/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ async function testSidebarKeyToggle(key, options, expectedSidebarId) { EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(gURLBar.textbox, {}); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "SidebarShown"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, options); await promiseShown; Assert.equal( document.getElementById("sidebar-box").getAttribute("sidebarcommand"), expectedSidebarId ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, options); Assert.ok(!SidebarUI.isOpen); } add_task(async function test_sidebar_keys() { registerCleanupFunction(() => SidebarUI.hide()); await testSidebarKeyToggle("b", { accelKey: true }, "viewBookmarksSidebar"); let options = { accelKey: true, shiftKey: AppConstants.platform == "macosx" }; await testSidebarKeyToggle("h", options, "viewHistorySidebar"); }); add_task(async function test_sidebar_in_customize_mode() { // Test bug 1756385 - widgets to appear unchecked in customize mode. Test that // the sidebar button widget doesn't appear checked, and that the sidebar // button toggle is inert while in customize mode. let { CustomizableUI } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm" ); registerCleanupFunction(() => SidebarUI.hide()); let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("sidebar-button"); if (!(placement?.area == CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR)) { CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "sidebar-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, 0 ); CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow("sidebar-button", window); registerCleanupFunction(function() { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sidebar-button"); }); } let widgetIcon = CustomizableUI.getWidget("sidebar-button") .forWindow(window) .node?.querySelector(".toolbarbutton-icon"); // Get the alpha value of the sidebar toggle widget's background let getBGAlpha = () => InspectorUtils.colorToRGBA( getComputedStyle(widgetIcon).getPropertyValue("background-color") ).a; let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "SidebarShown"); SidebarUI.show("viewBookmarksSidebar"); await promiseShown; Assert.greater( getBGAlpha(), 0, "Sidebar widget background should appear checked" ); // Enter customize mode. This should disable the toggle and make the sidebar // toggle widget appear unchecked. let customizationReadyPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "customizationready" ); gCustomizeMode.enter(); await customizationReadyPromise; Assert.equal( getBGAlpha(), 0, "Sidebar widget background should appear unchecked" ); // Attempt toggle - should fail in customize mode. await SidebarUI.toggle(); ok(SidebarUI.isOpen, "Sidebar is still open"); // Exit customize mode. This should re-enable the toggle and make the sidebar // toggle widget appear checked again, since toggle() didn't hide the sidebar. let afterCustomizationPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "aftercustomization" ); gCustomizeMode.exit(); await afterCustomizationPromise; Assert.greater( getBGAlpha(), 0, "Sidebar widget background should appear checked again" ); await SidebarUI.toggle(); ok(!SidebarUI.isOpen, "Sidebar is closed"); Assert.equal( getBGAlpha(), 0, "Sidebar widget background should appear unchecked" ); });