/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env mozilla/browser-window */ /** * Utility object to handle manipulations of the identity permission indicators * in the UI. */ var gPermissionPanel = { _popupInitialized: false, _initializePopup() { if (!this._popupInitialized) { let wrapper = document.getElementById("template-permission-popup"); wrapper.replaceWith(wrapper.content); let baseURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL"); document.getElementById( "permission-popup-storage-access-permission-learn-more" ).href = baseURL + "site-information-third-party-access"; this._popupInitialized = true; } }, hidePopup() { if (this._popupInitialized) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this._permissionPopup); } }, /** * _popupAnchorNode will be set by setAnchor if an outside consumer * of this object wants to override the default anchor for the panel. * If there is no override, this remains null, and the _identityPermissionBox * will be used as the anchor. */ _popupAnchorNode: null, _popupPosition: "bottomleft topleft", setAnchor(anchorNode, popupPosition) { this._popupAnchorNode = anchorNode; this._popupPosition = popupPosition; }, // smart getters get _popupAnchor() { if (this._popupAnchorNode) { return this._popupAnchorNode; } return this._identityPermissionBox; }, get _identityPermissionBox() { delete this._identityPermissionBox; return (this._identityPermissionBox = document.getElementById( "identity-permission-box" )); }, get _permissionGrantedIcon() { delete this._permissionGrantedIcon; return (this._permissionGrantedIcon = document.getElementById( "permissions-granted-icon" )); }, get _permissionPopup() { if (!this._popupInitialized) { return null; } delete this._permissionPopup; return (this._permissionPopup = document.getElementById( "permission-popup" )); }, get _permissionPopupMainView() { delete this._permissionPopupPopupMainView; return (this._permissionPopupPopupMainView = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-mainView" )); }, get _permissionPopupMainViewHeaderLabel() { delete this._permissionPopupMainViewHeaderLabel; return (this._permissionPopupMainViewHeaderLabel = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-mainView-panel-header-span" )); }, get _permissionList() { delete this._permissionList; return (this._permissionList = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-permission-list" )); }, get _defaultPermissionAnchor() { delete this._defaultPermissionAnchor; return (this._defaultPermissionAnchor = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-permission-list-default-anchor" )); }, get _permissionReloadHint() { delete this._permissionReloadHint; return (this._permissionReloadHint = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-permission-reload-hint" )); }, get _permissionAnchors() { delete this._permissionAnchors; let permissionAnchors = {}; for (let anchor of document.getElementById("blocked-permissions-container") .children) { permissionAnchors[anchor.getAttribute("data-permission-id")] = anchor; } return (this._permissionAnchors = permissionAnchors); }, get _geoSharingIcon() { delete this._geoSharingIcon; return (this._geoSharingIcon = document.getElementById("geo-sharing-icon")); }, get _xrSharingIcon() { delete this._xrSharingIcon; return (this._xrSharingIcon = document.getElementById("xr-sharing-icon")); }, get _webRTCSharingIcon() { delete this._webRTCSharingIcon; return (this._webRTCSharingIcon = document.getElementById( "webrtc-sharing-icon" )); }, /** * Refresh the contents of the permission popup. This includes the headline * and the list of permissions. */ _refreshPermissionPopup() { let host = gIdentityHandler.getHostForDisplay(); // Update header label this._permissionPopupMainViewHeaderLabel.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString( "permissions.header", [host] ); // Refresh the permission list this.updateSitePermissions(); }, /** * Called by gIdentityHandler to hide permission icons for invalid proxy * state. */ hidePermissionIcons() { this._identityPermissionBox.removeAttribute("hasPermissions"); }, /** * Updates the permissions icons in the identity block. * We show icons for blocked permissions / popups. */ refreshPermissionIcons() { let permissionAnchors = this._permissionAnchors; // hide all permission icons for (let icon of Object.values(permissionAnchors)) { icon.removeAttribute("showing"); } // keeps track if we should show an indicator that there are active permissions let hasPermissions = false; // show permission icons let permissions = SitePermissions.getAllForBrowser( gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); for (let permission of permissions) { if (permission.state != SitePermissions.UNKNOWN) { hasPermissions = true; if ( permission.state == SitePermissions.BLOCK || permission.state == SitePermissions.AUTOPLAY_BLOCKED_ALL ) { let icon = permissionAnchors[permission.id]; if (icon) { icon.setAttribute("showing", "true"); } } } } // Show blocked popup icon in the identity-box if popups are blocked // irrespective of popup permission capability value. if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser.popupBlocker.getBlockedPopupCount()) { let icon = permissionAnchors.popup; icon.setAttribute("showing", "true"); hasPermissions = true; } this._identityPermissionBox.toggleAttribute( "hasPermissions", hasPermissions ); }, /** * Shows the permission popup. * @param {Event} event - Event which caused the popup to show. */ openPopup(event) { // If we are in DOM fullscreen, exit it before showing the permission popup // (see bug 1557041) if (document.fullscreen) { // Open the identity popup after DOM fullscreen exit // We need to wait for the exit event and after that wait for the fullscreen exit transition to complete // If we call openPopup before the fullscreen transition ends it can get cancelled // Only waiting for painted is not sufficient because we could still be in the fullscreen enter transition. this._exitedEventReceived = false; this._event = event; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "fullscreen-painted"); window.addEventListener( "MozDOMFullscreen:Exited", () => { this._exitedEventReceived = true; }, { once: true } ); document.exitFullscreen(); return; } // Make the popup available. this._initializePopup(); // Remove the reload hint that we show after a user has cleared a permission. this._permissionReloadHint.hidden = true; // Update the popup strings this._refreshPermissionPopup(); // Check the panel state of other panels. Hide them if needed. let openPanels = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("panel[openpanel]")); for (let panel of openPanels) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(panel); } // Now open the popup, anchored off the primary chrome element PanelMultiView.openPopup(this._permissionPopup, this._popupAnchor, { position: this._popupPosition, triggerEvent: event, }).catch(console.error); }, /** * Update identity permission indicators based on sharing state of the * selected tab. This should be called externally whenever the sharing state * of the selected tab changes. */ updateSharingIndicator() { let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; this._sharingState = tab._sharingState; this._webRTCSharingIcon.removeAttribute("paused"); this._webRTCSharingIcon.removeAttribute("sharing"); this._geoSharingIcon.removeAttribute("sharing"); this._xrSharingIcon.removeAttribute("sharing"); let hasSharingIcon = false; if (this._sharingState) { if (this._sharingState.webRTC) { if (this._sharingState.webRTC.sharing) { this._webRTCSharingIcon.setAttribute( "sharing", this._sharingState.webRTC.sharing ); hasSharingIcon = true; if (this._sharingState.webRTC.paused) { this._webRTCSharingIcon.setAttribute("paused", "true"); } } else { // Reflect any active permission grace periods let { micGrace, camGrace } = hasMicCamGracePeriodsSolely( gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); if (micGrace || camGrace) { // Reuse the "paused sharing" indicator to warn about grace periods this._webRTCSharingIcon.setAttribute( "sharing", camGrace ? "camera" : "microphone" ); hasSharingIcon = true; this._webRTCSharingIcon.setAttribute("paused", "true"); } } } if (this._sharingState.geo) { this._geoSharingIcon.setAttribute("sharing", this._sharingState.geo); hasSharingIcon = true; } if (this._sharingState.xr) { this._xrSharingIcon.setAttribute("sharing", this._sharingState.xr); hasSharingIcon = true; } } this._identityPermissionBox.toggleAttribute( "hasSharingIcon", hasSharingIcon ); if (this._popupInitialized && this._permissionPopup.state != "closed") { this.updateSitePermissions(); } }, /** * Click handler for the permission-box element in primary chrome. */ handleIdentityButtonEvent(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if ( (event.type == "click" && event.button != 0) || (event.type == "keypress" && event.charCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE && event.keyCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) ) { return; // Left click, space or enter only } // Don't allow left click, space or enter if the location has been modified, // so long as we're not sharing any devices. // If we are sharing a device, the identity block is prevented by CSS from // being focused (and therefore, interacted with) by the user. However, we // want to allow opening the identity popup from the device control menu, // which calls click() on the identity button, so we don't return early. if ( !this._sharingState && gURLBar.getAttribute("pageproxystate") != "valid" ) { return; } this.openPopup(event); }, onPopupShown(event) { if (event.target == this._permissionPopup) { window.addEventListener("focus", this, true); } }, onPopupHidden(event) { if (event.target == this._permissionPopup) { window.removeEventListener("focus", this, true); } }, handleEvent(event) { let elem = document.activeElement; let position = elem.compareDocumentPosition(this._permissionPopup); if ( !( position & (Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) ) && !this._permissionPopup.hasAttribute("noautohide") ) { // Hide the panel when focusing an element that is // neither an ancestor nor descendant unless the panel has // @noautohide (e.g. for a tour). PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this._permissionPopup); } }, observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "fullscreen-painted": { if (subject != window || !this._exitedEventReceived) { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "fullscreen-painted"); this.openPopup(this._event); delete this._event; break; } } }, onLocationChange() { if (this._popupInitialized && this._permissionPopup.state != "closed") { this._permissionReloadHint.hidden = true; } }, /** * Updates the permission list in the permissions popup. */ updateSitePermissions() { let permissionItemSelector = [ ".permission-popup-permission-item, .permission-popup-permission-item-container", ]; this._permissionList .querySelectorAll(permissionItemSelector) .forEach(e => e.remove()); // Used by _createPermissionItem to build unique IDs. this._permissionLabelIndex = 0; let permissions = SitePermissions.getAllPermissionDetailsForBrowser( gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); this._sharingState = gBrowser.selectedTab._sharingState; if (this._sharingState?.geo) { let geoPermission = permissions.find(perm => perm.id === "geo"); if (geoPermission) { geoPermission.sharingState = true; } else { permissions.push({ id: "geo", state: SitePermissions.ALLOW, scope: SitePermissions.SCOPE_REQUEST, sharingState: true, }); } } if (this._sharingState?.xr) { let xrPermission = permissions.find(perm => perm.id === "xr"); if (xrPermission) { xrPermission.sharingState = true; } else { permissions.push({ id: "xr", state: SitePermissions.ALLOW, scope: SitePermissions.SCOPE_REQUEST, sharingState: true, }); } } if (this._sharingState?.webRTC) { let webrtcState = this._sharingState.webRTC; // If WebRTC device or screen permissions are in use, we need to find // the associated permission item to set the sharingState field. for (let id of ["camera", "microphone", "screen"]) { if (webrtcState[id]) { let found = false; for (let permission of permissions) { let [permId] = permission.id.split( SitePermissions.PERM_KEY_DELIMITER ); if (permId != id) { continue; } found = true; permission.sharingState = webrtcState[id]; } if (!found) { // If the permission item we were looking for doesn't exist, // the user has temporarily allowed sharing and we need to add // an item in the permissions array to reflect this. permissions.push({ id, state: SitePermissions.ALLOW, scope: SitePermissions.SCOPE_REQUEST, sharingState: webrtcState[id], }); } } } } let totalBlockedPopups = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.popupBlocker.getBlockedPopupCount(); let hasBlockedPopupIndicator = false; for (let permission of permissions) { let [id, key] = permission.id.split(SitePermissions.PERM_KEY_DELIMITER); if (id == "storage-access") { // Ignore storage access permissions here, they are made visible inside // the Content Blocking UI. continue; } let item; let anchor = this._permissionList.querySelector(`[anchorfor="${id}"]`) || this._defaultPermissionAnchor; if (id == "open-protocol-handler") { let permContainer = this._createProtocolHandlerPermissionItem( permission, key ); if (permContainer) { anchor.appendChild(permContainer); } } else if (["camera", "screen", "microphone", "speaker"].includes(id)) { item = this._createWebRTCPermissionItem(permission, id, key); if (!item) { continue; } anchor.appendChild(item); } else { item = this._createPermissionItem({ permission, idNoSuffix: id, isContainer: id == "geo" || id == "xr", nowrapLabel: id == "3rdPartyStorage", }); if (!item) { continue; } anchor.appendChild(item); } if (id == "popup" && totalBlockedPopups) { this._createBlockedPopupIndicator(totalBlockedPopups); hasBlockedPopupIndicator = true; } else if (id == "geo" && permission.state === SitePermissions.ALLOW) { this._createGeoLocationLastAccessIndicator(); } } if (totalBlockedPopups && !hasBlockedPopupIndicator) { let permission = { id: "popup", state: SitePermissions.getDefault("popup"), scope: SitePermissions.SCOPE_PERSISTENT, }; let item = this._createPermissionItem({ permission }); this._defaultPermissionAnchor.appendChild(item); this._createBlockedPopupIndicator(totalBlockedPopups); } }, /** * Creates a permission item based on the supplied options and returns it. * It is up to the caller to actually insert the element somewhere. * * @param permission - An object containing information representing the * permission, typically obtained via SitePermissions.jsm * @param isContainer - If true, the permission item will be added to a vbox * and the vbox will be returned. * @param permClearButton - Whether to show an "x" button to clear the permission * @param showStateLabel - Whether to show a label indicating the current status * of the permission e.g. "Temporary Allowed" * @param idNoSuffix - Some permission types have additional information suffixed * to the ID - callers can pass the unsuffixed ID via this * parameter to indicate the permission type manually. * @param nowrapLabel - Whether to prevent the permission item's label from * wrapping its text content. This allows styling text-overflow * and is useful for e.g. 3rdPartyStorage permissions whose * labels are origins - which could be of any length. */ _createPermissionItem({ permission, isContainer = false, permClearButton = true, showStateLabel = true, idNoSuffix = permission.id, nowrapLabel = false, clearCallback = () => {}, }) { let container = document.createXULElement("hbox"); container.classList.add( "permission-popup-permission-item", `permission-popup-permission-item-${idNoSuffix}` ); container.setAttribute("align", "center"); container.setAttribute("role", "group"); let img = document.createXULElement("image"); img.classList.add("permission-popup-permission-icon", idNoSuffix + "-icon"); if ( permission.state == SitePermissions.BLOCK || permission.state == SitePermissions.AUTOPLAY_BLOCKED_ALL ) { img.classList.add("blocked-permission-icon"); } if ( permission.sharingState == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED || (idNoSuffix == "screen" && permission.sharingState && !permission.sharingState.includes("Paused")) ) { img.classList.add("in-use"); } let nameLabel = document.createXULElement("label"); nameLabel.setAttribute("flex", "1"); nameLabel.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-label"); let label = SitePermissions.getPermissionLabel(permission.id); if (label === null) { return null; } if (nowrapLabel) { nameLabel.setAttribute("value", label); nameLabel.setAttribute("tooltiptext", label); nameLabel.setAttribute("crop", "end"); } else { nameLabel.textContent = label; } // idNoSuffix is not unique for double-keyed permissions. Adding an index to // ensure IDs are unique. // permission.id is unique but may not be a valid HTML ID. let nameLabelId = `permission-popup-permission-label-${idNoSuffix}-${this ._permissionLabelIndex++}`; nameLabel.setAttribute("id", nameLabelId); let isPolicyPermission = [ SitePermissions.SCOPE_POLICY, SitePermissions.SCOPE_GLOBAL, ].includes(permission.scope); if ( (idNoSuffix == "popup" && !isPolicyPermission) || idNoSuffix == "autoplay-media" ) { let menulist = document.createXULElement("menulist"); let menupopup = document.createXULElement("menupopup"); let block = document.createXULElement("vbox"); block.setAttribute("id", "permission-popup-container"); block.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-item-container"); menulist.setAttribute("sizetopopup", "none"); menulist.setAttribute("id", "permission-popup-menulist"); for (let state of SitePermissions.getAvailableStates(idNoSuffix)) { let menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); // We need to correctly display the default/unknown state, which has its // own integer value (0) but represents one of the other states. if (state == SitePermissions.getDefault(idNoSuffix)) { menuitem.setAttribute("value", "0"); } else { menuitem.setAttribute("value", state); } menuitem.setAttribute( "label", SitePermissions.getMultichoiceStateLabel(idNoSuffix, state) ); menupopup.appendChild(menuitem); } menulist.appendChild(menupopup); if (permission.state == SitePermissions.getDefault(idNoSuffix)) { menulist.value = "0"; } else { menulist.value = permission.state; } // Avoiding listening to the "select" event on purpose. See Bug 1404262. menulist.addEventListener("command", () => { SitePermissions.setForPrincipal( gBrowser.contentPrincipal, permission.id, menulist.selectedItem.value ); }); container.appendChild(img); container.appendChild(nameLabel); container.appendChild(menulist); container.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", nameLabelId); block.appendChild(container); return block; } container.appendChild(img); container.appendChild(nameLabel); let labelledBy = nameLabelId; let stateLabel; if (showStateLabel) { stateLabel = this._createStateLabel(permission, idNoSuffix); labelledBy += " " + stateLabel.id; } container.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", labelledBy); /* We return the permission item here without a remove button if the permission is a SCOPE_POLICY or SCOPE_GLOBAL permission. Policy permissions cannot be removed/changed for the duration of the browser session. */ if (isPolicyPermission) { if (stateLabel) { container.appendChild(stateLabel); } return container; } if (isContainer) { let block = document.createXULElement("vbox"); block.setAttribute("id", "permission-popup-" + idNoSuffix + "-container"); block.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-item-container"); if (permClearButton) { let button = this._createPermissionClearButton({ permission, container: block, idNoSuffix, clearCallback, }); if (stateLabel) { button.appendChild(stateLabel); } container.appendChild(button); } block.appendChild(container); return block; } if (permClearButton) { let button = this._createPermissionClearButton({ permission, container, idNoSuffix, clearCallback, }); if (stateLabel) { button.appendChild(stateLabel); } container.appendChild(button); } return container; }, _createStateLabel(aPermission, idNoSuffix) { let label = document.createXULElement("label"); label.setAttribute("flex", "1"); label.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-state-label"); let labelId = `permission-popup-permission-state-label-${idNoSuffix}-${this ._permissionLabelIndex++}`; label.setAttribute("id", labelId); let { state, scope } = aPermission; // If the user did not permanently allow this device but it is currently // used, set the variables to display a "temporarily allowed" info. if (state != SitePermissions.ALLOW && aPermission.sharingState) { state = SitePermissions.ALLOW; scope = SitePermissions.SCOPE_REQUEST; } label.textContent = SitePermissions.getCurrentStateLabel( state, idNoSuffix, scope ); return label; }, _removePermPersistentAllow(principal, id) { let perm = SitePermissions.getForPrincipal(principal, id); if ( perm.state == SitePermissions.ALLOW && perm.scope == SitePermissions.SCOPE_PERSISTENT ) { SitePermissions.removeFromPrincipal(principal, id); } }, _createPermissionClearButton({ permission, container, idNoSuffix = permission.id, clearCallback = () => {}, }) { let button = document.createXULElement("button"); button.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-remove-button"); let tooltiptext = gNavigatorBundle.getString("permissions.remove.tooltip"); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltiptext); button.addEventListener("command", () => { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; container.remove(); // For XR permissions we need to keep track of all origins which may have // started XR sharing. This is necessary, because XR does not use // permission delegation and permissions can be granted for sub-frames. We // need to keep track of which origins we need to revoke the permission // for. if (permission.sharingState && idNoSuffix === "xr") { let origins = browser.getDevicePermissionOrigins(idNoSuffix); for (let origin of origins) { let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin( origin ); this._removePermPersistentAllow(principal, permission.id); } origins.clear(); } SitePermissions.removeFromPrincipal( gBrowser.contentPrincipal, permission.id, browser ); this._permissionReloadHint.hidden = false; if (idNoSuffix === "geo") { gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(browser, { geo: false }); } else if (idNoSuffix === "xr") { gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(browser, { xr: false }); } clearCallback(); }); return button; }, _getGeoLocationLastAccess() { return new Promise(resolve => { let lastAccess = null; ContentPrefService2.getByDomainAndName( gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "permissions.geoLocation.lastAccess", gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadContext, { handleResult(pref) { lastAccess = pref.value; }, handleCompletion() { resolve(lastAccess); }, } ); }); }, async _createGeoLocationLastAccessIndicator() { let lastAccessStr = await this._getGeoLocationLastAccess(); let geoContainer = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-geo-container" ); // Check whether geoContainer still exists. // We are async, the identity popup could have been closed already. // Also check if it is already populated with a time label. // This can happen if we update the permission panel multiple times in a // short timeframe. if ( lastAccessStr == null || !geoContainer || document.getElementById("geo-access-indicator-item") ) { return; } let lastAccess = new Date(lastAccessStr); if (isNaN(lastAccess)) { console.error("Invalid timestamp for last geolocation access"); return; } let indicator = document.createXULElement("hbox"); indicator.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-item"); indicator.setAttribute("align", "center"); indicator.setAttribute("id", "geo-access-indicator-item"); let timeFormat = new Services.intl.RelativeTimeFormat(undefined, {}); let text = document.createXULElement("label"); text.setAttribute("flex", "1"); text.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-label"); text.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString( "geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText", [timeFormat.formatBestUnit(lastAccess)] ); indicator.appendChild(text); geoContainer.appendChild(indicator); }, /** * Create a permission item for a WebRTC permission. May return null if there * already is a suitable permission item for this device type. * @param {Object} permission - Permission object. * @param {string} id - Permission ID without suffix. * @param {string} [key] - Secondary permission key. * @returns {xul:hbox|null} - Element for permission or null if permission * should be skipped. */ _createWebRTCPermissionItem(permission, id, key) { if (!["camera", "screen", "microphone", "speaker"].includes(id)) { throw new Error("Invalid permission id for WebRTC permission item."); } // Only show WebRTC device-specific ALLOW permissions. Since we only show // one permission item per device type, we don't support showing mixed // states where one devices is allowed and another one blocked. if (key && permission.state != SitePermissions.ALLOW) { return null; } // Check if there is already an item for this permission. Multiple // permissions with the same id can be set, but with different keys. let item = document.querySelector( `.permission-popup-permission-item-${id}` ); if (key) { // We have a double keyed permission. If there is already an item it will // have ownership of all permissions with this WebRTC permission id. if (item) { return null; } } else if (item) { // If we have a single-key (not device specific) webRTC permission it // overrides any existing (device specific) permission items. item.remove(); } return this._createPermissionItem({ permission, idNoSuffix: id, clearCallback: () => { webrtcUI.clearPermissionsAndStopSharing([id], gBrowser.selectedTab); }, }); }, _createProtocolHandlerPermissionItem(permission, key) { let container = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-open-protocol-handler-container" ); let initialCall; if (!container) { // First open-protocol-handler permission, create container. container = this._createPermissionItem({ permission, isContainer: true, permClearButton: false, showStateLabel: false, idNoSuffix: "open-protocol-handler", }); initialCall = true; } let item = document.createXULElement("hbox"); item.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-item"); item.setAttribute("align", "center"); let text = document.createXULElement("label"); text.setAttribute("flex", "1"); text.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-label-subitem"); text.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString( "openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel", [key] ); let stateLabel = this._createStateLabel( permission, "open-protocol-handler" ); item.appendChild(text); let button = this._createPermissionClearButton({ permission, container: item, clearCallback: () => { // When we're clearing the last open-protocol-handler permission, clean up // the empty container. // (<= 1 because the heading item is also a child of the container) if (container.childElementCount <= 1) { container.remove(); } }, }); button.appendChild(stateLabel); item.appendChild(button); container.appendChild(item); // If container already exists in permission list, don't return it again. return initialCall && container; }, _createBlockedPopupIndicator(aTotalBlockedPopups) { let indicator = document.createXULElement("hbox"); indicator.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-item"); indicator.setAttribute("align", "center"); indicator.setAttribute("id", "blocked-popup-indicator-item"); MozXULElement.insertFTLIfNeeded("browser/sitePermissions.ftl"); let text = document.createXULElement("label", { is: "text-link" }); text.setAttribute("class", "permission-popup-permission-label"); text.setAttribute("data-l10n-id", "site-permissions-open-blocked-popups"); text.setAttribute( "data-l10n-args", JSON.stringify({ count: aTotalBlockedPopups }) ); text.addEventListener("click", () => { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.popupBlocker.unblockAllPopups(); }); indicator.appendChild(text); document .getElementById("permission-popup-container") .appendChild(indicator); }, }; /** * Returns an object containing two booleans: {camGrace, micGrace}, * whether permission grace periods are found for camera/microphone AND * persistent permissions do not exist for said permissions. * @param browser - Browser element to get permissions for. */ function hasMicCamGracePeriodsSolely(browser) { let perms = SitePermissions.getAllForBrowser(browser); let micGrace = false; let micGrant = false; let camGrace = false; let camGrant = false; for (const perm of perms) { if (perm.state != SitePermissions.ALLOW) { continue; } let [id, key] = perm.id.split(SitePermissions.PERM_KEY_DELIMITER); let temporary = !!key && perm.scope == SitePermissions.SCOPE_TEMPORARY; let persistent = !key && perm.scope == SitePermissions.SCOPE_PERSISTENT; if (id == "microphone") { if (temporary) { micGrace = true; } if (persistent) { micGrant = true; } continue; } if (id == "camera") { if (temporary) { camGrace = true; } if (persistent) { camGrant = true; } } } return { micGrace: micGrace && !micGrant, camGrace: camGrace && !camGrant }; }