// This test ensures that only one command update happens when switching tabs. "use strict"; add_task(async function() { const uri = "data:text/html,"; let tab1 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, uri); let tab2 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, uri); let updates = []; function countUpdates(event) { updates.push(new Error().stack); } let updater = document.getElementById("editMenuCommandSetAll"); updater.addEventListener("commandupdate", countUpdates, true); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab1); is(updates.length, 1, "only one command update per tab switch"); if (updates.length > 1) { for (let stack of updates) { info("Update stack:\n" + stack); } } updater.removeEventListener("commandupdate", countUpdates, true); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab1); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab2); });