP je bil uspešno ustvarjen, ni pa bilo mogoče pridobiti preklica za ključ { $key }
+openpgp-keygen-abort-title = Prekini ustvarjanje ključev?
+openpgp-keygen-abort = V teku je ustvarjanje ključev OpenPGP, ali ste prepričani, da ga želite prekiniti?
+# $identity (String) - the name and email address of the currently selected identity
+openpgp-key-confirm = Ustvari javni in tajni ključ za { $identity }?
+## Import Key section
+openpgp-import-key-title = Uvozi obstoječ osebni ključ OpenPGP
+openpgp-import-key-legend = Izberite datoteko z varnostno kopijo.
+openpgp-import-key-description = Lahko uvozite osebne ključe, ki so bili ustvarjeni z drugo programsko opremo OpenPGP.
+openpgp-import-key-info = Drugi programi lahko osebni ključ imenujejo drugače, na primer lastni ključ, skrivni ključ, zasebni ključ ali par ključev.
+# $count (Number) - the number of keys found in the selected files
+openpgp-import-key-list-amount-2 =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } je našel en ključ, ki ga lahko uvozi.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } ključa, ki ju lahko uvozi.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } ključe, ki jih lahko uvozi.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } ključev, ki jih lahko uvozi.
+ }
+openpgp-import-key-list-description = Potrdite, kateri ključi naj se obravnavajo kot vaši osebni ključi. Kot osebne ključe uporabljajte samo ključe, ki ste jih ustvarili sami in ki izkazujejo vašo identiteto. To možnost lahko pozneje spremenite v pogovornem oknu Lastnosti ključa.
+openpgp-import-key-list-caption = Ključi, označeni za obravnavo kot osebni ključi, bodo navedeni v razdelku Šifriranje od konca do konca. Ostali bodo na voljo v upravitelju ključev.
+openpgp-passphrase-prompt-title = Zahtevano je geslo
+# $identity (String) - the id of the key being imported
+openpgp-passphrase-prompt = Vnesite geslo za odklepanje naslednjega ključa: { $key }
+openpgp-import-key-button =
+ .label = Izberi datoteko za uvoz …
+ .accesskey = I
+import-key-file = Uvozi datoteko ključa OpenPGP
+import-key-personal-checkbox =
+ .label = Obravnavaj ta ključ kot osebni ključ
+gnupg-file = Datoteke GnuPG
+import-error-file-size = Napaka! Datoteke, večje od 5 MB, niso podprte.
+# $error (String) - the reported error from the failed key import method
+import-error-failed = Napaka! Datoteke ni bilo mogoče uvoziti. { $error }
+# $error (String) - the reported error from the failed key import method
+openpgp-import-keys-failed = Napaka! Ključev ni bilo mogoče uvoziti. { $error }
+openpgp-import-identity-label = Identiteta
+openpgp-import-fingerprint-label = Prstni odtis
+openpgp-import-created-label = Ustvarjen
+openpgp-import-bits-label = Bitov
+openpgp-import-key-props =
+ .label = Lastnosti ključa
+ .accesskey = L
+## External Key section
+openpgp-external-key-title = Zunanji ključ GnuPG
+openpgp-external-key-description = Nastavite zunanji ključ GnuPG z vnosom ID-ja ključa
+openpgp-external-key-warning = Nastavite lahko samo en zunanji ključ GnuPG. Vaš prejšnji vnos bo zamenjan.
+openpgp-save-external-button = Shrani ID ključa
+openpgp-external-key-label = ID tajnega ključa:
+openpgp-external-key-input =
+ .placeholder = 123456789341298340
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/msgReadStatus.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/msgReadStatus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..067c0672bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/msgReadStatus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Message Header Encryption Button
+message-header-show-security-info-key = v
+# $type (String) - the shortcut key defined in the message-header-show-security-info-key
+message-security-button =
+ .title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Prikaži varnost sporočila (⌃ ⌘ { message-header-show-security-info-key })
+ *[other] Prikaži varnost sporočila (Ctrl+Alt+{ message-header-show-security-info-key })
+ }
+openpgp-view-signer-key =
+ .label = Prikaži ključ podpisnika
+openpgp-view-your-encryption-key =
+ .label = Oglej si svoj ključ za dešifriranje
+openpgp-openpgp = OpenPGP
+openpgp-no-sig = Brez digitalnega podpisa
+openpgp-no-sig-info = To sporočilo ne vsebuje digitalnega podpisa pošiljatelja. Če elektronski podpis manjka, pomeni, da je sporočilo morda poslal nekdo, ki se izdaja za lastnika tega e-poštnega naslova. Prav tako je mogoče, da je kdo sporočilo na poti skozi omrežja spremenil.
+openpgp-uncertain-sig = Negotov digitalni podpis
+openpgp-invalid-sig = Neveljaven digitalni podpis
+openpgp-good-sig = Dober digitalni podpis
+openpgp-sig-uncertain-no-key = To sporočilo vsebuje digitalni podpis, vendar ni gotovo, ali je pravilen. Za preveritev podpisa morate pridobiti kopijo javnega ključa pošiljatelja.
+openpgp-sig-uncertain-uid-mismatch = To sporočilo vsebuje digitalni podpis, vendar je bilo zaznano neskladje. Sporočilo je bilo poslano z e-poštnega naslova, ki se ne ujema z javnim ključem podpisnika.
+openpgp-sig-uncertain-not-accepted = To sporočilo vsebuje digitalni podpis, vendar še niste odločili, ali je ključ podpisnika za vas sprejemljiv.
+openpgp-sig-invalid-rejected = To sporočilo vsebuje digitalni podpis, vendar ste bili ključ podpisnika že zavrnili.
+openpgp-sig-invalid-technical-problem = To sporočilo vsebuje digitalni podpis, vendar je bila zaznana tehnična napaka. Sporočilo je bilo poškodovano ali pa ga je nekdo spreminjal.
+openpgp-sig-valid-unverified = To sporočilo vključuje veljaven digitalni podpis ključa, ki ste ga že sprejeli. Niste pa še preverili, ali je ključ res v lasti pošiljatelja.
+openpgp-sig-valid-verified = To sporočilo vključuje veljaven digitalni podpis s preverjenega ključa.
+openpgp-sig-valid-own-key = To sporočilo vključuje veljaven digitalni podpis z vašega osebnega ključa.
+openpgp-sig-key-id = ID podpisnikovega ključa: { $key }
+openpgp-sig-key-id-with-subkey-id = ID podpisnikovega ključa: { $key } (ID podključa: { $subkey })
+openpgp-enc-key-id = ID vašega ključa za dešifriranje: { $key }
+openpgp-enc-key-with-subkey-id = ID vašega ključa za dešifriranje: { $key } (ID podključa: { $subkey })
+openpgp-enc-none = Sporočilo ni šifrirano
+openpgp-enc-none-label = Tega sporočila se pred pošiljanjem ni šifriralo. Podatke, poslane preko interneta v nešifrirani obliki, lahko med prenosom vidijo drugi.
+openpgp-enc-invalid-label = Sporočila ni mogoče dešifrirati
+openpgp-enc-invalid = To sporočilo je bilo pred pošiljanjem šifrirano, vendar ga ni mogoče dešifrirati.
+openpgp-enc-clueless = S tem šifriranim sporočilom obstaja neznana težava.
+openpgp-enc-valid-label = Sporočilo je šifrirano
+openpgp-enc-valid = To sporočilo je bilo šifrirano, preden vam je bilo poslano. Šifriranje zagotavlja, da sporočilo lahko preberejo samo prejemniki, ki jim je bilo namenjeno.
+openpgp-unknown-key-id = Neznan ključ
+openpgp-other-enc-additional-key-ids = Poleg tega je bilo sporočilo šifrirano lastnikom naslednjih ključev:
+openpgp-other-enc-all-key-ids = Sporočilo je bilo šifrirano lastnikom naslednjih ključev:
+openpgp-message-header-encrypted-ok-icon =
+ .alt = Dešifriranje uspešno
+openpgp-message-header-encrypted-notok-icon =
+ .alt = Dešifriranje ni uspelo
+openpgp-message-header-signed-ok-icon =
+ .alt = Dober podpis
+# Mismatch icon is used for notok state as well
+openpgp-message-header-signed-mismatch-icon =
+ .alt = Slab podpis
+openpgp-message-header-signed-unknown-icon =
+ .alt = Neznano stanje podpisa
+openpgp-message-header-signed-verified-icon =
+ .alt = Preverjen podpis
+openpgp-message-header-signed-unverified-icon =
+ .alt = Nepreverjen podpis
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/oneRecipientStatus.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/oneRecipientStatus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..223759bd15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/oneRecipientStatus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-title =
+ .title = Varnost sporočil OpenPGP
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-status =
+ .label = Stanje
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-key-id =
+ .label = ID ključa
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-created-date =
+ .label = Ustvarjen
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-expires-date =
+ .label = Velja do
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-open-details =
+ .label = Odpri podrobnosti in uredi sprejetost …
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-discover =
+ .label = Odkrij nov ali posodobljen ključ
+openpgp-one-recipient-status-instruction1 = Če želite prejemniku poslati od konca do konca šifrirano sporočilo, morate pridobiti njegov javni ključ OpenPGP in ga označiti kot sprejetega.
+openpgp-key-own = Sprejet (osebni ključ)
+openpgp-key-secret-not-personal = Ni uporaben
+openpgp-key-verified = Sprejet (preverjen)
+openpgp-key-unverified = Sprejet (nepreverjen)
+openpgp-key-undecided = Ni sprejet (neodločeno)
+openpgp-key-rejected = Ni sprejet (zavrnjen)
+openpgp-key-expired = Pretekla veljavnost
+openpgp-intro = Razpoložljivi javni ključi za { $key }
+openpgp-pubkey-import-id = ID: { $kid }
+openpgp-pubkey-import-fpr = Prstni odtis: { $fpr }
+openpgp-pubkey-import-intro =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] Datoteka vsebuje en javni ključ, prikazan spodaj:
+ [two] Datoteka vsebuje { $num } javna ključa, prikazana spodaj:
+ [few] Datoteka vsebuje { $num } javne ključe, prikazane spodaj:
+ *[other] Datoteka vsebuje { $num } javnih ključev, prikazanih spodaj:
+ }
+openpgp-pubkey-import-accept =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] Ali sprejemate ta ključ za preverjanje digitalnih podpisov in za šifriranje sporočil, za vse prikazane e-poštne naslove?
+ [two] Ali sprejemate ta ključa za preverjanje digitalnih podpisov in za šifriranje sporočil, za vse prikazane e-poštne naslove?
+ [few] Ali sprejemate te ključe za preverjanje digitalnih podpisov in za šifriranje sporočil, za vse prikazane e-poštne naslove?
+ *[other] Ali sprejemate te ključe za preverjanje digitalnih podpisov in za šifriranje sporočil, za vse prikazane e-poštne naslove?
+ }
+pubkey-import-button =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Uvozi
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = U
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11f89bbb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-manage-keys-openpgp-cmd =
+ .label = Upravitelj ključev OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = O
+openpgp-ctx-decrypt-open =
+ .label = Dešifriraj in odpri
+ .accesskey = D
+openpgp-ctx-decrypt-save =
+ .label = Dešifriraj in shrani kot …
+ .accesskey = h
+openpgp-ctx-import-key =
+ .label = Uvozi ključ OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-ctx-verify-att =
+ .label = Preveri veljavnost podpisa
+ .accesskey = v
+openpgp-has-sender-key = To sporočilo naj bi vsebovalo pošiljateljev javni ključ OpenPGP.
+openpgp-be-careful-new-key = Pozor: novi javni ključ OpenPGP v tem sporočilu se razlikuje od javnih ključev, ki ste jih doslej sprejemali za { $email }.
+openpgp-import-sender-key =
+ .label = Uvozi …
+openpgp-search-keys-openpgp =
+ .label = Odkrij ključ OpenPGP
+openpgp-missing-signature-key = To sporočilo je podpisano s ključem, ki ga še nimate.
+openpgp-search-signature-key =
+ .label = Odkrij …
+# Don't translate the terms "OpenPGP" and "MS-Exchange"
+openpgp-broken-exchange-opened = To je sporočilo OpenPGP, ki ga je očitno poškodoval MS-Exchange in ga ni mogoče popraviti, ker je bilo odprto iz krajevne datoteke. Kopirajte sporočilo v poštno mapo in poskusite s samodejnim popravilom.
+openpgp-broken-exchange-info = To je sporočilo OpenPGP, ki ga je očitno poškodoval MS-Exchange. Če vsebina sporočila ni prikazana po pričakovanju, lahko poskusite s samodejnim popravilom.
+openpgp-broken-exchange-repair =
+ .label = Popravi sporočilo
+openpgp-broken-exchange-wait = Počakajte trenutek …
+openpgp-cannot-decrypt-because-mdc =
+ To je šifrirano sporočilo, ki uporablja star in ranljiv mehanizem.
+ Med potovanjem bi lahko bilo spremenjeno z namenom kraje njegove vsebine.
+ Za preprečitev tega tveganja vsebina ni prikazana.
+openpgp-cannot-decrypt-because-missing-key = Skrivni ključ, ki je potreben za dešifriranje tega sporočila, ni na voljo.
+openpgp-partially-signed =
+ Samo del tega sporočila je bil digitalno podpisan z uporabo OpenPGP.
+ Ob kliku na gumb Preveri bodo nezaščiteni deli skriti in prikazano bo stanje digitalnega podpisa.
+openpgp-partially-encrypted =
+ Samo del tega sporočila je bil šifriran z OpenPGP.
+ Berljivi deli sporočila, ki so že prikazani, niso bili šifrirani.
+ Če kliknete gumb Dešifriraj, bo prikazana vsebina šifriranih delov.
+openpgp-reminder-partial-display = Opomnik: Spodaj prikazano sporočilo je le del izvirnega sporočila.
+openpgp-partial-verify-button = Preveri
+openpgp-partial-decrypt-button = Dešifriraj
+openpgp-unexpected-key-for-you = Opozorilo: To sporočilo vsebuje neznan ključ OpenPGP, ki se nanaša na enega od vaših e-poštnih naslovov. Če to ni eden od vaših lastnih ključev, je lahko poskus prevare drugih dopisnikov.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bad09d7155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+e2e-intro-description = Za pošiljanje šifriranih ali digitalno podpisanih sporočil morate nastaviti tehnologijo šifriranja, bodisi OpenPGP bodisi S/MIME.
+e2e-intro-description-more = Izberite si osebni ključ za omogočitev uporabe OpenPGP ali osebno digitalno potrdilo za omogočitev uporabe S/MIME. Za osebni ključ ali digitalno potrdilo imate ustrezen skrivni ključ.
+e2e-signing-description = Digitalni podpis se omogoča prejemnikom prepričati, da ste sporočilo poslali vi in da vsebina ni bila spremenjena. Šifrirana sporočila so privzeto vedno podpisana.
+e2e-sign-message =
+ .label = Podpiši nešifrirana sporočila
+ .accesskey = e
+e2e-disable-enc =
+ .label = Onemogoči šifriranje za nova sporočila
+ .accesskey = n
+e2e-enable-enc =
+ .label = Omogoči šifriranje za nova sporočila
+ .accesskey = m
+e2e-enable-description = Za posamezna sporočila boste lahko onemogočili šifriranje.
+e2e-advanced-section = Napredne nastavitve
+e2e-attach-key =
+ .label = Ob dodajanju digitalnega podpisa OpenPGP priloži moj javni ključ
+ .accesskey = j
+e2e-encrypt-subject =
+ .label = Šifriraj zadevo sporočil OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = z
+e2e-encrypt-drafts =
+ .label = Shranjuj osnutke sporočil v šifrirani obliki
+ .accesskey = o
+openpgp-key-user-id-label = Račun/ID uporabnika
+openpgp-keygen-title-label =
+ .title = Ustvari ključ OpenPGP
+openpgp-cancel-key =
+ .label = Prekliči
+ .tooltiptext = Prekliči ustvarjanje ključa
+openpgp-key-gen-expiry-title =
+ .label = Pretek ključa
+openpgp-key-gen-expire-label = Ključ preteče čez
+openpgp-key-gen-days-label =
+ .label = dni
+openpgp-key-gen-months-label =
+ .label = mesecev
+openpgp-key-gen-years-label =
+ .label = let
+openpgp-key-gen-no-expiry-label =
+ .label = Ključ ne preteče
+openpgp-key-gen-key-size-label = Velikost ključa
+openpgp-key-gen-console-label = Ustvarjanje ključa
+openpgp-key-gen-key-type-label = Vrsta ključa
+openpgp-key-gen-key-type-rsa =
+ .label = RSA
+openpgp-key-gen-key-type-ecc =
+ .label = ECC (eliptična krivulja)
+openpgp-generate-key =
+ .label = Ustvari ključ
+ .tooltiptext = Ustvari nov ključ, skladen z OpenPGP, za šifriranje in/ali podpisovanje
+openpgp-advanced-prefs-button-label =
+ .label = Napredno …
+openpgp-keygen-desc = OPOMBA: Ustvarjanje ključev lahko traja nekaj minut. Med ustvarjanjem ključev ne zapirajte programa. Dejavno brskanje ali izvajanje zahtevnih opravil na disku bo polnilo "bazen naključnosti" in pospešilo postopek ustvarjanja ključev. Obveščeni boste, ko bo postopek končan.
+openpgp-key-created-label =
+ .label = Ustvarjen
+openpgp-key-expiry-label =
+ .label = Datum preteka
+openpgp-key-id-label =
+ .label = ID ključa
+openpgp-cannot-change-expiry = To je ključ z zapleteno strukturo; spreminjanje njegovega datuma preteka ni podprto.
+openpgp-key-man-title =
+ .title = Upravitelj ključev OpenPGP
+openpgp-key-man-generate =
+ .label = Nov par ključev
+ .accesskey = k
+openpgp-key-man-file-menu =
+ .label = Datoteka
+ .accesskey = D
+openpgp-key-man-edit-menu =
+ .label = Urejanje
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-key-man-view-menu =
+ .label = Pogled
+ .accesskey = P
+openpgp-key-man-generate-menu =
+ .label = Ustvarjanje
+ .accesskey = v
+openpgp-key-man-keyserver-menu =
+ .label = Strežnik ključev
+ .accesskey = k
+openpgp-key-man-import-public-from-file =
+ .label = Uvozi javne ključe iz datoteke
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-key-man-import-secret-from-file =
+ .label = Uvozi skrivne ključe iz datoteke
+openpgp-key-man-import-sig-from-file =
+ .label = Uvozi preklice iz datoteke
+openpgp-key-man-import-from-clipbrd =
+ .label = Uvozi ključe z odložišča
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-key-man-import-from-url =
+ .label = Uvozi ključe s spletnega naslova
+ .accesskey = U
+openpgp-key-man-export-to-file =
+ .label = Izvozi javne ključe v daoteko
+ .accesskey = I
+openpgp-key-man-send-keys =
+ .label = Pošlji javne ključe po e-pošti
+ .accesskey = P
+openpgp-key-man-backup-secret-keys =
+ .label = Varnostno kopiraj skrivne ključe v datoteko
+ .accesskey = V
+openpgp-key-man-discover-cmd =
+ .label = Odkrij ključe na spletu
+ .accesskey = d
+openpgp-key-man-discover-progress = Iskanje …
+openpgp-key-copy-key =
+ .label = Kopiraj javni ključ
+ .accesskey = K
+openpgp-key-export-key =
+ .label = Izvozi javni ključ v datoteko
+ .accesskey = I
+openpgp-key-backup-key =
+ .label = Varnostno kopiraj skrivni ključ v datoteko
+ .accesskey = V
+openpgp-key-send-key =
+ .label = Pošlji javni ključ po e-pošti
+ .accesskey = P
+openpgp-key-man-copy-key-ids =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kopiraj ID ključa na odložišče
+ [two] Kopiraj ID-ja ključev na odložišče
+ [few] Kopiraj ID-je ključev na odložišče
+ *[other] Kopiraj ID-je ključev na odložišče
+ }
+ .accesskey = K
+openpgp-key-man-copy-fprs =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kopiraj prstni odtis na odložišče
+ [two] Kopiraj prstna odtisa na odložišče
+ [few] Kopiraj prstne odtise na odložišče
+ *[other] Kopiraj prstne odtise na odložišče
+ }
+ .accesskey = s
+openpgp-key-man-copy-to-clipboard =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kopiraj javni ključ na odložišče
+ [two] Kopiraj javna ključa na odložišče
+ [few] Kopiraj javne ključe na odložišče
+ *[other] Kopiraj javne ključe na odložišče
+ }
+ .accesskey = j
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-expor-to-file-label =
+ .label = Izvozi ključe v datoteko
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-copy =
+ .label = Kopiraj
+ .accesskey = K
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-copy-fprs =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Prstni odtis
+ [two] Prstna odtisa
+ [few] Prstni odtisi
+ *[other] Prstni odtisi
+ }
+ .accesskey = P
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-copy-key-ids =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] ID ključa
+ [two] ID-ja ključev
+ [few] ID-ji ključev
+ *[other] ID-ji ključev
+ }
+ .accesskey = k
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-copy-public-keys =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Javni ključ
+ [two] Javna ključa
+ [few] Javni ključi
+ *[other] Javni ključi
+ }
+ .accesskey = J
+openpgp-key-man-close =
+ .label = Zapri
+openpgp-key-man-reload =
+ .label = Ponovno naloži predpomnilnik ključev
+ .accesskey = n
+openpgp-key-man-change-expiry =
+ .label = Spremeni datum preteka
+ .accesskey = r
+openpgp-key-man-ignored-ids =
+ .label = e-poštni naslovi
+openpgp-key-man-del-key =
+ .label = Izbriši ključe
+ .accesskey = b
+openpgp-delete-key =
+ .label = Izbriši ključ
+ .accesskey = b
+openpgp-key-man-revoke-key =
+ .label = Prekliči ključ
+ .accesskey = č
+openpgp-key-man-key-props =
+ .label = Lastnosti ključa
+ .accesskey = L
+openpgp-key-man-key-more =
+ .label = Več
+ .accesskey = V
+openpgp-key-man-view-photo =
+ .label = ID fotografije
+ .accesskey = D
+openpgp-key-man-ctx-view-photo-label =
+ .label = Prikaži ID fotografije
+openpgp-key-man-show-invalid-keys =
+ .label = Prikaži neveljavne ključe
+ .accesskey = P
+openpgp-key-man-show-others-keys =
+ .label = Prikaži ključe drugih ljudi
+ .accesskey = d
+openpgp-key-man-user-id-label =
+ .label = Ime
+openpgp-key-man-fingerprint-label =
+ .label = Prstni odtis
+openpgp-key-man-select-all =
+ .label = Izberi vse ključe
+ .accesskey = v
+openpgp-key-man-empty-tree-tooltip =
+ .label = Vnesite iskalno poizvedbo v zgornje polje
+openpgp-key-man-nothing-found-tooltip =
+ .label = Noben ključ se ne ujema z iskanjem
+openpgp-key-man-please-wait-tooltip =
+ .label = Počakajte, da se ključi naložijo …
+openpgp-key-man-filter-label =
+ .placeholder = Išči ključe
+openpgp-key-man-select-all-key =
+ .key = v
+openpgp-key-details-doc-title = Lastnosti ključa
+openpgp-key-details-signatures-tab =
+ .label = Potrdila
+openpgp-key-details-structure-tab =
+ .label = Struktura
+openpgp-key-details-uid-certified-col =
+ .label = ID uporabnika / Overil
+openpgp-key-details-key-id-label = ID ključa
+openpgp-key-details-id-label =
+ .label = ID
+openpgp-key-details-key-type-label = Vrsta
+openpgp-key-details-key-part-label =
+ .label = Del ključa
+openpgp-key-details-attr-ignored = Opozorilo: ta ključ morda ne bo deloval kot pričakovano, ker nekatere njegove lastnosti niso varne in bodo morda prezrte.
+openpgp-key-details-attr-upgrade-sec = Nevarne lastnosti morate nadgraditi.
+openpgp-key-details-attr-upgrade-pub = Obrnite se na lastnika tega ključa, naj nadgradi nevarne lastnosti.
+openpgp-key-details-upgrade-unsafe =
+ .label = Nadgradi nevarne lastnosti
+ .accesskey = N
+openpgp-key-details-upgrade-ok = Ključ je bil uspešno nadgrajen. Nadgrajeni javni ključ delite s svojimi dopisniki.
+openpgp-key-details-algorithm-label =
+ .label = Algoritem
+openpgp-key-details-size-label =
+ .label = Velikost
+openpgp-key-details-created-label =
+ .label = Ustvarjen
+openpgp-key-details-created-header = Ustvarjen
+openpgp-key-details-expiry-label =
+ .label = Datum preteka
+openpgp-key-details-expiry-header = Datum preteka
+openpgp-key-details-usage-label =
+ .label = Uporaba
+openpgp-key-details-fingerprint-label = Prstni odtis
+openpgp-key-details-legend-secret-missing = Za ključe z oznako (!) tajni ključ ni na voljo.
+openpgp-key-details-sel-action =
+ .label = Izberi dejanje …
+ .accesskey = b
+openpgp-card-details-close-window-label =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Zapri
+openpgp-acceptance-label =
+ .label = Vaša odobritev
+openpgp-acceptance-rejected-label =
+ .label = Ne, zavrni ta ključ.
+openpgp-acceptance-undecided-label =
+ .label = Ne še, mogoče pozneje.
+openpgp-acceptance-unverified-label =
+ .label = Da, vendar nisem preveril, da je to pravi ključ.
+openpgp-acceptance-verified-label =
+ .label = Da, osebno sem preveril, da ima ta ključ pravi prstni odtis.
+key-accept-personal =
+ Za ta ključ imate tako javni kot skrivni del. Lahko ga uporabljate kot osebni ključ.
+ Če vam je ta ključ dal nekdo drug, ga ne uporabljajte kot osebni ključ.
+openpgp-personal-no-label =
+ .label = Ne, ne uporabljaj ga kot moj osebni ključ.
+openpgp-personal-yes-label =
+ .label = Da, obravnavaj ta ključ kot osebni ključ.
+openpgp-copy-cmd-label =
+ .label = Kopiraj
+## e2e encryption settings
+# $identity (String) - the email address of the currently selected identity
+openpgp-description-no-key = { -brand-short-name } nima osebnega ključa OpenPGP za { $identity }
+# $count (Number) - the number of configured keys associated with the current identity
+# $identity (String) - the email address of the currently selected identity
+openpgp-description-has-keys =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } osebni ključ OpenPGP za { $identity }
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } osebna ključa OpenPGP za { $identity }
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } osebne ključe OpenPGP za { $identity }
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } je našel { $count } osebnih ključev OpenPGP za { $identity }
+ }
+# $key (String) - the currently selected OpenPGP key
+openpgp-selection-status-have-key = Vaša trenutna nastavitev uporablja ID ključa { $key }
+# $key (String) - the currently selected OpenPGP key
+openpgp-selection-status-error = Vaša trenutna nastavitev uporablja ključ { $key }, ki mu je pretekla veljavnost.
+openpgp-add-key-button =
+ .label = Dodaj ključ …
+ .accesskey = D
+e2e-learn-more = Več o tem
+openpgp-keygen-success = Ključ OpenPGP je uspešno ustvarjen!
+openpgp-keygen-import-success = Ključi OpenPGP so uspešno uvoženi!
+openpgp-keygen-external-success = ID zunanjega ključa GnuPG shranjen!
+## OpenPGP Key selection area
+openpgp-radio-none =
+ .label = Brez
+openpgp-radio-none-desc = Ne uporabljaj OpenPGP za to identiteto.
+openpgp-radio-key-not-usable = Ta ključ ni uporaben kot osebni ključ, ker manjka tajni ključ!
+openpgp-radio-key-not-accepted = Za uporabo tega ključa ga morate odobriti kot osebni ključ!
+openpgp-radio-key-not-found = Tega ključa ni bilo mogoče najti! Za uporabo ga morate uvoziti v { -brand-short-name }.
+# $key (String) - the expiration date of the OpenPGP key
+openpgp-radio-key-expires = Datum preteka: { $date }
+# $key (String) - the expiration date of the OpenPGP key
+openpgp-radio-key-expired = Pretekel: { $date }
+openpgp-key-expires-within-6-months-icon =
+ .title = Ključ bo pretekel čez manj kot 6 mesecev
+openpgp-key-has-expired-icon =
+ .title = Veljavnost ključa je pretekla
+openpgp-key-expand-section =
+ .tooltiptext = Več informacij
+openpgp-key-revoke-title = Prekliči ključ
+openpgp-key-edit-title = Spremeni ključ OpenPGP
+openpgp-key-edit-date-title = Podaljšaj veljavnost
+openpgp-manager-description = V upravitelju ključev OpenPGP lahko pregledujete in upravljate javne ključe svojih dopisnikov in vseh ostalih ključev, ki niso navedeni zgoraj.
+openpgp-manager-button =
+ .label = Upravitelj ključev OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = k
+openpgp-key-remove-external =
+ .label = Odstrani ID zunanjega ključa
+ .accesskey = z
+key-external-label = Zunanji ključ GnuPG
+# Strings in keyDetailsDlg.xhtml
+key-type-public = javni ključ
+key-type-primary = glavni ključ
+key-type-subkey = podključ
+key-type-pair = par ključev (tajni ključ in javni ključ)
+key-expiry-never = nikoli
+key-usage-encrypt = Šifriraj
+key-usage-sign = Podpiši
+key-usage-certify = Potrdi
+key-usage-authentication = Overitev
+key-does-not-expire = Ključ ne preteče
+key-expired-date = Ključ je pretekel { $keyExpiry }
+key-expired-simple = Ključ je pretekel
+key-revoked-simple = Ključ je bil preklican
+key-do-you-accept = Ali sprejemate ta ključ za preverjanje digitalnih podpisov in za šifriranje sporočil?
+# Strings enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js
+cannot-use-own-key-because = Sporočila ni mogoče poslati, ker je prišlo do težave z vašim osebnim ključem. { $problem }
+cannot-encrypt-because-missing = Tega sporočila ni mogoče poslati s šifriranjem od konca do konca zaradi težav s ključi naslednjih prejemnikov: { $problem }
+window-locked = Okno za pisanje sporočila je zaklenjeno; pošiljanje preklicano
+# Strings in mimeDecrypt.jsm
+mime-decrypt-encrypted-part-concealed-data = To je šifriran del sporočila. Odpreti ga morate v ločenem oknu, tako da kliknete na priponko.
+# Strings in keyserver.jsm
+keyserver-error-aborted = Prekinjeno
+keyserver-error-unknown = Prišlo je do neznane napake
+keyserver-error-server-error = Strežnik ključev je sporočil napako.
+keyserver-error-import-error = Prenesenega ključa ni bilo mogoče uvoziti.
+keyserver-error-unavailable = Strežnik ključev ni na voljo.
+keyserver-error-security-error = Strežnik ključev ne podpira šifriranega dostopa.
+keyserver-error-certificate-error = Strežnik ključev uporablja neveljavno digitalno potrdilo.
+keyserver-error-unsupported = Strežnik ključev ni podprt.
+# Strings filters.jsm
+filter-folder-required = Izbrati morate ciljno mapo.
+filter-decrypt-move-warn-experimental =
+ Pozor – dejanje filtra "Trajno dešifriraj" lahko privede do uničenja sporočil.
+ Močno priporočamo, da najprej poskusite s filtrom "Ustvari dešifrirano kopijo", natančno preverite izid in uporabite ta filter šele, ko ste zadovoljni z izidom.
+filter-term-pgpencrypted-label = Šifrirano z OpenPGP
+filter-key-required = Izbrati morate ključ prejemnika.
+filter-key-not-found = Ključa za šifriranje za "{ $desc }" ni bilo mogoče najti.
+# Strings filtersWrapper.jsm
+filter-decrypt-move-label = Trajno dešifriraj (OpenPGP)
+filter-decrypt-copy-label = Ustvari dešifrirano kopijo (OpenPGP)
+filter-encrypt-label = Šifriraj v ključ (OpenPGP)
+# Strings in enigmailKeyImportInfo.js
+import-info-title =
+ .title = Ključi so uspešno uvoženi!
+import-info-bits = Bitov
+import-info-created = Ustvarjen
+import-info-fpr = Prstni odtis
+import-info-details = Ogled podrobnosti in upravljanje sprejemanja ključev
+import-info-no-keys = Ni uvoženih ključev.
+# Strings in enigmailKeyManager.js
+import-from-clip = Ali želite z odložišča uvoziti ključ(e)?
+import-from-url = Prenesi javni ključ s tega spletnega naslova:
+copy-to-clipbrd-failed = Izbranih ključev ni bilo mogoče kopirati v odložišče.
+copy-to-clipbrd-ok = Ključi kopirani v odložišče
+delete-secret-key =
+ POZOR: Izbrisali boste tajni ključ!
+ Če izbrišete svoj tajni ključ, ne boste več mogli dešifrirati sporočil, šifriranih zanj, niti ga ne boste mogli preklicati.
+ Ali res želite izbrisati OBA ključa – tajni ključ in javni ključ
+ ‘{ $userId }’?
+delete-mix =
+ POZOR: Izbrisali boste tajne ključe!
+ Če izbrišete svoj tajni ključ, ne boste več mogli dešifrirati sporočil, šifriranih zanj.
+ Ali res želite izbrisati OBOJE – tajne ključe in javne ključe?
+delete-pub-key =
+ Ali želite izbrisati javni ključ
+ "{ $userId }"?
+delete-selected-pub-key = Ali želite izbrisati javne ključe?
+refresh-all-question = Izbrali niste nobenega ključa. Želite osvežiti vse ključe?
+key-man-button-export-sec-key = Izvozi &skrivne ključe
+key-man-button-export-pub-key = Izvozi samo &javne ključe
+key-man-button-refresh-all = &Osveži vse ključe
+key-man-loading-keys = Nalaganje ključev, počakajte …
+ascii-armor-file = Oklopne datoteke ASCII (*.asc)
+no-key-selected = Za izvedbo izbranega dejanja izberite vsaj en ključ
+export-to-file = Izvozi javni ključ v datoteko
+export-keypair-to-file = Izvozi skrivni in javni ključ v datoteko
+export-secret-key = Ali želite vključiti skrivni ključ v shranjeno datoteko ključa OpenPGP?
+save-keys-ok = Ključi so bili uspešno shranjeni
+save-keys-failed = Shranjevanje ključev ni uspelo
+default-pub-key-filename = Izvozeni_javni_kljuci
+default-pub-sec-key-filename = Varnostna_kopija_skrivnih_kljucev
+refresh-key-warn = Opozorilo: osvežitev vseh ključev je lahko, odvisno od števila ključev in hitrosti povezave, precej dolgotrajen postopek!
+preview-failed = Datoteke z javnim ključem ni mogoče prebrati.
+general-error = Napaka: { $reason }
+dlg-button-delete = &Izbriši
+## Account settings export output
+openpgp-export-public-success = Javni ključ uspešno izvožen!
+openpgp-export-public-fail = Izbranega javnega ključa ni mogoče izvoziti!
+openpgp-export-secret-success = Skrivni ključ uspešno izvožen!
+openpgp-export-secret-fail = Izbranega skrivnega ključa ni mogoče izvoziti!
+# Strings in keyObj.jsm
+key-ring-pub-key-revoked = Ključ { $userId } (ID ključa { $keyId }) je preklican.
+key-ring-pub-key-expired = Ključu { $userId } (ID ključa { $keyId }) je pretekla veljavnost.
+key-ring-pub-key-not-for-signing = Ključa { $userId } (ID ključa { $keyId }) ni mogoče uporabiti za podpisovanje.
+key-ring-pub-key-not-for-encryption = Ključa { $userId } (ID ključa { $keyId }) ni mogoče uporabiti za šifriranje.
+# Strings in gnupg-keylist.jsm
+keyring-photo = Fotografija
+user-att-photo = Atribut uporabnika (slika JPEG)
+# Strings in key.jsm
+already-revoked = Ta ključ je že preklican.
+# $keyId (String) - the id of the key being revoked
+revoke-key-already-revoked = Ključ 0x{ $keyId } je že preklican.
+key-man-button-revoke-key = Pre&kliči ključ
+openpgp-key-revoke-success = Ključ uspešno preklican.
+# Strings in keyRing.jsm & decryption.jsm
+key-man-button-import = &Uvozi
+delete-key-title = Izbriši ključ OpenPGP
+delete-external-key-title = Odstrani zunanji ključ GnuPG
+delete-external-key-description = Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti ta ID zunanjega ključa GnuPG?
+key-in-use-title = Ključ OpenPGP je trenutno v uporabi
+delete-key-in-use-description = Ni mogoče nadaljevati! Ključ, ki ste ga izbrali za brisanje, trenutno uporablja ta identiteta. Izberite drug ključ, ali ne izberite nobenega in poskusite znova.
+revoke-key-in-use-description = Ni mogoče nadaljevati! Ključ, ki ste ga izbrali za preklic, trenutno uporablja ta identiteta. Izberite drug ključ, ali ne izberite nobenega in poskusite znova.
+key-error-not-accepted-as-personal = Niste potrdili, da je ključ z ID-jem "{ $keySpec }" vaš osebni ključ.
+# Strings used in enigmailKeyManager.js & windows.jsm
+need-online = Možnost, ki ste jo izbrali, ni na voljo v načinu brez povezave. Povežite se z internetom in poskusite znova.
+# Strings used in keyRing.jsm & keyLookupHelper.jsm
+no-key-found2 = Najden ni bil noben uporaben ključ, ki bi ustrezal navedenim kriterijem iskanja.
+no-update-found = Ključe, ki so bili odkriti na spletu, že imate.
+import-key-confirm = Ali želite uvoziti javne ključe, vdelane v sporočilo?
+fail-key-import = Napaka – uvažanje ključa ni uspelo
+file-write-failed = Pisanje v datoteko { $output } ni bilo mogoče
+confirm-permissive-import = Uvoz ni uspel. Ključ, ki ga poskušate uvoziti, je morda poškodovan ali uporablja neznane atribute. Ali želite poskusiti uvoziti dele, ki so pravilni? To lahko povzroči uvoz nepopolnih in neuporabnih ključev.
+# Strings used in trust.jsm
+key-valid-unknown = neznan
+key-valid-invalid = neveljaven
+key-valid-disabled = onemogočen
+key-valid-revoked = preklican
+key-valid-expired = pretečen
+key-trust-untrusted = nevreden zaupanja
+key-trust-marginal = obrobni
+key-trust-full = zaupanja vreden
+key-trust-ultimate = dokončen
+key-trust-group = (skupina)
+# Strings used in commonWorkflows.js
+import-key-file = Uvozi datoteko ključa OpenPGP
+gnupg-file = Datoteke GnuPG
+import-keys-failed = Uvažanje ključev ni uspelo
+passphrase-prompt = Vnesite geslo, ki odklepa naslednji ključ: { $key }
+file-to-big-to-import = Ta datoteka je prevelika. Ne uvažajte velikega števila ključev hkrati.
+gen-going = Ustvarjanje ključev že poteka!
+keygen-missing-user-name = Za izbrani račun/identiteto ni določenega imena. Izpolnite polje "Vaše ime" v nastavitvah računa.
+expiry-too-short = Ključ mora biti veljaven vsaj en dan.
+expiry-too-long = Ne morete ustvariti ključa, ki preteče čez več kot 100 let.
+key-confirm = Ustvari javni in tajni ključ za '{ $id }'?
+key-man-button-generate-key = &Ustvari ključ
+key-abort = Prekini ustvarjanje ključev?
+key-man-button-generate-key-abort = &Prekini ustvarjanje ključev
+key-man-button-generate-key-continue = &Nadaljuj ustvarjanje ključev
+# Strings used in enigmailMessengerOverlay.js
+failed-decrypt = Napaka – dešifriranje ni uspelo
+fix-broken-exchange-msg-failed = Tega sporočila ni mogoče popraviti.
+attachment-no-match-from-signature = Datoteke s podpisom "{ $attachment }" ni mogoče povezati s priponko
+attachment-no-match-to-signature = Priponke "{ $attachment }" ni mogoče povezati z datoteko s podpisom
+signature-verified-ok = Podpis za priponko { $attachment } je bil uspešno preverjen
+signature-verify-failed = Podpisa za priponko { $attachment } ni bilo mogoče preveriti
+decrypt-ok-no-sig =
+ Opozorilo
+ Dešifriranje je bilo uspešno, vendar podpisa ni bilo mogoče pravilno preveriti
+msg-ovl-button-cont-anyway = &Vseeno nadaljuj
+enig-content-note = *Priponke k temu sporočilu niso podpisane niti šifrirane*
+# Strings used in enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js
+msg-compose-button-send = &Pošlji sporočilo
+msg-compose-details-button-label = Podrobnosti …
+msg-compose-details-button-access-key = d
+send-aborted = Pošiljanje je prekinjeno.
+key-not-trusted = Ni dovolj zaupanja za ključ "{ $key }"
+key-not-found = Ključa "{ $key }" ni mogoče najti
+key-revoked = Ključ "{ $key }" je preklican
+key-expired = Ključ "{ $key }" je pretekel
+msg-compose-internal-error = Prišlo je do notranje napake.
+keys-to-export = Izberite ključe OpenPGP za vstavitev
+msg-compose-partially-encrypted-inlinePGP =
+ Sporočilo, na katerega odgovarjate, je vsebovalo nešifrirane in šifrirane dele. Če pošiljatelj prvotno ni mogel dešifrirati nekaterih delov sporočila, morda razkrivate zaupne podatke, ki jih pošiljatelj sam ni mogel dešifrirati.
+ Razmislite o odstranitvi celotnega navedka iz odgovora temu pošiljatelju.
+msg-compose-cannot-save-draft = Napaka pri shranjevanju osnutka
+send-to-news-warning =
+ Opozorilo: novičarski skupini pošiljate šifrirano sporočilo.
+ To je odsvetovano, ker je smiselno le, če lahko sporočilo dešifrirajo vsi člani skupine, torej bi moralo biti šifrirano s ključi vseh članov. To sporočilo pošljite samo, če natančno veste, kaj počnete.
+ Želite nadaljevati?
+save-attachment-header = Shrani dešifrirano priponko
+cannot-send-sig-because-no-own-key = Tega sporočila ni mogoče digitalno podpisati, ker še niste nastavili šifriranja od konca do konca za <{ $key }>
+cannot-send-enc-because-no-own-key = Tega sporočila ni mogoče poslati šifrirano, ker še niste nastavili šifriranja od konca do konca za <{ $key }>
+# Strings used in decryption.jsm
+do-import-multiple =
+ Ali želite uvoziti naslednje ključe?
+ { $key }
+do-import-one = Uvozi { $name } ({ $id })?
+cant-import = Napaka pri uvažanju javnega ključa
+unverified-reply = Zamaknjeni del sporočila (odgovor) je bil verjetno spremenjen
+key-in-message-body = V telesu sporočila je najden ključ. Kliknite "Uvozi ključ", da ga uvozite
+sig-mismatch = Napaka – Neujemanje podpisov
+invalid-email = Napaka – Neveljavni e-poštni naslovi
+attachment-pgp-key =
+ Priponka "{ $name }", ki jo odpirate, je videti kot datoteka s ključem OpenPGP.
+ Kliknite "Uvozi" za uvoz ključev, ki jih vsebuje, ali "Prikaži" za ogled njene vsebine v brskalniku
+dlg-button-view = &Prikaži
+# Strings used in encryption.jsm
+not-required = Napaka – šifriranje ni zahtevano
+# Strings used in windows.jsm
+no-photo-available = Ni razpoložljive fotografije
+error-photo-path-not-readable = Pot do fotografije ‘{ $photo }’ ni berljiva
+debug-log-title = Dnevnik razhroščevanja OpenPGP
+# Strings used in dialog.jsm
+repeat-prefix = To opozorilo se bo ponovilo še { $count }-
+repeat-suffix-singular = krat.
+repeat-suffix-plural = krat.
+no-repeat = To opozorilo ne bo več prikazano.
+dlg-keep-setting = Zapomni si moj odgovor in me ne vprašaj več
+dlg-button-ok = &V redu
+dlg-button-close = &Zapri
+dlg-button-cancel = Prekliči
+dlg-no-prompt = Tega pogovornega okna ne prikazuj več
+enig-prompt = Poziv OpenPGP
+enig-confirm = Potrditev OpenPGP
+enig-alert = Opozorilo OpenPGP
+enig-info = Informacija OpenPGP
+# Strings used in persistentCrypto.jsm
+dlg-button-retry = &Poskusi znova
+dlg-button-skip = Pre&skoči
+# Strings used in enigmailMsgBox.js
+enig-alert-title =
+ .title = Opozorilo OpenPGP
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/add-finger.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/add-finger.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1968317d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/add-finger.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+otr-add-finger-title = Dodaj prstni odtis ključa OTR
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - name of a chat contact person
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+otr-add-finger-description = Vnesite prstni odtis ključa OTR za { $name }.
+otr-add-finger-fingerprint = Prstni odtis:
+otr-add-finger-tooltip-error = Vnesen je neveljaven znak. Dovoljene so samo črke ABCDEF in številke
+otr-add-finger-input =
+ .placeholder = Prstni odtis ključa OTR, dolg 40 znakov
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/am-im-otr.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/am-im-otr.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..446d556ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/am-im-otr.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-encryption =
+ .label = Šifriranje od konca do konca
+account-otr-label = OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging)
+account-otr-description2 = { -brand-short-name } podpira šifriranje od konca do konca na osnovi OTR v pogovorih s posameznimi stiki. To tretjim osebam preprečuje prisluškovanje pogovoru. Tovrstno šifriranje od konca do konca se lahko uporabi samo, kadar tudi druga oseba uporablja program, ki ga podpira.
+otr-encryption-title = Potrjeno šifriranje
+otr-encryption-caption = Če želite drugim omogočiti, da v klepetih OTR preverijo vašo identiteto, delite svoj prstni odtis OTR po zunanjem (izvenpasovnem) komunikacijskem kanalu.
+otr-fingerprint-label = Vaš prstni odtis:
+view-fingerprint-button =
+ .label = Upravljaj prstne odtise stikov
+ .accesskey = t
+otr-settings-title = Nastavitve OTR
+otr-require-encryption =
+ .label = Zahtevaj šifriranje od konca do konca za pogovore z eno osebo
+otr-require-encryption-info =
+ Kadar je zahtevano šifriranje od konca do konca, se sporočila v pogovorih ena na ena
+ ne bodo poslala, če jih ni mogoče šifrirati. Prejeta nešifrirana sporočila ne bodo
+ prikazana kot del običajnega pogovora, niti ne bodo beležena.
+otr-verify-nudge =
+ .label = Vedno me opomni, naj preverim nepreverjen stik
+otr-not-yet-available = še ni na voljo
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/auth.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/auth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7c4aeefa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/auth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+otr-auth =
+ .title = Preveri istovetnost stika
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Preveri
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+auth-title = Preveri istovetnost { $name }
+# Variables:
+# $own_name (String) - the user's own screen name
+auth-your-fp-value = Prstni odtis za vas, { $own_name }:
+# Variables:
+# $their_name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact
+auth-their-fp-value = Prstni odtis za { $their_name }:
+auth-help = Preverjanje istovetnosti stika pomaga zagotoviti, da je pogovor resnično zaseben, s čimer je tretjim osebam zelo oteženo prisluškovanje ali vplivanje na pogovor.
+auth-help-title = Pomoč pri preverjanju
+auth-question-received = To je vprašanje, ki vam ga je zastavil stik:
+auth-yes =
+ .label = Da
+auth-no =
+ .label = Ne
+auth-verified = Preveril sem, da je to pravi prstni odtis.
+auth-manual-verification = Ročno preverjanje prstnega odtisa
+auth-question-and-answer = Vprašanje in odgovor
+auth-shared-secret = Skupna skrivnost
+auth-manual-verification-label =
+ .label = { auth-manual-verification }
+auth-question-and-answer-label =
+ .label = { auth-question-and-answer }
+auth-shared-secret-label =
+ .label = { auth-shared-secret }
+auth-manual-instruction = Obrnite se na predvidenega partnerja za pogovor prek katerega koli drugega overjenega kanala, na primer e-poštnega sporočila s podpisom OpenPGP ali po telefonu. Morali bi si povedati prstne odtise. (Prstni odtis je kontrolna vsota, ki identificira šifrirni ključ.) Če se prstni odtis ujema, v spodnjem pogovornem oknu navedite, ali ste prstni odtis preverili.
+auth-how = Kako želite preveriti istovetnost stika?
+auth-qa-instruction = Zamislite si vprašanje, na katerega odgovor veste samo vi in vaš stik. Vnesite vprašanje in odgovor, nato počakajte, da stik vnese odgovor. Če se odgovora ne ujemata, je komunikacijski kanal, ki ga uporabljate, morda nadzorovan.
+auth-secret-instruction = Zamislite si skrivnost, ki jo poznate samo vi in vaš stik. Za izmenjavo skrivnosti ne uporabite iste internetne povezave. Vnesite skrivnost in počakajte, da jo vnese tudi stik. Če se skrivnosti ne ujemata, je komunikacijski kanal, ki ga uporabljate, morda nadzorovan.
+auth-question = Vnesite vprašanje:
+auth-answer = Vnesite odgovor (razlikovanje malih in velikih črk):
+auth-secret = Vnesite skrivnost:
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/chat.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/chat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a1195b2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/chat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+state-label = Stanje šifriranja:
+start-text = Začni šifriran pogovor
+start-label =
+ .label = { start-text }
+start-tooltip =
+ .tooltiptext = { start-text }
+end-label =
+ .label = Končaj šifriran pogovor
+auth-label =
+ .label = Preveri istovetnost stika
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger-sync.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger-sync.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2afaf25f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger-sync.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+finger-yes = Potrjeno
+finger-no = Nepotrjeno
+finger-subset-title = Odstrani prstne odtise
+finger-subset-message = Vsaj enega prstnega odtisa ni bilo mogoče odstraniti, ker se odgovarjajoči ključ trenutno uporablja v dejavnem pogovoru.
+finger-remove-all-title = Odstrani vse prstne odtise
+finger-remove-all-message = Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti vse videne prstne odtise? Vsa prejšnja preverjanja identitete OTR bodo izgubljena.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f72998b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/finger.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+otr-finger-title = Doslej videni prstni odtisi OTR
+finger-intro = Prstni odtisi ključev OTR s prejšnjih šifriranih pogovorov.
+finger-screen-name =
+ .label = Stik
+finger-verified =
+ .label = Preverjenost
+finger-fingerprint =
+ .label = Prstni odtis
+finger-remove =
+ .label = Odstrani izbrane
+finger-remove-all =
+ .label = Odstrani vse
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e15687bc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-encryption-required-part1 = Stiku { $name } ste poskušali poslati nešifrirano sporočilo. Po pravilniku nešifrirana sporočila niso dovoljena.
+msgevent-encryption-required-part2 = Poskus začetka zasebnega pogovora. Vaše sporočilo bo poslano, ko se začne zasebni pogovor.
+msgevent-encryption-error = Pri šifriranju vašega sporočila je prišlo do napake. Sporočilo ni bilo poslano.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-connection-ended = Stik { $name } je že prekinil svojo šifrirano povezavo z vami. Da ne bi pomotoma poslali nešifriranega sporočila, vaše sporočilo ni bilo poslano. Zaključite šifrirani pogovor ali ga znova začnite.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-setup-error = Pri vzpostavljanju zasebnega pogovora s stikom { $name } je prišlo do napake.
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+msgevent-msg-reflected = Prejemate svoja lastna sporočila OTR. Ali se poskušate pogovarjati sami s seboj, ali pa vam nekdo pošilja nazaj vaša sporočila.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-msg-resent = Zadnje sporočilo stiku { $name } je bilo znova poslano.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-not-private = Šifrirano sporočilo, prejeto od stika { $name }, je neberljivo, saj trenutno ne komunicirate zasebno.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-unreadable = Prejeli ste neberljivo šifrirano sporočilo od stika { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-malformed = Prejeli ste sporočilo s poškodovanimi podatki od stika { $name }.
+# A Heartbeat is a technical message used to keep a connection alive.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-log-heartbeat-rcvd = Prejet znak prisotnosti od stika { $name }.
+# A Heartbeat is a technical message used to keep a connection alive.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-log-heartbeat-sent = Znak prisotnosti poslan stiku { $name }.
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-general-err = Med poskusom zavarovanja pogovora z OTR je prišlo do nepričakovane napake.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+# $msg (string) - the message that was received.
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-unencrypted = Naslednje sporočilo, prejeto od { $name }, ni bilo šifrirano: { $msg }
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-unrecognized = Prejeli ste neprepoznano sporočilo OTR od { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg-for-other-instance = { $name } je poslal sporočilo, namenjeno za drugo sejo. Če ste prijavljeni večkrat, je morda sporočilo prejela druga seja.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-gone-secure-private = Zaseben pogovor s stikom { $name } začet.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-gone-secure-unverified = Šifriran, a nepreverjen pogovor z osebo { $name } začet.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-still-secure = Uspešna osvežitev šifriranega pogovora s stikom { $name }.
+error-enc = Med šifriranjem sporočila je prišlo do napake.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+error-not-priv = Poslali ste šifrirane podatke stiku { $name }, ki tega ni pričakoval.
+error-unreadable = Poslali ste neberljivo šifrirano sporočilo.
+error-malformed = Poslali ste sporočilo s poškodovanimi podatki.
+resent = [znova poslano]
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+tlv-disconnected = Stik { $name } je končal šifriran pogovor z vami; storite enako tudi vi.
+# Do not translate "Off-the-Record" and "OTR" which is the name of an encryption protocol
+# Make sure that this string does NOT contain any numbers, e.g. like "3".
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+query-msg = Stik { $name } je zahteval pogovor, šifriran z OTR (Off-the-Record), vendar nimate nameščenega vtičnika, ki to omogoča. Za več informacij glejte
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otrUI.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otrUI.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99a9eaaa29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/otr/otrUI.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+start-label = Začni šifriran pogovor
+refresh-label = Osveži šifriran pogovor
+auth-label = Preveri istovetnost stika
+reauth-label = Znova preveri istovetnost stika
+auth-cancel = Prekliči
+auth-cancel-access-key = k
+auth-error = Med preverjanjem istovetnosti stika je prišlo do napake.
+auth-success = Preverjanje istovetnosti stika je uspešno končano.
+auth-success-them = Stik je uspešno potrdil vašo istovetnost. Morda bi želeli tudi vi preveriti njegovo istovetnost z lastnim vprašanjem.
+auth-fail = Istovetnosti stika ni bilo mogoče preveriti.
+auth-waiting = Čakanje, da stik dokonča preverjanje …
+finger-verify = Preveri
+finger-verify-access-key = v
+finger-ignore = Prezri
+finger-ignore-access-key = z
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+buddycontextmenu-label = Dodaj prstni odtis OTR
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+alert-start = Poskus začetka šifriranega pogovora s stikom { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+alert-refresh = Poskus osvežitve šifriranega pogovora s stikom { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+alert-gone-insecure = Šifriran pogovor s stikom { $name } končan.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+finger-unseen = Istovetnost { $name } še ni bila preverjena. Slučajno prisluškovanje ni mogoče, vendar bi kdo z nekaj truda lahko prisluškoval. Za preprečitev nadzorovanja preverite istovetnost tega stika.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+finger-seen = { $name } vzpostavlja zvezo z vami z neznanega računalnika. Slučajno prisluškovanje ni mogoče, vendar bi kdo z nekaj truda lahko prisluškoval. Za preprečitev nadzorovanja preverite istovetnost tega stika.
+state-not-private = Trenutni pogovor ni zaseben.
+state-generic-not-private = Trenutni pogovor ni zaseben.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+state-unverified = Trenutni pogovor je šifriran, vendar ni zaseben, saj istovetnost stika { $name } še ni preverjena.
+state-generic-unverified = Trenutni pogovor je šifriran, vendar ni zaseben, saj nekatere istovetnosti še niso preverjene.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+state-private = Istovetnost stika { $name } je preverjena. Trenutni pogovor je šifriran in zaseben.
+state-generic-private = Trenutni pogovor je šifriran in zaseben.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+state-finished = Stik { $name } je končal šifriran pogovor z vami; storite enako tudi vi.
+state-not-private-label = Nezavarovano
+state-unverified-label = Nepreverjeno
+state-private-label = Zasebno
+state-finished-label = Končano
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+verify-request = { $name } zahteva preverjanje vaše istovetnosti.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+afterauth-private = Preverili ste istovetnost stika { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+afterauth-unverified = Istovetnost stika { $name } ni preverjena.
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+# Variables:
+# $error (String) - contains an error message that describes the cause of the failure
+otr-genkey-failed = Ustvarjanje zasebnega ključa OTR ni uspelo: { $error }
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/aboutPolicies.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/aboutPolicies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2958fcafd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/aboutPolicies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-policies-title = Pravilniki za podjetja
+# 'Active' is used to describe the policies that are currently active
+active-policies-tab = Dejavni
+errors-tab = Napake
+documentation-tab = Dokumentacija
+no-specified-policies-message = Storitev pravilnikov za podjetja je dejavna, vendar ni omogočen noben pravilnik.
+inactive-message = Storitev pravilnikov za podjetja ni dejavna.
+policy-name = Ime pravilnika
+policy-value = Vrednost pravilnika
+policy-errors = Napake pravilnika
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b96289433d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The Enterprise Policies feature is aimed at system administrators
+## who want to deploy these settings across several Thunderbird installations
+## all at once. This is traditionally done through the Windows Group Policy
+## feature, but the system also supports other forms of deployment.
+## These are short descriptions for individual policies, to be displayed
+## in the documentation section in about:policies.
+policy-3rdparty = Nastavi, do katerih pravilnikov lahko dostopajo razširitve WebExtensions preko
+policy-AppAutoUpdate = Omogoči ali onemogoči samodejne posodobitve programa.
+policy-AppUpdatePin = { -brand-short-name(sklon: "dajalnik") } prepreči posodobitev preko določene različice.
+policy-AppUpdateURL = Nastavi poljuben URL za posodobitve programa.
+policy-Authentication = Nastavi integrirano overjanje za spletne strani, ki ga podpirajo.
+policy-BackgroundAppUpdate2 = Omogoči ali onemogoči storitev za posodobitve v ozadju.
+policy-BlockAboutAddons = Zavrni dostop do upravitelja dodatkov (about:addons).
+policy-BlockAboutConfig = Zavrni dostop do strani about:config.
+policy-BlockAboutProfiles = Zavrni dostop do strani about:profiles.
+policy-BlockAboutSupport = Zavrni dostop do strani about:support.
+policy-CaptivePortal = Omogoči ali onemogoči podporo za prestrezni portal.
+policy-CertificatesDescription = Dodaj digitalna potrdila ali uporabi vgrajena potrdila.
+policy-Cookies = Spletnim stranem dovoli ali zavrni nastavljanje piškotkov.
+policy-DisableBuiltinPDFViewer = Onemogoči PDF.js, vgrajeni pregledovalnik PDF v { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") }.
+policy-DisabledCiphers = Onemogoči šifre.
+policy-DefaultDownloadDirectory = Nastavi privzeto mapo za prenose.
+policy-DisableAppUpdate = Prepreči posodabljanje { -brand-short-name }a.
+policy-DisableDefaultClientAgent = Prepreči privzetemu agentu odjemalca izvajanje kakršnihkoli dejanj. To velja samo za Windows, druge platforme nimajo agenta.
+policy-DisableDeveloperTools = Zavrni dostop do razvojnih orodij.
+policy-DisableFeedbackCommands = Onemogoči ukaze v meniju Pomoč za pošiljanje povratnih informacij ("Povratne informacije" in "Prijavi zavajajočo stran").
+policy-DisableForgetButton = Prepreči dostop do gumba Pozabi.
+policy-DisableFormHistory = Ne shranjuj zgodovine iskanja in obrazcev.
+policy-DisableMasterPasswordCreation = Če je "true", glavnega gesla ni mogoče ustvariti.
+policy-DisablePasswordReveal = Ne dovoli razkrivanja gesel na seznamu shranjenih prijav.
+policy-DisableProfileImport = Onemogoči menijski ukaz Uvozi podatke drugega brskalnika.
+policy-DisableSafeMode = Onemogoči možnost za ponovni zagon v varnem načinu. Opomba: zagon varnega načina s tipko Shift lahko v sistemu Windows onemogočite le z uporabo pravilnika skupine.
+policy-DisableSecurityBypass = Uporabniku prepreči, da zaobide določena varnostna opozorila.
+policy-DisableSystemAddonUpdate = Prepreči { -brand-short-name }u nameščanje in posodabljanje sistemskih dodatkov.
+policy-DisableTelemetry = Izključi telemetrijo.
+policy-DisplayMenuBar = Privzeto prikaži vrstico z menijem.
+policy-DNSOverHTTPS = Nastavi DNS preko HTTPS.
+policy-DontCheckDefaultClient = Onemogoči preverjanje privzetega odjemalca ob zagonu.
+policy-DownloadDirectory = Nastavi in zakleni mapo za prenose.
+# “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting
+policy-EnableTrackingProtection = Omogoči ali onemogoči zavračanje vsebine ter ga po potrebi zakleni.
+# “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting
+policy-EncryptedMediaExtensions = Omogoči ali onemogoči Encrypted Media Extensions ter jih po potrebi zakleni.
+# A “locked” extension can’t be disabled or removed by the user. This policy
+# takes 3 keys (“Install”, ”Uninstall”, ”Locked”), you can either keep them in
+# English or translate them as verbs.
+policy-Extensions = Namesti, odstrani ali zakleni razširitve. Možnost "Install" kot parametre sprejema URL-je ali poti. Možnosti "Uninstall" in "Locked" sprejemata ID-je razširitev.
+policy-ExtensionSettings = Upravljaj vse vidike namestitve razširitve.
+policy-ExtensionUpdate = Omogoči ali onemogoči samodejno posodabljanje razširitev.
+policy-Handlers = Nastavi privzete upravljavce programov.
+policy-HardwareAcceleration = Če je "false", izklopi strojno pospeševanje.
+policy-InstallAddonsPermission = Določenim spletnim mestom dovoli nameščanje dodatkov.
+policy-LegacyProfiles = Onemogoči možnost ustvarjanja ločenega profila za vsako namestitev.
+## Do not translate "SameSite", it's the name of a cookie attribute.
+policy-LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled = Omogoči privzeto zastarelo nastavitev vedenja piškotkov SameSite.
+policy-LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList = Ponastavi zastarelo vedenje piškotkov SameSite na določenih straneh.
+policy-LocalFileLinks = Določenim spletnim stranem dovoli povezovanje na krajevne datoteke.
+policy-ManualAppUpdateOnly = Dovoli samo ročne posodobitve in ne obveščaj uporabnika o posodobitvah.
+policy-NetworkPrediction = Omogoči ali onemogoči napovedovanje omrežja (vnaprejšnje pridobivanje DNS).
+policy-OfferToSaveLogins = Vsili shranjevanje prijav in gesel v { -brand-short-name }u. Možna je tako vrednost "true" kot "false".
+policy-OfferToSaveLoginsDefault = Nastavi privzeto vrednost, ki dovoljuje shranjevanje prijav in gesel v { -brand-short-name }u. Možna je tako vrednost "true" kot "false".
+policy-OverrideFirstRunPage = Preglasi stran prvega zagona. Če želite onemogočiti prikaz strani prvega zagona, nastavite pravilnik na prazno vrednost.
+policy-OverridePostUpdatePage = Preglasi stran "Kaj je novega", ki se odpre po posodobitvi. Če želite onemogočiti prikaz strani po posodobitvi, nastavite pravilnik na prazno vrednost.
+policy-PasswordManagerEnabled = Omogoči shranjevanje gesel v upravitelja gesel.
+# PDF.js and PDF should not be translated
+policy-PDFjs = Onemogoči ali nastavi PDF.js, pregledovalnik PDF brskalnika { -brand-short-name }.
+policy-Permissions2 = Nastavi dovoljenja za kamero, mikrofon, lokacijo, obvestila in samodejno predvajanje.
+policy-Preferences = Nastavi in zakleni vrednost podnabora nastavitev.
+policy-PrimaryPassword = Zahtevaj ali prepreči uporabo glavnega gesla.
+policy-PromptForDownloadLocation = Pri prenosu vprašaj, kam shraniti datoteko.
+policy-Proxy = Nastavi posrednika.
+policy-RequestedLocales = Nastavi vrstni red zahtevanih jezikov za program.
+policy-SanitizeOnShutdown2 = Ob izhodu počisti podatke brskanja.
+policy-SearchEngines = Nastavi iskalnike. Ta pravilnik je na voljo le v izdaji Extended Support Release (ESR).
+policy-SearchSuggestEnabled = Omogoči ali onemogoči predloge iskanja.
+# For more information, see
+policy-SecurityDevices = Namesti module PKCS #11.
+policy-SSLVersionMax = Nastavi najnovejšo dovoljeno različico SSL.
+policy-SSLVersionMin = Nastavi najstarejšo dovoljeno različico SSL.
+policy-SupportMenu = Dodaj poljubno povezavo za podporo v meni Pomoč.
+policy-UserMessaging = Uporabniku ne prikazuj določenih sporočil.
+# “format” refers to the format used for the value of this policy.
+policy-WebsiteFilter = Prepreči obisk določenih spletnih mest. Za več podrobnosti o obliki glejte dokumentacijo.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c20bd4354d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-prefs-show-address-row-description = Da bi ob ustvarjanju novega sporočila vedno prikazali vrstico z naslovom, pustite polje z naslovom prazno.
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0a2612952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-settings-title = Nastavitve overjanja
+account-channel-title = Privzeti kanali
+chat-autologin =
+ .label = Prijava ob zagonu
+chat-encryption-generic = Splošno
+chat-encryption-log =
+ .label = Vključi od konca do konca šifrirana sporočila v dnevnike pogovorov
+chat-encryption-label = Avtohtono šifriranje od konca do konca
+chat-encryption-description = { $protocol } za sporočila v klepetu zagotavlja šifriranje od konca do konca, ki tretjim osebam preprečuje prisluškovanje pogovoru. Morda bo spodaj potrebna dodatna nastavitev, da bo šifriranje delovalo.
+chat-encryption-status = Stanje šifriranja
+chat-encryption-placeholder = Šifriranje ni inicializirano.
+chat-encryption-sessions = Seje
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25a1731511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window-dialog =
+ .title = Podrobnosti programa
+ .style = width: 30em; min-height: 20em;
+app-manager-window-dialog2 =
+ .title = Podrobnosti programa
+remove-app-button =
+ .label = Odstrani
+ .accesskey = d
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61909bcc89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachment-reminder-window =
+ .title = Ključne besede za opomnika priponk
+attachment-reminder-label = { -brand-short-name } vas bo opozoril na manjkajoče priponke, če boste želeli poslati e-pošto, ki vsebuje eno od naslednjih ključnih besed.
+keyword-new-button =
+ .label = Nova …
+ .accesskey = N
+keyword-edit-button =
+ .label = Uredi …
+ .accesskey = U
+keyword-remove-button =
+ .label = Izbriši
+ .accesskey = b
+new-keyword-title = Nova ključna beseda
+new-keyword-label = Ključna beseda:
+edit-keyword-title = Uredi ključno besedo
+edit-keyword-label = Ključna beseda:
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86acb413b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog-window =
+ .title = Barve
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 41em !important
+ *[other] width: 38em !important
+ }
+colors-dialog-window2 =
+ .title = Barve
+colors-dialog-legend = Besedilo in ozadje
+text-color-label =
+ .value = Besedilo:
+ .accesskey = B
+background-color-label =
+ .value = Ozadje:
+ .accesskey = O
+use-system-colors =
+ .label = Uporabi sistemske barve
+ .accesskey = U
+colors-link-legend = Barve povezav
+link-color-label =
+ .value = Neobiskane povezave:
+ .accesskey = N
+visited-link-color-label =
+ .value = Obiskane povezave:
+ .accesskey = s
+underline-link-checkbox =
+ .label = Podčrtaj povezave
+ .accesskey = P
+override-color-label =
+ .value = Preglasi vsebinsko določene barve z mojimi zgornjimi izbirami:
+ .accesskey = e
+override-color-always =
+ .label = Vedno
+override-color-auto =
+ .label = Samo z visokokontrastnimi temami
+override-color-never =
+ .label = Nikoli
diff --git a/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e094d792aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-dns-over-https-url-resolver = Uporabi ponudnika
+ .accesskey = U
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Display name or URL for the DNS over HTTPS provider
+connection-dns-over-https-url-item-default =
+ .label = { $name } (privzet)
+ .tooltiptext = Uporabi privzeti URL za razreševanje DNS preko HTTPS
+connection-dns-over-https-url-custom =
+ .label = Po meri
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Vnesite želeni URL za razreševanje DNS preko HTTPS
+connection-dns-over-https-custom-label = Po meri
+connection-dialog-window =
+ .title = Nastavitve povezave
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 44em !important
+ *[other] width: 49em !important
+ }
+connection-dialog-window2 =
+ .title = Nastavitve povezave
+disable-extension-button = Onemogoči razširitev
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - The extension that is controlling the proxy settings.
+# The extension-icon is the extension's icon, or a fallback image. It should be
+# purely decoration for the actual extension name, with alt="".
+proxy-settings-controlled-by-extension = Razširitev