/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "Platform.h" #include "nsIAccessibleEvent.h" #include "nsIGSettingsService.h" #include "nsMai.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "AtkSocketAccessible.h" #include "prenv.h" #include "prlink.h" #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS # include #endif #include using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::a11y; int atkMajorVersion = 1, atkMinorVersion = 12, atkMicroVersion = 0; GType (*gAtkTableCellGetTypeFunc)(); extern "C" { typedef GType (*AtkGetTypeType)(void); typedef void (*AtkBridgeAdaptorInit)(int*, char**[]); } static PRLibrary* sATKLib = nullptr; static const char sATKLibName[] = "libatk-1.0.so.0"; static const char sATKHyperlinkImplGetTypeSymbol[] = "atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type"; gboolean toplevel_event_watcher(GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue*, gpointer); static bool sToplevel_event_hook_added = false; static gulong sToplevel_show_hook = 0; static gulong sToplevel_hide_hook = 0; GType g_atk_hyperlink_impl_type = G_TYPE_INVALID; struct AtkBridgeModule { const char* libName; PRLibrary* lib; const char* initName; AtkBridgeAdaptorInit init; }; static AtkBridgeModule sAtkBridge = {"libatk-bridge-2.0.so.0", nullptr, "atk_bridge_adaptor_init", nullptr}; static nsresult LoadGtkModule(AtkBridgeModule& aModule) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aModule.libName); if (!(aModule.lib = PR_LoadLibrary(aModule.libName))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // we have loaded the library, try to get the function ptrs if (!(aModule.init = (AtkBridgeAdaptorInit)PR_FindFunctionSymbol( aModule.lib, aModule.initName))) { // fail, :( PR_UnloadLibrary(aModule.lib); aModule.lib = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } void a11y::PlatformInit() { if (!ShouldA11yBeEnabled()) return; sATKLib = PR_LoadLibrary(sATKLibName); if (!sATKLib) return; AtkGetTypeType pfn_atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type = (AtkGetTypeType)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(sATKLib, sATKHyperlinkImplGetTypeSymbol); if (pfn_atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type) { g_atk_hyperlink_impl_type = pfn_atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type(); } AtkGetTypeType pfn_atk_socket_get_type = (AtkGetTypeType)PR_FindFunctionSymbol( sATKLib, AtkSocketAccessible::sATKSocketGetTypeSymbol); if (pfn_atk_socket_get_type) { AtkSocketAccessible::g_atk_socket_type = pfn_atk_socket_get_type(); AtkSocketAccessible::g_atk_socket_embed = (AtkSocketEmbedType)PR_FindFunctionSymbol( sATKLib, AtkSocketAccessible ::sATKSocketEmbedSymbol); AtkSocketAccessible::gCanEmbed = AtkSocketAccessible::g_atk_socket_type != G_TYPE_INVALID && AtkSocketAccessible::g_atk_socket_embed; } gAtkTableCellGetTypeFunc = (GType(*)())PR_FindFunctionSymbol(sATKLib, "atk_table_cell_get_type"); const char* (*atkGetVersion)() = (const char* (*)())PR_FindFunctionSymbol(sATKLib, "atk_get_version"); if (atkGetVersion) { const char* version = atkGetVersion(); if (version) { char* endPtr = nullptr; atkMajorVersion = strtol(version, &endPtr, 10); if (atkMajorVersion != 0L) { atkMinorVersion = strtol(endPtr + 1, &endPtr, 10); if (atkMinorVersion != 0L) { atkMicroVersion = strtol(endPtr + 1, &endPtr, 10); } } } } // Initialize the MAI Utility class, it will overwrite gail_util. g_type_class_unref(g_type_class_ref(mai_util_get_type())); // Init atk-bridge now PR_SetEnv("NO_AT_BRIDGE=0"); nsresult rv = LoadGtkModule(sAtkBridge); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { (*sAtkBridge.init)(nullptr, nullptr); } if (!sToplevel_event_hook_added) { sToplevel_event_hook_added = true; sToplevel_show_hook = g_signal_add_emission_hook( g_signal_lookup("show", GTK_TYPE_WINDOW), 0, toplevel_event_watcher, reinterpret_cast(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_SHOW), nullptr); sToplevel_hide_hook = g_signal_add_emission_hook( g_signal_lookup("hide", GTK_TYPE_WINDOW), 0, toplevel_event_watcher, reinterpret_cast(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_HIDE), nullptr); } } void a11y::PlatformShutdown() { if (sToplevel_event_hook_added) { sToplevel_event_hook_added = false; g_signal_remove_emission_hook(g_signal_lookup("show", GTK_TYPE_WINDOW), sToplevel_show_hook); g_signal_remove_emission_hook(g_signal_lookup("hide", GTK_TYPE_WINDOW), sToplevel_hide_hook); } if (sAtkBridge.lib) { // Do not shutdown/unload atk-bridge, // an exit function registered will take care of it // PR_UnloadLibrary(sAtkBridge.lib); sAtkBridge.lib = nullptr; sAtkBridge.init = nullptr; } // if (sATKLib) { // PR_UnloadLibrary(sATKLib); // sATKLib = nullptr; // } } static const char sAccEnv[] = "GNOME_ACCESSIBILITY"; #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS static DBusPendingCall* sPendingCall = nullptr; #endif void a11y::PreInit() { #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS static bool sChecked = FALSE; if (sChecked) return; sChecked = TRUE; // dbus is only checked if GNOME_ACCESSIBILITY is unset // also make sure that a session bus address is available to prevent dbus from // starting a new one. Dbus confuses the test harness when it creates a new // process (see bug 693343) if (PR_GetEnv(sAccEnv) || !PR_GetEnv("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS")) return; DBusConnection* bus = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, nullptr); if (!bus) return; dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(bus, FALSE); static const char* iface = "org.a11y.Status"; static const char* member = "IsEnabled"; DBusMessage* message; message = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.a11y.Bus", "/org/a11y/bus", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get"); if (!message) goto dbus_done; dbus_message_append_args(message, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &iface, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &member, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); dbus_connection_send_with_reply(bus, message, &sPendingCall, 1000); dbus_message_unref(message); dbus_done: dbus_connection_unref(bus); #endif } bool a11y::ShouldA11yBeEnabled() { static bool sChecked = false, sShouldEnable = false; if (sChecked) return sShouldEnable; sChecked = true; EPlatformDisabledState disabledState = PlatformDisabledState(); if (disabledState == ePlatformIsDisabled) { return sShouldEnable = false; } if (disabledState == ePlatformIsForceEnabled) { return sShouldEnable = true; } // check if accessibility enabled/disabled by environment variable const char* envValue = PR_GetEnv(sAccEnv); if (envValue) return sShouldEnable = !!atoi(envValue); #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS PreInit(); bool dbusSuccess = false; DBusMessage* reply = nullptr; if (!sPendingCall) goto dbus_done; dbus_pending_call_block(sPendingCall); reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(sPendingCall); dbus_pending_call_unref(sPendingCall); sPendingCall = nullptr; if (!reply || dbus_message_get_type(reply) != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN || strcmp(dbus_message_get_signature(reply), DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING)) { goto dbus_done; } DBusMessageIter iter, iter_variant, iter_struct; dbus_bool_t dResult; dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &iter_variant); switch (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter_variant)) { case DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT: // at-spi2-core 2.2.0-2.2.1 had a bug where it returned a struct dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter_variant, &iter_struct); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter_struct) == DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter_struct, &dResult); sShouldEnable = dResult; dbusSuccess = true; } break; case DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN: dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter_variant, &dResult); sShouldEnable = dResult; dbusSuccess = true; break; default: break; } dbus_done: if (reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); if (dbusSuccess) return sShouldEnable; #endif // check GSettings #define GSETINGS_A11Y_INTERFACE "org.gnome.desktop.interface" #define GSETINGS_A11Y_KEY "toolkit-accessibility" nsCOMPtr gsettings = do_GetService(NS_GSETTINGSSERVICE_CONTRACTID); nsCOMPtr a11y_settings; if (gsettings) { gsettings->GetCollectionForSchema(nsLiteralCString(GSETINGS_A11Y_INTERFACE), getter_AddRefs(a11y_settings)); if (a11y_settings) { a11y_settings->GetBoolean(nsLiteralCString(GSETINGS_A11Y_KEY), &sShouldEnable); } } return sShouldEnable; }