import { EventEmitter, FakePrefs, GlobalOverrider, FakeConsoleAPI, FakeLogger, } from "test/unit/utils"; import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16"; import { chaiAssertions } from "test/schemas/pings"; import chaiJsonSchema from "chai-json-schema"; import enzyme from "enzyme"; import FxMSCommonSchema from "../../content-src/asrouter/schemas/FxMSCommon.schema.json"; enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); // Cause React warnings to make tests that trigger them fail const origConsoleError = console.error; console.error = function(msg, ...args) { origConsoleError.apply(console, [msg, ...args]); if ( /(Invalid prop|Failed prop type|Check the render method|React Intl)/.test( msg ) ) { throw new Error(msg); } }; const req = require.context(".", true, /\.test\.jsx?$/); const files = req.keys(); // This exposes sinon assertions to chai.assert sinon.assert.expose(assert, { prefix: "" }); chai.use(chaiAssertions); chai.use(chaiJsonSchema); chai.tv4.addSchema("file:///FxMSCommon.schema.json", FxMSCommonSchema); const overrider = new GlobalOverrider(); const RemoteSettings = name => ({ get: () => { if (name === "attachment") { return Promise.resolve([{ attachment: {} }]); } return Promise.resolve([]); }, on: () => {}, off: () => {}, }); RemoteSettings.pollChanges = () => {}; class JSWindowActorParent { sendAsyncMessage(name, data) { return { name, data }; } } class JSWindowActorChild { sendAsyncMessage(name, data) { return { name, data }; } sendQuery(name, data) { return Promise.resolve({ name, data }); } get contentWindow() { return { Promise, }; } } // Detect plain object passed to lazy getter APIs, and set its prototype to // global object, and return the global object for further modification. // Returns the object if it's not plain object. // // This is a workaround to make the existing testharness and testcase keep // working even after lazy getters are moved to plain `lazy` object. const cachedPlainObject = new Set(); function updateGlobalOrObject(object) { // Given this function modifies the prototype, and the following // condition doesn't meet on the second call, cache the result. if (cachedPlainObject.has(object)) { return global; } if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object) !== "Object") { return object; } cachedPlainObject.add(object); Object.setPrototypeOf(object, global); return global; } const TEST_GLOBAL = { JSWindowActorParent, JSWindowActorChild, AboutReaderParent: { addMessageListener: (messageName, listener) => {}, removeMessageListener: (messageName, listener) => {}, }, AddonManager: { getActiveAddons() { return Promise.resolve({ addons: [], fullData: false }); }, }, AppConstants: { MOZILLA_OFFICIAL: true, MOZ_APP_VERSION: "69.0a1", isChinaRepack() { return false; }, isPlatformAndVersionAtMost() { return false; }, platform: "win", }, ASRouterPreferences: { console: new FakeConsoleAPI({ maxLogLevel: "off", // set this to "debug" or "all" to get more ASRouter logging in tests prefix: "ASRouter", }), }, BrowserUtils: { sendToDeviceEmailsSupported() { return true; }, }, BuiltInThemes: { findActiveColorwayCollection() { return true; }, }, UpdateUtils: { getUpdateChannel() {} }, BasePromiseWorker: class { constructor() { this.ExceptionHandlers = []; } post() {} }, browserSearchRegion: "US", BrowserWindowTracker: { getTopWindow() {} }, ChromeUtils: { defineModuleGetter: updateGlobalOrObject, defineESModuleGetters: updateGlobalOrObject, generateQI() { return {}; }, import() { return global; }, importESModule() { return global; }, }, ClientEnvironment: { get userId() { return "foo123"; }, }, Components: { Constructor(classId) { switch (classId) { case ";1": return function(referrerPolicy, sendReferrer, originalReferrer) { this.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy; this.sendReferrer = sendReferrer; this.originalReferrer = originalReferrer; }; } return function() {}; }, isSuccessCode: () => true, }, ConsoleAPI: FakeConsoleAPI, // NB: These are functions/constructors // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand ContentSearchUIController: function() {}, // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand ContentSearchHandoffUIController: function() {}, Cc: { ";1": { addObserver() {}, getService() { return this; }, removeObserver() {}, SOURCES: {}, TYPE_BOOKMARK: {}, }, ";1": { addObserver() {}, executeQuery() {}, getNewQuery() {}, getNewQueryOptions() {}, getService() { return this; }, insert() {}, markPageAsTyped() {}, removeObserver() {}, }, ";1": { createInstance() { return {}; }, }, ";1": { createInstance() { return { init() {}, updateFromStream() {}, finish() { return "0"; }, }; }, }, ";1": { createInstance() {} }, ";1": { getService() { return { idleTime: 0, addIdleObserver() {}, removeIdleObserver() {}, }; }, }, ";1": { getService() { return this; }, }, ";1": { createInstance() { return {}; }, }, }, Ci: { nsICryptoHash: {}, nsIReferrerInfo: { UNSAFE_URL: 5 }, nsITimer: { TYPE_ONE_SHOT: 1 }, nsIWebProgressListener: { LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT: 1 }, nsIDOMWindow: Object, nsITrackingDBService: { TRACKERS_ID: 1, TRACKING_COOKIES_ID: 2, CRYPTOMINERS_ID: 3, FINGERPRINTERS_ID: 4, SOCIAL_ID: 5, }, }, Cu: { importGlobalProperties() {}, now: () =>, cloneInto: o => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)), }, console: { ...console, error() {}, }, dump() {}, EveryWindow: { registerCallback: (id, init, uninit) => {}, unregisterCallback: id => {}, }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout.bind(window), clearTimeout: window.clearTimeout.bind(window), fetch() {}, // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand Image: function() {}, // NB: This is a function/constructor IOUtils: { writeJSON() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, readJSON() { return Promise.resolve({}); }, read() { return Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array()); }, makeDirectory() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, write() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, exists() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, remove() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, stat() { return Promise.resolve(0); }, }, NewTabUtils: { activityStreamProvider: { getTopFrecentSites: () => [], executePlacesQuery: async (sql, options) => ({ sql, options }), }, }, OS: { File: { writeAtomic() {}, makeDir() {}, stat() {}, Error: {}, read() {}, exists() {}, remove() {}, removeEmptyDir() {}, }, Path: { join() { return "/"; }, }, Constants: { Path: { localProfileDir: "/", }, }, }, PathUtils: { join( { return parts[parts.length - 1]; }, joinRelative( { return parts[parts.length - 1]; }, getProfileDir() { return Promise.resolve("/"); }, getLocalProfileDir() { return Promise.resolve("/"); }, }, PlacesUtils: { get bookmarks() { return TEST_GLOBAL.Cc[";1"]; }, get history() { return TEST_GLOBAL.Cc[";1"]; }, observers: { addListener() {}, removeListener() {}, }, }, PluralForm: { get() {} }, Preferences: FakePrefs, PrivateBrowsingUtils: { isBrowserPrivate: () => false, isWindowPrivate: () => false, permanentPrivateBrowsing: false, }, DownloadsViewUI: { getDisplayName: () => "filename.ext", getSizeWithUnits: () => "1.5 MB", }, FileUtils: { // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand File: function() {}, // NB: This is a function/constructor }, Region: { home: "US", REGION_TOPIC: "browser-region-updated", }, Services: { dirsvc: { get: () => ({ parent: { parent: { path: "appPath" } } }), }, env: { set: () => undefined, }, locale: { get appLocaleAsBCP47() { return "en-US"; }, negotiateLanguages() {}, }, urlFormatter: { formatURL: str => str, formatURLPref: str => str }, mm: { addMessageListener: (msg, cb) => this.receiveMessage(), removeMessageListener() {}, }, obs: { addObserver() {}, removeObserver() {}, notifyObservers() {}, }, telemetry: { setEventRecordingEnabled: () => {}, recordEvent: eventDetails => {}, scalarSet: () => {}, keyedScalarAdd: () => {}, }, uuid: { generateUUID() { return "{foo-123-foo}"; }, }, console: { logStringMessage: () => {} }, prefs: { addObserver() {}, prefHasUserValue() {}, removeObserver() {}, getPrefType() {}, clearUserPref() {}, getChildList() { return []; }, getStringPref() {}, setStringPref() {}, getIntPref() {}, getBoolPref() {}, getCharPref() {}, setBoolPref() {}, setCharPref() {}, setIntPref() {}, getBranch() {}, PREF_BOOL: "boolean", PREF_INT: "integer", PREF_STRING: "string", getDefaultBranch() { return { setBoolPref() {}, setIntPref() {}, setStringPref() {}, clearUserPref() {}, }; }, prefIsLocked() {}, }, tm: { dispatchToMainThread: cb => cb(), idleDispatchToMainThread: cb => cb(), }, eTLD: { getBaseDomain({ spec }) { return spec.match(/\/([^/]+)/)[1]; }, getBaseDomainFromHost(host) { return host.match(/.*?(\w+\.\w+)$/)[1]; }, getPublicSuffix() {}, }, io: { newURI: spec => ({ mutate: () => ({ setRef: ref => ({ finalize: () => ({ ref, spec, }), }), }), spec, }), }, search: { init() { return Promise.resolve(); }, getVisibleEngines: () => Promise.resolve([{ identifier: "google" }, { identifier: "bing" }]), defaultEngine: { identifier: "google", searchForm: "", aliases: ["@google"], }, defaultPrivateEngine: { identifier: "bing", searchForm: "", aliases: ["@bing"], }, getEngineByAlias: async () => null, }, scriptSecurityManager: { createNullPrincipal() {}, getSystemPrincipal() {}, }, wm: { getMostRecentWindow: () => window, getMostRecentBrowserWindow: () => window, getEnumerator: () => [], }, ww: { registerNotification() {}, unregisterNotification() {} }, appinfo: { appBuildID: "20180710100040", version: "69.0a1" }, scriptloader: { loadSubScript: () => {} }, startup: { getStartupInfo() { return { process: { getTime() { return 1588010448000; }, }, }; }, }, }, XPCOMUtils: { defineLazyGetter(object, name, f) { updateGlobalOrObject(object)[name] = f(); }, defineLazyGlobalGetters: updateGlobalOrObject, defineLazyModuleGetter: updateGlobalOrObject, defineLazyModuleGetters: updateGlobalOrObject, defineLazyServiceGetter: updateGlobalOrObject, defineLazyServiceGetters: updateGlobalOrObject, defineLazyPreferenceGetter(object, name) { updateGlobalOrObject(object)[name] = ""; }, generateQI() { return {}; }, }, EventEmitter, ShellService: { doesAppNeedPin: () => false, isDefaultBrowser: () => true, }, FilterExpressions: { eval() { return Promise.resolve(false); }, }, RemoteSettings, Localization: class { async formatMessages(stringsIds) { return Promise.resolve({ id, args }) => ({ value: { string_id: id, args } })) ); } async formatValue(stringId) { return Promise.resolve(stringId); } }, FxAccountsConfig: { promiseConnectAccountURI(id) { return Promise.resolve(id); }, }, FX_MONITOR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: "fake_client_id", ExperimentAPI: { getExperiment() {}, getExperimentMetaData() {}, getRolloutMetaData() {}, on: () => {}, off: () => {}, }, NimbusFeatures: { glean: { getVariable() {}, }, newtab: { getVariable() {}, getAllVariables() {}, onUpdate() {}, off() {}, }, pocketNewtab: { getVariable() {}, getAllVariables() {}, onUpdate() {}, off() {}, }, }, TelemetryEnvironment: { setExperimentActive() {}, currentEnvironment: { profile: { creationDate: 16587, }, settings: {}, }, }, TelemetryStopwatch: { start: () => {}, finish: () => {}, }, Sampling: { ratioSample(seed, ratios) { return Promise.resolve(0); }, }, BrowserHandler: { get kiosk() { return false; }, }, TelemetrySession: { getMetadata(reason) { return { reason, sessionId: "fake_session_id", }; }, }, PageThumbs: { addExpirationFilter() {}, removeExpirationFilter() {}, }, Logger: FakeLogger, getFxAccountsSingleton() {}, AboutNewTab: {}, Glean: { newtab: { opened: { record() {}, }, closed: { record() {}, }, locale: { set() {}, }, newtabCategory: { set() {}, }, homepageCategory: { set() {}, }, }, newtabSearch: { enabled: { set() {}, }, }, pocket: { enabled: { set() {}, }, impression: { record() {}, }, isSignedIn: { set() {}, }, sponsoredStoriesEnabled: { set() {}, }, click: { record() {}, }, save: { record() {}, }, topicClick: { record() {}, }, }, topsites: { enabled: { set() {}, }, sponsoredEnabled: { set() {}, }, impression: { record() {}, }, click: { record() {}, }, }, }, GleanPings: { newtab: { submit() {}, }, }, Utils: { SERVER_URL: "bogus://foo", }, }; overrider.set(TEST_GLOBAL); describe("activity-stream", () => { after(() => overrider.restore()); files.forEach(file => req(file)); });