requestLongerTimeout(2); const TEST_URL = ""; add_task(async function() { SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); // allow top level data: URI navigations, otherwise clicking data: link fails await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations", false]], }); // Pinned: Link to the same domain should not open a new tab // Tests link to await testLink(0, true, false); // Pinned: Link to a different subdomain should open a new tab // Tests link to await testLink(1, true, true); // Pinned: Link to a different domain should open a new tab // Tests link to await testLink(2, true, true); // Not Pinned: Link to a different domain should not open a new tab // Tests link to await testLink(2, false, false); // Pinned: Targetted link should open a new tab // Tests link to with target="foo" await testLink(3, true, true); // Pinned: Link in a subframe should not open a new tab // Tests link to in subframe await testLink(0, true, false, true); // Pinned: Link to the same domain (with www prefix) should not open a new tab // Tests link to await testLink(4, true, false); // Pinned: Link to a data: URI should not open a new tab // Tests link to data:text/html,Another Page await testLink(5, true, false); // Pinned: Link to an about: URI should not open a new tab // Tests link to about:logo await testLink( function(doc) { let link = doc.createElement("a"); link.textContent = "Link to Mozilla"; link.href = "about:logo"; doc.body.appendChild(link); return link; }, true, false, false, "about:robots" ); }); async function testLink( aLinkIndexOrFunction, pinTab, expectNewTab, testSubFrame, aURL = TEST_URL ) { let appTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, aURL, { skipAnimation: true }); if (pinTab) { gBrowser.pinTab(appTab); } gBrowser.selectedTab = appTab; let browser = appTab.linkedBrowser; await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); let promise; if (expectNewTab) { promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser).then(tab => { let loaded = tab.linkedBrowser.documentURI.spec; BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); return loaded; }); } else { promise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, testSubFrame); } let href; if (typeof aLinkIndexOrFunction === "function") { ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "don't pass a function for a remote browser"); let link = aLinkIndexOrFunction(browser.contentDocument); info("Clicking " + link.textContent);; href = link.href; } else { href = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [[testSubFrame, aLinkIndexOrFunction]], function([subFrame, index]) { let doc = subFrame ? content.document.querySelector("iframe").contentDocument : content.document; let link = doc.querySelectorAll("a")[index]; info("Clicking " + link.textContent);; return link.href; } ); } info(`Waiting on load of ${href}`); let loaded = await promise; is(loaded, href, "loaded the right document"); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(appTab); }