"use strict"; import { actionTypes as at } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { Dedupe } from "common/Dedupe.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import injector from "inject!lib/HighlightsFeed.jsm"; import { Screenshots } from "lib/Screenshots.jsm"; import { LinksCache } from "lib/LinksCache.jsm"; const FAKE_LINKS = new Array(20) .fill(null) .map((v, i) => ({ url: `http://www.site${i}.com` })); const FAKE_IMAGE = "data123"; describe("Highlights Feed", () => { let HighlightsFeed; let SECTION_ID; let SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT; let BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS_EVENT; let BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED_EVENT; let feed; let globals; let sandbox; let links; let fakeScreenshot; let fakeNewTabUtils; let filterAdultStub; let sectionsManagerStub; let downloadsManagerStub; let shortURLStub; let fakePageThumbs; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox = globals.sandbox; fakeNewTabUtils = { activityStreamLinks: { getHighlights: sandbox.spy(() => Promise.resolve(links)), deletePocketEntry: sandbox.spy(() => Promise.resolve({})), archivePocketEntry: sandbox.spy(() => Promise.resolve({})), }, activityStreamProvider: { _processHighlights: sandbox.spy(l => l.slice(0, 1)), }, }; sectionsManagerStub = { onceInitialized: sinon.stub().callsFake(callback => callback()), enableSection: sinon.spy(), disableSection: sinon.spy(), updateSection: sinon.spy(), updateSectionCard: sinon.spy(), sections: new Map([["highlights", { id: "highlights" }]]), }; downloadsManagerStub = sinon.stub().returns({ getDownloads: () => [{ url: "https://site.com/download" }], onAction: sinon.spy(), init: sinon.spy(), }); fakeScreenshot = { getScreenshotForURL: sandbox.spy(() => Promise.resolve(FAKE_IMAGE)), maybeCacheScreenshot: Screenshots.maybeCacheScreenshot, _shouldGetScreenshots: sinon.stub().returns(true), }; filterAdultStub = { filter: sinon.stub().returnsArg(0), }; shortURLStub = sinon .stub() .callsFake(site => site.url.match(/\/([^/]+)/)[1]); fakePageThumbs = { addExpirationFilter: sinon.stub(), removeExpirationFilter: sinon.stub(), }; globals.set({ NewTabUtils: fakeNewTabUtils, PageThumbs: fakePageThumbs, gFilterAdultEnabled: false, LinksCache, DownloadsManager: downloadsManagerStub, FilterAdult: filterAdultStub, Screenshots: fakeScreenshot, }); ({ HighlightsFeed, SECTION_ID, SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS_EVENT, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED_EVENT, } = injector({ "lib/FilterAdult.jsm": { FilterAdult: filterAdultStub }, "lib/ShortURL.jsm": { shortURL: shortURLStub }, "lib/SectionsManager.jsm": { SectionsManager: sectionsManagerStub }, "lib/Screenshots.jsm": { Screenshots: fakeScreenshot }, "common/Dedupe.jsm": { Dedupe }, "lib/DownloadsManager.jsm": { DownloadsManager: downloadsManagerStub }, })); sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); feed = new HighlightsFeed(); feed.store = { dispatch: sinon.spy(), getState() { return this.state; }, state: { Prefs: { values: { "section.highlights.includePocket": false, "section.highlights.includeDownloads": false, }, }, TopSites: { initialized: true, rows: Array(12) .fill(null) .map((v, i) => ({ url: `http://www.topsite${i}.com` })), }, Sections: [{ id: "highlights", initialized: false }], }, subscribe: sinon.stub().callsFake(cb => { cb(); return () => {}; }), }; links = FAKE_LINKS; }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); }); describe("#init", () => { it("should create a HighlightsFeed", () => { assert.instanceOf(feed, HighlightsFeed); }); it("should register a expiration filter", () => { assert.calledOnce(fakePageThumbs.addExpirationFilter); }); it("should add the sync observer", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.addObserver, feed, SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT ); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.addObserver, feed, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS_EVENT ); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.addObserver, feed, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED_EVENT ); }); it("should call SectionsManager.onceInitialized on INIT", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.onceInitialized); }); it("should enable its section", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.enableSection); assert.calledWith(sectionsManagerStub.enableSection, SECTION_ID); }); it("should fetch highlights on postInit", () => { feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.postInit(); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); }); it("should hook up the store for the DownloadsManager", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(feed.downloadsManager.init); }); }); describe("#observe", () => { beforeEach(() => { feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); }); it("should fetch higlights when we are done a sync for bookmarks", () => { feed.observe(null, SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT, "bookmarks"); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should fetch highlights after a successful import", () => { feed.observe(null, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS_EVENT, "html"); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should fetch highlights after a failed import", () => { feed.observe(null, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED_EVENT, "json"); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should not fetch higlights when we are doing a sync for something that is not bookmarks", () => { feed.observe(null, SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT, "tabs"); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchHighlights); }); it("should not fetch higlights for other events", () => { feed.observe(null, "someotherevent", "bookmarks"); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchHighlights); }); }); describe("#filterForThumbnailExpiration", () => { it("should pass rows.urls to the callback provided", () => { const rows = [{ url: "foo.com" }, { url: "bar.com" }]; feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "highlights", rows, initialized: true }, ]; const stub = sinon.stub(); feed.filterForThumbnailExpiration(stub); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly( stub, rows.map(r => r.url) ); }); it("should include preview_image_url (if present) in the callback results", () => { const rows = [ { url: "foo.com" }, { url: "bar.com", preview_image_url: "bar.jpg" }, ]; feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "highlights", rows, initialized: true }, ]; const stub = sinon.stub(); feed.filterForThumbnailExpiration(stub); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, ["foo.com", "bar.com", "bar.jpg"]); }); it("should pass an empty array if not initialized", () => { const rows = [{ url: "foo.com" }, { url: "bar.com" }]; feed.store.state.Sections = [{ rows, initialized: false }]; const stub = sinon.stub(); feed.filterForThumbnailExpiration(stub); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, []); }); }); describe("#fetchHighlights", () => { const fetchHighlights = async options => { await feed.fetchHighlights(options); return sectionsManagerStub.updateSection.firstCall.args[1].rows; }; it("should return early if TopSites are not initialised", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); feed.store.state.TopSites.initialized = false; feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.topsites"] = true; feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.system.topsites"] = true; // Initially TopSites is uninitialised and fetchHighlights should return. await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.notCalled(fakeNewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.getHighlights); assert.notCalled(feed.linksCache.request); }); it("should return early if Sections are not initialised", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); feed.store.state.TopSites.initialized = true; feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.topsites"] = true; feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.system.topsites"] = true; feed.store.state.Sections = []; await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.notCalled(fakeNewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.getHighlights); assert.notCalled(feed.linksCache.request); }); it("should fetch Highlights if TopSites are initialised", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); // fetchHighlights should continue feed.store.state.TopSites.initialized = true; await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.calledOnce(feed.linksCache.request); assert.calledOnce(fakeNewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.getHighlights); }); it("should chronologically order highlight data types", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://site0.com", type: "bookmark", bookmarkGuid: "1234", date_added: Date.now() - 80, }, // 3rd newest { url: "https://site1.com", type: "history", bookmarkGuid: "1234", date_added: Date.now() - 60, }, // append at the end { url: "https://site2.com", type: "history", date_added: Date.now() - 160, }, // append at the end { url: "https://site3.com", type: "history", date_added: Date.now() - 60, }, // append at the end { url: "https://site4.com", type: "pocket", date_added: Date.now() }, // newest highlight { url: "https://site5.com", type: "pocket", date_added: Date.now() - 100, }, // 4th newest { url: "https://site6.com", type: "bookmark", bookmarkGuid: "1234", date_added: Date.now() - 40, }, // 2nd newest ]; const expectedChronological = [4, 6, 0, 5]; const expectedHistory = [1, 2, 3]; let highlights = await fetchHighlights(); [...expectedChronological, ...expectedHistory].forEach((link, index) => { assert.propertyVal( highlights[index], "url", links[link].url, `highlight[${index}] should be link[${link}]` ); }); }); it("should fetch Highlights if TopSites are not enabled", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.system.topsites"] = false; await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.calledOnce(feed.linksCache.request); assert.calledOnce(fakeNewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.getHighlights); }); it("should fetch Highlights if TopSites are not shown on NTP", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); feed.store.state.Prefs.values["feeds.topsites"] = false; await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.calledOnce(feed.linksCache.request); assert.calledOnce(fakeNewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.getHighlights); }); it("should add hostname and hasImage to each link", async () => { links = [{ url: "https://mozilla.org" }]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights[0].hostname, "mozilla.org"); assert.equal(highlights[0].hasImage, true); }); it("should add an existing image if it exists to the link without calling fetchImage", async () => { links = [{ url: "https://mozilla.org", image: FAKE_IMAGE }]; sinon.spy(feed, "fetchImage"); const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights[0].image, FAKE_IMAGE); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchImage); }); it("should call fetchImage with the correct arguments for new links", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://mozilla.org", preview_image_url: "https://mozilla.org/preview.jog", }, ]; sinon.spy(feed, "fetchImage"); await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchImage); const [arg] = feed.fetchImage.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(arg, "url", links[0].url); assert.propertyVal(arg, "preview_image_url", links[0].preview_image_url); }); it("should not include any links already in Top Sites", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://mozilla.org" }, { url: "http://www.topsite0.com" }, { url: "http://www.topsite1.com" }, { url: "http://www.topsite2.com" }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 1); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); }); it("should include bookmark but not history already in Top Sites", async () => { links = [ { url: "http://www.topsite0.com", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "http://www.topsite1.com", type: "history" }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 1); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); }); it("should not include history of same hostname as a bookmark", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "https://site.com/history", type: "history" }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 1); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); }); it("should take the first history of a hostname", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://site.com/first", type: "history" }, { url: "https://site.com/second", type: "history" }, { url: "https://other", type: "history" }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 2); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, links[2].url); }); it("should take a bookmark, a pocket, and downloaded item of the same hostname", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "https://site.com/pocket", type: "pocket" }, { url: "https://site.com/download", type: "download" }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 3); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, links[1].url); assert.equal(highlights[2].url, links[2].url); }); it("should includePocket pocket items when pref is true", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values["section.highlights.includePocket"] = true; sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.propertyVal( feed.linksCache.request.firstCall.args[0], "excludePocket", false ); }); it("should not includePocket pocket items when pref is false", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed.linksCache, "request"); await feed.fetchHighlights(); assert.propertyVal( feed.linksCache.request.firstCall.args[0], "excludePocket", true ); }); it("should not include downloads when includeDownloads pref is false", async () => { links = [ { url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "https://site.com/pocket", type: "pocket" }, ]; // Check that we don't have the downloaded item in highlights const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 2); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, links[1].url); }); it("should include downloads when includeDownloads pref is true", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values[ "section.highlights.includeDownloads" ] = true; links = [ { url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "https://site.com/pocket", type: "pocket" }, ]; // Check that we did get the downloaded item in highlights const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 3); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, links[1].url); assert.equal(highlights[2].url, "https://site.com/download"); assert.propertyVal(highlights[2], "type", "download"); }); it("should only take 1 download", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values[ "section.highlights.includeDownloads" ] = true; feed.downloadsManager.getDownloads = () => [ { url: "https://site1.com/download" }, { url: "https://site2.com/download" }, ]; links = [{ url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark" }]; // Check that we did get the most single recent downloaded item in highlights const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 2); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, "https://site1.com/download"); }); it("should sort bookmarks, pocket, and downloads chronologically", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values[ "section.highlights.includeDownloads" ] = true; feed.downloadsManager.getDownloads = () => [ { url: "https://site1.com/download", type: "download", date_added: Date.now(), }, ]; links = [ { url: "https://site.com/bookmark", type: "bookmark", date_added: Date.now() - 10000, }, { url: "https://site2.com/pocket", type: "pocket", date_added: Date.now() - 5000, }, { url: "https://site3.com/visited", type: "history", date_added: Date.now(), }, ]; // Check that the higlights are ordered chronologically by their 'date_added' const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights.length, 4); assert.equal(highlights[0].url, "https://site1.com/download"); assert.equal(highlights[1].url, links[1].url); assert.equal(highlights[2].url, links[0].url); assert.equal(highlights[3].url, links[2].url); // history item goes last }); it("should set type to bookmark if there is a bookmarkGuid", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values[ "section.highlights.includeBookmarks" ] = true; links = [ { url: "https://mozilla.org", type: "history", bookmarkGuid: "1234567890", }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.equal(highlights[0].type, "bookmark"); }); it("should keep history type if there is a bookmarkGuid but don't include bookmarks", async () => { feed.store.state.Prefs.values[ "section.highlights.includeBookmarks" ] = false; links = [ { url: "https://mozilla.org", type: "history", bookmarkGuid: "1234567890", }, ]; const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); assert.propertyVal(highlights[0], "type", "history"); }); it("should filter out adult pages", async () => { filterAdultStub.filter = sinon.stub().returns([]); const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); // The stub filters out everything assert.calledOnce(filterAdultStub.filter); assert.equal(highlights.length, 0); }); it("should not expose internal link properties", async () => { const highlights = await fetchHighlights(); const internal = Object.keys(highlights[0]).filter(key => key.startsWith("__") ); assert.equal(internal.join(""), ""); }); it("should broadcast if feed is not initialized", async () => { links = []; await fetchHighlights(); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.updateSection); assert.calledWithExactly( sectionsManagerStub.updateSection, SECTION_ID, { rows: [] }, true, undefined ); }); it("should broadcast if options.broadcast is true", async () => { links = []; feed.store.state.Sections[0].initialized = true; await fetchHighlights({ broadcast: true }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.updateSection); assert.calledWithExactly( sectionsManagerStub.updateSection, SECTION_ID, { rows: [] }, true, undefined ); }); it("should not broadcast if options.broadcast is false and initialized is true", async () => { links = []; feed.store.state.Sections[0].initialized = true; await fetchHighlights({ broadcast: false }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.updateSection); assert.calledWithExactly( sectionsManagerStub.updateSection, SECTION_ID, { rows: [] }, false, undefined ); }); }); describe("#fetchImage", () => { const FAKE_URL = "https://mozilla.org"; const FAKE_IMAGE_URL = "https://mozilla.org/preview.jpg"; function fetchImage(page) { return feed.fetchImage( Object.assign({ __sharedCache: { updateLink() {} } }, page) ); } it("should capture the image, if available", async () => { await fetchImage({ preview_image_url: FAKE_IMAGE_URL, url: FAKE_URL, }); assert.calledOnce(fakeScreenshot.getScreenshotForURL); assert.calledWith(fakeScreenshot.getScreenshotForURL, FAKE_IMAGE_URL); }); it("should fall back to capturing a screenshot", async () => { await fetchImage({ url: FAKE_URL }); assert.calledOnce(fakeScreenshot.getScreenshotForURL); assert.calledWith(fakeScreenshot.getScreenshotForURL, FAKE_URL); }); it("should call SectionsManager.updateSectionCard with the right arguments", async () => { await fetchImage({ preview_image_url: FAKE_IMAGE_URL, url: FAKE_URL, }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.updateSectionCard); assert.calledWith( sectionsManagerStub.updateSectionCard, "highlights", FAKE_URL, { image: FAKE_IMAGE }, true ); }); it("should not update the card with the image", async () => { const card = { preview_image_url: FAKE_IMAGE_URL, url: FAKE_URL, }; await fetchImage(card); assert.notProperty(card, "image"); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { it("should disable its section", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.calledOnce(sectionsManagerStub.disableSection); assert.calledWith(sectionsManagerStub.disableSection, SECTION_ID); }); it("should remove the expiration filter", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.calledOnce(fakePageThumbs.removeExpirationFilter); }); it("should remove the sync and Places observers", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, feed, SYNC_BOOKMARKS_FINISHED_EVENT ); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, feed, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS_EVENT ); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, feed, BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED_EVENT ); }); }); describe("#onAction", () => { it("should relay all actions to DownloadsManager.onAction", () => { let action = { type: at.COPY_DOWNLOAD_LINK, data: { url: "foo.png" }, _target: {}, }; feed.onAction(action); assert.calledWith(feed.downloadsManager.onAction, action); }); it("should fetch highlights on SYSTEM_TICK", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWithExactly(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: false, isStartup: false, }); }); it("should fetch highlights on PREF_CHANGED for include prefs", async () => { feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "section.highlights.includeBookmarks" }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should not fetch highlights on PREF_CHANGED for other prefs", async () => { feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "section.topstories.pocketCta" }, }); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchHighlights); }); it("should fetch highlights on PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should fetch highlights on DOWNLOAD_CHANGED", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.DOWNLOAD_CHANGED }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should fetch highlights on PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); sandbox.stub(feed.linksCache, "expire"); feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: false }); assert.calledOnce(feed.linksCache.expire); }); it("should fetch highlights on PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); it("should fetch highlights and expire the cache on PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET", async () => { await feed.fetchHighlights(); feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); sandbox.stub(feed.linksCache, "expire"); feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWith(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: false }); assert.calledOnce(feed.linksCache.expire); }); it("should call fetchHighlights with broadcast false on TOP_SITES_UPDATED", () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchHighlights"); feed.onAction({ type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWithExactly(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: false, isStartup: false, }); }); it("should call fetchHighlights when deleting or archiving from Pocket", async () => { feed.fetchHighlights = sinon.spy(); feed.onAction({ type: at.POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED, data: { pocket_id: 12345 }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchHighlights); assert.calledWithExactly(feed.fetchHighlights, { broadcast: true }); }); }); });