/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var { ExtensionError, promiseObserved } = ExtensionUtils; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "AddonManagerPrivate", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { SessionStore: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.sys.mjs", }); const SS_ON_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED = "sessionstore-closed-objects-changed"; const getRecentlyClosed = (maxResults, extension) => { let recentlyClosed = []; // Get closed windows // Closed private windows are not stored in sessionstore, we do // not need to check access for that. let closedWindowData = SessionStore.getClosedWindowData(); for (let window of closedWindowData) { recentlyClosed.push({ lastModified: window.closedAt, window: Window.convertFromSessionStoreClosedData(extension, window), }); } // Get closed tabs // Private closed tabs are in sessionstore if the owning window is still open . for (let window of windowTracker.browserWindows()) { if (!extension.canAccessWindow(window)) { continue; } let closedTabData = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(window); for (let tab of closedTabData) { recentlyClosed.push({ lastModified: tab.closedAt, tab: Tab.convertFromSessionStoreClosedData(extension, tab, window), }); } } // Sort windows and tabs recentlyClosed.sort((a, b) => b.lastModified - a.lastModified); return recentlyClosed.slice(0, maxResults); }; const createSession = async function createSession( restored, extension, sessionId ) { if (!restored) { throw new ExtensionError( `Could not restore object using sessionId ${sessionId}.` ); } let sessionObj = { lastModified: Date.now() }; if (restored instanceof Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow) { await promiseObserved( "sessionstore-single-window-restored", subject => subject == restored ); sessionObj.window = extension.windowManager.convert(restored, { populate: true, }); return sessionObj; } sessionObj.tab = extension.tabManager.convert(restored); return sessionObj; }; const getEncodedKey = function getEncodedKey(extensionId, key) { // Throw if using a temporary extension id. if (AddonManagerPrivate.isTemporaryInstallID(extensionId)) { let message = "Sessions API storage methods will not work with a temporary addon ID. " + "Please add an explicit addon ID to your manifest."; throw new ExtensionError(message); } return `extension:${extensionId}:${key}`; }; this.sessions = class extends ExtensionAPIPersistent { PERSISTENT_EVENTS = { onChanged({ fire }) { let observer = () => { fire.async(); }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, SS_ON_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED); return { unregister() { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, SS_ON_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED); }, convert(_fire) { fire = _fire; }, }; }, }; getAPI(context) { let { extension } = context; function getTabParams(key, id) { let encodedKey = getEncodedKey(extension.id, key); let tab = tabTracker.getTab(id); if (!context.canAccessWindow(tab.ownerGlobal)) { throw new ExtensionError(`Invalid tab ID: ${id}`); } return { encodedKey, tab }; } function getWindowParams(key, id) { let encodedKey = getEncodedKey(extension.id, key); let win = windowTracker.getWindow(id, context); return { encodedKey, win }; } return { sessions: { async getRecentlyClosed(filter) { await SessionStore.promiseInitialized; let maxResults = filter.maxResults == undefined ? this.MAX_SESSION_RESULTS : filter.maxResults; return getRecentlyClosed(maxResults, extension); }, async forgetClosedTab(windowId, sessionId) { await SessionStore.promiseInitialized; let window = windowTracker.getWindow(windowId, context); let closedTabData = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(window); let closedTabIndex = closedTabData.findIndex(closedTab => { return closedTab.closedId === parseInt(sessionId, 10); }); if (closedTabIndex < 0) { throw new ExtensionError( `Could not find closed tab using sessionId ${sessionId}.` ); } SessionStore.forgetClosedTab(window, closedTabIndex); }, async forgetClosedWindow(sessionId) { await SessionStore.promiseInitialized; let closedWindowData = SessionStore.getClosedWindowData(); let closedWindowIndex = closedWindowData.findIndex(closedWindow => { return closedWindow.closedId === parseInt(sessionId, 10); }); if (closedWindowIndex < 0) { throw new ExtensionError( `Could not find closed window using sessionId ${sessionId}.` ); } SessionStore.forgetClosedWindow(closedWindowIndex); }, async restore(sessionId) { await SessionStore.promiseInitialized; let session, closedId; if (sessionId) { closedId = sessionId; session = SessionStore.undoCloseById( closedId, extension.privateBrowsingAllowed ); } else if (SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType == "window") { // If the most recently closed object is a window, just undo closing the most recent window. session = SessionStore.undoCloseWindow(0); } else { // It is a tab, and we cannot call SessionStore.undoCloseTab without a window, // so we must find the tab in which case we can just use its closedId. let recentlyClosedTabs = []; for (let window of windowTracker.browserWindows()) { let closedTabData = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(window); for (let tab of closedTabData) { recentlyClosedTabs.push(tab); } } if (recentlyClosedTabs.length) { // Sort the tabs. recentlyClosedTabs.sort((a, b) => b.closedAt - a.closedAt); // Use the closedId of the most recently closed tab to restore it. closedId = recentlyClosedTabs[0].closedId; session = SessionStore.undoCloseById( closedId, extension.privateBrowsingAllowed ); } } return createSession(session, extension, closedId); }, setTabValue(tabId, key, value) { let { tab, encodedKey } = getTabParams(key, tabId); SessionStore.setCustomTabValue( tab, encodedKey, JSON.stringify(value) ); }, async getTabValue(tabId, key) { let { tab, encodedKey } = getTabParams(key, tabId); let value = SessionStore.getCustomTabValue(tab, encodedKey); if (value) { return JSON.parse(value); } return undefined; }, removeTabValue(tabId, key) { let { tab, encodedKey } = getTabParams(key, tabId); SessionStore.deleteCustomTabValue(tab, encodedKey); }, setWindowValue(windowId, key, value) { let { win, encodedKey } = getWindowParams(key, windowId); SessionStore.setCustomWindowValue( win, encodedKey, JSON.stringify(value) ); }, async getWindowValue(windowId, key) { let { win, encodedKey } = getWindowParams(key, windowId); let value = SessionStore.getCustomWindowValue(win, encodedKey); if (value) { return JSON.parse(value); } return undefined; }, removeWindowValue(windowId, key) { let { win, encodedKey } = getWindowParams(key, windowId); SessionStore.deleteCustomWindowValue(win, encodedKey); }, onChanged: new EventManager({ context, module: "sessions", event: "onChanged", extensionApi: this, }).api(), }, }; } };