/* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ const PAGE = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/tabs/file_mediaPlayback.html"; const TABATTR_REMOVAL_PREFNAME = "browser.tabs.delayHidingAudioPlayingIconMS"; const INITIAL_TABATTR_REMOVAL_DELAY_MS = Services.prefs.getIntPref( TABATTR_REMOVAL_PREFNAME ); async function pause(tab, options) { let extendedDelay = options && options.extendedDelay; if (extendedDelay) { // Use 10s to remove possibility of race condition with attr removal. Services.prefs.setIntPref(TABATTR_REMOVAL_PREFNAME, 10000); } try { let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; let awaitDOMAudioPlaybackStopped; if (!browser.audioMuted) { awaitDOMAudioPlaybackStopped = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( browser, "DOMAudioPlaybackStopped", "DOMAudioPlaybackStopped event should get fired after pause" ); } await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function() { let audio = content.document.querySelector("audio"); audio.pause(); }); // If the tab has already be muted, it means the tab won't have soundplaying, // so we don't need to check this attribute. if (browser.audioMuted) { return; } if (extendedDelay) { ok( tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "The tab should still have the soundplaying attribute immediately after pausing" ); await awaitDOMAudioPlaybackStopped; ok( tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "The tab should still have the soundplaying attribute immediately after DOMAudioPlaybackStopped" ); } await wait_for_tab_playing_event(tab, false); ok( !tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "The tab should not have the soundplaying attribute after the timeout has resolved" ); } finally { // Make sure other tests don't timeout if an exception gets thrown above. // Need to use setIntPref instead of clearUserPref because // testing/profiles/common/user.js overrides the default value to help this and // other tests run faster. Services.prefs.setIntPref( TABATTR_REMOVAL_PREFNAME, INITIAL_TABATTR_REMOVAL_DELAY_MS ); } } async function hide_tab(tab) { let tabHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab, "TabHide"); gBrowser.hideTab(tab); return tabHidden; } async function show_tab(tab) { let tabShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab, "TabShow"); gBrowser.showTab(tab); return tabShown; } async function test_tooltip(icon, expectedTooltip, isActiveTab, tab) { let tooltip = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tab-tooltip"); let tabContent = tab.querySelector(".tab-content"); await hover_icon(tabContent, tooltip); await hover_icon(icon, tooltip); if (isActiveTab) { // The active tab should have the keybinding shortcut in the tooltip. // We check this by ensuring that the strings are not equal but the expected // message appears in the beginning. isnot( tooltip.getAttribute("label"), expectedTooltip, "Tooltips should not be equal" ); is( tooltip.getAttribute("label").indexOf(expectedTooltip), 0, "Correct tooltip expected" ); } else { is( tooltip.getAttribute("label"), expectedTooltip, "Tooltips should not be equal" ); } leave_icon(icon); } function get_tab_state(tab) { return JSON.parse(SessionStore.getTabState(tab)); } async function test_muting_using_menu(tab, expectMuted) { // Show the popup menu let contextMenu = document.getElementById("tabContextMenu"); let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( contextMenu, "popupshown" ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tab, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }); await popupShownPromise; // Check the menu let expectedLabel = expectMuted ? "Unmute Tab" : "Mute Tab"; let expectedAccessKey = expectMuted ? "m" : "M"; let toggleMute = document.getElementById("context_toggleMuteTab"); is(toggleMute.label, expectedLabel, "Correct label expected"); is(toggleMute.accessKey, expectedAccessKey, "Correct accessKey expected"); is( toggleMute.hasAttribute("muted"), expectMuted, "Should have the correct state for the muted attribute" ); ok( !toggleMute.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Should not have the soundplaying attribute" ); await play(tab); is( toggleMute.hasAttribute("muted"), expectMuted, "Should have the correct state for the muted attribute" ); is( !toggleMute.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), expectMuted, "The value of soundplaying attribute is incorrect" ); await pause(tab); is( toggleMute.hasAttribute("muted"), expectMuted, "Should have the correct state for the muted attribute" ); ok( !toggleMute.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Should not have the soundplaying attribute" ); // Click on the menu and wait for the tab to be muted. let mutedPromise = get_wait_for_mute_promise(tab, !expectMuted); let popupHiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( contextMenu, "popuphidden" ); contextMenu.activateItem(toggleMute); await popupHiddenPromise; await mutedPromise; } async function test_playing_icon_on_tab(tab, browser, isPinned) { let icon = isPinned ? tab.overlayIcon : tab.overlayIcon; let isActiveTab = tab === gBrowser.selectedTab; await play(tab); await test_tooltip(icon, "Mute tab", isActiveTab, tab); ok( !("muted" in get_tab_state(tab)), "No muted attribute should be persisted" ); ok( !("muteReason" in get_tab_state(tab)), "No muteReason property should be persisted" ); await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, true); ok("muted" in get_tab_state(tab), "Muted attribute should be persisted"); ok( "muteReason" in get_tab_state(tab), "muteReason property should be persisted" ); await test_tooltip(icon, "Unmute tab", isActiveTab, tab); await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, false); ok( !("muted" in get_tab_state(tab)), "No muted attribute should be persisted" ); ok( !("muteReason" in get_tab_state(tab)), "No muteReason property should be persisted" ); await test_tooltip(icon, "Mute tab", isActiveTab, tab); await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, true); await pause(tab); ok( tab.hasAttribute("muted") && !tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Tab should still be muted but not playing" ); ok( tab.muted && !tab.soundPlaying, "Tab should still be muted but not playing" ); await test_tooltip(icon, "Unmute tab", isActiveTab, tab); await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, false); ok( !tab.hasAttribute("muted") && !tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Tab should not be be muted or playing" ); ok(!tab.muted && !tab.soundPlaying, "Tab should not be be muted or playing"); // Make sure it's possible to mute using the context menu. await test_muting_using_menu(tab, false); // Make sure it's possible to unmute using the context menu. await test_muting_using_menu(tab, true); } async function test_playing_icon_on_hidden_tab(tab) { let oldSelectedTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; let otherTabs = [ await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, PAGE, true, true), await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, PAGE, true, true), ]; let tabContainer = tab.container; let alltabsButton = document.getElementById("alltabs-button"); let alltabsBadge = alltabsButton.badgeLabel; function assertIconShowing() { is( getComputedStyle(alltabsBadge).backgroundImage, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab-audio-playing-small.svg")', "The audio playing icon is shown" ); is( tabContainer.getAttribute("hiddensoundplaying"), "true", "There are hidden audio tabs" ); } function assertIconHidden() { is( getComputedStyle(alltabsBadge).backgroundImage, "none", "The audio playing icon is hidden" ); ok( !tabContainer.hasAttribute("hiddensoundplaying"), "There are no hidden audio tabs" ); } // Keep the passed in tab selected. gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; // Play sound in the other two (visible) tabs. await play(otherTabs[0]); await play(otherTabs[1]); assertIconHidden(); // Hide one of the noisy tabs, we see the icon. await hide_tab(otherTabs[0]); assertIconShowing(); // Hiding the other tab keeps the icon. await hide_tab(otherTabs[1]); assertIconShowing(); // Pausing both tabs will hide the icon. await pause(otherTabs[0]); assertIconShowing(); await pause(otherTabs[1]); assertIconHidden(); // The icon returns when audio starts again. await play(otherTabs[0]); await play(otherTabs[1]); assertIconShowing(); // There is still an icon after hiding one tab. await show_tab(otherTabs[0]); assertIconShowing(); // The icon is hidden when both of the tabs are shown. await show_tab(otherTabs[1]); assertIconHidden(); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(otherTabs[0]); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(otherTabs[1]); // Make sure we didn't change the selected tab. gBrowser.selectedTab = oldSelectedTab; } async function test_swapped_browser_while_playing(oldTab, newBrowser) { // The tab was muted so it won't have soundplaying attribute even it's playing. ok( oldTab.hasAttribute("muted"), "Expected the correct muted attribute on the old tab" ); is( oldTab.muteReason, null, "Expected the correct muteReason attribute on the old tab" ); ok( !oldTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Expected the correct soundplaying attribute on the old tab" ); let newTab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(newBrowser); let AttrChangePromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( newTab, "TabAttrModified", false, event => { return event.detail.changed.includes("muted"); } ); gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, oldTab); await AttrChangePromise; ok( newTab.hasAttribute("muted"), "Expected the correct muted attribute on the new tab" ); is( newTab.muteReason, null, "Expected the correct muteReason property on the new tab" ); ok( !newTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Expected the correct soundplaying attribute on the new tab" ); await test_tooltip(newTab.overlayIcon, "Unmute tab", true, newTab); } async function test_swapped_browser_while_not_playing(oldTab, newBrowser) { ok( oldTab.hasAttribute("muted"), "Expected the correct muted attribute on the old tab" ); is( oldTab.muteReason, null, "Expected the correct muteReason property on the old tab" ); ok( !oldTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Expected the correct soundplaying attribute on the old tab" ); let newTab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(newBrowser); let AttrChangePromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( newTab, "TabAttrModified", false, event => { return event.detail.changed.includes("muted"); } ); let AudioPlaybackPromise = new Promise(resolve => { let observer = (subject, topic, data) => { ok(false, "Should not see an audio-playback notification"); }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "audio-playback"); setTimeout(() => { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "audio-playback"); resolve(); }, 100); }); gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, oldTab); await AttrChangePromise; ok( newTab.hasAttribute("muted"), "Expected the correct muted attribute on the new tab" ); is( newTab.muteReason, null, "Expected the correct muteReason property on the new tab" ); ok( !newTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Expected the correct soundplaying attribute on the new tab" ); // Wait to see if an audio-playback event is dispatched. await AudioPlaybackPromise; ok( newTab.hasAttribute("muted"), "Expected the correct muted attribute on the new tab" ); is( newTab.muteReason, null, "Expected the correct muteReason property on the new tab" ); ok( !newTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Expected the correct soundplaying attribute on the new tab" ); await test_tooltip(newTab.overlayIcon, "Unmute tab", true, newTab); } async function test_browser_swapping(tab, browser) { // First, test swapping with a playing but muted tab. await play(tab); await test_mute_tab(tab, tab.overlayIcon, true); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:blank", }, async function(newBrowser) { await test_swapped_browser_while_playing(tab, newBrowser); // Now, test swapping with a muted but not playing tab. // Note that the tab remains muted, so we only need to pause playback. tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(newBrowser); await pause(tab); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:blank", }, secondAboutBlankBrowser => test_swapped_browser_while_not_playing(tab, secondAboutBlankBrowser) ); } ); } async function test_click_on_pinned_tab_after_mute() { async function taskFn(browser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); gBrowser.selectedTab = originallySelectedTab; isnot( tab, gBrowser.selectedTab, "Sanity check, the tab should not be selected!" ); // Steps to reproduce the bug: // Pin the tab. gBrowser.pinTab(tab); // Start playback and wait for it to finish. await play(tab); // Mute the tab. let icon = tab.overlayIcon; await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, true); // Pause playback and wait for it to finish. await pause(tab); // Unmute tab. await test_mute_tab(tab, icon, false); // Now click on the tab. EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tab.iconImage, { button: 0 }); is(tab, gBrowser.selectedTab, "Tab switch should be successful"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.unpinTab(tab); gBrowser.selectedTab = originallySelectedTab; } let originallySelectedTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, taskFn ); } // This test only does something useful in e10s! async function test_cross_process_load() { async function taskFn(browser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); // Start playback and wait for it to finish. await play(tab); let soundPlayingStoppedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( tab, "TabAttrModified", false, event => event.detail.changed.includes("soundplaying") ); // Go to a different process. BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, "about:mozilla"); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await soundPlayingStoppedPromise; ok( !tab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"), "Tab should not be playing sound any more" ); ok(!tab.soundPlaying, "Tab should not be playing sound any more"); } await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, taskFn ); } async function test_mute_keybinding() { async function test_muting_using_keyboard(tab) { let mutedPromise = get_wait_for_mute_promise(tab, true); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("m", { ctrlKey: true }); await mutedPromise; mutedPromise = get_wait_for_mute_promise(tab, false); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("m", { ctrlKey: true }); await mutedPromise; } async function taskFn(browser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); // Make sure it's possible to mute before the tab is playing. await test_muting_using_keyboard(tab); // Start playback and wait for it to finish. await play(tab); // Make sure it's possible to mute after the tab is playing. await test_muting_using_keyboard(tab); // Pause playback and wait for it to finish. await pause(tab); // Make sure things work if the tab is pinned. gBrowser.pinTab(tab); // Make sure it's possible to mute before the tab is playing. await test_muting_using_keyboard(tab); // Start playback and wait for it to finish. await play(tab); // Make sure it's possible to mute after the tab is playing. await test_muting_using_keyboard(tab); gBrowser.unpinTab(tab); } await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, taskFn ); } async function test_on_browser(browser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); // Test the icon in a normal tab. await test_playing_icon_on_tab(tab, browser, false); gBrowser.pinTab(tab); // Test the icon in a pinned tab. await test_playing_icon_on_tab(tab, browser, true); gBrowser.unpinTab(tab); // Test the sound playing icon for hidden tabs. await test_playing_icon_on_hidden_tab(tab); // Retest with another browser in the foreground tab if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec == PAGE) { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "data:text/html,test", }, () => test_on_browser(browser) ); } else { await test_browser_swapping(tab, browser); } } async function test_delayed_tabattr_removal() { async function taskFn(browser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); await play(tab); // Extend the delay to guarantee the soundplaying attribute // is not removed from the tab when audio is stopped. Without // the extended delay the attribute could be removed in the // same tick and the test wouldn't catch that this broke. await pause(tab, { extendedDelay: true }); } await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, taskFn ); } requestLongerTimeout(2); add_task(async function test_page() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, test_on_browser ); }); add_task(test_click_on_pinned_tab_after_mute); add_task(test_cross_process_load); add_task(test_mute_keybinding); add_task(test_delayed_tabattr_removal);