/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // This is loaded into chrome windows with the subscript loader. Wrap in // a block to prevent accidentally leaking globals onto `window`. { class MozTabbrowserTab extends MozElements.MozTab { static markup = ` `; constructor() { super(); this.addEventListener("mouseover", this); this.addEventListener("mouseout", this); this.addEventListener("dragstart", this, true); this.addEventListener("dragstart", this); this.addEventListener("mousedown", this); this.addEventListener("mouseup", this); this.addEventListener("click", this); this.addEventListener("dblclick", this, true); this.addEventListener("animationend", this); this.addEventListener("focus", this); this.addEventListener("AriaFocus", this); this._hover = false; this._selectedOnFirstMouseDown = false; /** * Describes how the tab ended up in this mute state. May be any of: * * - undefined: The tabs mute state has never changed. * - null: The mute state was last changed through the UI. * - Any string: The ID was changed through an extension API. The string * must be the ID of the extension which changed it. */ this.muteReason = undefined; this.mOverCloseButton = false; this.mCorrespondingMenuitem = null; this.closing = false; } static get inheritedAttributes() { return { ".tab-background": "selected=visuallyselected,fadein,multiselected", ".tab-line": "selected=visuallyselected,multiselected", ".tab-loading-burst": "pinned,bursting,notselectedsinceload", ".tab-content": "pinned,selected=visuallyselected,titlechanged,attention", ".tab-icon-stack": "sharing,pictureinpicture,crashed,busy,soundplaying,soundplaying-scheduledremoval,pinned,muted,blocked,selected=visuallyselected,activemedia-blocked,indicator-replaces-favicon", ".tab-throbber": "fadein,pinned,busy,progress,selected=visuallyselected", ".tab-icon-pending": "fadein,pinned,busy,progress,selected=visuallyselected,pendingicon", ".tab-icon-image": "src=image,triggeringprincipal=iconloadingprincipal,requestcontextid,fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected,busy,crashed,sharing,pictureinpicture", ".tab-sharing-icon-overlay": "sharing,selected=visuallyselected,pinned", ".tab-icon-overlay": "sharing,pictureinpicture,crashed,busy,soundplaying,soundplaying-scheduledremoval,pinned,muted,blocked,selected=visuallyselected,activemedia-blocked,indicator-replaces-favicon", ".tab-label-container": "pinned,selected=visuallyselected,labeldirection", ".tab-label": "text=label,accesskey,fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected,attention", ".tab-label-container .tab-secondary-label": "soundplaying,soundplaying-scheduledremoval,pinned,muted,blocked,selected=visuallyselected,activemedia-blocked,pictureinpicture", ".tab-close-button": "fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected", }; } connectedCallback() { this.initialize(); } initialize() { if (this._initialized) { return; } this.textContent = ""; this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment); this.initializeAttributeInheritance(); this.setAttribute("context", "tabContextMenu"); this._initialized = true; if (!("_lastAccessed" in this)) { this.updateLastAccessed(); } } get container() { return gBrowser.tabContainer; } set attention(val) { if (val == this.hasAttribute("attention")) { return; } this.toggleAttribute("attention", val); gBrowser._tabAttrModified(this, ["attention"]); } set _visuallySelected(val) { if (val == (this.getAttribute("visuallyselected") == "true")) { return; } if (val) { this.setAttribute("visuallyselected", "true"); } else { this.removeAttribute("visuallyselected"); } gBrowser._tabAttrModified(this, ["visuallyselected"]); } set _selected(val) { // in e10s we want to only pseudo-select a tab before its rendering is done, so that // the rest of the system knows that the tab is selected, but we don't want to update its // visual status to selected until after we receive confirmation that its content has painted. if (val) { this.setAttribute("selected", "true"); } else { this.removeAttribute("selected"); } // If we're non-e10s we should update the visual selection as well at the same time, // *or* if we're e10s and the visually selected tab isn't changing, in which case the // tab switcher code won't run and update anything else (like the before- and after- // selected attributes). if ( !gMultiProcessBrowser || (val && this.hasAttribute("visuallyselected")) ) { this._visuallySelected = val; } } get pinned() { return this.getAttribute("pinned") == "true"; } get hidden() { // This getter makes `hidden` read-only return super.hidden; } get muted() { return this.getAttribute("muted") == "true"; } get multiselected() { return this.getAttribute("multiselected") == "true"; } get userContextId() { return this.hasAttribute("usercontextid") ? parseInt(this.getAttribute("usercontextid")) : 0; } get soundPlaying() { return this.getAttribute("soundplaying") == "true"; } get pictureinpicture() { return this.getAttribute("pictureinpicture") == "true"; } get activeMediaBlocked() { return this.getAttribute("activemedia-blocked") == "true"; } get isEmpty() { // Determines if a tab is "empty", usually used in the context of determining // if it's ok to close the tab. if (this.hasAttribute("busy")) { return false; } if (this.hasAttribute("customizemode")) { return false; } let browser = this.linkedBrowser; if (!isBlankPageURL(browser.currentURI.spec)) { return false; } if (!BrowserUIUtils.checkEmptyPageOrigin(browser)) { return false; } if (browser.canGoForward || browser.canGoBack) { return false; } return true; } get lastAccessed() { return this._lastAccessed == Infinity ? Date.now() : this._lastAccessed; } get _overPlayingIcon() { return this.overlayIcon?.matches(":hover"); } get overlayIcon() { return this.querySelector(".tab-icon-overlay"); } get throbber() { return this.querySelector(".tab-throbber"); } get iconImage() { return this.querySelector(".tab-icon-image"); } get sharingIcon() { return this.querySelector(".tab-sharing-icon-overlay"); } get textLabel() { return this.querySelector(".tab-label"); } get closeButton() { return this.querySelector(".tab-close-button"); } updateLastAccessed(aDate) { this._lastAccessed = this.selected ? Infinity : aDate || Date.now(); } updateLastUnloadedByTabUnloader() { this._lastUnloaded = Date.now(); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("browser.engagement.tab_unload_count", 1); } recordTimeFromUnloadToReload() { if (!this._lastUnloaded) { return; } const diff_in_msec = Date.now() - this._lastUnloaded; Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("TAB_UNLOAD_TO_RELOAD") .add(diff_in_msec / 1000); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("browser.engagement.tab_reload_count", 1); delete this._lastUnloaded; } on_mouseover(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button")) { this.mOverCloseButton = true; } if (this._overPlayingIcon) { const selectedTabs = gBrowser.selectedTabs; const contextTabInSelection = selectedTabs.includes(this); const affectedTabsLength = contextTabInSelection ? selectedTabs.length : 1; let stringID; if (this.hasAttribute("activemedia-blocked")) { stringID = "browser-tab-unblock"; } else { stringID = this.linkedBrowser.audioMuted ? "browser-tab-unmute" : "browser-tab-mute"; } this.setSecondaryTabTooltipLabel(stringID, { count: affectedTabsLength, }); } this._mouseenter(); } on_mouseout(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button")) { this.mOverCloseButton = false; } if (event.target == this.overlayIcon) { this.setSecondaryTabTooltipLabel(null); } this._mouseleave(); } on_dragstart(event) { if (event.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) { this.style.MozUserFocus = ""; } else if ( this.mOverCloseButton || gSharedTabWarning.willShowSharedTabWarning(this) ) { event.stopPropagation(); } } on_mousedown(event) { let eventMaySelectTab = true; let tabContainer = this.container; if ( tabContainer._closeTabByDblclick && event.button == 0 && event.detail == 1 ) { this._selectedOnFirstMouseDown = this.selected; } if (this.selected) { this.style.MozUserFocus = "ignore"; } else if ( event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button") || event.target.classList.contains("tab-icon-overlay") ) { eventMaySelectTab = false; } if (event.button == 1) { gBrowser.warmupTab(gBrowser._findTabToBlurTo(this)); } if (event.button == 0) { let shiftKey = event.shiftKey; let accelKey = event.getModifierState("Accel"); if (shiftKey) { eventMaySelectTab = false; const lastSelectedTab = gBrowser.lastMultiSelectedTab; if (!accelKey) { gBrowser.selectedTab = lastSelectedTab; // Make sure selection is cleared when tab-switch doesn't happen. gBrowser.clearMultiSelectedTabs(); } gBrowser.addRangeToMultiSelectedTabs(lastSelectedTab, this); } else if (accelKey) { // Ctrl (Cmd for mac) key is pressed eventMaySelectTab = false; if (this.multiselected) { gBrowser.removeFromMultiSelectedTabs(this); } else if (this != gBrowser.selectedTab) { gBrowser.addToMultiSelectedTabs(this); gBrowser.lastMultiSelectedTab = this; } } else if (!this.selected && this.multiselected) { gBrowser.lockClearMultiSelectionOnce(); } } if (gSharedTabWarning.willShowSharedTabWarning(this)) { eventMaySelectTab = false; } if (eventMaySelectTab) { super.on_mousedown(event); } } on_mouseup(event) { // Make sure that clear-selection is released. // Otherwise selection using Shift key may be broken. gBrowser.unlockClearMultiSelection(); this.style.MozUserFocus = ""; } on_click(event) { if (event.button != 0) { return; } if (event.getModifierState("Accel") || event.shiftKey) { return; } if ( gBrowser.multiSelectedTabsCount > 0 && !event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button") && !event.target.classList.contains("tab-icon-overlay") ) { // Tabs were previously multi-selected and user clicks on a tab // without holding Ctrl/Cmd Key gBrowser.clearMultiSelectedTabs(); } if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-icon-overlay")) { if (this.activeMediaBlocked) { if (this.multiselected) { gBrowser.resumeDelayedMediaOnMultiSelectedTabs(this); } else { this.resumeDelayedMedia(); } } else if (this.soundPlaying || this.muted) { if (this.multiselected) { gBrowser.toggleMuteAudioOnMultiSelectedTabs(this); } else { this.toggleMuteAudio(); } } return; } if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button")) { if (this.multiselected) { gBrowser.removeMultiSelectedTabs(); } else { gBrowser.removeTab(this, { animate: true, byMouse: event.mozInputSource == MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_MOUSE, }); } // This enables double-click protection for the tab container // (see tabbrowser-tabs 'click' handler). gBrowser.tabContainer._blockDblClick = true; } } on_dblclick(event) { if (event.button != 0) { return; } // for the one-close-button case if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-close-button")) { event.stopPropagation(); } let tabContainer = this.container; if ( tabContainer._closeTabByDblclick && this._selectedOnFirstMouseDown && this.selected && !event.target.classList.contains("tab-icon-overlay") ) { gBrowser.removeTab(this, { animate: true, byMouse: event.mozInputSource == MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_MOUSE, }); } } on_animationend(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains("tab-loading-burst")) { this.removeAttribute("bursting"); } } _mouseenter() { if (this.hidden || this.closing) { return; } this._hover = true; if (this.selected) { this.container._handleTabSelect(); } else if (this.linkedPanel) { this.linkedBrowser.unselectedTabHover(true); this.startUnselectedTabHoverTimer(); } // Prepare connection to host beforehand. SessionStore.speculativeConnectOnTabHover(this); let tabToWarm = this; if (this.mOverCloseButton) { tabToWarm = gBrowser._findTabToBlurTo(this); } gBrowser.warmupTab(tabToWarm); } _mouseleave() { if (!this._hover) { return; } this._hover = false; if (this.linkedPanel && !this.selected) { this.linkedBrowser.unselectedTabHover(false); this.cancelUnselectedTabHoverTimer(); } } setSecondaryTabTooltipLabel(l10nID, l10nArgs) { this.querySelector(".tab-secondary-label").toggleAttribute( "showtooltip", l10nID ); const tooltipEl = this.querySelector(".tab-icon-sound-tooltip-label"); if (l10nArgs) { tooltipEl.setAttribute("data-l10n-args", JSON.stringify(l10nArgs)); } else { tooltipEl.removeAttribute("data-l10n-args"); } if (l10nID) { tooltipEl.setAttribute("data-l10n-id", l10nID); } else { tooltipEl.removeAttribute("data-l10n-id"); } } startUnselectedTabHoverTimer() { // Only record data when we need to. if (!this.linkedBrowser.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover) { return; } if ( !TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this) ) { TelemetryStopwatch.start("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this); } if (this._hoverTabTimer) { clearTimeout(this._hoverTabTimer); this._hoverTabTimer = null; } } cancelUnselectedTabHoverTimer() { // Since we're listening "mouseout" event, instead of "mouseleave". // Every time the cursor is moving from the tab to its child node (icon), // it would dispatch "mouseout"(for tab) first and then dispatch // "mouseover" (for icon, eg: close button, speaker icon) soon. // It causes we would cancel present TelemetryStopwatch immediately // when cursor is moving on the icon, and then start a new one. // In order to avoid this situation, we could delay cancellation and // remove it if we get "mouseover" within very short period. this._hoverTabTimer = setTimeout(() => { if ( TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this) ) { TelemetryStopwatch.cancel("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this); } }, 100); } finishUnselectedTabHoverTimer() { // Stop timer when the tab is opened. if ( TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this) ) { TelemetryStopwatch.finish("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this); } } resumeDelayedMedia() { if (this.activeMediaBlocked) { Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("TAB_AUDIO_INDICATOR_USED") .add(3 /* unblockByClickingIcon */); this.removeAttribute("activemedia-blocked"); this.linkedBrowser.resumeMedia(); gBrowser._tabAttrModified(this, ["activemedia-blocked"]); } } toggleMuteAudio(aMuteReason) { let browser = this.linkedBrowser; let hist = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "TAB_AUDIO_INDICATOR_USED" ); if (browser.audioMuted) { if (this.linkedPanel) { // "Lazy Browser" should not invoke its unmute method browser.unmute(); } this.removeAttribute("muted"); hist.add(1 /* unmute */); } else { if (this.linkedPanel) { // "Lazy Browser" should not invoke its mute method browser.mute(); } this.setAttribute("muted", "true"); hist.add(0 /* mute */); } this.muteReason = aMuteReason || null; gBrowser._tabAttrModified(this, ["muted"]); } setUserContextId(aUserContextId) { if (aUserContextId) { if (this.linkedBrowser) { this.linkedBrowser.setAttribute("usercontextid", aUserContextId); } this.setAttribute("usercontextid", aUserContextId); } else { if (this.linkedBrowser) { this.linkedBrowser.removeAttribute("usercontextid"); } this.removeAttribute("usercontextid"); } ContextualIdentityService.setTabStyle(this); } updateA11yDescription() { let prevDescTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.querySelector( "tab[aria-describedby]" ); if (prevDescTab) { // We can only have a description for the focused tab. prevDescTab.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"); } let desc = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tab-a11y-desc"); desc.textContent = gBrowser.getTabTooltip(this, false); this.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "tabbrowser-tab-a11y-desc"); } on_focus(event) { this.updateA11yDescription(); } on_AriaFocus(event) { this.updateA11yDescription(); } } customElements.define("tabbrowser-tab", MozTabbrowserTab, { extends: "tab", }); }