/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";

const TEST_ICON = "chrome://branding/content/icon64.png";
const TEST_ICON_16 = "chrome://branding/content/icon16.png";
const TEST_ICON_BW =

const MESSAGES = () => [
    template: "simple_snippet",
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      text: "This is for <link0>preferences</link0> and <link1>about</link1>",
      button_label: "Button Label",
      section_title_text: "Messages from Firefox",
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    id: "SIMPLE_TEST_1",
    template: "simple_snippet",
    campaign: "test_campaign_blocking",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      title: "Firefox Account!",
      title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
        "<syncLink>Sync it, link it, take it with you</syncLink>. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
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        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
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    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
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      title: "Firefox Account!",
      title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      title_icon_dark_theme: "",
        "<syncLink>Sync it, link it, take it with you</syncLink>. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
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      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
        "<syncLink>Sync it, link it, take it with you</syncLink>. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
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        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
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    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
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        "<syncLink>Sync it, link it, take it with you</syncLink>. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      button_label: "Get one now!",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
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    template: "simple_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Get one now!",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
        "Sync it, link it, take it with you. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
      block_button_text: "Block",
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      text: "Testing the OPEN_ABOUT_PAGE action",
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    template: "simple_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      title: "Ready to sync?",
      text: "Get connected with a <syncLink>Firefox account</syncLink>.",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "newsletter_snippet",
    content: {
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      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_title: "Be a part of a movement.",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
        "Internet shutdowns, hackers, harassment &ndash; the health of the internet is on the line. Sign up and Mozilla will keep you updated on how you can help.",
      scene1_button_label: "Continue",
      scene1_button_color: "#712b00",
      scene1_button_background_color: "#ff9400",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",
      locale: "en-CA",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
        "Sign up for the Mozilla newsletter and we will keep you updated on how you can help.",
        "I'm okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_newsletter: "mozilla-foundation",
      success_text: "Check your inbox for the confirmation!",
      error_text: "Error!",
      retry_button_label: "Try again?",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    id: "NEWSLETTER_TEST_1",
    template: "newsletter_snippet",
    content: {
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_title: "Be a part of a movement.",
      scene1_title_icon: "",
        "Internet shutdowns, hackers, harassment &ndash; the health of the internet is on the line. Sign up and Mozilla will keep you updated on how you can help.",
      scene1_button_label: "Continue",
      scene1_button_color: "#712b00",
      scene1_button_background_color: "#ff9400",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",
      locale: "en-CA",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
        "Sign up for the Mozilla newsletter and we will keep you updated on how you can help.",
        "I'm okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_button_label: "Sign Me up",
      scene2_email_placeholder_text: "Your email here",
      scene2_newsletter: "mozilla-foundation",
      success_text: "Check your inbox for the confirmation!",
      error_text: "Error!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    template: "newsletter_snippet",
    content: {
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_title: "Be a part of a movement.",
      scene1_title_icon: "",
        "Internet shutdowns, hackers, harassment &ndash; the health of the internet is on the line. Sign up and Mozilla will keep you updated on how you can help.",
      scene1_button_label: "Continue",
      scene1_button_color: "#712b00",
      scene1_button_background_color: "#ff9400",
      scene1_section_title_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
        "All the Firefox news that's fit to Firefox print!",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",
      locale: "en-CA",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
        "Sign up for the Mozilla newsletter and we will keep you updated on how you can help.",
        "I'm okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_button_label: "Sign Me up",
      scene2_email_placeholder_text: "Your email here",
      scene2_newsletter: "mozilla-foundation",
      success_text: "Check your inbox for the confirmation!",
      error_text: "Error!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    id: "FXA_SNIPPET_TEST_1",
    template: "fxa_signup_snippet",
    content: {
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_button_label: "Get connected with sync!",
      scene1_button_color: "#712b00",
      scene1_button_background_color: "#ff9400",

        "Connect to Firefox by securely syncing passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs.",
      scene1_title: "Browser better.",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,

        "Connect to your Firefox account to securely sync passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs.",
      scene2_title: "Title 123",
      scene2_email_placeholder_text: "Your email",
      scene2_button_label: "Continue",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
    template: "fxa_signup_snippet",
    content: {
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_button_label: "Get connected with sync!",
      scene1_button_color: "#712b00",
      scene1_button_background_color: "#ff9400",

        "Connect to Firefox by securely syncing passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs.",
      scene1_title: "Browser better.",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,

      scene1_section_title_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
      scene1_section_title_text: "Firefox Accounts: Receivable benefits",

        "Connect to your Firefox account to securely sync passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs.",
      scene2_title: "Title 123",
      scene2_email_placeholder_text: "Your email",
      scene2_button_label: "Continue",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
    template: "send_to_device_snippet",
    content: {
      include_sms: true,
      locale: "en-CA",
      country: "us",
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      message_id_email: "download-firefox-mobile",

      scene1_button_background_color: "#6200a4",
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      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_text: "Browse without compromise with Firefox Mobile.",
      scene1_title: "Full-featured. Customizable. Lightning fast",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,

      scene2_button_label: "Send",
        "The intended recipient of the email must have consented. <privacyLink>Learn more</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
      scene2_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene2_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene2_input_placeholder: "Your email address or phone number",
        "Send Firefox to your phone and take a powerful independent browser with you.",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",

      error_text: "Oops, there was a problem.",
      success_title: "Your download link was sent.",
      success_text: "Check your device for the email message!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    template: "send_to_device_scene2_snippet",
    content: {
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      message_id_email: "download-firefox-mobile",
      scene2_icon: TEST_ICON,
      section_title_text: "Messages from Firefox",
      section_title_url: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb",
      scene2_button_label: "Send",
        "The intended recipient of the email must have consented. <privacyLink>Learn more</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_input_placeholder: "Your email address or phone number",
        "Send Firefox to your phone and take a powerful independent browser with you.",
      error_text: "Oops, there was a problem.",
      success_title: "Your download link was sent.",
      success_text: "Check your device for the email message!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    template: "send_to_device_snippet",
    content: {
      include_sms: true,
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      message_id_email: "download-firefox-mobile",

      scene1_button_background_color: "#6200a4",
      scene1_button_color: "#FFFFFF",
      scene1_button_label: "Install now",
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: "",
      scene1_text: "Browse without compromise with Firefox Mobile.",
      scene1_title: "Full-featured. Customizable. Lightning fast",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: "",

      scene2_button_label: "Send",
        "The intended recipient of the email must have consented. <privacyLink>Learn more</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
      scene2_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene2_icon_dark_theme: "",
      scene2_input_placeholder: "Your email address or phone number",
        "Send Firefox to your phone and take a powerful independent browser with you.",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",

      error_text: "Oops, there was a problem.",
      success_title: "Your download link was sent.",
      success_text: "Check your device for the email message!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    template: "send_to_device_snippet",
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      include_sms: true,
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      scene1_button_label: "Install now",
      scene1_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene1_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_text: "Browse without compromise with Firefox Mobile.",
      scene1_title: "Full-featured. Customizable. Lightning fast",
      scene1_title_icon: TEST_ICON_16,
      scene1_title_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene1_section_title_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
      scene1_section_title_text: "Send Firefox to your mobile device!",

      scene2_button_label: "Send",
        "The intended recipient of the email must have consented. <privacyLink>Learn more</privacyLink>.",
      scene2_dismiss_button_text: "Dismiss",
      scene2_icon: TEST_ICON,
      scene2_icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      scene2_input_placeholder: "Your email address or phone number",
        "Send Firefox to your phone and take a powerful independent browser with you.",
      scene2_title: "Let's do this!",

      error_text: "Oops, there was a problem.",
      success_title: "Your download link was sent.",
      success_text: "Check your device for the email message!",
      links: {
        privacyLink: {
    id: "EOY_TEST_1",
    template: "eoy_snippet",
    content: {
      highlight_color: "#f05",
      background_color: "#ddd",
      text_color: "yellow",
      selected_button: "donation_amount_first",
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Donate",
      monthly_checkbox_label_text: "Make my donation monthly",
      currency_code: "usd",
      donation_amount_first: 50,
      donation_amount_second: 25,
      donation_amount_third: 10,
      donation_amount_fourth: 5,
        "Big corporations want to restrict how we access the web. Fake news is making it harder for us to find the truth. Online bullies are silencing inspired voices. The <em>not-for-profit Mozilla Foundation</em> fights for a healthy internet with programs like our Tech Policy Fellowships and Internet Health Report; <b>will you donate today</b>?",
    id: "EOY_BOLD_TEST_1",
    template: "eoy_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      selected_button: "donation_amount_second",
      button_label: "Donate",
      monthly_checkbox_label_text: "Make my donation monthly",
      currency_code: "usd",
      donation_amount_first: 50,
      donation_amount_second: 25,
      donation_amount_third: 10,
      donation_amount_fourth: 5,
      donation_form_url: "https://donate.mozilla.org",
        "Big corporations want to restrict how we access the web. Fake news is making it harder for us to find the truth. Online bullies are silencing inspired voices. The <em>not-for-profit Mozilla Foundation</em> fights for a healthy internet with programs like our Tech Policy Fellowships and Internet Health Report; <b>will you donate today</b>?",
      test: "bold",
    id: "EOY_TAKEOVER_TEST_1",
    template: "eoy_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Donate",
      monthly_checkbox_label_text: "Make my donation monthly",
      currency_code: "usd",
      donation_amount_first: 50,
      donation_amount_second: 25,
      donation_amount_third: 10,
      donation_amount_fourth: 5,
      donation_form_url: "https://donate.mozilla.org",
        "Big corporations want to restrict how we access the web. Fake news is making it harder for us to find the truth. Online bullies are silencing inspired voices. The <em>not-for-profit Mozilla Foundation</em> fights for a healthy internet with programs like our Tech Policy Fellowships and Internet Health Report; <b>will you donate today</b>?",
      test: "takeover",
    template: "simple_snippet",
    content: {
      button_label: "Get one now!",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      title: "Firefox Account!",
        "<syncLink>Sync it, link it, take it with you</syncLink>. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      block_button_text: "Block",
      section_title_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
      section_title_text: "Messages from Mozilla",
    template: "simple_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      title: "Firefox Account!",
        "Sync it, link it, take it with you. All this and more with a Firefox Account.",
      block_button_text: "Block",
      section_title_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
      section_title_text: "Messages from Mozilla (click for info)",
      section_title_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/about",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
        "Securely store passwords, bookmarks, and more with a Firefox Account. <syncLink>Sign up</syncLink>",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
        "<syncLink>Connect your Firefox Account to Sync</syncLink> your protected passwords, open tabs and bookmarks, and they'll always be available to you - on all of your devices.",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      title: "See if you've been part of an online data breach.",
        "Securely store passwords, bookmarks, and more with a Firefox Account. <syncLink>Sign up</syncLink>",
      links: {
        syncLink: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts" },
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Find Out Now",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
      title: "See if you've been part of an online data breach.",
      text: "Firefox Monitor tells you what hackers already know about you.",
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Find Out Now",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
      title: "See if you've been part of an online data breach.",
        "Firefox Monitor tells you what hackers already know about you. Here's some extra text to make the content really long.",
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      icon_dark_theme: TEST_ICON_BW,
      button_label: "Find Out Now",
      button_url: "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/accounts",
      text: "Firefox Monitor tells you what hackers already know about you.",
      block_button_text: "Block",
    template: "simple_below_search_snippet",
    content: {
      icon: TEST_ICON,
      title: "See if you've been part of an online data breach.",
      text: "Firefox Monitor tells you what hackers already know about you.",
      button_label: "Get monitor",
      button_action: "ENABLE_FIREFOX_MONITOR",
      button_action_args: {
        flowRequestParams: {
          entrypoint: "snippets",
          utm_term: "monitor",
          form_type: "email",
      block_button_text: "Block",

const SnippetsTestMessageProvider = {
  getMessages() {
    return Promise.resolve(
        // Ensures we never actually show test except when triggered by debug tools
        .map(message => ({
          targeting: `providerCohorts.snippets_local_testing == "SHOW_TEST"`,

const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SnippetsTestMessageProvider"];