/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const browserContainersGroupDisabled = !SpecialPowers.getBoolPref( "privacy.userContext.ui.enabled" ); const updatePrefContainers = ["updatesCategory", "updateApp"]; const updateContainersGroupDisabled = AppConstants.platform === "win" && Services.sysinfo.getProperty("hasWinPackageId"); function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); open_preferences(runTest); } var gElements; function checkElements(expectedPane) { for (let element of gElements) { // keyset elements fail is_element_visible checks because they are never visible. // special-case the drmGroup item because its visibility depends on pref + OS version if (element.nodeName == "keyset" || element.id === "drmGroup") { continue; } // The browserContainersGroup is still only pref-on on Nightly if ( element.id == "browserContainersGroup" && browserContainersGroupDisabled ) { is_element_hidden( element, "Disabled browserContainersGroup should be hidden" ); continue; } // Cookie Banner Handling is currently disabled by default (bug 1800679) if (element.id == "cookieBannerHandlingGroup") { is_element_hidden( element, "Disabled cookieBannerHandlingGroup should be hidden" ); continue; } // Update prefs are hidden when running an MSIX build if ( updatePrefContainers.includes(element.id) && updateContainersGroupDisabled ) { is_element_hidden(element, "Disabled " + element + " should be hidden"); continue; } let attributeValue = element.getAttribute("data-category"); let suffix = " (id=" + element.id + ")"; if (attributeValue == "pane" + expectedPane) { is_element_visible( element, expectedPane + " elements should be visible" + suffix ); } else { is_element_hidden( element, "Elements not in " + expectedPane + " should be hidden" + suffix ); } } } async function runTest(win) { is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:preferences", "about:preferences loaded"); let tab = win.document; gElements = tab.getElementById("mainPrefPane").children; let panes = ["General", "Search", "Privacy", "Sync"]; for (let pane of panes) { await win.gotoPref("pane" + pane); checkElements(pane); } gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); win.close(); finish(); }