/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { MacAttribution } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MacAttribution.jsm" ); add_task(async () => { await setupStubs(); }); add_task(async function testValidAttrCodes() { let appPath = MacAttribution.applicationPath; let attributionSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/mac-attribution;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMacAttributionService ); for (let entry of validAttrCodes) { if (entry.platforms && !entry.platforms.includes("mac")) { continue; } // Set a url referrer. In the macOS quarantine database, the // referrer URL has components that areURI-encoded. Our test data // URI-encodes the components and also the separators (?, &, =). // So we decode it and re-encode it to leave just the components // URI-encoded. let url = `http://example.com?${encodeURI(decodeURIComponent(entry.code))}`; attributionSvc.setReferrerUrl(appPath, url, true); let referrer = await MacAttribution.getReferrerUrl(appPath); equal(referrer, url, "overwrite referrer url"); // Read attribution code from referrer. await AttributionCode.deleteFileAsync(); AttributionCode._clearCache(); let result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, entry.parsed, "Parsed code should match expected value, code was: " + entry.code ); // Read attribution code from file. AttributionCode._clearCache(); result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, entry.parsed, "Parsed code should match expected value, code was: " + entry.code ); // Does not overwrite cached existing attribution code. attributionSvc.setReferrerUrl(appPath, "http://test.com", false); referrer = await MacAttribution.getReferrerUrl(appPath); equal(referrer, url, "update referrer url"); result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, entry.parsed, "Parsed code should match expected value, code was: " + entry.code ); } }); add_task(async function testInvalidAttrCodes() { let appPath = MacAttribution.applicationPath; let attributionSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/mac-attribution;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMacAttributionService ); for (let code of invalidAttrCodes) { // Set a url referrer. Not all of these invalid codes can be represented // in the quarantine database; skip those ones. let url = `http://example.com?${code}`; let referrer; try { attributionSvc.setReferrerUrl(appPath, url, true); referrer = await MacAttribution.getReferrerUrl(appPath); } catch (ex) { continue; } if (!referrer) { continue; } equal(referrer, url, "overwrite referrer url"); // Read attribution code from referrer. await AttributionCode.deleteFileAsync(); AttributionCode._clearCache(); let result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual(result, {}, "Code should have failed to parse: " + code); } });