"use strict"; let contextMenu; let hasPocket = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.pocket.enabled"); const NAVIGATION_ITEMS = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? [ "context-back", false, "context-forward", false, "context-reload", true, "---", null, "context-bookmarkpage", true, ] : [ "context-navigation", null, [ "context-back", false, "context-forward", false, "context-reload", true, "context-bookmarkpage", true, ], null, "---", null, ]; add_task(async function test_setup() { const example_base = "http://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/contextMenu/"; const url = example_base + "subtst_contextmenu_input.html"; await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url); const chrome_base = "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/contextMenu/"; const contextmenu_common = chrome_base + "contextmenu_common.js"; /* import-globals-from contextmenu_common.js */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(contextmenu_common, this); }); add_task(async function test_text_input() { await test_contextmenu("#input_text", [ "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", false, "---", null, "spell-check-enabled", true, ]); }); add_task(async function test_text_input_disabled() { await test_contextmenu( "#input_disabled", [ "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", false, "---", null, "spell-check-enabled", true, ], { skipFocusChange: true } ); }); add_task(async function test_password_input() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["signon.generation.enabled", false], ["layout.forms.reveal-password-context-menu.enabled", true], ], }); todo( false, "context-selectall is enabled on osx-e10s, and windows when" + " it should be disabled" ); await test_contextmenu( "#input_password", [ "manage-saved-logins", true, "---", null, "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", null, "context-reveal-password", null, ], { skipFocusChange: true, // Need to dynamically add the "password" type or LoginManager // will think that the form inputs on the page are part of a login form // and will add fill-login context menu items. The element needs to be // re-created as type=text afterwards since it uses hasBeenTypePassword. async preCheckContextMenuFn() { await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], async function() { let doc = content.document; let input = doc.getElementById("input_password"); input.type = "password"; input.clientTop; // force layout flush } ); }, async postCheckContextMenuFn() { await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], async function() { let doc = content.document; let input = doc.getElementById("input_password"); input.outerHTML = ``; input.clientTop; // force layout flush } ); }, } ); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function test_tel_email_url_number_input() { todo( false, "context-selectall is enabled on osx-e10s, and windows when" + " it should be disabled" ); for (let selector of [ "#input_email", "#input_url", "#input_tel", "#input_number", ]) { await test_contextmenu( selector, [ "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", null, ], { skipFocusChange: true, } ); } }); add_task( async function test_date_time_color_range_month_week_datetimelocal_input() { for (let selector of [ "#input_date", "#input_time", "#input_color", "#input_range", "#input_month", "#input_week", "#input_datetime-local", ]) { await test_contextmenu( selector, [ ...NAVIGATION_ITEMS, "context-savepage", true, ...(hasPocket ? ["context-pocket", true] : []), "context-selectall", null, "---", null, "context-viewsource", true, ], { skipFocusChange: true, } ); } } ); add_task(async function test_search_input() { todo( false, "context-selectall is enabled on osx-e10s, and windows when" + " it should be disabled" ); await test_contextmenu( "#input_search", [ "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", null, "---", null, "spell-check-enabled", true, ], { skipFocusChange: true } ); }); add_task(async function test_text_input_readonly() { todo( false, "context-selectall is enabled on osx-e10s, and windows when" + " it should be disabled" ); todo( false, "spell-check should not be enabled for input[readonly]. see bug 1246296" ); await test_contextmenu( "#input_readonly", [ "context-undo", false, "context-redo", false, "---", null, "context-cut", false, "context-copy", false, "context-paste", null, // ignore clipboard state "context-delete", false, "context-selectall", null, ], { skipFocusChange: true, } ); }); add_task(async function test_cleanup() { BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); });