/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); const { PermissionUI } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/PermissionUI.jsm" ); const { SitePermissions } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/SitePermissions.jsm" ); const { PermissionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.jsm" ); const CP = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIContentPrefService2 ); const EXAMPLE_PAGE_URL = "https://example.com"; const EXAMPLE_PAGE_URI = Services.io.newURI(EXAMPLE_PAGE_URL); const EXAMPLE_PAGE_PRINCIPAL = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( EXAMPLE_PAGE_URI, {} ); const GEO_CONTENT_PREF_KEY = "permissions.geoLocation.lastAccess"; const POLL_INTERVAL_FALSE_STATE = 50; async function testGeoSharingIconVisible(state = true) { let sharingIcon = document.getElementById("geo-sharing-icon"); ok(sharingIcon, "Geo sharing icon exists"); try { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => sharingIcon.hasAttribute("sharing") === true, "Waiting for geo sharing icon visibility state", // If we wait for sharing icon to *not* show, waitForCondition will always timeout on correct state. // In these cases we want to reduce the wait time from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds to prevent test duration timeouts !state ? POLL_INTERVAL_FALSE_STATE : undefined ); } catch (e) { ok(!state, "Geo sharing icon not showing"); return; } ok(state, "Geo sharing icon showing"); } async function checkForDOMElement(state, id) { info(`Testing state ${state} of element ${id}`); let el; try { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => { el = document.getElementById(id); return el != null; }, `Waiting for ${id}`, !state ? POLL_INTERVAL_FALSE_STATE : undefined ); } catch (e) { ok(!state, `${id} has correct state`); return el; } ok(state, `${id} has correct state`); return el; } async function testPermissionPopupGeoContainer( containerVisible, timestampVisible ) { // The container holds the timestamp element, therefore we can't have a // visible timestamp without the container. if (timestampVisible && !containerVisible) { ok(false, "Can't have timestamp without container"); } // Only call openPermissionPopup if popup is closed, otherwise it does not resolve if (!gPermissionPanel._identityPermissionBox.hasAttribute("open")) { await openPermissionPopup(); } let checkContainer = checkForDOMElement( containerVisible, "permission-popup-geo-container" ); if (containerVisible && timestampVisible) { // Wait for the geo container to be fully populated. // The time label is computed async. let container = await checkContainer; await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => container.childElementCount == 2, "permission-popup-geo-container should have two elements." ); is( container.childNodes[0].classList[0], "permission-popup-permission-item", "Geo container should have permission item." ); is( container.childNodes[1].id, "geo-access-indicator-item", "Geo container should have indicator item." ); } let checkAccessIndicator = checkForDOMElement( timestampVisible, "geo-access-indicator-item" ); return Promise.all([checkContainer, checkAccessIndicator]); } function openExamplePage(tabbrowser = gBrowser) { return BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(tabbrowser, EXAMPLE_PAGE_URL); } function requestGeoLocation(browser) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], () => { return new Promise(resolve => { content.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( () => resolve(true), error => resolve(error.code !== 1) // PERMISSION_DENIED = 1 ); }); }); } function answerGeoLocationPopup(allow, remember = false) { let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("geolocation"); ok( PopupNotifications.isPanelOpen && notification, "Geolocation notification is open" ); let rememberCheck = PopupNotifications.panel.querySelector( ".popup-notification-checkbox" ); rememberCheck.checked = remember; let popupHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( PopupNotifications.panel, "popuphidden" ); if (allow) { let allowBtn = PopupNotifications.panel.querySelector( ".popup-notification-primary-button" ); allowBtn.click(); } else { let denyBtn = PopupNotifications.panel.querySelector( ".popup-notification-secondary-button" ); denyBtn.click(); } return popupHidden; } function setGeoLastAccess(browser, state) { return new Promise(resolve => { let host = browser.currentURI.host; let handler = { handleCompletion: () => resolve(), }; if (!state) { CP.removeByDomainAndName( host, GEO_CONTENT_PREF_KEY, browser.loadContext, handler ); return; } CP.set( host, GEO_CONTENT_PREF_KEY, new Date().toString(), browser.loadContext, handler ); }); } async function testGeoLocationLastAccessSet(browser) { let timestamp = await new Promise(resolve => { let lastAccess = null; CP.getByDomainAndName( gBrowser.currentURI.spec, GEO_CONTENT_PREF_KEY, browser.loadContext, { handleResult(pref) { lastAccess = pref.value; }, handleCompletion() { resolve(lastAccess); }, } ); }); ok(timestamp != null, "Geo last access timestamp set"); let parseSuccess = true; try { timestamp = new Date(timestamp); } catch (e) { parseSuccess = false; } ok( parseSuccess && !isNaN(timestamp), "Geo last access timestamp is valid Date" ); } async function cleanup(tab) { await setGeoLastAccess(tab.linkedBrowser, false); SitePermissions.removeFromPrincipal( tab.linkedBrowser.contentPrincipal, "geo", tab.linkedBrowser ); gBrowser.resetBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } async function testIndicatorGeoSharingState(active) { let tab = await openExamplePage(); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: active }); await testGeoSharingIconVisible(active); await cleanup(tab); } async function testIndicatorExplicitAllow(persistent) { let tab = await openExamplePage(); let popupShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown" ); info("Requesting geolocation"); let request = requestGeoLocation(tab.linkedBrowser); await popupShown; info("Allowing geolocation via popup"); answerGeoLocationPopup(true, persistent); await request; await Promise.all([ testGeoSharingIconVisible(true), testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, true), testGeoLocationLastAccessSet(tab.linkedBrowser), ]); await cleanup(tab); } // Indicator and permission popup entry shown after explicit PermissionUI geolocation allow add_task(function test_indicator_and_timestamp_after_explicit_allow() { return testIndicatorExplicitAllow(false); }); add_task(function test_indicator_and_timestamp_after_explicit_allow_remember() { return testIndicatorExplicitAllow(true); }); // Indicator and permission popup entry shown after auto PermissionUI geolocation allow add_task(async function test_indicator_and_timestamp_after_implicit_allow() { PermissionTestUtils.add( EXAMPLE_PAGE_URI, "geo", Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION, Services.perms.EXPIRE_NEVER ); let tab = await openExamplePage(); let result = await requestGeoLocation(tab.linkedBrowser); ok(result, "Request should be allowed"); await Promise.all([ testGeoSharingIconVisible(true), testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, true), testGeoLocationLastAccessSet(tab.linkedBrowser), ]); await cleanup(tab); }); // Indicator shown when manually setting sharing state to true add_task(function test_indicator_sharing_state_active() { return testIndicatorGeoSharingState(true); }); // Indicator not shown when manually setting sharing state to false add_task(function test_indicator_sharing_state_inactive() { return testIndicatorGeoSharingState(false); }); // Permission popup shows permission if geo permission is set to persistent allow add_task(async function test_permission_popup_permission_scope_permanent() { PermissionTestUtils.add( EXAMPLE_PAGE_URI, "geo", Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION, Services.perms.EXPIRE_NEVER ); let tab = await openExamplePage(); await testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, false); // Expect permission to be visible, but not lastAccess indicator await cleanup(tab); }); // Sharing state set, but no permission add_task(async function test_permission_popup_permission_sharing_state() { let tab = await openExamplePage(); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: true }); await testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, false); await cleanup(tab); }); // Permission popup has correct state if sharing state and last geo access timestamp are set add_task( async function test_permission_popup_permission_sharing_state_timestamp() { let tab = await openExamplePage(); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: true }); await setGeoLastAccess(tab.linkedBrowser, true); await testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, true); await cleanup(tab); } ); // Clicking permission clear button clears permission and resets geo sharing state add_task(async function test_permission_popup_permission_clear() { PermissionTestUtils.add( EXAMPLE_PAGE_URI, "geo", Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION, Services.perms.EXPIRE_NEVER ); let tab = await openExamplePage(); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: true }); await openPermissionPopup(); let clearButton = document.querySelector( "#permission-popup-geo-container button" ); ok(clearButton, "Clear button is visible"); clearButton.click(); await Promise.all([ testGeoSharingIconVisible(false), testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(false, false), TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { let sharingState = tab._sharingState; return ( sharingState == null || sharingState.geo == null || sharingState.geo === false ); }, "Waiting for geo sharing state to reset"), ]); await cleanup(tab); }); /** * Tests that we only show the last access label once when the sharing * state is updated multiple times while the popup is open. */ add_task(async function test_permission_no_duplicate_last_access_label() { let tab = await openExamplePage(); await setGeoLastAccess(tab.linkedBrowser, true); await openPermissionPopup(); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: true }); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(tab.linkedBrowser, { geo: true }); await testPermissionPopupGeoContainer(true, true); await cleanup(tab); });