"use strict"; const TAB_STATE = { entries: [ { url: "about:mozilla", triggeringPrincipal_base64 }, { url: "about:robots", triggeringPrincipal_base64 }, ], index: 1, }; add_task(async function() { // Create a background tab. let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, "about:blank"); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; await promiseBrowserLoaded(browser); // The tab shouldn't be restored right away. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true); // Prepare the tab state. let promise = promiseTabRestoring(tab); ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(TAB_STATE)); ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending"); await promise; // Flush to ensure the parent has all data. await TabStateFlusher.flush(browser); // Check that the shistory index is the one we restored. let tabState = TabState.collect(tab, ss.getInternalObjectState(tab)); is(tabState.index, TAB_STATE.index, "correct shistory index"); // Check we don't collect userTypedValue when we shouldn't. ok(!tabState.userTypedValue, "tab didn't have a userTypedValue"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeTab(tab); });