/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Load the shared-head file first. /* import-globals-from ../shared-head.js */ /* exported CommonUtils, testChildAtPoint, Layout, hitTest, testOffsetAtPoint */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/accessible/tests/browser/shared-head.js", this ); // Loading and common.js from accessible/tests/mochitest/ for all tests, as // well as promisified-events.js. loadScripts( { name: "common.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR }, { name: "promisified-events.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR } ); const { CommonUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/accessible/tests/browser/Common.sys.mjs" ); const { Layout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/accessible/tests/browser/Layout.sys.mjs" ); function getChildAtPoint(container, x, y, findDeepestChild) { try { return findDeepestChild ? container.getDeepestChildAtPoint(x, y) : container.getChildAtPoint(x, y); } catch (e) { // Failed to get child at point. } info("could not get child at point"); return null; } async function testChildAtPoint(dpr, x, y, container, child, grandChild) { const [containerX, containerY] = Layout.getBounds(container, dpr); x += containerX; y += containerY; let actual = null; await untilCacheIs( () => { actual = getChildAtPoint(container, x, y, false); return actual; }, child, `Wrong direct child accessible at the point (${x}, ${y}) of ${CommonUtils.prettyName( container )}, sought ${CommonUtils.prettyName( child )} and got ${CommonUtils.prettyName(actual)}` ); actual = null; await untilCacheIs( () => { actual = getChildAtPoint(container, x, y, true); return actual; }, grandChild, `Wrong deepest child accessible at the point (${x}, ${y}) of ${CommonUtils.prettyName( container )}, sought ${CommonUtils.prettyName( grandChild )} and got ${CommonUtils.prettyName(actual)}` ); } /** * Test if getChildAtPoint returns the given child and grand child accessibles * at coordinates of child accessible (direct and deep hit test). */ async function hitTest(browser, container, child, grandChild) { const [childX, childY] = await getContentBoundsForDOMElm( browser, getAccessibleDOMNodeID(child) ); const x = childX + 1; const y = childY + 1; await untilCacheIs( () => getChildAtPoint(container, x, y, false), child, `Wrong direct child accessible at the point (${x}, ${y}) of ${CommonUtils.prettyName( container )}, sought ${CommonUtils.prettyName(child)}` ); await untilCacheIs( () => getChildAtPoint(container, x, y, true), grandChild, `Wrong deepest child accessible at the point (${x}, ${y}) of ${CommonUtils.prettyName( container )}, sought ${CommonUtils.prettyName(grandChild)}` ); } /** * Test if getOffsetAtPoint returns the given text offset at given coordinates. */ async function testOffsetAtPoint(hyperText, x, y, coordType, expectedOffset) { await untilCacheIs( () => hyperText.getOffsetAtPoint(x, y, coordType), expectedOffset, `Wrong offset at given point (${x}, ${y}) for ${prettyName(hyperText)}` ); }