/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { PermissionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.jsm" ); const kDefaultWait = 2000; function is_element_visible(aElement, aMsg) { isnot(aElement, null, "Element should not be null, when checking visibility"); ok(!BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(aElement), aMsg); } function is_element_hidden(aElement, aMsg) { isnot(aElement, null, "Element should not be null, when checking visibility"); ok(BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(aElement), aMsg); } function open_preferences(aCallback) { gBrowser.selectedTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, "about:preferences"); let newTabBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); newTabBrowser.addEventListener( "Initialized", function() { aCallback(gBrowser.contentWindow); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); } function openAndLoadSubDialog( aURL, aFeatures = null, aParams = null, aClosingCallback = null ) { let promise = promiseLoadSubDialog(aURL); content.gSubDialog.open( aURL, { features: aFeatures, closingCallback: aClosingCallback }, aParams ); return promise; } function promiseLoadSubDialog(aURL) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { content.gSubDialog._dialogStack.addEventListener( "dialogopen", function dialogopen(aEvent) { if ( aEvent.detail.dialog._frame.contentWindow.location == "about:blank" ) { return; } content.gSubDialog._dialogStack.removeEventListener( "dialogopen", dialogopen ); is( aEvent.detail.dialog._frame.contentWindow.location.toString(), aURL, "Check the proper URL is loaded" ); // Check visibility is_element_visible(aEvent.detail.dialog._overlay, "Overlay is visible"); // Check that stylesheets were injected let expectedStyleSheetURLs = aEvent.detail.dialog._injectedStyleSheets.slice( 0 ); for (let styleSheet of aEvent.detail.dialog._frame.contentDocument .styleSheets) { let i = expectedStyleSheetURLs.indexOf(styleSheet.href); if (i >= 0) { info("found " + styleSheet.href); expectedStyleSheetURLs.splice(i, 1); } } is( expectedStyleSheetURLs.length, 0, "All expectedStyleSheetURLs should have been found" ); // Wait for the next event tick to make sure the remaining part of the // testcase runs after the dialog gets ready for input. executeSoon(() => resolve(aEvent.detail.dialog._frame.contentWindow)); } ); }); } async function openPreferencesViaOpenPreferencesAPI(aPane, aOptions) { let finalPaneEvent = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled") ? "sync-pane-loaded" : "privacy-pane-loaded"; let finalPrefPaneLoaded = TestUtils.topicObserved(finalPaneEvent, () => true); gBrowser.selectedTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, "about:blank"); openPreferences(aPane, aOptions); let newTabBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; if (!newTabBrowser.contentWindow) { await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newTabBrowser, "Initialized", true); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newTabBrowser.contentWindow, "load"); await finalPrefPaneLoaded; } let win = gBrowser.contentWindow; let selectedPane = win.history.state; if (!aOptions || !aOptions.leaveOpen) { gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); } return { selectedPane }; } async function runSearchInput(input) { let searchInput = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("searchInput"); searchInput.focus(); let searchCompletedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gBrowser.contentWindow, "PreferencesSearchCompleted", evt => evt.detail == input ); EventUtils.sendString(input); await searchCompletedPromise; } async function evaluateSearchResults( keyword, searchResults, includeExperiments = false ) { searchResults = Array.isArray(searchResults) ? searchResults : [searchResults]; searchResults.push("header-searchResults"); await runSearchInput(keyword); let mainPrefTag = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("mainPrefPane"); for (let i = 0; i < mainPrefTag.childElementCount; i++) { let child = mainPrefTag.children[i]; if (!includeExperiments && child.id?.startsWith("pane-experimental")) { continue; } if (searchResults.includes(child.id)) { is_element_visible(child, `${child.id} should be in search results`); } else if (child.id) { is_element_hidden(child, `${child.id} should not be in search results`); } } } function waitForMutation(target, opts, cb) { return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = new MutationObserver(() => { if (!cb || cb(target)) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(); } }); observer.observe(target, opts); }); } // Used to add sample experimental features for testing. To use, create // a DefinitionServer, then call addDefinition as needed. class DefinitionServer { constructor(definitionOverrides = []) { let { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/httpd.js" ); this.server = new HttpServer(); this.server.registerPathHandler("/definitions.json", this); this.definitions = {}; for (const override of definitionOverrides) { this.addDefinition(override); } this.server.start(); registerCleanupFunction( () => new Promise(resolve => this.server.stop(resolve)) ); } // for nsIHttpRequestHandler handle(request, response) { response.write(JSON.stringify(this.definitions)); } get definitionsUrl() { const { primaryScheme, primaryHost, primaryPort } = this.server.identity; return `${primaryScheme}://${primaryHost}:${primaryPort}/definitions.json`; } addDefinition(overrides = {}) { const definition = { id: "test-feature", // These l10n IDs are just random so we have some text to display title: "experimental-features-media-jxl", description: "pane-experimental-description2", restartRequired: false, type: "boolean", preference: "test.feature", defaultValue: false, isPublic: false, ...overrides, }; // convert targeted values, used by fromId definition.isPublic = { default: definition.isPublic }; definition.defaultValue = { default: definition.defaultValue }; this.definitions[definition.id] = definition; return definition; } } /** * Creates observer that waits for and then compares all perm-changes with the observances in order. * @param {Array} observances permission changes to observe (order is important) * @returns {Promise} Promise object that resolves once all permission changes have been observed */ function createObserveAllPromise(observances) { // Create new promise that resolves once all items // in observances array have been observed. return new Promise(resolve => { let permObserver = { observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic != "perm-changed") { return; } if (!observances.length) { // See bug 1063410 return; } let permission = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPermission); let expected = observances.shift(); info( `observed perm-changed for ${permission.principal.origin} (remaining ${observances.length})` ); is(aData, expected.data, "type of message should be the same"); for (let prop of ["type", "capability", "expireType"]) { if (expected[prop]) { is( permission[prop], expected[prop], `property: "${prop}" should be equal (${permission.principal.origin})` ); } } if (expected.origin) { is( permission.principal.origin, expected.origin, `property: "origin" should be equal (${permission.principal.origin})` ); } if (!observances.length) { Services.obs.removeObserver(permObserver, "perm-changed"); executeSoon(resolve); } }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(permObserver, "perm-changed"); }); } /** * Waits for preference to be set and asserts the value. * @param {string} pref - Preference key. * @param {*} expectedValue - Expected value of the preference. * @param {string} message - Assertion message. */ async function waitForAndAssertPrefState(pref, expectedValue, message) { await TestUtils.waitForPrefChange(pref, value => { if (value != expectedValue) { return false; } is(value, expectedValue, message); return true; }); } /** * The Relay promo is not shown for distributions with a custom FxA instance, * since Relay requires an account on our own server. These prefs are set to a * dummy address by the test harness, filling the prefs with a "user value." * This temporarily sets the default value equal to the dummy value, so that * Firefox thinks we've configured the correct FxA server. * @returns {Promise} { mock, unmock } */ async function mockDefaultFxAInstance() { /** * @typedef {Object} MockFxAUtilityFunctions * @property {function():void} mock - Makes the dummy values default, creating * the illusion of a production FxA instance. * @property {function():void} unmock - Restores the true defaults, creating * the illusion of a custom FxA instance. */ const defaultPrefs = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(""); const userPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch(""); const realAuth = defaultPrefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri"); const realRoot = defaultPrefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root"); const mockAuth = userPrefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri"); const mockRoot = userPrefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root"); const mock = () => { defaultPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", mockAuth); defaultPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root", mockRoot); userPrefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri"); userPrefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root"); }; const unmock = () => { defaultPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", realAuth); defaultPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root", realRoot); userPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", mockAuth); userPrefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.root", mockRoot); }; mock(); registerCleanupFunction(unmock); return { mock, unmock }; }