import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { NewsletterSnippet } from "content-src/asrouter/templates/NewsletterSnippet/NewsletterSnippet"; import React from "react"; import schema from "content-src/asrouter/templates/NewsletterSnippet/NewsletterSnippet.schema.json"; import { SnippetsTestMessageProvider } from "lib/SnippetsTestMessageProvider.jsm"; describe("NewsletterSnippet", () => { let sandbox; let DEFAULT_CONTENT; function mountAndCheckProps(content = {}) { const props = { id: "foo123", content: Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CONTENT, content), onBlock() {}, onDismiss: sandbox.stub(), sendUserActionTelemetry: sandbox.stub(), onAction: sandbox.stub(), }; const comp = mount(); // Check schema with the final props the component receives (including defaults) assert.jsonSchema(comp.children().get(0).props.content, schema); return comp; } beforeEach(async () => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); DEFAULT_CONTENT = (await SnippetsTestMessageProvider.getMessages()).find( msg => msg.template === "newsletter_snippet" ).content; }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe("schema test", () => { it("should validate the schema and defaults", () => { const wrapper = mountAndCheckProps(); wrapper.find(".ASRouterButton").simulate("click"); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".mainInput").instance().type, "email"); }); it("should have all of the default fields", () => { const defaults = { id: "foo123", content: {}, onBlock() {}, onDismiss: sandbox.stub(), sendUserActionTelemetry: sandbox.stub(), onAction: sandbox.stub(), }; const wrapper = mount(); // NewsletterSnippet is a wrapper around SubmitFormSnippet const { props } = wrapper.children().get(0); // the `locale` properties gets used as part of hidden_fields so we // check for it separately const properties = { }; const { locale } = properties; delete properties.locale; const defaultProperties = Object.keys(properties).filter( prop => properties[prop].default ); assert.lengthOf(defaultProperties, 6); defaultProperties.forEach(prop => assert.propertyVal(props.content, prop, properties[prop].default) ); const defaultHiddenProperties = Object.keys( ).filter( prop =>[prop].default ); assert.lengthOf(defaultHiddenProperties, 1); defaultHiddenProperties.forEach(prop => assert.propertyVal( props.content.hidden_inputs, prop,[prop].default ) ); assert.propertyVal(props.content.hidden_inputs, "lang", locale.default); }); }); });