const nsISupports = Ci.nsISupports; const nsIAutoCompleteResult = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult; const nsIAutoCompleteSearch = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch; const nsIFactory = Ci.nsIFactory; const nsIUUIDGenerator = Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator; const nsIComponentRegistrar = Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar; var gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch = null; /** * Register 'test-a11y-search' AutoCompleteSearch. * * @param aValues [in] set of possible results values * @param aComments [in] set of possible results descriptions */ function initAutoComplete(aValues, aComments) { var allResults = new ResultsHeap(aValues, aComments); gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch = new AutoCompleteSearch( "test-a11y-search", allResults ); registerAutoCompleteSearch( gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch, "Accessibility Test AutoCompleteSearch" ); } /** * Unregister 'test-a11y-search' AutoCompleteSearch. */ function shutdownAutoComplete() { unregisterAutoCompleteSearch(gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch); gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch.cid = null; gDefaultAutoCompleteSearch = null; } /** * Register the given AutoCompleteSearch. * * @param aSearch [in] AutoCompleteSearch object * @param aDescription [in] description of the search object */ function registerAutoCompleteSearch(aSearch, aDescription) { var name = ";1?name=" +; var uuidGenerator = Cc[";1"].getService( nsIUUIDGenerator ); var cid = uuidGenerator.generateUUID(); var componentManager = Components.manager.QueryInterface( nsIComponentRegistrar ); componentManager.registerFactory(cid, aDescription, name, aSearch); // Keep the id on the object so we can unregister later. aSearch.cid = cid; } /** * Unregister the given AutoCompleteSearch. */ function unregisterAutoCompleteSearch(aSearch) { var componentManager = Components.manager.QueryInterface( nsIComponentRegistrar ); componentManager.unregisterFactory(aSearch.cid, aSearch); } /** * A container to keep all possible results of autocomplete search. */ function ResultsHeap(aValues, aComments) { this.values = aValues; this.comments = aComments; } ResultsHeap.prototype = { constructor: ResultsHeap, /** * Return AutoCompleteResult for the given search string. */ getAutoCompleteResultFor(aSearchString) { var values = [], comments = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < this.values.length; idx++) { if (this.values[idx].includes(aSearchString)) { values.push(this.values[idx]); comments.push(this.comments[idx]); } } return new AutoCompleteResult(values, comments); }, }; /** * nsIAutoCompleteSearch implementation. * * @param aName [in] the name of autocomplete search * @param aAllResults [in] ResultsHeap object */ function AutoCompleteSearch(aName, aAllResults) { = aName; this.allResults = aAllResults; } AutoCompleteSearch.prototype = { constructor: AutoCompleteSearch, // nsIAutoCompleteSearch implementation startSearch(aSearchString, aSearchParam, aPreviousResult, aListener) { var result = this.allResults.getAutoCompleteResultFor(aSearchString); aListener.onSearchResult(this, result); }, stopSearch() {}, // nsISupports implementation QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIFactory", "nsIAutoCompleteSearch", ]), // nsIFactory implementation createInstance(iid) { return this.QueryInterface(iid); }, // Search name. Used by AutoCompleteController. name: null, // Results heap. allResults: null, }; /** * nsIAutoCompleteResult implementation. */ function AutoCompleteResult(aValues, aComments) { this.values = aValues; this.comments = aComments; if (this.values.length) { this.searchResult = nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { this.searchResult = nsIAutoCompleteResult.NOMATCH; } } AutoCompleteResult.prototype = { constructor: AutoCompleteResult, searchString: "", searchResult: null, defaultIndex: 0, get matchCount() { return this.values.length; }, getValueAt(aIndex) { return this.values[aIndex]; }, getLabelAt(aIndex) { return this.getValueAt(aIndex); }, getCommentAt(aIndex) { return this.comments[aIndex]; }, getStyleAt(aIndex) { return null; }, getImageAt(aIndex) { return ""; }, getFinalCompleteValueAt(aIndex) { return this.getValueAt(aIndex); }, isRemovableAt(aRowIndex) { return true; }, removeValueAt(aRowIndex) {}, // nsISupports implementation QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIAutoCompleteResult"]), // Data values: null, comments: null, };