/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * The Screenshots overlay is inserted into the document's * canvasFrame anonymous content container (see dom/webidl/Document.webidl). * * This container gets cleared automatically when the document navigates. * * Since the overlay markup is inserted in the canvasFrame using * insertAnonymousContent, this means that it can be modified using the API * described in AnonymousContent.webidl. * * Any mutation of this content must be via the AnonymousContent API. * This is similar in design to [devtools' highlighters](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools/tools/highlighters.html#inserting-content-in-the-page), * though as Screenshots doesnt need to work on XUL documents, or allow multiple kinds of * highlight/overlay our case is a little simpler. * * To retrieve the AnonymousContent instance, use the `content` getter. */ /* States: "crosshairs": Nothing has happened, and the crosshairs will follow the movement of the mouse "draggingReady": The user has pressed the mouse button, but hasn't moved enough to create a selection "dragging": The user has pressed down a mouse button, and is dragging out an area far enough to show a selection "selected": The user has selected an area "resizing": The user is resizing the selection A pointerdown goes from crosshairs to dragging. A pointerup goes from dragging to selected A click outside of the selection goes from selected to crosshairs A pointerdown on one of the draggers goes from selected to resizing */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "overlayLocalization", () => { return new Localization(["browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl"], true); }); const STYLESHEET_URL = "chrome://browser/content/screenshots/overlay/overlay.css"; // An autoselection smaller than these will be ignored entirely: const MIN_DETECT_ABSOLUTE_HEIGHT = 10; const MIN_DETECT_ABSOLUTE_WIDTH = 30; // An autoselection smaller than these will not be preferred: const MIN_DETECT_HEIGHT = 30; const MIN_DETECT_WIDTH = 100; // An autoselection bigger than either of these will be ignored: let MAX_DETECT_HEIGHT = 700; let MAX_DETECT_WIDTH = 1000; const doNotAutoselectTags = { H1: true, H2: true, H3: true, H4: true, H5: true, H6: true, }; class AnonymousContentOverlay { constructor(contentDocument, screenshotsChild) { this.listeners = new Map(); this.elements = new Map(); this.screenshotsChild = screenshotsChild; this.contentDocument = contentDocument; // aliased for easier diffs/maintenance of the event management code borrowed from devtools highlighters this.pageListenerTarget = contentDocument.ownerGlobal; this.overlayFragment = null; this.overlayId = "screenshots-overlay-container"; this.previewId = "preview-container"; this.selectionId = "selection-container"; this.hoverBoxId = "hover-highlight"; this._initialized = false; this.moverIds = [ "mover-left", "mover-top", "mover-right", "mover-bottom", "mover-topLeft", "mover-topRight", "mover-bottomLeft", "mover-bottomRight", ]; } get content() { if (!this._content || Cu.isDeadWrapper(this._content)) { return null; } return this._content; } async initialize() { if (this._initialized) { return; } let document = this.contentDocument; let window = document.ownerGlobal; // Inject stylesheet if (!this.overlayFragment) { try { window.windowUtils.loadSheetUsingURIString( STYLESHEET_URL, window.windowUtils.AGENT_SHEET ); } catch { // The method fails if the url is already loaded. } // Inject markup for the overlay UI this.overlayFragment = this.buildOverlay(); } this._content = document.insertAnonymousContent( this.overlayFragment.children[0] ); this.addEventListeners(); this.hoverElementBox = new HoverElementBox( this.hoverBoxId, this.content, document ); this.previewLayer = new PreviewLayer(this.previewId, this.content); this.selectionLayer = new SelectionLayer( this.selectionId, this.content, this.hoverElementBox ); this.screenshotsContainer = new ScreenshotsContainerLayer( this.overlayId, this.content, this.previewLayer, this.selectionLayer ); this.stateHandler = new StateHandler( this.screenshotsContainer, this.screenshotsChild ); this.screenshotsContainer.updateSize(window); this.stateHandler.setState("crosshairs"); this._initialized = true; } /** * The Anonymous Content doesn't shrink when the window is resized so we need * to find the largest element that isn't the Anonymous Content and we will * use that width and height. * Otherwise we will fallback to the documentElement scroll width and height * @param eventType If "resize", we called this from a resize event so we will * try shifting the SelectionBox. * If "scroll", we called this from a scroll event so we will redraw the buttons */ updateScreenshotsSize(eventType) { this.stateHandler.updateScreenshotsContainerSize( this.contentDocument.ownerGlobal, eventType ); } /** * Add required event listeners to the overlay */ addEventListeners() { this.addEventListenerForElement( "screenshots-cancel-button", "click", (event, targetId) => { this.screenshotsChild.requestCancelScreenshot(); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement("cancel", "click", (event, targetId) => { this.screenshotsChild.requestCancelScreenshot(); }); this.addEventListenerForElement("copy", "click", (event, targetId) => { this.screenshotsChild.requestCopyScreenshot( this.screenshotsContainer.getSelectionLayerBoxDimensions() ); }); this.addEventListenerForElement("download", "click", (event, targetId) => { this.screenshotsChild.requestDownloadScreenshot( this.screenshotsContainer.getSelectionLayerBoxDimensions() ); }); // The pointerdown event is added to the selection buttons to prevent the // pointerdown event from occurring on the "screenshots-overlay-container" this.addEventListenerForElement( "cancel", "pointerdown", (event, targetId) => { event.stopPropagation(); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement( "copy", "pointerdown", (event, targetId) => { event.stopPropagation(); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement( "download", "pointerdown", (event, targetId) => { event.stopPropagation(); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement( this.overlayId, "pointerdown", (event, targetId) => { this.dragStart(event, targetId); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement( this.overlayId, "pointerup", (event, targetId) => { this.dragEnd(event, targetId); } ); this.addEventListenerForElement( this.overlayId, "pointermove", (event, targetId) => { this.drag(event, targetId); } ); for (let id of this.moverIds.concat(["highlight"])) { this.addEventListenerForElement(id, "pointerdown", (event, targetId) => { this.dragStart(event, targetId); }); this.addEventListenerForElement(id, "pointerup", (event, targetId) => { this.dragEnd(event, targetId); }); this.addEventListenerForElement(id, "pointermove", (event, targetId) => { this.drag(event, targetId); }); } } /** * Removes all event listeners and removes the overlay from the Anonymous Content */ tearDown() { if (this._content) { this._removeAllListeners(); try { this.contentDocument.removeAnonymousContent(this._content); } catch (e) { // If the current window isn't the one the content was inserted into, this // will fail, but that's fine. } } this._initialized = false; } /** * Creates the document fragment that will be added to the Anonymous Content * @returns document fragment that can be injected into the Anonymous Content */ buildOverlay() { let [ cancel, instructions, download, copy, ] = lazy.overlayLocalization.formatMessagesSync([ { id: "screenshots-overlay-cancel-button" }, { id: "screenshots-overlay-instructions" }, { id: "screenshots-overlay-download-button" }, { id: "screenshots-overlay-copy-button" }, ]); const htmlString = `
`; const parser = new this.contentDocument.ownerGlobal.DOMParser(); const tmpDoc = parser.parseFromSafeString(htmlString, "text/html"); const fragment = this.contentDocument.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild(tmpDoc.body.children[0]); return fragment; } // The event tooling is borrowed directly from devtools' highlighters (CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper) /** * Add an event listener to one of the elements inserted in the canvasFrame * native anonymous container. * Like other methods in this helper, this requires the ID of the element to * be passed in. * * Note that if the content page navigates, the event listeners won't be * added again. * * Also note that unlike traditional DOM events, the events handled by * listeners added here will propagate through the document only through * bubbling phase, so the useCapture parameter isn't supported. * It is possible however to call e.stopPropagation() to stop the bubbling. * * IMPORTANT: the chrome-only canvasFrame insertion API takes great care of * not leaking references to inserted elements to chrome JS code. That's * because otherwise, chrome JS code could freely modify native anon elements * inside the canvasFrame and probably change things that are assumed not to * change by the C++ code managing this frame. * See https://wiki.mozilla.org/DevTools/Highlighter#The_AnonymousContent_API * Unfortunately, the inserted nodes are still available via * event.originalTarget, and that's what the event handler here uses to check * that the event actually occured on the right element, but that also means * consumers of this code would be able to access the inserted elements. * Therefore, the originalTarget property will be nullified before the event * is passed to your handler. * * IMPL DETAIL: A single event listener is added per event types only, at * browser level and if the event originalTarget is found to have the provided * ID, the callback is executed (and then IDs of parent nodes of the * originalTarget are checked too). * * @param {String} id * @param {String} type * @param {Function} handler */ addEventListenerForElement(id, type, handler) { if (typeof id !== "string") { throw new Error( "Expected a string ID in addEventListenerForElement but got: " + id ); } // If no one is listening for this type of event yet, add one listener. if (!this.listeners.has(type)) { const target = this.pageListenerTarget; target.addEventListener(type, this, true); // Each type entry in the map is a map of ids:handlers. this.listeners.set(type, new Map()); } const listeners = this.listeners.get(type); listeners.set(id, handler); } /** * Remove an event listener from one of the elements inserted in the * canvasFrame native anonymous container. * @param {String} id * @param {String} type */ removeEventListenerForElement(id, type) { const listeners = this.listeners.get(type); if (!listeners) { return; } listeners.delete(id); // If no one is listening for event type anymore, remove the listener. if (!listeners.size) { const target = this.pageListenerTarget; target.removeEventListener(type, this, true); } } handleEvent(event) { const listeners = this.listeners.get(event.type); if (!listeners) { return; } // Hide the originalTarget property to avoid exposing references to native // anonymous elements. See addEventListenerForElement's comment. let isPropagationStopped = false; const eventProxy = new Proxy(event, { get: (obj, name) => { if (name === "originalTarget") { return null; } else if (name === "stopPropagation") { return () => { isPropagationStopped = true; }; } return obj[name]; }, }); // Start at originalTarget, bubble through ancestors and call handlers when // needed. let node = event.originalTarget; while (node) { let nodeId = node.id; if (nodeId) { const handler = listeners.get(node.id); if (handler) { handler(eventProxy, nodeId); if (isPropagationStopped) { break; } } if (nodeId == this.overlayId) { break; } } node = node.parentNode; } } _removeAllListeners() { if (this.pageListenerTarget) { const target = this.pageListenerTarget; for (const [type] of this.listeners) { target.removeEventListener(type, this, true); } } this.listeners.clear(); } /** * Pass the pointer down event to the state handler * @param event The pointer down event * @param targetId The target element id */ dragStart(event, targetId) { this.stateHandler.dragStart(event, targetId); } /** * Pass the pointer move event to the state handler * @param event The pointer move event * @param targetId The target element id */ drag(event, targetId) { this.stateHandler.drag(event, targetId); } /** * Pass the pointer up event to the state handler * @param event The pointer up event * @param targetId The target element id */ dragEnd(event, targetId) { this.stateHandler.dragEnd(event); } } export var ScreenshotsOverlayChild = { AnonymousContentOverlay, }; /** * The StateHandler class handles the state of the overlay */ class StateHandler { #state; #lastBox; #moverId; #lastX; #lastY; #screenshotsContainer; #screenshotsChild; constructor(screenshotsContainer, screenshotsChild) { this.#state = "crosshairs"; this.#lastBox = {}; this.#screenshotsContainer = screenshotsContainer; this.#screenshotsChild = screenshotsChild; } setState(newState) { this.#state = newState; this.start(); } getState() { return this.#state; } /** * At the start of the some states we need to perform some actions */ start() { switch (this.#state) { case "crosshairs": { this.crosshairsStart(); break; } case "draggingReady": { this.draggingReadyStart(); break; } case "dragging": { this.draggingStart(); break; } case "selected": { this.selectedStart(); break; } case "resizing": { this.resizingStart(); break; } } } /** * Returns the x and y coordinates of the event * @param event The mouse or touch event * @returns object containing the x and y coordinates of the mouse */ getCoordinates(event) { const { clientX: viewX, clientY: viewY, pageX, pageY } = event; MAX_DETECT_HEIGHT = Math.max(event.target.clientHeight + 100, 700); MAX_DETECT_WIDTH = Math.max(event.target.clientWidth + 100, 1000); return { viewX, viewY, pageX, pageY }; } /** * Handles the mousedown/touchstart event depending on the state * @param event The mousedown or touchstart event * @param targetId The id of the event target */ dragStart(event, targetId) { const { pageX, pageY } = this.getCoordinates(event); switch (this.#state) { case "crosshairs": { this.crosshairsDragStart(pageX, pageY); break; } case "selected": { this.selectedDragStart(pageX, pageY, targetId); break; } } } /** * Handles the move event depending on the state * @param event The mousemove or touchmove event * @param targetId The id of the event target */ drag(event, targetId) { const { pageX, pageY, viewX, viewY } = this.getCoordinates(event); switch (this.#state) { case "crosshairs": { this.crosshairsMove(pageX, pageY, viewX, viewY, targetId); break; } case "draggingReady": { this.draggingReadyDrag(pageX, pageY); break; } case "dragging": { this.draggingDrag(pageX, pageY); break; } case "resizing": { this.resizingDrag(pageX, pageY); break; } } } /** * Handles the move event depending on the state * @param event The mouseup event * @param targetId The id of the event target */ dragEnd(event, targetId) { const { pageX, pageY, viewX, viewY } = this.getCoordinates(event); switch (this.#state) { case "draggingReady": { this.draggingReadyDragEnd(pageX - viewX, pageY - viewY); break; } case "dragging": { this.draggingDragEnd(pageX, pageY, targetId); break; } case "resizing": { this.resizingDragEnd(pageX, pageY, targetId); break; } } } /** * Hide the box and highlighter and show the overlay at the start of crosshairs state */ crosshairsStart() { this.#screenshotsContainer.hideSelectionLayer(); this.#screenshotsContainer.showPreviewLayer(); this.#screenshotsChild.showPanel(); } /** * */ draggingReadyStart() { this.#screenshotsChild.hidePanel(); } /** * Hide the overlay and draw the box at the start of dragging state */ draggingStart() { this.#screenshotsContainer.hidePreviewLayer(); this.#screenshotsContainer.hideButtonsLayer(); this.#screenshotsContainer.drawSelectionBox(); } /** * Show the buttons at the start of the selected state */ selectedStart() { this.#screenshotsContainer.drawButtonsLayer(); } /** * Hide the buttons and store width and height of box at the start of the resizing state */ resizingStart() { this.#screenshotsContainer.hideButtonsLayer(); let { width, height, } = this.#screenshotsContainer.getSelectionLayerBoxDimensions(); this.#lastBox = { width, height, }; } /** * Set the initial box coordinates and set the state to "draggingReady" * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ crosshairsDragStart(clientX, clientY) { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ left: clientX, top: clientY, right: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); this.setState("draggingReady"); } /** * If the background is clicked we set the state to crosshairs * otherwise set the state to resizing * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate * @param targetId The id of the event target */ selectedDragStart(clientX, clientY, targetId) { if (targetId === this.#screenshotsContainer.id) { this.setState("crosshairs"); return; } this.#moverId = targetId; this.#lastX = clientX; this.#lastY = clientY; this.setState("resizing"); } /** * Handles the pointer move for the crosshairs state * @param pageX x pointer position * @param pageY y pointer position * @param viewX x pointer position in viewport * @param viewY y pointer position in viewport * @param targetId The id of the target element */ crosshairsMove(pageX, pageY, viewX, viewY, targetId) { this.#screenshotsContainer.drawPreviewEyes(pageX, pageY); this.#screenshotsContainer.handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId); } /** * Set the bottom and right coordinates of the box and draw the box * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ draggingDrag(clientX, clientY) { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ right: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); this.#screenshotsContainer.drawSelectionBox(); } /** * If the mouse has moved at least 40 pixels then set the state to "dragging" * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ draggingReadyDrag(clientX, clientY) { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ right: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); if (this.#screenshotsContainer.selectionBoxDistance() > 40) { this.setState("dragging"); } } /** * Depending on what mover was selected we will resize the box accordingly * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ resizingDrag(clientX, clientY) { switch (this.#moverId) { case "mover-topLeft": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ left: clientX, top: clientY, }); break; } case "mover-top": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ top: clientY }); break; } case "mover-topRight": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ top: clientY, right: clientX, }); break; } case "mover-right": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ right: clientX, }); break; } case "mover-bottomRight": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ right: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); break; } case "mover-bottom": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ bottom: clientY, }); break; } case "mover-bottomLeft": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ left: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); break; } case "mover-left": { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ left: clientX }); break; } case "highlight": { let lastBox = this.#lastBox; let diffX = this.#lastX - clientX; let diffY = this.#lastY - clientY; let newLeft; let newRight; let newTop; let newBottom; // Unpack SelectionBox dimensions to use here let { boxLeft, boxTop, boxRight, boxBottom, boxWidth, boxHeight, scrollWidth, scrollHeight, } = this.#screenshotsContainer.getSelectionLayerDimensions(); // wait until all 4 if elses have completed before setting box dimensions if (boxWidth <= lastBox.width && boxLeft === 0) { newLeft = boxRight - lastBox.width; } else { newLeft = boxLeft; } if (boxWidth <= lastBox.width && boxRight === scrollWidth) { newRight = boxLeft + lastBox.width; } else { newRight = boxRight; } if (boxHeight <= lastBox.height && boxTop === 0) { newTop = boxBottom - lastBox.height; } else { newTop = boxTop; } if (boxHeight <= lastBox.height && boxBottom === scrollHeight) { newBottom = boxTop + lastBox.height; } else { newBottom = boxBottom; } this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ left: newLeft - diffX, top: newTop - diffY, right: newRight - diffX, bottom: newBottom - diffY, }); this.#lastX = clientX; this.#lastY = clientY; break; } } this.#screenshotsContainer.drawSelectionBox(); } /** * Draw the selection box from the hover element box if it exists * Else set the state to "crosshairs" */ draggingReadyDragEnd(scrollX, scrollY) { if (this.#screenshotsContainer.hoverElementBoxRect) { this.#screenshotsContainer.hidePreviewLayer(); this.#screenshotsContainer.updateSelectionBoxFromRect(scrollX, scrollY); this.#screenshotsContainer.drawSelectionBox(); this.setState("selected"); } else { this.setState("crosshairs"); } } /** * Draw the box one last time and set the state to "selected" * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ draggingDragEnd(clientX, clientY) { this.#screenshotsContainer.setSelectionBoxDimensions({ right: clientX, bottom: clientY, }); this.#screenshotsContainer.sortSelectionLayerBoxCoords(); this.setState("selected"); } /** * Draw the box one last time and set the state to "selected" * @param clientX x coordinate * @param clientY y coordinate */ resizingDragEnd(clientX, clientY, targetId) { this.resizingDrag(clientX, clientY, targetId); this.#screenshotsContainer.sortSelectionLayerBoxCoords(); this.setState("selected"); } /** * The page was resized or scrolled. We need to update the * ScreenshotsContainer size so we don't draw outside the window bounds * If the current state is "selected" and this was called from a resize event * then we need to maybe shift the SelectionBox * @param win The window object of the page * @param eventType If this was called from a resize event */ updateScreenshotsContainerSize(win, eventType) { this.#screenshotsContainer.updateSize(win); if (this.#state === "selected" && eventType === "resize") { this.#screenshotsContainer.shiftSelectionLayerBox(); } else if (this.#state && eventType === "scroll") { this.#screenshotsContainer.drawButtonsLayer(); if (this.#state === "crosshairs") { this.#screenshotsContainer.handleElementScroll(); } } } } class AnonLayer { id; content; constructor(id, content) { this.id = id; this.content = content; } /** * Show element with id this.id */ show() { this.content.removeAttributeForElement(this.id, "style"); } /** * Hide element with id this.id */ hide() { this.content.setAttributeForElement(this.id, "style", "display:none;"); } } class HoverElementBox extends AnonLayer { #document; #rect; #lastX; #lastY; constructor(id, content, document) { super(id, content); this.#document = document; } get rect() { return this.#rect; } /** * Draws the hover box over an element from the given rect * @param rect The rect to draw the hover element box */ drawHoverBox(rect) { if (!rect) { this.hide(); } else { let maxHeight = this.selectionLayer.scrollHeight; let maxWidth = this.selectionLayer.scrollWidth; let top = this.#document.documentElement.scrollTop + rect.top; top = top > 0 ? top : 0; let left = this.#document.documentElement.scrollLeft + rect.left; left = left > 0 ? left : 0; let height = rect.top + rect.height > maxHeight ? maxHeight - rect.top : rect.height; let width = rect.left + rect.width > maxWidth ? maxWidth - rect.left : rect.width; this.content.setAttributeForElement( this.id, "style", `top:${top}px;left:${left}px;height:${height}px;width:${width}px;` ); } } /** * Handles when the user moves the mouse over an element * @param viewX The viewport x coordinate * @param viewY The viewport y coordinate * @param targetId The target element id */ handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId) { if (targetId === "screenshots-overlay-container") { let ele = this.getElementFromPoint(viewX, viewY); if (this.cachedEle && this.cachedEle === ele) { // Still hovering over the same element return; } this.cachedEle = ele; this.getBestRectForElement(ele); this.#lastX = viewX; this.#lastY = viewY; } } /** * Handles moving the rect when the user has scrolled but not moved the mouse * It uses the last x and y viewport coordinates to find the new element at the mouse position */ handleElementScroll() { if (this.#lastX && this.#lastY) { this.cachedEle = null; this.handleElementHover( this.#lastX, this.#lastY, "screenshots-overlay-container" ); } } /** * Finds an element for the given coordinates within the viewport * @param x The viewport x coordinate * @param y The viewport y coordinate * @returns An element location at the given coordinates */ getElementFromPoint(x, y) { this.setPointerEventsNone(); let ele; try { ele = this.#document.elementFromPoint(x, y); } finally { this.resetPointerEvents(); } return ele; } /** * Gets the rect for an element if getBoundingClientRect exists * @param ele The element to get the rect from * @returns The bounding client rect of the element or null */ getBoundingClientRect(ele) { if (!ele.getBoundingClientRect) { return null; } return ele.getBoundingClientRect(); } /** * This function takes an element and finds a suitable rect to draw the hover box on * @param ele The element to find a suitale rect of */ getBestRectForElement(ele) { let lastRect; let lastNode; let rect; let attemptExtend = false; let node = ele; while (node) { rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(node); if (!rect) { rect = lastRect; break; } if (rect.width < MIN_DETECT_WIDTH || rect.height < MIN_DETECT_HEIGHT) { // Avoid infinite loop for elements with zero or nearly zero height, // like non-clearfixed float parents with or without borders. break; } if (rect.width > MAX_DETECT_WIDTH || rect.height > MAX_DETECT_HEIGHT) { // Then the last rectangle is better rect = lastRect; attemptExtend = true; break; } if (rect.width >= MIN_DETECT_WIDTH && rect.height >= MIN_DETECT_HEIGHT) { if (!doNotAutoselectTags[node.tagName]) { break; } } lastRect = rect; lastNode = node; node = node.parentNode; } if (rect && node) { const evenBetter = this.evenBetterElement(node); if (evenBetter) { node = lastNode = evenBetter; rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(evenBetter); attemptExtend = false; } } if (rect && attemptExtend) { let extendNode = lastNode.nextSibling; while (extendNode) { if (extendNode.nodeType === this.#document.ELEMENT_NODE) { break; } extendNode = extendNode.nextSibling; if (!extendNode) { const parent = lastNode.parentNode; for (let i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) { if (parent.childNodes[i] === lastNode) { extendNode = parent.childNodes[i + 1]; } } } } if (extendNode) { const extendRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(extendNode); let x = Math.min(rect.x, extendRect.x); let y = Math.min(rect.y, extendRect.y); let width = Math.max(rect.right, extendRect.right) - x; let height = Math.max(rect.bottom, extendRect.bottom) - y; const combinedRect = new DOMRect(x, y, width, height); if ( combinedRect.width <= MAX_DETECT_WIDTH && combinedRect.height <= MAX_DETECT_HEIGHT ) { rect = combinedRect; } } } if ( rect && (rect.width < MIN_DETECT_ABSOLUTE_WIDTH || rect.height < MIN_DETECT_ABSOLUTE_HEIGHT) ) { rect = null; } if (!rect) { this.hide(); } else { this.drawHoverBox(rect); } this.#rect = rect; } /** * This finds a better element by looking for elements with role article * @param node The currently hovered node * @returns A better node or null */ evenBetterElement(node) { let el = node.parentNode; const ELEMENT_NODE = this.#document.ELEMENT_NODE; while (el && el.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!el.getAttribute) { return null; } if (el.getAttribute("role") === "article") { const rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(el); if (!rect) { return null; } if ( rect.width <= MAX_DETECT_WIDTH && rect.height <= MAX_DETECT_HEIGHT ) { return el; } return null; } el = el.parentNode; } return null; } /** * The pointer events need to be removed temporarily so we can find the * correct element from document.elementFromPoint() * If the pointer events are on for the screenshots elements, then we will always * get the screenshots elements as the elements from a given point */ setPointerEventsNone() { this.content.setAttributeForElement( "screenshots-component", "style", "pointer-events:none;" ); let temp = this.content.getAttributeForElement( "screenshots-overlay-container", "style" ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "screenshots-overlay-container", "style", temp + "pointer-events:none;" ); } /** * Return the pointer events to the original state because we found the element */ resetPointerEvents() { this.content.setAttributeForElement("screenshots-component", "style", ""); let temp = this.content.getAttributeForElement( "screenshots-overlay-container", "style" ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "screenshots-overlay-container", "style", temp.replace("pointer-events:none;", "") ); } } class SelectionLayer extends AnonLayer { #selectionBox; #hoverElementBox; #buttons; #hidden; /** * the documentDimensions follows the below structure * { * scrollWidth: the total document width * scrollHeight: the total document height * scrollX: the x scrolled offset * scrollY: the y scrolled offset * innerWidth: the viewport width * innerHeight: the viewport height * } */ #documentDimensions; constructor(id, content, hoverElementBox) { super(id, content); this.#selectionBox = new SelectionBox(content, this); this.#buttons = new ButtonsLayer("buttons", content, this); this.#hoverElementBox = hoverElementBox; this.#hoverElementBox.selectionLayer = this; this.#hidden = true; this.#documentDimensions = {}; } /** * Hide the buttons layer */ hideButtons() { this.#buttons.hide(); } /** * Call */ drawButtonsLayer() { this.#buttons.show(); } /** * Hide the selection-container element */ hide() { super.hide(); this.#hidden = true; } /** * Draw the SelectionBox */ drawSelectionBox() { if (this.#hidden) { this.show(); this.#hidden = false; } this.#selectionBox.show(); } /** * Sort the SelectionBox coordinates */ sortSelectionBoxCoords() { this.#selectionBox.sortCoords(); } /** * Sets the SelectionBox dimensions * @param {Object} dims The new box dimensions * { * left: new left dimension value or undefined * top: new top dimension value or undefined * right: new right dimension value or undefined * bottom: new bottom dimension value or undefined * } */ setSelectionBoxDimensions(dims) { if (dims.left) { this.#selectionBox.left = dims.left; } if (dims.top) { this.#selectionBox.top = dims.top; } if (dims.right) { this.#selectionBox.right = dims.right; } if (dims.bottom) { this.#selectionBox.bottom = dims.bottom; } } /** * Gets the selections box dimensions * @returns {Object} * { * x1: the left dimension value * y1: the top dimension value * width: the width of the selected region * height: the height of the selected region * } */ getSelectionBoxDimensions() { return this.#selectionBox.getDimensions(); } /** * Returns the box dimensions and the page dimensions * @returns {Object} * { * boxLeft: the left position of the box * boxTop: the top position of the box * boxRight: the right position of the box * boxBottom: the bottom position of the box * scrollWidth: the total document width * scrollHeight: the total document height * scrollX: the x scrolled offset * scrollY: the y scrolled offset * innerWidth: the viewport width * innerHeight: the viewport height * } */ getDimensions() { return { boxLeft: this.#selectionBox.left, boxTop: this.#selectionBox.top, boxRight: this.#selectionBox.right, boxBottom: this.#selectionBox.bottom, boxWidth: this.#selectionBox.width, boxHeight: this.#selectionBox.height, ...this.#documentDimensions, }; } /** * Gets the diagonal distance of the SelectionBox * @returns The diagonal distance of the SelectionBox */ getSelectionBoxDistance() { return this.#selectionBox.distance; } /** * Shift the SelectionBox so that it is always within the document */ shiftSelectionBox() { this.#selectionBox.shiftBox(); } /** * Update the box coordinates from the hover element rect */ updateSelectionBoxFromRect(scrollX, scrollY) { this.#selectionBox.updateBoxFromRect( this.#hoverElementBox.rect, scrollX, scrollY ); } /** * Handles when the user moves the mouse over an element * @param viewX The viewport x coordinate * @param viewY The viewport y coordinate * @param targetId The target element id */ handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId) { this.#hoverElementBox.handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId); } /** * Handles moving the rect when the user has scrolled but not moved the mouse * It uses the last x and y viewport coordinates to find the new element at the mouse position */ handleElementScroll() { this.#hoverElementBox.handleElementScroll(); } hideHoverElementSelection() { this.#hoverElementBox.hide(); } get hoverElementBoxRect() { return this.#hoverElementBox.rect; } get scrollWidth() { return this.#documentDimensions.scrollWidth; } set scrollWidth(val) { this.#documentDimensions.scrollWidth = val; } get scrollHeight() { return this.#documentDimensions.scrollHeight; } set scrollHeight(val) { this.#documentDimensions.scrollHeight = val; } get scrollX() { return this.#documentDimensions.scrollX; } set scrollX(val) { this.#documentDimensions.scrollX = val; } get scrollY() { return this.#documentDimensions.scrollY; } set scrollY(val) { this.#documentDimensions.scrollY = val; } get innerWidth() { return this.#documentDimensions.innerWidth; } set innerWidth(val) { this.#documentDimensions.innerWidth = val; } get innerHeight() { return this.#documentDimensions.innerHeight; } set innerHeight(val) { this.#documentDimensions.innerHeight = val; } } /** * The SelectionBox class handles drawing the highlight and background */ class SelectionBox extends AnonLayer { #x1; #x2; #y1; #y2; #xOffset; #yOffset; #selectionLayer; constructor(content, selectionLayer) { super("", content); this.#selectionLayer = selectionLayer; this.#x1 = 0; this.#x2 = 0; this.#y1 = 0; this.#y2 = 0; this.#xOffset = 0; this.#yOffset = 0; } /** * Draw the selected region for screenshotting */ show() { this.content.setAttributeForElement( "highlight", "style", `top:${this.top}px;left:${this.left}px;height:${this.height}px;width:${this.width}px;` ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "bgTop", "style", `top:0px;height:${this.top}px;left:0px;width:100%;` ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "bgBottom", "style", `top:${this.bottom}px;height:calc(100% - ${this.bottom}px);left:0px;width:100%;` ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "bgLeft", "style", `top:${this.top}px;height:${this.height}px;left:0px;width:${this.left}px;` ); this.content.setAttributeForElement( "bgRight", "style", `top:${this.top}px;height:${this.height}px;left:${this.right}px;width:calc(100% - ${this.right}px);` ); } /** * Update the box coordinates from the rect * @param rect The hover element box * @param scrollX The x offset the page is scrolled * @param scrollY The y offset the page is scrolled */ updateBoxFromRect(rect, scrollX, scrollY) { this.top = rect.top + scrollY; this.left = rect.left + scrollX; this.right = rect.right + scrollX; this.bottom = rect.bottom + scrollY; } /** * Hide the selected region */ hide() { this.content.setAttributeForElement("highlight", "style", "display:none;"); this.content.setAttributeForElement("bgTop", "style", "display:none;"); this.content.setAttributeForElement("bgBottom", "style", "display:none;"); this.content.setAttributeForElement("bgLeft", "style", "display:none;"); this.content.setAttributeForElement("bgRight", "style", "display:none;"); } /** * The box should never appear outside the document so the SelectionBox will * be shifted if the bounds of the box are outside the documents width or height */ shiftBox() { let didShift = false; let xDiff = this.right - this.#selectionLayer.scrollWidth; if (xDiff > 0) { this.right -= xDiff; this.left -= xDiff; didShift = true; } let yDiff = this.bottom - this.#selectionLayer.scrollHeight; if (yDiff > 0) { let curWidth = this.width; this.bottom -= yDiff; this.top = this.bottom - curWidth; didShift = true; } if (didShift) { this.show(); this.#selectionLayer.drawButtonsLayer(); } } /** * Sort the coordinates so x1 < x2 and y1 < y2 */ sortCoords() { if (this.#x1 > this.#x2) { [this.#x1, this.#x2] = [this.#x2, this.#x1]; } if (this.#y1 > this.#y2) { [this.#y1, this.#y2] = [this.#y2, this.#y1]; } } /** * Gets the dimensions of the currently selected region * @returns {Object} * { * x1: the left dimension value * y1: the top dimension value * width: the width of the selected region * height: the height of the selected region * } */ getDimensions() { return { x1: this.left, y1: this.top, width: this.width, height: this.height, }; } get distance() { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.width, 2) + Math.pow(this.height, 2)); } get xOffset() { return this.#xOffset; } set xOffset(val) { this.#xOffset = val; } get yOffset() { return this.#yOffset; } set yOffset(val) { this.#yOffset = val; } get top() { return Math.min(this.#y1, this.#y2); } set top(val) { this.#y1 = val > 0 ? val : 0; } get left() { return Math.min(this.#x1, this.#x2); } set left(val) { this.#x1 = val > 0 ? val : 0; } get right() { return Math.max(this.#x1, this.#x2); } set right(val) { this.#x2 = val > this.#selectionLayer.scrollWidth ? this.#selectionLayer.scrollWidth : val; } get bottom() { return Math.max(this.#y1, this.#y2); } set bottom(val) { this.#y2 = val > this.#selectionLayer.scrollHeight ? this.#selectionLayer.scrollHeight : val; } get width() { return Math.abs(this.#x2 - this.#x1); } get height() { return Math.abs(this.#y2 - this.#y1); } } class ButtonsLayer extends AnonLayer { #selectionLayer; constructor(id, content, selectionLayer) { super(id, content); this.#selectionLayer = selectionLayer; } /** * Draw the buttons. Check if the box is too near the bottom or left of the * viewport and adjust the buttons accordingly */ show() { let { boxLeft, boxTop, boxRight, boxBottom, scrollX, scrollY, innerWidth, innerHeight, } = this.#selectionLayer.getDimensions(); if ( boxTop > scrollY + innerHeight || boxBottom < scrollY || boxLeft > scrollX + innerWidth || boxRight < scrollX ) { // The box is offscreen so need to draw the buttons return; } let top = boxBottom; let leftOrRight = `right:calc(100% - ${boxRight}px);`; if (scrollY + innerHeight - boxBottom < 70) { if (boxBottom < scrollY + innerHeight) { top = boxBottom - 60; } else if (scrollY + innerHeight - boxTop < 70) { top = boxTop - 60; } else { top = scrollY + innerHeight - 60; } } if (boxRight < 265) { leftOrRight = `left:${boxLeft}px;`; } this.content.setAttributeForElement( "buttons", "style", `top:${top}px;${leftOrRight}` ); } } class PreviewLayer extends AnonLayer { constructor(id, content) { super(id, content); } /** * Draw the eyeballs facing the mouse * @param clientX x pointer position * @param clientY y pointer position * @param width width of the viewport * @param height height of the viewport */ drawEyes(clientX, clientY, width, height) { const xpos = Math.floor((10 * (clientX - width / 2)) / width); const ypos = Math.floor((10 * (clientY - height / 2)) / height); const move = `transform:translate(${xpos}px, ${ypos}px);`; this.content.setAttributeForElement("left-eye", "style", move); this.content.setAttributeForElement("right-eye", "style", move); } } class ScreenshotsContainerLayer extends AnonLayer { #width; #height; #previewLayer; #selectionLayer; constructor(id, content, previewLayer, selectionLayer) { super(id, content); this.#previewLayer = previewLayer; this.#selectionLayer = selectionLayer; } /** * Hide the SelectionLayer */ hideSelectionLayer() { this.#selectionLayer.hide(); } /** * Show the PreviewLayer */ showPreviewLayer() { this.#previewLayer.show(); } /** * Hide the PreviewLayer */ hidePreviewLayer() { this.#previewLayer.hide(); this.#selectionLayer.hideHoverElementSelection(); } /** * Show the ButtonsLayer */ drawButtonsLayer() { this.#selectionLayer.drawButtonsLayer(); } /** * Hide the ButtonsLayer */ hideButtonsLayer() { this.#selectionLayer.hideButtons(); } /** * Show the SelectionBox */ drawSelectionBox() { this.#selectionLayer.drawSelectionBox(); } /** * Update the box coordinates from the hover element rect */ updateSelectionBoxFromRect(scrollX, scrollY) { this.#selectionLayer.updateSelectionBoxFromRect(scrollX, scrollY); } /** * Handles when the user moves the mouse over an element * @param viewX The viewport x coordinate * @param viewY The viewport y coordinate * @param targetId The target element id */ handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId) { this.#selectionLayer.handleElementHover(viewX, viewY, targetId); } /** * Handles moving the rect when the user has scrolled but not moved the mouse * It uses the last x and y viewport coordinates to find the new element at the mouse position */ handleElementScroll() { this.#selectionLayer.handleElementScroll(); } /** * Draw the eyes in the PreviewLayer * @param clientX The x mouse position * @param clientY The y mouse position */ drawPreviewEyes(clientX, clientY) { this.#previewLayer.drawEyes( clientX - this.#selectionLayer.scrollX, clientY - this.#selectionLayer.scrollY, this.#selectionLayer.innerWidth, this.#selectionLayer.innerHeight ); } /** * Get the diagonal distance of the SelectionBox * @returns The diagonal distance of the currently selected region */ selectionBoxDistance() { return this.#selectionLayer.getSelectionBoxDistance(); } /** * Sort the coordinates of the SelectionBox */ sortSelectionLayerBoxCoords() { this.#selectionLayer.sortSelectionBoxCoords(); } /** * Get the SelectionLayer dimensions * @returns {Object} * { * x1: the left dimension value * y1: the top dimension value * width: the width of the selected region * height: the height of the selected region * } */ getSelectionLayerBoxDimensions() { return this.#selectionLayer.getSelectionBoxDimensions(); } /** * Gets the SelectionBox and page dimensions * @returns {Object} * { * boxLeft: the left position of the box * boxTop: the top position of the box * boxRight: the right position of the box * boxBottom: the bottom position of the box * scrollWidth: the total document width * scrollHeight: the total document height * scrollX: the x scrolled offset * scrollY: the y scrolled offset * innerWidth: the viewport width * innerHeight: the viewport height * } */ getSelectionLayerDimensions() { return this.#selectionLayer.getDimensions(); } /** * Shift the SelectionBox */ shiftSelectionLayerBox() { this.#selectionLayer.shiftSelectionBox(); } /** * Set the respective dimensions of the SelectionBox * @param {Object} boxDimensionObject The new box dimensions * { * left: new left dimension value or undefined * top: new top dimension value or undefined * right: new right dimension value or undefined * bottom: new bottom dimension value or undefined * } */ setSelectionBoxDimensions(boxDimensionObject) { this.#selectionLayer.setSelectionBoxDimensions(boxDimensionObject); } /** * The screenshots-overlay-container doesn't shrink with the window when the * window is resized so we have to manually find the width and height of the * window by looping throught the documentElement's children * If the children mysteriously have a height or width of 0 then we will * fallback to the scrollWidth and scrollHeight which can cause the container * to be larger than the window dimensions * @param win The window object */ updateSize(win) { let { innerWidth, innerHeight, scrollX, scrollY } = win; this.#selectionLayer.innerWidth = innerWidth; this.#selectionLayer.innerHeight = innerHeight; this.#selectionLayer.scrollX = scrollX; this.#selectionLayer.scrollY = scrollY; const doc = win.document.documentElement; let width = Math.max.apply( null, Array.from(doc.children, x => x.scrollWidth) ); let height = Math.max.apply( null, Array.from(doc.children, x => x.scrollHeight) ); if (width < 1) { width = doc.scrollWidth; } else if (width < innerWidth) { width = innerWidth; } if (height < 1) { height = doc.scrollHeight; } else if (height < innerHeight) { height = innerHeight; } this.#selectionLayer.scrollWidth = width; this.#selectionLayer.scrollHeight = height; this.#width = width; this.#height = height; this.drawScreenshotsContainer(); } /** * Return the dimensions of the screenshots container * @returns {Object} * width: the container width * height: the container height */ getDimension() { return { width: this.#width, height: this.#height }; } /** * Draw the screenshots container */ drawScreenshotsContainer() { this.content.setAttributeForElement( this.id, "style", `top:0;left:0;width:${this.#width}px;height:${this.#height}px;` ); } get hoverElementBoxRect() { return this.#selectionLayer.hoverElementBoxRect; } }