# Sections Each section in Activity Stream displays data from a corresponding section feed in a standardised `Section` UI component. Each section feed is responsible for listening to events and updating the section options such as the title, icon, and rows (the cards for the section to display). The `Section` UI component displays the rows provided by the section feed. If no rows are available it displays an empty state consisting of an icon and a message. Optionally, the section may have a info option menu that is displayed when users hover over the info icon. On load, `SectionsManager` and `SectionsFeed` in `SectionsManager.jsm` add the sections configured in the `BUILT_IN_SECTIONS` map to the state. These sections are initially disabled, so aren't visible. The section's feed may use the methods provided by the `SectionsManager` to enable its section and update its properties. The section configuration in `BUILT_IN_SECTIONS` consists of a generator function keyed by the pref name for the section feed. The generator function takes an `options` argument as the only parameter, which is passed the object stored as serialised JSON in the pref `{feed_pref_name}.options`, or the empty object if this doesn't exist. The generator returns a section configuration object which may have the following properties: ```eval_rst +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Type | Description | +====================+=====================+===================================================================================================================+ | id | String | Non-optional unique id. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | title | Localisation object | Has property `id`, the string localisation id, and optionally a `values` object to fill in placeholders. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | icon | String | Icon id. New icons should be added in icons.scss. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | maxRows | Integer | Maximum number of rows of cards to display. Should be >= 1. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | contextMenuOptions | Array of strings | The menu options to provide in the card context menus. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | shouldHidePref | Boolean | If true, will the section preference in the preferences pane will not be shown. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | pref | Object | Configures the section preference to show in the preferences pane. Has properties `titleString` and `descString`. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | emptyState | Object | Configures the empty state of the section. Has properties `message` and `icon`. | +--------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ``` ## Section feeds Each section feed should be controlled by the pref `feeds.section.{section_id}`. ### Enabling the section The section feed must listen for the events `INIT` (dispatched when Activity Stream is initialised) and `FEED_INIT` (dispatched when a feed is re-enabled having been turned off, with the feed id as the `data`). On these events it must call `SectionsManager.enableSection(id)`. Care should be taken that this happens only once `SectionsManager` has also initialised; the feed can use the method `SectionsManager.onceInitialized()`. ### Disabling the section The section feed must have an `uninit` method. This is called when the section feed is disabled by turning the section's pref off. In `uninit` the feed must call `SectionsManager.disableSection(id)`. This will remove the section's UI component from every existing Activity Stream page. ### Updating the section rows The section feed can call `SectionsManager.updateSection(id, options)` to update section options. The `rows` array property of `options` stores the cards of sites to display. Each card object may have the following properties: ```js { type, // One of the types in Card/types.js, e.g. "Trending" title, // Title string description, // Description string image, // Image url url // Site url } ```