/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // tests the translation infobar, using a fake 'Translation' implementation. const { Translation } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/translation/TranslationParent.jsm" ); const { PermissionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.jsm" ); const kLanguagesPref = "browser.translation.neverForLanguages"; const kShowUIPref = "browser.translation.ui.show"; const kEnableTranslationPref = "browser.translation.detectLanguage"; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kShowUIPref, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kEnableTranslationPref, true); let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser); gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; registerCleanupFunction(function() { gBrowser.removeTab(tab); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(kShowUIPref); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(kEnableTranslationPref); }); BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => { (async function() { for (let testCase of gTests) { info(testCase.desc); await testCase.run(); } })().then(finish, ex => { ok(false, "Unexpected Exception: " + ex); finish(); }); }); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "http://example.com/"); } function getLanguageExceptions() { let langs = Services.prefs.getCharPref(kLanguagesPref); return langs ? langs.split(",") : []; } function getDomainExceptions() { let results = []; for (let perm of Services.perms.all) { if ( perm.type == "translate" && perm.capability == Services.perms.DENY_ACTION ) { results.push(perm.principal); } } return results; } function getInfoBar() { return new Promise(resolve => { let infobar = gBrowser .getNotificationBox() .getNotificationWithValue("translation"); if (!infobar) { resolve(); } else { // Wait for all animations to finish Promise.all( infobar.getAnimations().map(animation => animation.finished) ).then(() => resolve(infobar)); } }); } function openPopup(aPopup) { return new Promise(resolve => { aPopup.addEventListener( "popupshown", function() { TestUtils.executeSoon(resolve); }, { once: true } ); aPopup.focus(); // One down event to open the popup. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { altKey: !navigator.platform.includes("Mac"), }); }); } function waitForWindowLoad(aWin) { return new Promise(resolve => { aWin.addEventListener( "load", function() { TestUtils.executeSoon(resolve); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); }); } var gTests = [ { desc: "clean exception lists at startup", run: function checkNeverForLanguage() { is( getLanguageExceptions().length, 0, "we start with an empty list of languages to never translate" ); is( getDomainExceptions().length, 0, "we start with an empty list of sites to never translate" ); }, }, { desc: "never for language", run: async function checkNeverForLanguage() { // Show the infobar for example.com and fr. let actor = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "Translation" ); actor.documentStateReceived({ state: Translation.STATE_OFFER, originalShown: true, detectedLanguage: "fr", }); let notif = await getInfoBar(); ok(notif, "the infobar is visible"); let principal = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentPrincipal; ok( actor.shouldShowInfoBar(principal, "fr"), "check shouldShowInfoBar initially returns true" ); // Open the "options" drop down. await openPopup(notif._getAnonElt("options")); ok( notif._getAnonElt("options").getAttribute("open"), "the options menu is open" ); // Check that the item is not disabled. ok( !notif._getAnonElt("neverForLanguage").disabled, "The 'Never translate ' item isn't disabled" ); // Click the 'Never for French' item. notif._getAnonElt("neverForLanguage").click(); notif = await getInfoBar(); ok(!notif, "infobar hidden"); // Check this has been saved to the exceptions list. let langs = getLanguageExceptions(); is(langs.length, 1, "one language in the exception list"); is(langs[0], "fr", "correct language in the exception list"); ok( !actor.shouldShowInfoBar(principal, "fr"), "the infobar wouldn't be shown anymore" ); // Reopen the infobar. PopupNotifications.getNotification("translate").anchorElement.click(); notif = await getInfoBar(); // Open the "options" drop down. await openPopup(notif._getAnonElt("options")); ok( notif._getAnonElt("neverForLanguage").disabled, "The 'Never translate French' item is disabled" ); // Cleanup. Services.prefs.setCharPref(kLanguagesPref, ""); notif.close(); }, }, { desc: "never for site", run: async function checkNeverForSite() { // Show the infobar for example.com and fr. let actor = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "Translation" ); actor.documentStateReceived({ state: Translation.STATE_OFFER, originalShown: true, detectedLanguage: "fr", }); let notif = await getInfoBar(); ok(notif, "the infobar is visible"); let principal = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentPrincipal; ok( actor.shouldShowInfoBar(principal, "fr"), "check shouldShowInfoBar initially returns true" ); // Open the "options" drop down. await openPopup(notif._getAnonElt("options")); ok( notif._getAnonElt("options").getAttribute("open"), "the options menu is open" ); // Check that the item is not disabled. ok( !notif._getAnonElt("neverForSite").disabled, "The 'Never translate site' item isn't disabled" ); // Click the 'Never for French' item. notif._getAnonElt("neverForSite").click(); notif = await getInfoBar(); ok(!notif, "infobar hidden"); // Check this has been saved to the exceptions list. let sites = getDomainExceptions(); is(sites.length, 1, "one site in the exception list"); is( sites[0].origin, "http://example.com", "correct site in the exception list" ); ok( !actor.shouldShowInfoBar(principal, "fr"), "the infobar wouldn't be shown anymore" ); // Reopen the infobar. PopupNotifications.getNotification("translate").anchorElement.click(); notif = await getInfoBar(); // Open the "options" drop down. await openPopup(notif._getAnonElt("options")); ok( notif._getAnonElt("neverForSite").disabled, "The 'Never translate French' item is disabled" ); // Cleanup. PermissionTestUtils.remove("http://example.com", "translate"); notif.close(); }, }, { desc: "language exception list", run: async function checkLanguageExceptions() { // Put 2 languages in the pref before opening the window to check // the list is displayed on load. Services.prefs.setCharPref(kLanguagesPref, "fr,de"); // Open the translation exceptions dialog. let win = openDialog( "chrome://browser/content/preferences/dialogs/translation.xhtml", "Browser:TranslationExceptions", "", null ); await waitForWindowLoad(win); // Check that the list of language exceptions is loaded. let getById = win.document.getElementById.bind(win.document); let tree = getById("languagesTree"); let remove = getById("removeLanguage"); let removeAll = getById("removeAllLanguages"); is(tree.view.rowCount, 2, "The language exceptions list has 2 items"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Language' button is disabled"); ok(!removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Languages' button is enabled"); // Select the first item. tree.view.selection.select(0); ok(!remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Language' button is enabled"); // Click the 'Remove' button. remove.click(); is(tree.view.rowCount, 1, "The language exceptions now contains 1 item"); is(getLanguageExceptions().length, 1, "One exception in the pref"); // Clear the pref, and check the last item is removed from the display. Services.prefs.setCharPref(kLanguagesPref, ""); is(tree.view.rowCount, 0, "The language exceptions list is empty"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Language' button is disabled"); ok(removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Languages' button is disabled"); // Add an item and check it appears. Services.prefs.setCharPref(kLanguagesPref, "fr"); is(tree.view.rowCount, 1, "The language exceptions list has 1 item"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Language' button is disabled"); ok(!removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Languages' button is enabled"); // Click the 'Remove All' button. removeAll.click(); is(tree.view.rowCount, 0, "The language exceptions list is empty"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Language' button is disabled"); ok(removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Languages' button is disabled"); is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(kLanguagesPref), "", "The pref is empty"); win.close(); }, }, { desc: "domains exception list", run: async function checkDomainExceptions() { // Put 2 exceptions before opening the window to check the list is // displayed on load. PermissionTestUtils.add( "http://example.org", "translate", Services.perms.DENY_ACTION ); PermissionTestUtils.add( "http://example.com", "translate", Services.perms.DENY_ACTION ); // Open the translation exceptions dialog. let win = openDialog( "chrome://browser/content/preferences/dialogs/translation.xhtml", "Browser:TranslationExceptions", "", null ); await waitForWindowLoad(win); // Check that the list of language exceptions is loaded. let getById = win.document.getElementById.bind(win.document); let tree = getById("sitesTree"); let remove = getById("removeSite"); let removeAll = getById("removeAllSites"); is(tree.view.rowCount, 2, "The sites exceptions list has 2 items"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Site' button is disabled"); ok(!removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Sites' button is enabled"); // Select the first item. tree.view.selection.select(0); ok(!remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Site' button is enabled"); // Click the 'Remove' button. remove.click(); is(tree.view.rowCount, 1, "The site exceptions now contains 1 item"); is(getDomainExceptions().length, 1, "One exception in the permissions"); // Clear the permissions, and check the last item is removed from the display. PermissionTestUtils.remove("http://example.org", "translate"); PermissionTestUtils.remove("http://example.com", "translate"); is(tree.view.rowCount, 0, "The site exceptions list is empty"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Site' button is disabled"); ok(removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Site' button is disabled"); // Add an item and check it appears. PermissionTestUtils.add( "http://example.com", "translate", Services.perms.DENY_ACTION ); is(tree.view.rowCount, 1, "The site exceptions list has 1 item"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Site' button is disabled"); ok(!removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Sites' button is enabled"); // Click the 'Remove All' button. removeAll.click(); is(tree.view.rowCount, 0, "The site exceptions list is empty"); ok(remove.disabled, "The 'Remove Site' button is disabled"); ok(removeAll.disabled, "The 'Remove All Sites' button is disabled"); is(getDomainExceptions().length, 0, "No exceptions in the permissions"); win.close(); }, }, ];