/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { SearchUIUtils: "resource:///modules/SearchUIUtils.sys.mjs", }); var BrowserPageActions = { _panelNode: null, /** * The main page action button in the urlbar (DOM node) */ get mainButtonNode() { delete this.mainButtonNode; return (this.mainButtonNode = document.getElementById("pageActionButton")); }, /** * The main page action panel DOM node (DOM node) */ get panelNode() { // Lazy load the page action panel the first time we need to display it if (!this._panelNode) { this.initializePanel(); } delete this.panelNode; return (this.panelNode = this._panelNode); }, /** * The panelmultiview node in the main page action panel (DOM node) */ get multiViewNode() { delete this.multiViewNode; return (this.multiViewNode = document.getElementById( "pageActionPanelMultiView" )); }, /** * The main panelview node in the main page action panel (DOM node) */ get mainViewNode() { delete this.mainViewNode; return (this.mainViewNode = document.getElementById( "pageActionPanelMainView" )); }, /** * The vbox body node in the main panelview node (DOM node) */ get mainViewBodyNode() { delete this.mainViewBodyNode; return (this.mainViewBodyNode = this.mainViewNode.querySelector( ".panel-subview-body" )); }, /** * Inits. Call to init. */ init() { this.placeAllActionsInUrlbar(); this._onPanelShowing = this._onPanelShowing.bind(this); }, _onPanelShowing() { this.initializePanel(); for (let action of PageActions.actionsInPanel(window)) { let buttonNode = this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); action.onShowingInPanel(buttonNode); } }, placeLazyActionsInPanel() { let actions = this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel; this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel = []; for (let action of actions) { this._placeActionInPanelNow(action); } }, // Actions placed in the panel aren't actually placed until the panel is // subsequently opened. _actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel: [], /** * Places all registered actions in the urlbar. */ placeAllActionsInUrlbar() { let urlbarActions = PageActions.actionsInUrlbar(window); for (let action of urlbarActions) { this.placeActionInUrlbar(action); } this._updateMainButtonAttributes(); }, /** * Initializes the panel if necessary. */ initializePanel() { // Lazy load the page action panel the first time we need to display it if (!this._panelNode) { let template = document.getElementById("pageActionPanelTemplate"); template.replaceWith(template.content); this._panelNode = document.getElementById("pageActionPanel"); this._panelNode.addEventListener("popupshowing", this._onPanelShowing); } for (let action of PageActions.actionsInPanel(window)) { this.placeActionInPanel(action); } this.placeLazyActionsInPanel(); }, /** * Adds or removes as necessary DOM nodes for the given action. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action to place. */ placeAction(action) { this.placeActionInPanel(action); this.placeActionInUrlbar(action); this._updateMainButtonAttributes(); }, /** * Adds or removes as necessary DOM nodes for the action in the panel. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action to place. */ placeActionInPanel(action) { if (this._panelNode && this.panelNode.state != "closed") { this._placeActionInPanelNow(action); } else { // This method may be called for the same action more than once // (e.g. when an extension does call pageAction.show/hidden to // enable or disable its own pageAction and we will have to // update the urlbar overflow panel accordingly). // // Ensure we don't add the same actions more than once (otherwise we will // not remove all the entries in _removeActionFromPanel). if ( this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel.findIndex(a => a.id == action.id) >= 0 ) { return; } // Lazily place the action in the panel the next time it opens. this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel.push(action); } }, _placeActionInPanelNow(action) { if (action.shouldShowInPanel(window)) { this._addActionToPanel(action); } else { this._removeActionFromPanel(action); } }, _addActionToPanel(action) { let id = this.panelButtonNodeIDForActionID(action.id); let node = document.getElementById(id); if (node) { return; } this._maybeNotifyBeforePlacedInWindow(action); node = this._makePanelButtonNodeForAction(action); node.id = id; let insertBeforeNode = this._getNextNode(action, false); this.mainViewBodyNode.insertBefore(node, insertBeforeNode); this.updateAction(action, null, { panelNode: node, }); this._updateActionDisabledInPanel(action, node); action.onPlacedInPanel(node); this._addOrRemoveSeparatorsInPanel(); }, _removeActionFromPanel(action) { let lazyIndex = this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel.findIndex( a => a.id == action.id ); if (lazyIndex >= 0) { this._actionsToLazilyPlaceInPanel.splice(lazyIndex, 1); } let node = this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); if (!node) { return; } node.remove(); if (action.getWantsSubview(window)) { let panelViewNodeID = this._panelViewNodeIDForActionID(action.id, false); let panelViewNode = document.getElementById(panelViewNodeID); if (panelViewNode) { panelViewNode.remove(); } } this._addOrRemoveSeparatorsInPanel(); }, _addOrRemoveSeparatorsInPanel() { let actions = PageActions.actionsInPanel(window); let ids = [ PageActions.ACTION_ID_BUILT_IN_SEPARATOR, PageActions.ACTION_ID_TRANSIENT_SEPARATOR, ]; for (let id of ids) { let sep = actions.find(a => a.id == id); if (sep) { this._addActionToPanel(sep); } else { let node = this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(id); if (node) { node.remove(); } } } }, _updateMainButtonAttributes() { this.mainButtonNode.toggleAttribute( "multiple-children", PageActions.actions.length > 1 ); }, /** * Returns the node before which an action's node should be inserted. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action that will be inserted. * @param forUrlbar (bool, required) * True if you're inserting into the urlbar, false if you're inserting * into the panel. * @return (DOM node, maybe null) The DOM node before which to insert the * given action. Null if the action should be inserted at the end. */ _getNextNode(action, forUrlbar) { let actions = forUrlbar ? PageActions.actionsInUrlbar(window) : PageActions.actionsInPanel(window); let index = actions.findIndex(a => a.id == action.id); if (index < 0) { return null; } for (let i = index + 1; i < actions.length; i++) { let node = forUrlbar ? this.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(actions[i].id) : this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(actions[i].id); if (node) { return node; } } return null; }, _maybeNotifyBeforePlacedInWindow(action) { if (!this._isActionPlacedInWindow(action)) { action.onBeforePlacedInWindow(window); } }, _isActionPlacedInWindow(action) { if (this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(action.id)) { return true; } let urlbarNode = this.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); return urlbarNode && !urlbarNode.hidden; }, _makePanelButtonNodeForAction(action) { if (action.__isSeparator) { let node = document.createXULElement("toolbarseparator"); return node; } let buttonNode = document.createXULElement("toolbarbutton"); buttonNode.classList.add( "subviewbutton", "subviewbutton-iconic", "pageAction-panel-button" ); if (action.isBadged) { buttonNode.setAttribute("badged", "true"); } buttonNode.setAttribute("actionid", action.id); buttonNode.addEventListener("command", event => { this.doCommandForAction(action, event, buttonNode); }); return buttonNode; }, _makePanelViewNodeForAction(action, forUrlbar) { let panelViewNode = document.createXULElement("panelview"); panelViewNode.id = this._panelViewNodeIDForActionID(action.id, forUrlbar); panelViewNode.classList.add("PanelUI-subView"); let bodyNode = document.createXULElement("vbox"); bodyNode.id = panelViewNode.id + "-body"; bodyNode.classList.add("panel-subview-body"); panelViewNode.appendChild(bodyNode); return panelViewNode; }, /** * Shows or hides a panel for an action. You can supply your own panel; * otherwise one is created. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action for which to toggle the panel. If the action is in the * urlbar, then the panel will be anchored to it. Otherwise, a * suitable anchor will be used. * @param panelNode (DOM node, optional) * The panel to use. This method takes a hands-off approach with * regard to your panel in terms of attributes, styling, etc. * @param event (DOM event, optional) * The event which triggered this panel. */ togglePanelForAction(action, panelNode = null, event = null) { let aaPanelNode = this.activatedActionPanelNode; if (panelNode) { // Note that this particular code path will not prevent the panel from // opening later if PanelMultiView.showPopup was called but the panel has // not been opened yet. if (panelNode.state != "closed") { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(panelNode); return; } if (aaPanelNode) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(aaPanelNode); } } else if (aaPanelNode) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(aaPanelNode); return; } else { panelNode = this._makeActivatedActionPanelForAction(action); } // Hide the main panel before showing the action's panel. PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this.panelNode); let anchorNode = this.panelAnchorNodeForAction(action); PanelMultiView.openPopup(panelNode, anchorNode, { position: "bottomright topright", triggerEvent: event, }).catch(console.error); }, _makeActivatedActionPanelForAction(action) { let panelNode = document.createXULElement("panel"); panelNode.id = this._activatedActionPanelID; panelNode.classList.add("cui-widget-panel", "panel-no-padding"); panelNode.setAttribute("actionID", action.id); panelNode.setAttribute("role", "group"); panelNode.setAttribute("type", "arrow"); panelNode.setAttribute("flip", "slide"); panelNode.setAttribute("noautofocus", "true"); panelNode.setAttribute("tabspecific", "true"); let panelViewNode = null; let iframeNode = null; if (action.getWantsSubview(window)) { let multiViewNode = document.createXULElement("panelmultiview"); panelViewNode = this._makePanelViewNodeForAction(action, true); multiViewNode.setAttribute("mainViewId", panelViewNode.id); multiViewNode.appendChild(panelViewNode); panelNode.appendChild(multiViewNode); } else if (action.wantsIframe) { iframeNode = document.createXULElement("iframe"); iframeNode.setAttribute("type", "content"); panelNode.appendChild(iframeNode); } let popupSet = document.getElementById("mainPopupSet"); popupSet.appendChild(panelNode); panelNode.addEventListener( "popuphidden", () => { PanelMultiView.removePopup(panelNode); }, { once: true } ); if (iframeNode) { panelNode.addEventListener( "popupshowing", () => { action.onIframeShowing(iframeNode, panelNode); }, { once: true } ); panelNode.addEventListener( "popupshown", () => { iframeNode.focus(); }, { once: true } ); panelNode.addEventListener( "popuphiding", () => { action.onIframeHiding(iframeNode, panelNode); }, { once: true } ); panelNode.addEventListener( "popuphidden", () => { action.onIframeHidden(iframeNode, panelNode); }, { once: true } ); } if (panelViewNode) { action.onSubviewPlaced(panelViewNode); panelNode.addEventListener( "popupshowing", () => { action.onSubviewShowing(panelViewNode); }, { once: true } ); } return panelNode; }, /** * Returns the node in the urlbar to which popups for the given action should * be anchored. If the action is null, a sensible anchor is returned. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, optional) * The action you want to anchor. * @param event (DOM event, optional) * This is used to display the feedback panel on the right node when * the command can be invoked from both the main panel and another * location, such as an activated action panel or a button. * @return (DOM node) The node to which the action should be anchored. */ panelAnchorNodeForAction(action, event) { if (event && event.target.closest("panel") == this.panelNode) { return this.mainButtonNode; } // Try each of the following nodes in order, using the first that's visible. let potentialAnchorNodeIDs = [ action && action.anchorIDOverride, action && this.urlbarButtonNodeIDForActionID(action.id), this.mainButtonNode.id, "identity-icon", "urlbar-search-button", ]; for (let id of potentialAnchorNodeIDs) { if (id) { let node = document.getElementById(id); if (node && !node.hidden) { let bounds = window.windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(node); if (bounds.height > 0 && bounds.width > 0) { return node; } } } } let id = action ? action.id : ""; throw new Error(`PageActions: No anchor node for ${id}`); }, get activatedActionPanelNode() { return document.getElementById(this._activatedActionPanelID); }, get _activatedActionPanelID() { return "pageActionActivatedActionPanel"; }, /** * Adds or removes as necessary a DOM node for the given action in the urlbar. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action to place. */ placeActionInUrlbar(action) { let id = this.urlbarButtonNodeIDForActionID(action.id); let node = document.getElementById(id); if (!action.shouldShowInUrlbar(window)) { if (node) { if (action.__urlbarNodeInMarkup) { node.hidden = true; } else { node.remove(); } } return; } let newlyPlaced = false; if (action.__urlbarNodeInMarkup) { this._maybeNotifyBeforePlacedInWindow(action); // Allow the consumer to add the node in response to the // onBeforePlacedInWindow notification. node = document.getElementById(id); if (!node) { return; } newlyPlaced = node.hidden; node.hidden = false; } else if (!node) { newlyPlaced = true; this._maybeNotifyBeforePlacedInWindow(action); node = this._makeUrlbarButtonNode(action); node.id = id; } if (!newlyPlaced) { return; } let insertBeforeNode = this._getNextNode(action, true); this.mainButtonNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, insertBeforeNode); this.updateAction(action, null, { urlbarNode: node, }); action.onPlacedInUrlbar(node); }, _makeUrlbarButtonNode(action) { let buttonNode = document.createXULElement("hbox"); buttonNode.classList.add("urlbar-page-action"); if (action.extensionID) { buttonNode.classList.add("urlbar-addon-page-action"); } buttonNode.setAttribute("actionid", action.id); buttonNode.setAttribute("role", "button"); let commandHandler = event => { this.doCommandForAction(action, event, buttonNode); }; buttonNode.addEventListener("click", commandHandler); buttonNode.addEventListener("keypress", commandHandler); let imageNode = document.createXULElement("image"); imageNode.classList.add("urlbar-icon"); buttonNode.appendChild(imageNode); return buttonNode; }, /** * Removes all the DOM nodes of the given action. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action to remove. */ removeAction(action) { this._removeActionFromPanel(action); this._removeActionFromUrlbar(action); action.onRemovedFromWindow(window); this._updateMainButtonAttributes(); }, _removeActionFromUrlbar(action) { let node = this.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); if (node) { node.remove(); } }, /** * Updates the DOM nodes of an action to reflect either a changed property or * all properties. * * @param action (PageActions.Action, required) * The action to update. * @param propertyName (string, optional) * The name of the property to update. If not given, then DOM nodes * will be updated to reflect the current values of all properties. * @param opts (object, optional) * - panelNode: The action's node in the panel to update. * - urlbarNode: The action's node in the urlbar to update. * - value: If a property name is passed, this argument may contain * its current value, in order to prevent a further look-up. */ updateAction(action, propertyName = null, opts = {}) { let anyNodeGiven = "panelNode" in opts || "urlbarNode" in opts; let panelNode = anyNodeGiven ? opts.panelNode || null : this.panelButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); let urlbarNode = anyNodeGiven ? opts.urlbarNode || null : this.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(action.id); let value = opts.value || undefined; if (propertyName) { this[this._updateMethods[propertyName]]( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, value ); } else { for (let name of ["iconURL", "title", "tooltip", "wantsSubview"]) { this[this._updateMethods[name]](action, panelNode, urlbarNode, value); } } }, _updateMethods: { disabled: "_updateActionDisabled", iconURL: "_updateActionIconURL", title: "_updateActionLabeling", tooltip: "_updateActionTooltip", wantsSubview: "_updateActionWantsSubview", }, _updateActionDisabled( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, disabled = action.getDisabled(window) ) { // Extension page actions should behave like a transient action, // and be hidden from the urlbar overflow menu if they // are disabled (as in the urlbar when the overflow menu isn't available) // // TODO(Bug 1704139): as a follow up we may look into just set on all // extension pageActions `_transient: true`, at least once we sunset // the proton preference and we don't need the pre-Proton behavior anymore, // and remove this special case. const isProtonExtensionAction = action.extensionID; if (action.__transient || isProtonExtensionAction) { this.placeActionInPanel(action); } else { this._updateActionDisabledInPanel(action, panelNode, disabled); } this.placeActionInUrlbar(action); }, _updateActionDisabledInPanel( action, panelNode, disabled = action.getDisabled(window) ) { if (panelNode) { if (disabled) { panelNode.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { panelNode.removeAttribute("disabled"); } } }, _updateActionIconURL( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, properties = action.getIconProperties(window) ) { for (let [prop, value] of Object.entries(properties)) { if (panelNode) { panelNode.style.setProperty(prop, value); } if (urlbarNode) { urlbarNode.style.setProperty(prop, value); } } }, _updateActionLabeling( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, title = action.getTitle(window) ) { if (panelNode) { panelNode.setAttribute("label", title); } if (urlbarNode) { urlbarNode.setAttribute("aria-label", title); // tooltiptext falls back to the title, so update it too if necessary. let tooltip = action.getTooltip(window); if (!tooltip) { urlbarNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", title); } } }, _updateActionTooltip( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, tooltip = action.getTooltip(window) ) { if (urlbarNode) { if (!tooltip) { tooltip = action.getTitle(window); } if (tooltip) { urlbarNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltip); } } }, _updateActionWantsSubview( action, panelNode, urlbarNode, wantsSubview = action.getWantsSubview(window) ) { if (!panelNode) { return; } let panelViewID = this._panelViewNodeIDForActionID(action.id, false); let panelViewNode = document.getElementById(panelViewID); panelNode.classList.toggle("subviewbutton-nav", wantsSubview); if (!wantsSubview) { if (panelViewNode) { panelViewNode.remove(); } return; } if (!panelViewNode) { panelViewNode = this._makePanelViewNodeForAction(action, false); this.multiViewNode.appendChild(panelViewNode); action.onSubviewPlaced(panelViewNode); } }, doCommandForAction(action, event, buttonNode) { if (event && event.type == "click" && event.button != 0) { return; } if (event && event.type == "keypress") { if (event.key != " " && event.key != "Enter") { return; } event.stopPropagation(); } // If we're in the panel, open a subview inside the panel: // Note that we can't use this.panelNode.contains(buttonNode) here // because of XBL boundaries breaking Element.contains. if ( action.getWantsSubview(window) && buttonNode && buttonNode.closest("panel") == this.panelNode ) { let panelViewNodeID = this._panelViewNodeIDForActionID(action.id, false); let panelViewNode = document.getElementById(panelViewNodeID); action.onSubviewShowing(panelViewNode); this.multiViewNode.showSubView(panelViewNode, buttonNode); return; } // Otherwise, hide the main popup in case it was open: PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this.panelNode); let aaPanelNode = this.activatedActionPanelNode; if (!aaPanelNode || aaPanelNode.getAttribute("actionID") != action.id) { action.onCommand(event, buttonNode); } if (action.getWantsSubview(window) || action.wantsIframe) { this.togglePanelForAction(action, null, event); } }, /** * Returns the action for a node. * * @param node (DOM node, required) * A button DOM node, either one that's shown in the page action panel * or the urlbar. * @return (PageAction.Action) If the node has a related action and the action * is not a separator, then the action is returned. Otherwise null is * returned. */ actionForNode(node) { if (!node) { return null; } let actionID = this._actionIDForNodeID(node.id); let action = PageActions.actionForID(actionID); if (!action) { // When a page action is clicked, `node` will be an ancestor of // a node corresponding to an action. `node` will be the page action node // itself when a page action is selected with the keyboard. That's because // the semantic meaning of page action is on an hbox that contains an // . for (let n = node.parentNode; n && !action; n = n.parentNode) { if (n.id == "page-action-buttons" || n.localName == "panelview") { // We reached the page-action-buttons or panelview container. // Stop looking; no action was found. break; } actionID = this._actionIDForNodeID(n.id); action = PageActions.actionForID(actionID); } } return action && !action.__isSeparator ? action : null; }, /** * The given action's top-level button in the main panel. * * @param actionID (string, required) * The action ID. * @return (DOM node) The action's button in the main panel. */ panelButtonNodeForActionID(actionID) { return document.getElementById(this.panelButtonNodeIDForActionID(actionID)); }, /** * The ID of the given action's top-level button in the main panel. * * @param actionID (string, required) * The action ID. * @return (string) The ID of the action's button in the main panel. */ panelButtonNodeIDForActionID(actionID) { return `pageAction-panel-${actionID}`; }, /** * The given action's button in the urlbar. * * @param actionID (string, required) * The action ID. * @return (DOM node) The action's urlbar button node. */ urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(actionID) { return document.getElementById( this.urlbarButtonNodeIDForActionID(actionID) ); }, /** * The ID of the given action's button in the urlbar. * * @param actionID (string, required) * The action ID. * @return (string) The ID of the action's urlbar button node. */ urlbarButtonNodeIDForActionID(actionID) { let action = PageActions.actionForID(actionID); if (action && action.urlbarIDOverride) { return action.urlbarIDOverride; } return `pageAction-urlbar-${actionID}`; }, // The ID of the given action's panelview. _panelViewNodeIDForActionID(actionID, forUrlbar) { let placementID = forUrlbar ? "urlbar" : "panel"; return `pageAction-${placementID}-${actionID}-subview`; }, // The ID of the action corresponding to the given top-level button in the // panel or button in the urlbar. _actionIDForNodeID(nodeID) { if (!nodeID) { return null; } let match = nodeID.match(/^pageAction-(?:panel|urlbar)-(.+)$/); if (match) { return match[1]; } // Check all the urlbar ID overrides. for (let action of PageActions.actions) { if (action.urlbarIDOverride && action.urlbarIDOverride == nodeID) { return action.id; } } return null; }, /** * Call this when the main page action button in the urlbar is activated. * * @param event (DOM event, required) * The click or whatever event. */ mainButtonClicked(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if ( // On mac, ctrl-click will send a context menu event from the widget, so // we don't want to bring up the panel when ctrl key is pressed. (event.type == "mousedown" && (event.button != 0 || (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" && event.ctrlKey))) || (event.type == "keypress" && event.charCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE && event.keyCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) ) { return; } // If the activated-action panel is open and anchored to the main button, // close it. let panelNode = this.activatedActionPanelNode; if (panelNode && panelNode.anchorNode.id == this.mainButtonNode.id) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(panelNode); return; } if (this.panelNode.state == "open") { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this.panelNode); } else if (this.panelNode.state == "closed") { this.showPanel(event); } }, /** * Show the page action panel * * @param event (DOM event, optional) * The event that triggers showing the panel. (such as a mouse click, * if the user clicked something to open the panel) */ showPanel(event = null) { this.panelNode.hidden = false; PanelMultiView.openPopup(this.panelNode, this.mainButtonNode, { position: "bottomright topright", triggerEvent: event, }).catch(console.error); }, /** * Call this on the context menu's popupshowing event. * * @param event (DOM event, required) * The popupshowing event. * @param popup (DOM node, required) * The context menu popup DOM node. */ async onContextMenuShowing(event, popup) { if (event.target != popup) { return; } let action = this.actionForNode(popup.triggerNode); // Only extension actions provide a context menu. if (!action?.extensionID) { this._contextAction = null; event.preventDefault(); return; } this._contextAction = action; let removeExtension = popup.querySelector(".removeExtensionItem"); let { extensionID } = this._contextAction; let addon = extensionID && (await AddonManager.getAddonByID(extensionID)); removeExtension.hidden = !addon; if (addon) { removeExtension.disabled = !( addon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL ); } }, /** * Call this from the menu item in the context menu that opens about:addons. */ openAboutAddonsForContextAction() { if (!this._contextAction) { return; } let action = this._contextAction; this._contextAction = null; AMTelemetry.recordActionEvent({ object: "pageAction", action: "manage", extra: { addonId: action.extensionID }, }); let viewID = "addons://detail/" + encodeURIComponent(action.extensionID); window.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr(viewID); }, /** * Call this from the menu item in the context menu that removes an add-on. */ removeExtensionForContextAction() { if (!this._contextAction) { return; } let action = this._contextAction; this._contextAction = null; BrowserAddonUI.removeAddon(action.extensionID, "pageAction"); }, _contextAction: null, /** * Call this on tab switch or when the current 's location changes. */ onLocationChange() { for (let action of PageActions.actions) { action.onLocationChange(window); } }, }; // built-in actions below ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bookmark BrowserPageActions.bookmark = { onShowingInPanel(buttonNode) { if (buttonNode.label == "null") { BookmarkingUI.updateBookmarkPageMenuItem(); } }, onCommand(event, buttonNode) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(BrowserPageActions.panelNode); BookmarkingUI.onStarCommand(event); }, };