/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { AboutPocketParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///actors/AboutPocketParent.sys.mjs" ); const { pktApi } = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://pocket/content/pktApi.jsm"); let aboutPocketParent; function test_runner(test) { let testTask = async () => { // Before each const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); aboutPocketParent = new AboutPocketParent(); const manager = { isClosed: false, }; const browsingContext = { topChromeWindow: { pktUI: { onShowSignup: sandbox.spy(), onShowSaved: sandbox.spy(), closePanel: sandbox.spy(), onOpenTabWithUrl: sandbox.spy(), onOpenTabWithPocketUrl: sandbox.spy(), resizePanel: sandbox.spy(), getPanelFrame: () => ({ setAttribute: () => {} }), }, }, embedderElement: { csp: "csp", contentPrincipal: "contentPrincipal", }, }; sandbox.stub(aboutPocketParent, "manager").get(() => manager); sandbox .stub(aboutPocketParent, "browsingContext") .get(() => browsingContext); try { await test({ sandbox }); } finally { // After each sandbox.restore(); } }; // Copy the name of the test function to identify the test Object.defineProperty(testTask, "name", { value: test.name }); add_task(testTask); } test_runner(async function test_AboutPocketParent_sendResponseMessageToPanel({ sandbox, }) { const sendAsyncMessage = sandbox.stub(aboutPocketParent, "sendAsyncMessage"); aboutPocketParent.sendResponseMessageToPanel("PKT_testMessage", { foo: 1, }); const { args } = sendAsyncMessage.firstCall; Assert.ok( sendAsyncMessage.calledOnce, "Should fire sendAsyncMessage once with sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); Assert.deepEqual( args, ["PKT_testMessage_response", { foo: 1 }], "Should fire sendAsyncMessage with proper args from sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); }); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_show_signup({ sandbox, }) { await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_show_signup", }); const { onShowSignup, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; Assert.ok( onShowSignup.calledOnce, "Should fire onShowSignup once with PKT_show_signup" ); } ); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_show_saved({ sandbox, }) { await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_show_saved", }); const { onShowSaved, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; Assert.ok( onShowSaved.calledOnce, "Should fire onShowSaved once with PKT_show_saved" ); } ); test_runner(async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_close({ sandbox, }) { await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_close", }); const { closePanel, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; Assert.ok( closePanel.calledOnce, "Should fire closePanel once with PKT_close" ); }); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_openTabWithUrl({ sandbox, }) { await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_openTabWithUrl", data: { foo: 1 }, }); const { onOpenTabWithUrl, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; const { args } = onOpenTabWithUrl.firstCall; Assert.ok( onOpenTabWithUrl.calledOnce, "Should fire onOpenTabWithUrl once with PKT_openTabWithUrl" ); Assert.deepEqual( args, [{ foo: 1 }, "contentPrincipal", "csp"], "Should fire onOpenTabWithUrl with proper args from PKT_openTabWithUrl" ); } ); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_openTabWithPocketUrl({ sandbox, }) { await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_openTabWithPocketUrl", data: { foo: 1 }, }); const { onOpenTabWithPocketUrl, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; const { args } = onOpenTabWithPocketUrl.firstCall; Assert.ok( onOpenTabWithPocketUrl.calledOnce, "Should fire onOpenTabWithPocketUrl once with PKT_openTabWithPocketUrl" ); Assert.deepEqual( args, [{ foo: 1 }, "contentPrincipal", "csp"], "Should fire onOpenTabWithPocketUrl with proper args from PKT_openTabWithPocketUrl" ); } ); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_resizePanel({ sandbox, }) { const sendResponseMessageToPanel = sandbox.stub( aboutPocketParent, "sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_resizePanel", data: { foo: 1 }, }); const { resizePanel, } = aboutPocketParent.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.pktUI; const { args } = resizePanel.firstCall; Assert.ok( resizePanel.calledOnce, "Should fire resizePanel once with PKT_resizePanel" ); Assert.deepEqual( args, [{ foo: 1 }], "Should fire resizePanel with proper args from PKT_resizePanel" ); Assert.ok( sendResponseMessageToPanel.calledOnce, "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel once with PKT_resizePanel" ); Assert.deepEqual( sendResponseMessageToPanel.firstCall.args, ["PKT_resizePanel"], "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel with proper args from PKT_resizePanel" ); } ); test_runner(async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_getTags({ sandbox, }) { const sendResponseMessageToPanel = sandbox.stub( aboutPocketParent, "sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_getTags", }); Assert.ok( sendResponseMessageToPanel.calledOnce, "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel once with PKT_getTags" ); Assert.deepEqual( sendResponseMessageToPanel.firstCall.args, ["PKT_getTags", { tags: [] }], "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel with proper args from PKT_getTags" ); }); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_getSuggestedTags({ sandbox, }) { const sendResponseMessageToPanel = sandbox.stub( aboutPocketParent, "sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "getSuggestedTagsForURL").callsFake((url, options) => { options.success({ suggested_tags: "foo" }); }); await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_getSuggestedTags", data: { url: "https://foo.com" }, }); Assert.ok( pktApi.getSuggestedTagsForURL.calledOnce, "Should fire getSuggestedTagsForURL once with PKT_getSuggestedTags" ); Assert.equal( pktApi.getSuggestedTagsForURL.firstCall.args[0], "https://foo.com", "Should fire getSuggestedTagsForURL with proper url from PKT_getSuggestedTags" ); Assert.ok( sendResponseMessageToPanel.calledOnce, "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel once with PKT_getSuggestedTags" ); Assert.deepEqual( sendResponseMessageToPanel.firstCall.args, [ "PKT_getSuggestedTags", { status: "success", value: { suggestedTags: "foo" }, }, ], "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel with proper args from PKT_getSuggestedTags" ); } ); test_runner(async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_addTags({ sandbox, }) { const sendResponseMessageToPanel = sandbox.stub( aboutPocketParent, "sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "addTagsToURL").callsFake((url, tags, options) => { options.success(); }); await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_addTags", data: { url: "https://foo.com", tags: "tags" }, }); Assert.ok( pktApi.addTagsToURL.calledOnce, "Should fire addTagsToURL once with PKT_addTags" ); Assert.equal( pktApi.addTagsToURL.firstCall.args[0], "https://foo.com", "Should fire addTagsToURL with proper url from PKT_addTags" ); Assert.equal( pktApi.addTagsToURL.firstCall.args[1], "tags", "Should fire addTagsToURL with proper tags from PKT_addTags" ); Assert.ok( sendResponseMessageToPanel.calledOnce, "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel once with PKT_addTags" ); Assert.deepEqual( sendResponseMessageToPanel.firstCall.args, [ "PKT_addTags", { status: "success", }, ], "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel with proper args from PKT_addTags" ); }); test_runner( async function test_AboutPocketParent_receiveMessage_PKT_deleteItem({ sandbox, }) { const sendResponseMessageToPanel = sandbox.stub( aboutPocketParent, "sendResponseMessageToPanel" ); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "deleteItem").callsFake((itemId, options) => { options.success(); }); await aboutPocketParent.receiveMessage({ name: "PKT_deleteItem", data: { itemId: "itemId" }, }); Assert.ok( pktApi.deleteItem.calledOnce, "Should fire deleteItem once with PKT_deleteItem" ); Assert.equal( pktApi.deleteItem.firstCall.args[0], "itemId", "Should fire deleteItem with proper itemId from PKT_deleteItem" ); Assert.ok( sendResponseMessageToPanel.calledOnce, "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel once with PKT_deleteItem" ); Assert.deepEqual( sendResponseMessageToPanel.firstCall.args, [ "PKT_deleteItem", { status: "success", }, ], "Should fire sendResponseMessageToPanel with proper args from PKT_deleteItem" ); } );