/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Use XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters to make the test harness keeps working // after bug 1608279. // // The test harness's workaround for "lazy getter on a plain object" is to // set the `lazy` object's prototype to the global object, inside the lazy // getter API. // // ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter is converted into a static import declaration // by babel-plugin-jsm-to-esmodules, and it doesn't work for the following // 2 reasons: // // * There's no other lazy getter API call in this file, and the workaround // above stops working // * babel-plugin-jsm-to-esmodules ignores the first parameter of the lazy // getter API, and the result is wrong const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { PersonalityProvider: "resource://activity-stream/lib/PersonalityProvider/PersonalityProvider.jsm", }); const { actionTypes: at, actionCreators: ac } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.sys.mjs" ); const PREF_PERSONALIZATION_MODEL_KEYS = "discoverystream.personalization.modelKeys"; const PREF_PERSONALIZATION = "discoverystream.personalization.enabled"; // The main purpose of this class is to handle interactions with the recommendation provider. // A recommendation provider scores a list of stories, currently this is a personality provider. // So all calls to the provider, anything involved with the setup of the provider, // accessing prefs for the provider, or updaing devtools with provider state, is contained in here. class RecommendationProvider { setProvider(scores) { // A provider is already set. This can happen when new stories come in // and we need to update their scores. // We can use the existing one, a fresh one is created after startup. // Using the existing one might be a bit out of date, // but it's fine for now. We can rely on restarts for updates. // See bug 1629931 for improvements to this. if (this.provider) { return; } // At this point we've determined we can successfully create a v2 personalization provider. this.provider = new lazy.PersonalityProvider(this.modelKeys); this.provider.setScores(scores); } /* * This calls any async initialization that's required, * and then signals to devtools when that's done. */ async init() { if (this.provider && this.provider.init) { await this.provider.init(); this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_INIT, }) ); } } get modelKeys() { if (!this._modelKeys) { this._modelKeys = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[ PREF_PERSONALIZATION_MODEL_KEYS ]; } return this._modelKeys; } getScores() { return this.provider.getScores(); } async calculateItemRelevanceScore(item) { if (this.provider) { const scoreResult = await this.provider.calculateItemRelevanceScore(item); if (scoreResult === 0 || scoreResult) { item.score = scoreResult; } } } teardown() { if (this.provider && this.provider.teardown) { // This removes any in memory listeners if available. this.provider.teardown(); } } resetState() { this._modelKeys = null; this.provider = null; } onAction(action) { switch (action.type) { case at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE: this.teardown(); this.resetState(); break; case at.PREF_CHANGED: switch (action.data.name) { case PREF_PERSONALIZATION_MODEL_KEYS: this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET, }) ); break; } break; case at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_TOGGLE: let enabled = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_PERSONALIZATION]; this.store.dispatch(ac.SetPref(PREF_PERSONALIZATION, !enabled)); break; } } } const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RecommendationProvider"];