/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; gReduceMotionOverride = false; function promiseWidgetAnimationOut(aNode) { let animationNode = aNode; if ( animationNode.tagName != "toolbaritem" && animationNode.tagName != "toolbarbutton" ) { animationNode = animationNode.closest("toolbaritem"); } if (animationNode.parentNode.id.startsWith("wrapper-")) { animationNode = animationNode.parentNode; } return new Promise(resolve => { animationNode.addEventListener( "animationend", function cleanupWidgetAnimationOut(e) { if ( e.animationName == "widget-animate-out" && e.target.id == animationNode.id ) { animationNode.removeEventListener( "animationend", cleanupWidgetAnimationOut ); ok(true, "The widget`s animationend should have happened"); resolve(); } } ); }); } function promiseOverflowAnimationEnd() { return new Promise(resolve => { let overflowButton = document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button"); overflowButton.addEventListener( "animationend", function cleanupOverflowAnimationOut(event) { if (event.animationName == "overflow-animation") { overflowButton.removeEventListener( "animationend", cleanupOverflowAnimationOut ); ok( true, "The overflow button`s animationend event should have happened" ); resolve(); } } ); }); } // Right-click on the stop/reload button, use the context menu to move it to the overflow menu. // The button should animate out, and the overflow menu should animate upon adding. add_task(async function() { let stopReloadButton = document.getElementById("stop-reload-button"); let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu"); let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(stopReloadButton, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2, }); await shownPromise; contextMenu.activateItem( contextMenu.querySelector(".customize-context-moveToPanel") ); await Promise.all([ promiseWidgetAnimationOut(stopReloadButton), promiseOverflowAnimationEnd(), ]); ok(true, "The widget and overflow animations should have both happened."); }); registerCleanupFunction(CustomizableUI.reset);