/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var kWidgetId = "test-removable-widget-default"; const kNavBar = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR; var widgetCounter = 0; registerCleanupFunction(removeCustomToolbars); // Sanity checks add_task(function() { let brokenSpec = { id: kWidgetId + widgetCounter++, removable: false }; SimpleTest.doesThrow( () => CustomizableUI.createWidget(brokenSpec), "Creating non-removable widget without defaultArea should throw." ); // Widget without removable set should be removable: let wrapper = CustomizableUI.createWidget({ id: kWidgetId + widgetCounter++, }); ok( CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(wrapper.id), "Should be removable by default." ); CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(wrapper.id); }); // Test non-removable widget with defaultArea add_task(async function() { // Non-removable widget with defaultArea should work: let spec = { id: kWidgetId + widgetCounter++, removable: false, defaultArea: kNavBar, }; let widgetWrapper; try { widgetWrapper = CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec); } catch (ex) { ok( false, "Creating a non-removable widget with a default area should not throw." ); return; } let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(spec.id); ok(placement, "Widget should be placed."); is(placement.area, kNavBar, "Widget should be in navbar"); let singleWrapper = widgetWrapper.forWindow(window); ok(singleWrapper, "Widget should exist in window."); ok(singleWrapper.node, "Widget node should exist in window."); let expectedParent = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea( kNavBar, window ); is( singleWrapper.node.parentNode, expectedParent, "Widget should be in navbar." ); let otherWin = await openAndLoadWindow(true); placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(spec.id); ok(placement, "Widget should be placed."); is(placement && placement.area, kNavBar, "Widget should be in navbar"); singleWrapper = widgetWrapper.forWindow(otherWin); ok(singleWrapper, "Widget should exist in other window."); if (singleWrapper) { ok(singleWrapper.node, "Widget node should exist in other window."); if (singleWrapper.node) { let expectedParentInOtherWin = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea( kNavBar, otherWin ); is( singleWrapper.node.parentNode, expectedParentInOtherWin, "Widget should be in navbar in other window." ); } } CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(spec.id); await promiseWindowClosed(otherWin); }); add_task(async function asyncCleanup() { await resetCustomization(); });