/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { actionTypes: at, actionCreators: ac } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.sys.mjs" ); const { Prefs } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://activity-stream/lib/ActivityStreamPrefs.jsm" ); const { shortURL } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://activity-stream/lib/ShortURL.jsm" ); const { SectionsManager } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://activity-stream/lib/SectionsManager.jsm" ); const { PersistentCache } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://activity-stream/lib/PersistentCache.jsm" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "pktApi", "chrome://pocket/content/pktApi.jsm" ); const STORIES_UPDATE_TIME = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes const TOPICS_UPDATE_TIME = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 3 hours const STORIES_NOW_THRESHOLD = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24 hours const DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour const SECTION_ID = "topstories"; const IMPRESSION_SOURCE = "TOP_STORIES"; const SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF = "feeds.section.topstories.spoc.impressions"; const DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF_ENABLED = "discoverystream.enabled"; const DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF_ENABLED_PATH = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.enabled"; const REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF = "feeds.section.topstories.rec.impressions"; const PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES = "feeds.section.topstories"; const MAX_LIFETIME_CAP = 500; // Guard against misconfiguration on the server const DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF = "discoverystream.config"; class TopStoriesFeed { constructor(ds) { // Use discoverystream config pref default values for fast path and // if needed lazy load activity stream top stories feed based on // actual user preference when INIT and PREF_CHANGED is invoked this.discoveryStreamEnabled = ds && ds.value && JSON.parse(ds.value).enabled && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF_ENABLED_PATH, false); if (!this.discoveryStreamEnabled) { this.initializeProperties(); } } initializeProperties() { this.contentUpdateQueue = []; this.spocCampaignMap = new Map(); this.cache = new PersistentCache(SECTION_ID, true); this._prefs = new Prefs(); this.propertiesInitialized = true; } async onInit() { SectionsManager.enableSection(SECTION_ID, true /* isStartup */); if (this.discoveryStreamEnabled) { return; } try { const { options } = SectionsManager.sections.get(SECTION_ID); const apiKey = this.getApiKeyFromPref(options.api_key_pref); this.stories_endpoint = this.produceFinalEndpointUrl( options.stories_endpoint, apiKey ); this.topics_endpoint = this.produceFinalEndpointUrl( options.topics_endpoint, apiKey ); this.read_more_endpoint = options.read_more_endpoint; this.stories_referrer = options.stories_referrer; this.show_spocs = options.show_spocs; this.storiesLastUpdated = 0; this.topicsLastUpdated = 0; this.storiesLoaded = false; this.dispatchPocketCta(this._prefs.get("pocketCta"), false); // Cache is used for new page loads, which shouldn't have changed data. // If we have changed data, cache should be cleared, // and last updated should be 0, and we can fetch. let { stories, topics } = await this.loadCachedData(); if (this.storiesLastUpdated === 0) { stories = await this.fetchStories(); } if (this.topicsLastUpdated === 0) { topics = await this.fetchTopics(); } this.doContentUpdate({ stories, topics }, true); this.storiesLoaded = true; // This is filtered so an update function can return true to retry on the next run this.contentUpdateQueue = this.contentUpdateQueue.filter(update => update() ); } catch (e) { console.error(`Problem initializing top stories feed: ${e.message}`); } } init() { SectionsManager.onceInitialized(this.onInit.bind(this)); } async clearCache() { await this.cache.set("stories", {}); await this.cache.set("topics", {}); await this.cache.set("spocs", {}); } uninit() { this.storiesLoaded = false; SectionsManager.disableSection(SECTION_ID); } getPocketState(target) { const action = { type: at.POCKET_LOGGED_IN, data: lazy.pktApi.isUserLoggedIn(), }; this.store.dispatch(ac.OnlyToOneContent(action, target)); } dispatchPocketCta(data, shouldBroadcast) { const action = { type: at.POCKET_CTA, data: JSON.parse(data) }; this.store.dispatch( shouldBroadcast ? ac.BroadcastToContent(action) : ac.AlsoToPreloaded(action) ); } /** * doContentUpdate - Updates topics and stories in the topstories section. * * Sections have one update action for the whole section. * Redux creates a state race condition if you call the same action, * twice, concurrently. Because of this, doContentUpdate is * one place to update both topics and stories in a single action. * * Section updates used old topics if none are available, * but clear stories if none are available. Because of this, if no * stories are passed, we instead use the existing stories in state. * * @param {Object} This is an object with potential new stories or topics. * @param {Boolean} shouldBroadcast If we should update existing tabs or not. For first page * loads or pref changes, we want to update existing tabs, * for system tick or other updates we do not. */ doContentUpdate({ stories, topics }, shouldBroadcast) { let updateProps = {}; if (stories) { updateProps.rows = stories; } else { const { Sections } = this.store.getState(); if (Sections && Sections.find) { updateProps.rows = Sections.find(s => s.id === SECTION_ID).rows; } } if (topics) { Object.assign(updateProps, { topics, read_more_endpoint: this.read_more_endpoint, }); } // We should only be calling this once per init. this.dispatchUpdateEvent(shouldBroadcast, updateProps); } async fetchStories() { if (!this.stories_endpoint) { return null; } try { const response = await fetch(this.stories_endpoint, { credentials: "omit", }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `Stories endpoint returned unexpected status: ${response.status}` ); } const body = await response.json(); this.updateSettings(body.settings); this.stories = this.rotate(this.transform(body.recommendations)); this.cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref(); if (this.show_spocs && body.spocs) { this.spocCampaignMap = new Map( body.spocs.map(s => [s.id, `${s.campaign_id}`]) ); this.spocs = this.transform(body.spocs); this.cleanUpCampaignImpressionPref(); } this.storiesLastUpdated = Date.now(); body._timestamp = this.storiesLastUpdated; this.cache.set("stories", body); } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to fetch content: ${error.message}`); } return this.stories; } async loadCachedData() { const data = await this.cache.get(); let stories = data.stories && data.stories.recommendations; let topics = data.topics && data.topics.topics; if (stories && !!stories.length && this.storiesLastUpdated === 0) { this.updateSettings(data.stories.settings); this.stories = this.rotate(this.transform(stories)); this.storiesLastUpdated = data.stories._timestamp; if (data.stories.spocs && data.stories.spocs.length) { this.spocCampaignMap = new Map( data.stories.spocs.map(s => [s.id, `${s.campaign_id}`]) ); this.spocs = this.transform(data.stories.spocs); this.cleanUpCampaignImpressionPref(); } } if (topics && !!topics.length && this.topicsLastUpdated === 0) { this.topics = topics; this.topicsLastUpdated = data.topics._timestamp; } return { topics: this.topics, stories: this.stories }; } transform(items) { if (!items) { return []; } const calcResult = items .filter(s => !lazy.NewTabUtils.blockedLinks.isBlocked({ url: s.url })) .map(s => { let mapped = { guid: s.id, hostname: s.domain || shortURL(Object.assign({}, s, { url: s.url })), type: Date.now() - s.published_timestamp * 1000 <= STORIES_NOW_THRESHOLD ? "now" : "trending", context: s.context, icon: s.icon, title: s.title, description: s.excerpt, image: this.normalizeUrl(s.image_src), referrer: this.stories_referrer, url: s.url, score: s.item_score || 1, spoc_meta: this.show_spocs ? { campaign_id: s.campaign_id, caps: s.caps } : {}, }; // Very old cached spocs may not contain an `expiration_timestamp` property if (s.expiration_timestamp) { mapped.expiration_timestamp = s.expiration_timestamp; } return mapped; }) .sort(this.compareScore); return calcResult; } async fetchTopics() { if (!this.topics_endpoint) { return null; } try { const response = await fetch(this.topics_endpoint, { credentials: "omit", }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `Topics endpoint returned unexpected status: ${response.status}` ); } const body = await response.json(); const { topics } = body; if (topics) { this.topics = topics; this.topicsLastUpdated = Date.now(); body._timestamp = this.topicsLastUpdated; this.cache.set("topics", body); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to fetch topics: ${error.message}`); } return this.topics; } dispatchUpdateEvent(shouldBroadcast, data) { SectionsManager.updateSection(SECTION_ID, data, shouldBroadcast); } compareScore(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; } updateSettings(settings = {}) { this.spocsPerNewTabs = settings.spocsPerNewTabs || 1; // Probability of a new tab getting a spoc [0,1] this.recsExpireTime = settings.recsExpireTime; } // We rotate stories on the client so that // active stories are at the front of the list, followed by stories that have expired // impressions i.e. have been displayed for longer than recsExpireTime. rotate(items) { if (items.length <= 3) { return items; } const maxImpressionAge = Math.max( this.recsExpireTime * 1000 || DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME, DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME ); const impressions = this.readImpressionsPref(REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF); const expired = []; const active = []; for (const item of items) { if ( impressions[item.guid] && Date.now() - impressions[item.guid] >= maxImpressionAge ) { expired.push(item); } else { active.push(item); } } return active.concat(expired); } getApiKeyFromPref(apiKeyPref) { if (!apiKeyPref) { return apiKeyPref; } return ( this._prefs.get(apiKeyPref) || Services.prefs.getCharPref(apiKeyPref) ); } produceFinalEndpointUrl(url, apiKey) { if (!url) { return url; } if (url.includes("$apiKey") && !apiKey) { throw new Error(`An API key was specified but none configured: ${url}`); } return url.replace("$apiKey", apiKey); } // Need to remove parenthesis from image URLs as React will otherwise // fail to render them properly as part of the card template. normalizeUrl(url) { if (url) { return url.replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29"); } return url; } shouldShowSpocs() { return this.show_spocs && this.store.getState().Prefs.values.showSponsored; } dispatchSpocDone(target) { const action = { type: at.POCKET_WAITING_FOR_SPOC, data: false }; this.store.dispatch(ac.OnlyToOneContent(action, target)); } filterSpocs() { if (!this.shouldShowSpocs()) { return []; } if (Math.random() > this.spocsPerNewTabs) { return []; } if (!this.spocs || !this.spocs.length) { // We have stories but no spocs so there's nothing to do and this update can be // removed from the queue. return []; } // Filter spocs based on frequency caps const impressions = this.readImpressionsPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF); let spocs = this.spocs.filter(s => this.isBelowFrequencyCap(impressions, s) ); // Filter out expired spocs based on `expiration_timestamp` spocs = spocs.filter(spoc => { // If cached data is so old it doesn't contain this property, assume the spoc is ok to show if (!(`expiration_timestamp` in spoc)) { return true; } // `expiration_timestamp` is the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC return spoc.expiration_timestamp * 1000 > Date.now(); }); return spocs; } maybeAddSpoc(target) { const updateContent = () => { let spocs = this.filterSpocs(); if (!spocs.length) { this.dispatchSpocDone(target); return false; } // Create a new array with a spoc inserted at index 2 const section = this.store .getState() .Sections.find(s => s.id === SECTION_ID); let rows = section.rows.slice(0, this.stories.length); rows.splice(2, 0, Object.assign(spocs[0], { pinned: true })); // Send a content update to the target tab const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows }, { id: SECTION_ID }), }; this.store.dispatch(ac.OnlyToOneContent(action, target)); this.dispatchSpocDone(target); return false; }; if (this.storiesLoaded) { updateContent(); } else { // Delay updating tab content until initial data has been fetched this.contentUpdateQueue.push(updateContent); } } // Frequency caps are based on campaigns, which may include multiple spocs. // We currently support two types of frequency caps: // - lifetime: Indicates how many times spocs from a campaign can be shown in total // - period: Indicates how many times spocs from a campaign can be shown within a period // // So, for example, the feed configuration below defines that for campaign 1 no more // than 5 spocs can be show in total, and no more than 2 per hour. // "campaign_id": 1, // "caps": { // "lifetime": 5, // "campaign": { // "count": 2, // "period": 3600 // } // } isBelowFrequencyCap(impressions, spoc) { const campaignImpressions = impressions[spoc.spoc_meta.campaign_id]; if (!campaignImpressions) { return true; } const lifeTimeCap = Math.min( spoc.spoc_meta.caps && spoc.spoc_meta.caps.lifetime, MAX_LIFETIME_CAP ); const lifeTimeCapExceeded = campaignImpressions.length >= lifeTimeCap; if (lifeTimeCapExceeded) { return false; } const campaignCap = (spoc.spoc_meta.caps && spoc.spoc_meta.caps.campaign) || {}; const campaignCapExceeded = campaignImpressions.filter( i => Date.now() - i < campaignCap.period * 1000 ).length >= campaignCap.count; return !campaignCapExceeded; } // Clean up campaign impression pref by removing all campaigns that are no // longer part of the response, and are therefore considered inactive. cleanUpCampaignImpressionPref() { const campaignIds = new Set(this.spocCampaignMap.values()); this.cleanUpImpressionPref( id => !campaignIds.has(id), SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF ); } // Clean up rec impression pref by removing all stories that are no // longer part of the response. cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref() { const activeStories = new Set(this.stories.map(s => `${s.guid}`)); this.cleanUpImpressionPref( id => !activeStories.has(id), REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF ); } /** * Cleans up the provided impression pref (spocs or recs). * * @param isExpired predicate (boolean-valued function) that returns whether or not * the impression for the given key is expired. * @param pref the impression pref to clean up. */ cleanUpImpressionPref(isExpired, pref) { const impressions = this.readImpressionsPref(pref); let changed = false; Object.keys(impressions).forEach(id => { if (isExpired(id)) { changed = true; delete impressions[id]; } }); if (changed) { this.writeImpressionsPref(pref, impressions); } } // Sets a pref mapping campaign IDs to timestamp arrays. // The timestamps represent impressions which are used to calculate frequency caps. recordCampaignImpression(campaignId) { let impressions = this.readImpressionsPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF); const timeStamps = impressions[campaignId] || []; timeStamps.push(Date.now()); impressions = Object.assign(impressions, { [campaignId]: timeStamps }); this.writeImpressionsPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, impressions); } // Sets a pref mapping story (rec) IDs to a single timestamp (time of first impression). // We use these timestamps to guarantee a story doesn't stay on top for longer than // configured in the feed settings (settings.recsExpireTime). recordTopRecImpressions(topItems) { let impressions = this.readImpressionsPref(REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF); let changed = false; topItems.forEach(t => { if (!impressions[t]) { changed = true; impressions = Object.assign(impressions, { [t]: Date.now() }); } }); if (changed) { this.writeImpressionsPref(REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, impressions); } } readImpressionsPref(pref) { const prefVal = this._prefs.get(pref); return prefVal ? JSON.parse(prefVal) : {}; } writeImpressionsPref(pref, impressions) { this._prefs.set(pref, JSON.stringify(impressions)); } async removeSpocs() { // Quick hack so that SPOCS are removed from all open and preloaded tabs when // they are disabled. The longer term fix should probably be to remove them // in the Reducer. await this.clearCache(); this.uninit(); this.init(); } lazyLoadTopStories(options = {}) { let { dsPref, userPref } = options; if (!dsPref) { dsPref = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF]; } if (!userPref) { userPref = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES]; } try { this.discoveryStreamEnabled = JSON.parse(dsPref).enabled && this.store.getState().Prefs.values[DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF_ENABLED]; } catch (e) { // Load activity stream top stories if fail to determine discovery stream state this.discoveryStreamEnabled = false; } // Return without invoking initialization if top stories are loaded, or preffed off. if (this.storiesLoaded || !userPref) { return; } if (!this.discoveryStreamEnabled && !this.propertiesInitialized) { this.initializeProperties(); } this.init(); } handleDisabled(action) { switch (action.type) { case at.INIT: this.lazyLoadTopStories(); break; case at.PREF_CHANGED: if (action.data.name === DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF) { this.lazyLoadTopStories({ dsPref: action.data.value }); } if (action.data.name === DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF_ENABLED) { this.lazyLoadTopStories(); } if (action.data.name === PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES) { if (action.data.value) { // init topstories if value if true. this.lazyLoadTopStories({ userPref: action.data.value }); } else { this.uninit(); } } break; case at.UNINIT: this.uninit(); break; } } async onAction(action) { if (this.discoveryStreamEnabled) { this.handleDisabled(action); return; } switch (action.type) { // Check discoverystream pref and load activity stream top stories only if needed case at.INIT: this.lazyLoadTopStories(); break; case at.SYSTEM_TICK: let stories; let topics; if (Date.now() - this.storiesLastUpdated >= STORIES_UPDATE_TIME) { stories = await this.fetchStories(); } if (Date.now() - this.topicsLastUpdated >= TOPICS_UPDATE_TIME) { topics = await this.fetchTopics(); } this.doContentUpdate({ stories, topics }, false); break; case at.UNINIT: this.uninit(); break; case at.NEW_TAB_REHYDRATED: this.getPocketState(action.meta.fromTarget); this.maybeAddSpoc(action.meta.fromTarget); break; case at.SECTION_OPTIONS_CHANGED: if (action.data === SECTION_ID) { await this.clearCache(); this.uninit(); this.init(); } break; case at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED: if (this.spocs) { this.spocs = this.spocs.filter(s => s.url !== action.data.url); } break; case at.TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_STATS: { // We want to make sure we only track impressions from Top Stories, // otherwise unexpected things that are not properly handled can happen. // Example: Impressions from spocs on Discovery Stream can cause the // Top Stories impressions pref to continuously grow, see bug #1523408 if (action.data.source === IMPRESSION_SOURCE) { const payload = action.data; const viewImpression = !( "click" in payload || "block" in payload || "pocket" in payload ); if (payload.tiles && viewImpression) { if (this.shouldShowSpocs()) { payload.tiles.forEach(t => { if (this.spocCampaignMap.has(t.id)) { this.recordCampaignImpression(this.spocCampaignMap.get(t.id)); } }); } const topRecs = payload.tiles .filter(t => !this.spocCampaignMap.has(t.id)) .map(t => t.id); this.recordTopRecImpressions(topRecs); } } break; } case at.PREF_CHANGED: if (action.data.name === DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREF) { this.lazyLoadTopStories({ dsPref: action.data.value }); } if (action.data.name === PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES) { if (action.data.value) { // init topstories if value if true. this.lazyLoadTopStories({ userPref: action.data.value }); } else { this.uninit(); } } // Check if spocs was disabled. Remove them if they were. if (action.data.name === "showSponsored" && !action.data.value) { await this.removeSpocs(); } if (action.data.name === "pocketCta") { this.dispatchPocketCta(action.data.value, true); } break; } } } const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "TopStoriesFeed", "STORIES_UPDATE_TIME", "TOPICS_UPDATE_TIME", "SECTION_ID", "SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF", "REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF", "DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME", ];