/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { SearchTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/SearchTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { TestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs" ); var { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.jsm" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.search.log", true); SearchTestUtils.init(this); AddonTestUtils.init(this, false); AddonTestUtils.createAppInfo( "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "48", "48" ); add_setup(async () => { await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); await Services.search.init(); console.log("done init"); }); add_task(async function test_install_and_set_default() { // Make sure we are starting in an expected state to avoid false positive // test results. Assert.notEqual( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "MozSearch", "Default search engine should not be MozSearch when test starts" ); Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"), null, 'Engine "Foo" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "MozSearch", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], Default: "MozSearch", }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); // If this passes, it means that the new search engine was properly installed // *and* was properly set as the default. Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "MozSearch", "Specified search engine should be the default" ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_and_set_default_private() { // Make sure we are starting in an expected state to avoid false positive // test results. Assert.notEqual( (await Services.search.getDefaultPrivate()).name, "MozSearch", "Default search engine should not be MozSearch when test starts" ); Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"), null, 'Engine "Foo" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "MozSearch", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], DefaultPrivate: "MozSearch", }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); // If this passes, it means that the new search engine was properly installed // *and* was properly set as the default. Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefaultPrivate()).name, "MozSearch", "Specified search engine should be the default private engine" ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); // Same as the last test, but with "PreventInstalls" set to true to make sure // it does not prevent search engines from being installed properly add_task(async function test_install_and_set_default_prevent_installs() { Assert.notEqual( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "MozSearch", "Default search engine should not be MozSearch when test starts" ); Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"), null, 'Engine "Foo" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "MozSearch", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], Default: "MozSearch", PreventInstalls: true, }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "MozSearch", "Specified search engine should be the default" ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_and_remove() { let iconURL = ""; Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"), null, 'Engine "Foo" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Foo", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", IconURL: iconURL, }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); // If this passes, it means that the new search engine was properly installed let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"); Assert.notEqual(engine, null, "Specified search engine should be installed"); Assert.equal( engine.wrappedJSObject.iconURI.spec, iconURL, "Icon should be present" ); Assert.equal( engine.wrappedJSObject.queryCharset, "UTF-8", "Should default to utf-8" ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Remove: ["Foo"], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); // If this passes, it means that the specified engine was properly removed Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Foo"), null, "Specified search engine should not be installed" ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_post_method_engine() { Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Post"), null, 'Engine "Post" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Post", Method: "POST", PostData: "q={searchTerms}&anotherParam=yes", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Post"); Assert.notEqual(engine, null, "Specified search engine should be installed"); Assert.equal( engine.wrappedJSObject._urls[0].method, "POST", "Method should be POST" ); let submission = engine.getSubmission("term", "text/html"); Assert.notEqual(submission.postData, null, "Post data should not be null"); let scriptableInputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); scriptableInputStream.init(submission.postData); Assert.equal( scriptableInputStream.read(scriptableInputStream.available()), "q=term&anotherParam=yes", "Post data should be present" ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_with_encoding() { // Make sure we are starting in an expected state to avoid false positive // test results. Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Encoding"), null, 'Engine "Encoding" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Encoding", Encoding: "windows-1252", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Encoding"); Assert.equal( engine.wrappedJSObject.queryCharset, "windows-1252", "Should have correct encoding" ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_and_update() { await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "ToUpdate", URLTemplate: "http://initial.example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("ToUpdate"); Assert.notEqual(engine, null, "Specified search engine should be installed"); Assert.equal( engine.getSubmission("test").uri.spec, "http://initial.example.com/?q=test", "Initial submission URL should be correct." ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "ToUpdate", URLTemplate: "http://update.example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("ToUpdate"); Assert.notEqual(engine, null, "Specified search engine should be installed"); Assert.equal( engine.getSubmission("test").uri.spec, "http://update.example.com/?q=test", "Updated Submission URL should be correct." ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_with_suggest() { // Make sure we are starting in an expected state to avoid false positive // test results. Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Suggest"), null, 'Engine "Suggest" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Suggest", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", SuggestURLTemplate: "http://suggest.example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Suggest"); Assert.equal( engine.getSubmission("test", "application/x-suggestions+json").uri.spec, "http://suggest.example.com/?q=test", "Updated Submission URL should be correct." ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_install_and_restart_keeps_settings() { // Make sure we are starting in an expected state to avoid false positive // test results. Assert.equal( Services.search.getEngineByName("Settings"), null, 'Engine "Settings" should not be present when test starts' ); await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Settings", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let settingsWritten = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification( "write-settings-to-disk-complete" ); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Settings"); engine.hidden = true; engine.alias = "settings"; await settingsWritten; await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Add: [ { Name: "Settings", URLTemplate: "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, ], }, }, }); engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("Settings"); Assert.ok(engine.hidden, "Should have kept the engine hidden after restart"); Assert.equal( engine.alias, "settings", "Should have kept the engine alias after restart" ); // Clean up await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({}); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); }); add_task(async function test_reset_default() { await setupPolicyEngineWithJsonWithSearch({ policies: { SearchEngines: { Remove: ["DuckDuckGo"], }, }, }); // Get in line, because the Search policy callbacks are async. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("DuckDuckGo"); Assert.equal( engine.hidden, true, "Application specified engine should be hidden." ); await Services.search.restoreDefaultEngines(); engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("DuckDuckGo"); Assert.equal( engine.hidden, false, "Application specified engine should not be hidden" ); EnterprisePolicyTesting.resetRunOnceState(); });