add_task(async function() { // We must temporarily disable `Once` StaticPrefs check for the duration of // this test (see bug 1556131). We must do so in a separate operation as // pushPrefEnv doesn't set the preferences in the order one could expect. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["preferences.force-disable.check.once.policy", true]], }); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["gfx.direct2d.disabled", false], ["layers.acceleration.disabled", false], ], }); let prefs = await openPreferencesViaOpenPreferencesAPI("paneGeneral", { leaveOpen: true, }); is(prefs.selectedPane, "paneGeneral", "General pane was selected"); let doc = gBrowser.contentDocument; let checkbox = doc.querySelector("#allowHWAccel"); is( !checkbox.checked, Services.prefs.getBoolPref("layers.acceleration.disabled"), "checkbox should represent inverted pref value before clicking on checkbox" );; is( !checkbox.checked, Services.prefs.getBoolPref("layers.acceleration.disabled"), "checkbox should represent inverted pref value after clicking on checkbox" ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); });