/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { BrowserSearchTelemetry: "resource:///modules/BrowserSearchTelemetry.sys.mjs", FormHistory: "resource://gre/modules/FormHistory.sys.mjs", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", UrlbarProvidersManager: "resource:///modules/UrlbarProvidersManager.sys.mjs", UrlbarTokenizer: "resource:///modules/UrlbarTokenizer.sys.mjs", UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs", clearTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); const TELEMETRY_1ST_RESULT = "PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE_1ST_RESULT_TIME_MS"; const TELEMETRY_6_FIRST_RESULTS = "PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE_6_FIRST_RESULTS_TIME_MS"; const TELEMETRY_SCALAR_ENGAGEMENT = "urlbar.engagement"; const TELEMETRY_SCALAR_ABANDONMENT = "urlbar.abandonment"; const NOTIFICATIONS = { QUERY_STARTED: "onQueryStarted", QUERY_RESULTS: "onQueryResults", QUERY_RESULT_REMOVED: "onQueryResultRemoved", QUERY_CANCELLED: "onQueryCancelled", QUERY_FINISHED: "onQueryFinished", VIEW_OPEN: "onViewOpen", VIEW_CLOSE: "onViewClose", }; /** * The address bar controller handles queries from the address bar, obtains * results and returns them to the UI for display. * * Listeners may be added to listen for the results. They may support the * following methods which may be called when a query is run: * * - onQueryStarted(queryContext) * - onQueryResults(queryContext) * - onQueryCancelled(queryContext) * - onQueryFinished(queryContext) * - onQueryResultRemoved(index) * - onViewOpen() * - onViewClose() */ export class UrlbarController { /** * Initialises the class. The manager may be overridden here, this is for * test purposes. * * @param {object} options * The initial options for UrlbarController. * @param {UrlbarInput} options.input * The input this controller is operating with. * @param {object} [options.manager] * Optional fake providers manager to override the built-in providers manager. * Intended for use in unit tests only. */ constructor(options = {}) { if (!options.input) { throw new Error("Missing options: input"); } if (!options.input.window) { throw new Error("input is missing 'window' property."); } if ( !options.input.window.location || options.input.window.location.href != AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL ) { throw new Error("input.window should be an actual browser window."); } if (!("isPrivate" in options.input)) { throw new Error("input.isPrivate must be set."); } this.input = options.input; this.browserWindow = options.input.window; this.manager = options.manager || lazy.UrlbarProvidersManager; this._listeners = new Set(); this._userSelectionBehavior = "none"; this.engagementEvent = new TelemetryEvent( this, options.eventTelemetryCategory ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "logger", () => lazy.UrlbarUtils.getLogger({ prefix: "Controller" }) ); } get NOTIFICATIONS() { return NOTIFICATIONS; } /** * Hooks up the controller with a view. * * @param {UrlbarView} view * The UrlbarView instance associated with this controller. */ setView(view) { this.view = view; } /** * Takes a query context and starts the query based on the user input. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query details. */ async startQuery(queryContext) { // Cancel any running query. this.cancelQuery(); // Wrap the external queryContext, to track a unique object, in case // the external consumer reuses the same context multiple times. // This also allows to add properties without polluting the context. // Note this can't be null-ed or deleted once a query is done, because it's // used by handleDeleteEntry and handleKeyNavigation, that can run after // a query is cancelled or finished. let contextWrapper = (this._lastQueryContextWrapper = { queryContext }); queryContext.lastResultCount = 0; TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_1ST_RESULT, queryContext); TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_6_FIRST_RESULTS, queryContext); // For proper functionality we must ensure this notification is fired // synchronously, as soon as startQuery is invoked, but after any // notifications related to the previous query. this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_STARTED, queryContext); await this.manager.startQuery(queryContext, this); // If the query has been cancelled, onQueryFinished was notified already. // Note this._lastQueryContextWrapper may have changed in the meanwhile. if ( contextWrapper === this._lastQueryContextWrapper && !contextWrapper.done ) { contextWrapper.done = true; // TODO (Bug 1549936) this is necessary to avoid leaks in PB tests. this.manager.cancelQuery(queryContext); this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_FINISHED, queryContext); } return queryContext; } /** * Cancels an in-progress query. Note, queries may continue running if they * can't be cancelled. */ cancelQuery() { // We must clear the pause impression timer in any case, even if the query // already finished. this.engagementEvent.clearPauseImpressionTimer(); // If the query finished already, don't handle cancel. if (!this._lastQueryContextWrapper || this._lastQueryContextWrapper.done) { return; } this._lastQueryContextWrapper.done = true; let { queryContext } = this._lastQueryContextWrapper; TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_1ST_RESULT, queryContext); TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_6_FIRST_RESULTS, queryContext); this.manager.cancelQuery(queryContext); this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_CANCELLED, queryContext); this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_FINISHED, queryContext); } /** * Receives results from a query. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query details. */ receiveResults(queryContext) { if (queryContext.lastResultCount < 1 && queryContext.results.length >= 1) { TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_1ST_RESULT, queryContext); } if (queryContext.lastResultCount < 6 && queryContext.results.length >= 6) { TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_6_FIRST_RESULTS, queryContext); } this.engagementEvent.startPauseImpressionTimer( queryContext, this.input.getSearchSource() ); if (queryContext.firstResultChanged) { // Notify the input so it can make adjustments based on the first result. if (this.input.onFirstResult(queryContext.results[0])) { // The input canceled the query and started a new one. return; } // The first time we receive results try to connect to the heuristic // result. this.speculativeConnect( queryContext.results[0], queryContext, "resultsadded" ); } this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_RESULTS, queryContext); // Update lastResultCount after notifying, so the view can use it. queryContext.lastResultCount = queryContext.results.length; } /** * Adds a listener for query actions and results. * * @param {object} listener The listener to add. * @throws {TypeError} Throws if the listener is not an object. */ addQueryListener(listener) { if (!listener || typeof listener != "object") { throw new TypeError("Expected listener to be an object"); } this._listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a query listener. * * @param {object} listener The listener to add. */ removeQueryListener(listener) { this._listeners.delete(listener); } /** * Checks whether a keyboard event that would normally open the view should * instead be handled natively by the input field. * On certain platforms, the up and down keys can be used to move the caret, * in which case we only want to open the view if the caret is at the * start or end of the input. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * The DOM KeyboardEvent. * @returns {boolean} * Returns true if the event should move the caret instead of opening the * view. */ keyEventMovesCaret(event) { if (this.view.isOpen) { return false; } if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && AppConstants.platform != "linux") { return false; } let isArrowUp = event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP; let isArrowDown = event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN; if (!isArrowUp && !isArrowDown) { return false; } let start = this.input.selectionStart; let end = this.input.selectionEnd; if ( end != start || (isArrowUp && start > 0) || (isArrowDown && end < this.input.value.length) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Receives keyboard events from the input and handles those that should * navigate within the view or pick the currently selected item. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * The DOM KeyboardEvent. * @param {boolean} executeAction * Whether the event should actually execute the associated action, or just * be managed (at a preventDefault() level). This is used when the event * will be deferred by the event bufferer, but preventDefault() and friends * should still happen synchronously. */ handleKeyNavigation(event, executeAction = true) { const isMac = AppConstants.platform == "macosx"; // Handle readline/emacs-style navigation bindings on Mac. if ( isMac && this.view.isOpen && event.ctrlKey && (event.key == "n" || event.key == "p") ) { if (executeAction) { this.view.selectBy(1, { reverse: event.key == "p" }); } event.preventDefault(); return; } if (this.view.isOpen && executeAction && this._lastQueryContextWrapper) { let { queryContext } = this._lastQueryContextWrapper; let handled = this.view.oneOffSearchButtons.handleKeyDown( event, this.view.visibleElementCount, this.view.allowEmptySelection, queryContext.searchString ); if (handled) { return; } } switch (event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE: if (executeAction) { if (this.view.isOpen) { this.view.close(); } else { this.input.handleRevert(true); } } event.preventDefault(); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN: if (executeAction) { this.input.handleCommand(event); } event.preventDefault(); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB: // It's always possible to tab through results when the urlbar was // focused with the mouse or has a search string, or when the view // already has a selection. // We allow tabbing without a search string when in search mode preview, // since that means the user has interacted with the Urlbar since // opening it. // When there's no search string and no view selection, we want to focus // the next toolbar item instead, for accessibility reasons. let allowTabbingThroughResults = this.input.focusedViaMousedown || this.input.searchMode?.isPreview || this.view.selectedElement || (this.input.value && this.input.getAttribute("pageproxystate") != "valid"); if ( // Even if the view is closed, we may be waiting results, and in // such a case we don't want to tab out of the urlbar. (this.view.isOpen || !executeAction) && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && allowTabbingThroughResults ) { if (executeAction) { this.userSelectionBehavior = "tab"; this.view.selectBy(1, { reverse: event.shiftKey, userPressedTab: true, }); } event.preventDefault(); } break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP: if (event.ctrlKey) { break; } // eslint-disable-next-lined no-fallthrough case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP: if (event.altKey) { break; } if (this.view.isOpen) { if (executeAction) { this.userSelectionBehavior = "arrow"; this.view.selectBy( event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN || event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP ? lazy.UrlbarUtils.PAGE_UP_DOWN_DELTA : 1, { reverse: event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP || event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP, } ); } } else { if (this.keyEventMovesCaret(event)) { break; } if (executeAction) { this.userSelectionBehavior = "arrow"; this.input.startQuery({ searchString: this.input.value, event, }); } } event.preventDefault(); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_END: this.input.maybeConfirmSearchModeFromResult({ entry: "typed", }); // Fall through. case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_HOME: this.view.removeAccessibleFocus(); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE: if ( this.input.searchMode && this.input.selectionStart == 0 && this.input.selectionEnd == 0 && !event.shiftKey ) { this.input.searchMode = null; this.input.view.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton = null; this.input.startQuery({ allowAutofill: false, event, }); } // Fall through. case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE: if (!this.view.isOpen) { break; } if (event.shiftKey) { if (!executeAction || this.handleDeleteEntry(event)) { event.preventDefault(); } } else if (executeAction) { this.userSelectionBehavior = "none"; } break; } } /** * Tries to initialize a speculative connection on a result. * Speculative connections are only supported for a subset of all the results. * * Speculative connect to: * - Search engine heuristic results * - autofill results * - http/https results * * @param {UrlbarResult} result The result to speculative connect to. * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} context The queryContext * @param {string} reason Reason for the speculative connect request. */ speculativeConnect(result, context, reason) { // Never speculative connect in private contexts. if (!this.input || context.isPrivate || !context.results.length) { return; } let { url } = lazy.UrlbarUtils.getUrlFromResult(result); if (!url) { return; } switch (reason) { case "resultsadded": { // We should connect to an heuristic result, if it exists. if ( (result == context.results[0] && result.heuristic) || result.autofill ) { if (result.type == lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH) { // Speculative connect only if search suggestions are enabled. if ( lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.searches") && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("browser.search.suggest.enabled") ) { let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName( result.payload.engine ); lazy.UrlbarUtils.setupSpeculativeConnection( engine, this.browserWindow ); } } else if (result.autofill) { lazy.UrlbarUtils.setupSpeculativeConnection( url, this.browserWindow ); } } return; } case "mousedown": { // On mousedown, connect only to http/https urls. if (url.startsWith("http")) { lazy.UrlbarUtils.setupSpeculativeConnection(url, this.browserWindow); } return; } default: { throw new Error("Invalid speculative connection reason"); } } } /** * Stores the selection behavior that the user has used to select a result. * * @param {"arrow"|"tab"|"none"} behavior * The behavior the user used. */ set userSelectionBehavior(behavior) { // Don't change the behavior to arrow if tab has already been recorded, // as we want to know that the tab was used first. if (behavior == "arrow" && this._userSelectionBehavior == "tab") { return; } this._userSelectionBehavior = behavior; } /** * Records details of the selected result in telemetry. We only record the * selection behavior, type and index. * * @param {Event} event * The event which triggered the result to be selected. * @param {UrlbarResult} result * The selected result. */ recordSelectedResult(event, result) { let resultIndex = result ? result.rowIndex : -1; let selectedResult = -1; if (resultIndex >= 0) { // Except for the history popup, the urlbar always has a selection. The // first result at index 0 is the "heuristic" result that indicates what // will happen when you press the Enter key. Treat it as no selection. selectedResult = resultIndex > 0 || !result.heuristic ? resultIndex : -1; } lazy.BrowserSearchTelemetry.recordSearchSuggestionSelectionMethod( event, "urlbar", selectedResult, this._userSelectionBehavior ); if (!result) { return; } // Do not modify existing telemetry types. To add a new type: // // * Set telemetryType appropriately. Since telemetryType is used as the // probe name, it must be alphanumeric with optional underscores. // * Add a new keyed scalar probe into the urlbar.picked category for the // newly added telemetryType. // * Add a test named browser_UsageTelemetry_urlbar_newType.js to // browser/modules/test/browser. // // The "topsite" type overrides the other ones, because it starts from a // unique user interaction, that we want to count apart. We do this here // rather than in telemetryTypeFromResult because other consumers, like // events telemetry, are reporting this information separately. let telemetryType = result.providerName == "UrlbarProviderTopSites" ? "topsite" : lazy.UrlbarUtils.telemetryTypeFromResult(result); Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd( `urlbar.picked.${telemetryType}`, resultIndex, 1 ); if (this.input.searchMode && !this.input.searchMode.isPreview) { Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd( `urlbar.picked.searchmode.${this.input.searchMode.entry}`, resultIndex, 1 ); } } /** * Handles deletion of results from the last query context and the view. There * are two kinds of results that can be deleted: * * - Results for which `provider.blockResult()` returns true * - Results whose source is `HISTORY` are handled specially by this method * and can always be removed * * No other results can be deleted and this method will ignore them. * * @param {Event} event The event that triggered deletion. * @param {UrlbarResult} [result] * The result to delete. If given, it must be present in the controller's * most recent query context. If not given, the currently selected result * in the view is used. * @returns {boolean} * Returns true if the result was deleted and false if not. */ handleDeleteEntry(event, result = undefined) { if (!this._lastQueryContextWrapper) { Cu.reportError("Cannot delete - the latest query is not present"); return false; } let { queryContext } = this._lastQueryContextWrapper; if (!result) { // No result specified, so use the currently selected result. let { selectedElement } = this.input.view; if (selectedElement?.classList.contains("urlbarView-button")) { // For results with buttons, delete them only when the main part of the // row is selected, not a button. return false; } result = this.input.view.selectedResult; } if (result && event) { this.engagementEvent.record(event, { searchString: queryContext.searchString, selIndex: result.rowIndex, selType: "dismiss", provider: result.providerName, }); } if (!result || result.heuristic) { return false; } // First call `provider.blockResult()`. let provider = lazy.UrlbarProvidersManager.getProvider(result.providerName); if (!provider) { Cu.reportError(`Provider not found: ${result.providerName}`); } let blockedByProvider = provider?.tryMethod( "blockResult", queryContext, result ); // If the provider didn't block the result, then continue only if the result // is from history. if ( !blockedByProvider && result.source != lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY ) { return false; } let index = queryContext.results.indexOf(result); if (index < 0) { Cu.reportError("Failed to find the selected result in the results"); return false; } queryContext.results.splice(index, 1); this.notify(NOTIFICATIONS.QUERY_RESULT_REMOVED, index); if (blockedByProvider) { return true; } // Form history or url restyled as search. if (result.type == lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH) { if (!queryContext.formHistoryName) { return false; } // Generate the search url to remove it from browsing history. let { url } = lazy.UrlbarUtils.getUrlFromResult(result); lazy.PlacesUtils.history.remove(url).catch(Cu.reportError); // Now remove form history. lazy.FormHistory.update({ op: "remove", fieldname: queryContext.formHistoryName, value: result.payload.suggestion, }).catch(error => Cu.reportError(`Removing form history failed: ${error}`) ); return true; } // Remove browsing history entries from Places. lazy.PlacesUtils.history.remove(result.payload.url).catch(Cu.reportError); return true; } /** * Notifies listeners of results. * * @param {string} name Name of the notification. * @param {object} params Parameters to pass with the notification. */ notify(name, ...params) { for (let listener of this._listeners) { // Can't use "in" because some tests proxify these. if (typeof listener[name] != "undefined") { try { listener[name](...params); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } } } } } /** * Tracks and records telemetry events for the given category, if provided, * otherwise it's a no-op. * It is currently designed around the "urlbar" category, even if it can * potentially be extended to other categories. * To record an event, invoke start() with a starting event, then either * invoke record() with a final event, or discard() to drop the recording. * * @see Events.yaml */ class TelemetryEvent { constructor(controller, category) { this._controller = controller; this._category = category; this._isPrivate = controller.input.isPrivate; } /** * Start measuring the elapsed time from a user-generated event. * After this has been invoked, any subsequent calls to start() are ignored, * until either record() or discard() are invoked. Thus, it is safe to keep * invoking this on every input event as the user is typing, for example. * * @param {event} event A DOM event. * @param {string} [searchString] Pass a search string related to the event if * you have one. The event by itself sometimes isn't enough to * determine the telemetry details we should record. * @throws This should never throw, or it may break the urlbar. * @see {@link https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/urlbar/telemetry.html} */ start(event, searchString = null) { if (this._startEventInfo) { if (this._startEventInfo.interactionType == "topsites") { // If the most recent event came from opening the results pane with an // empty string replace the interactionType (that would be "topsites") // with one for the current event to better measure the user flow. this._startEventInfo.interactionType = this._getStartInteractionType( event, searchString ); this._startEventInfo.searchString = searchString; } else if ( this._startEventInfo.interactionType == "returned" && (!searchString || this._startEventInfo.searchString[0] != searchString[0]) ) { // In case of a "returned" interaction ongoing, the user may either // continue the search, or restart with a new search string. In that case // we want to change the interaction type to "restarted". // Detecting all the possible ways of clearing the input would be tricky, // thus this makes a guess by just checking the first char matches; even if // the user backspaces a part of the string, we still count that as a // "returned" interaction. this._startEventInfo.interactionType = "restarted"; } // start is invoked on a user-generated event, but we only count the first // one. Once an engagement or abandoment happens, we clear _startEventInfo. return; } if (!this._category) { return; } if (!event) { Cu.reportError("Must always provide an event"); return; } const validEvents = [ "click", "command", "drop", "input", "keydown", "mousedown", "tabswitch", "focus", ]; if (!validEvents.includes(event.type)) { Cu.reportError("Can't start recording from event type: " + event.type); return; } this._startEventInfo = { timeStamp: event.timeStamp || Cu.now(), interactionType: this._getStartInteractionType(event, searchString), searchString, }; let { queryContext } = this._controller._lastQueryContextWrapper || {}; this._controller.manager.notifyEngagementChange( this._isPrivate, "start", queryContext ); } /** * Record an engagement telemetry event. * When the user picks a result from a search through the mouse or keyboard, * an engagement event is recorded. If instead the user abandons a search, by * blurring the input field, an abandonment event is recorded. * * @param {event} [event] * A DOM event. * Note: event can be null, that usually happens for paste&go or drop&go. * If there's no _startEventInfo this is a no-op. * @param {object} details An object describing action details. * @param {string} [details.searchString] The user's search string. Note that * this string is not sent with telemetry data. It is only used * locally to discern other data, such as the number of characters and * words in the string. * @param {string} [details.selIndex] Index of the selected result, undefined * for "blur". * @param {string} [details.selType] type of the selected element, undefined * for "blur". One of "unknown", "autofill", "visiturl", "bookmark", * "history", "keyword", "searchengine", "searchsuggestion", * "switchtab", "remotetab", "extension", "oneoff", "dismiss". * @param {string} [details.provider] The name of the provider for the selected * result. * @param {DOMElement} [details.element] The picked view element. * @param {object} [details.startEventInfo] Additional info about the start * event. */ record(event, details) { this.clearPauseImpressionTimer(); // This should never throw, or it may break the urlbar. try { this._internalRecord(event, details); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Could not record event: " + ex); } finally { this._startEventInfo = null; this._discarded = false; } } /** * Clear the pause impression timer started by startPauseImpressionTimer(). */ clearPauseImpressionTimer() { lazy.clearTimeout(this._pauseImpressionTimer); } /** * Start a timer that records the pause impression telemetry for given context. * The telemetry will be recorded after * "browser.urlbar.searchEngagementTelemetry.pauseImpressionIntervalMs" ms. * If want to clear this timer, please use clearPauseImpressionTimer(). * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext * The query details that will be recorded as pause impression telemetry. * @param {string} searchSource * The seach source that will be recorded as pause impression telemetry. */ startPauseImpressionTimer(queryContext, searchSource) { if (this._impressionStartEventInfo === this._startEventInfo) { // Already took an impression telemetry for this session. return; } this.clearPauseImpressionTimer(); this._pauseImpressionTimer = lazy.setTimeout(() => { let { numChars, numWords, searchWords } = this._parseSearchString( queryContext.searchString ); this._recordSearchEngagementTelemetry( queryContext, "impression", this._startEventInfo, { reason: "pause", numChars, numWords, searchWords, searchSource, } ); this._impressionStartEventInfo = this._startEventInfo; }, lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("searchEngagementTelemetry.pauseImpressionIntervalMs")); } _internalRecord(event, details) { const startEventInfo = details.startEventInfo ?? this._startEventInfo; if (!this._category || !startEventInfo) { if (this._discarded && this._category && details?.selType !== "dismiss") { let { queryContext } = this._controller._lastQueryContextWrapper || {}; this._controller.manager.notifyEngagementChange( this._isPrivate, "discard", queryContext ); } return; } if ( !event && startEventInfo.interactionType != "pasted" && startEventInfo.interactionType != "dropped" ) { // If no event is passed, we must be executing either paste&go or drop&go. throw new Error("Event must be defined, unless input was pasted/dropped"); } if (!details) { throw new Error("Invalid event details: " + details); } let action; if (!event) { action = startEventInfo.interactionType == "dropped" ? "drop_go" : "paste_go"; } else if (event.type == "blur") { action = "blur"; } else { action = MouseEvent.isInstance(event) ? "click" : "enter"; } let method = action == "blur" ? "abandonment" : "engagement"; // numWords is not a perfect measurement, since it will return an incorrect // value for languages that do not use spaces or URLs containing spaces in // its query parameters, for example. let { numChars, numWords, searchWords } = this._parseSearchString( details.searchString ); let { queryContext } = this._controller._lastQueryContextWrapper || {}; this._recordSearchEngagementTelemetry( queryContext, method, startEventInfo, { action, numChars, numWords, searchWords, provider: details.provider, searchSource: details.searchSource, searchMode: details.searchMode, selectedElement: details.element, selIndex: details.selIndex, selType: details.selType, } ); if (details.selType === "dismiss") { // The conventional telemetry dones't support "dismiss" event. return; } let endTime = (event && event.timeStamp) || Cu.now(); let startTime = startEventInfo.timeStamp || endTime; // Synthesized events in tests may have a bogus timeStamp, causing a // subtraction between monotonic and non-monotonic timestamps; that's why // abs is necessary here. It should only happen in tests, anyway. let elapsed = Math.abs(Math.round(endTime - startTime)); // Rather than listening to the pref, just update status when we record an // event, if the pref changed from the last time. let recordingEnabled = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("eventTelemetry.enabled"); if (this._eventRecordingEnabled != recordingEnabled) { this._eventRecordingEnabled = recordingEnabled; Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("urlbar", recordingEnabled); } let extra = { elapsed: elapsed.toString(), numChars, numWords, }; if (method == "engagement") { extra.selIndex = details.selIndex.toString(); extra.selType = details.selType; extra.provider = details.provider || ""; } // We invoke recordEvent regardless, if recording is disabled this won't // report the events remotely, but will count it in the event_counts scalar. Services.telemetry.recordEvent( this._category, method, action, startEventInfo.interactionType, extra ); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd( method == "engagement" ? TELEMETRY_SCALAR_ENGAGEMENT : TELEMETRY_SCALAR_ABANDONMENT, 1 ); if (method === "engagement" && queryContext.results?.[0].autofill) { // Record autofill impressions upon engagement. const type = lazy.UrlbarUtils.telemetryTypeFromResult( queryContext.results[0] ); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd(`urlbar.impression.${type}`, 1); } this._controller.manager.notifyEngagementChange( this._isPrivate, method, queryContext, details ); } _recordSearchEngagementTelemetry( queryContext, method, startEventInfo, { action, numWords, numChars, provider, reason, searchWords, searchSource, searchMode, selectedElement, selIndex, selType, } ) { const browserWindow = this._controller.browserWindow; let sap = "urlbar"; if (searchSource === "urlbar-handoff") { sap = "handoff"; } else if ( browserWindow.isBlankPageURL(browserWindow.gBrowser.currentURI.spec) ) { sap = "urlbar_newtab"; } else if (browserWindow.gBrowser.currentURI.schemeIs("moz-extension")) { sap = "urlbar_addonpage"; } searchMode = searchMode ?? this._controller.input.searchMode; // Distinguish user typed search strings from persisted search terms. const interaction = this.#getInteractionType( method, startEventInfo, searchSource, searchWords, searchMode ); const search_mode = this.#getSearchMode(searchMode); const currentResults = queryContext?.results ?? []; const numResults = currentResults.length; const groups = currentResults .map(r => lazy.UrlbarUtils.searchEngagementTelemetryGroup(r)) .join(","); const results = currentResults .map(r => lazy.UrlbarUtils.searchEngagementTelemetryType(r)) .join(","); let eventInfo; if (method === "engagement") { const selectedResult = currentResults[selIndex]; eventInfo = { sap, interaction, search_mode, n_chars: numChars, n_words: numWords, n_results: numResults, selected_result: lazy.UrlbarUtils.searchEngagementTelemetryType( selectedResult ), selected_result_subtype: lazy.UrlbarUtils.searchEngagementTelemetrySubtype( selectedResult, selectedElement ), provider, engagement_type: selType === "help" || selType === "dismiss" ? selType : action, groups, results, }; } else if (method === "abandonment") { eventInfo = { sap, interaction, search_mode, n_chars: numChars, n_words: numWords, n_results: numResults, groups, results, }; } else if (method === "impression") { eventInfo = { reason, sap, interaction, search_mode, n_chars: numChars, n_words: numWords, n_results: numResults, groups, results, }; } else { Cu.reportError(`Unknown telemetry event method: ${method}`); return; } this._controller.logger.info( `${method} event: ${JSON.stringify(eventInfo)}` ); if (lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("searchEngagementTelemetryEnabled")) { Glean.urlbar[method].record(eventInfo); } } #getInteractionType( method, startEventInfo, searchSource, searchWords, searchMode ) { if (searchMode?.entry === "topsites_newtab") { return "topsite_search"; } let interaction = startEventInfo.interactionType; if ( (interaction === "returned" || interaction === "restarted") && this._isRefined(new Set(searchWords), this.#previousSearchWordsSet) ) { interaction = "refined"; } if (searchSource === "urlbar-persisted") { switch (interaction) { case "returned": { interaction = "persisted_search_terms"; break; } case "restarted": case "refined": { interaction = `persisted_search_terms_${interaction}`; break; } } } if ( (method === "engagement" && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.isPersistedSearchTermsEnabled()) || method === "abandonment" ) { this.#previousSearchWordsSet = new Set(searchWords); } else if (method === "engagement") { this.#previousSearchWordsSet = null; } return interaction; } #getSearchMode(searchMode) { if (!searchMode) { return ""; } if (searchMode.engineName) { return "search_engine"; } const source = lazy.UrlbarUtils.LOCAL_SEARCH_MODES.find( m => m.source == searchMode.source )?.telemetryLabel; return source ?? "unknown"; } _parseSearchString(searchString) { let numChars = searchString.length.toString(); let searchWords = searchString .substring(0, lazy.UrlbarUtils.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) .trim() .split(lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.REGEXP_SPACES) .filter(t => t); let numWords = searchWords.length.toString(); return { numChars, numWords, searchWords, }; } /** * Checks whether re-searched by modifying some of the keywords from the * previous search. Concretely, returns true if there is intersects between * both keywords, otherwise returns false. Also, returns false even if both * are the same. * * @param {Set} currentSet The current keywords. * @param {Set} [previousSet] The previous keywords. * @returns {boolean} true if current searching are refined. */ _isRefined(currentSet, previousSet = null) { if (!previousSet) { return false; } const intersect = (setA, setB) => { let count = 0; for (const word of setA.values()) { if (setB.has(word)) { count += 1; } } return count > 0 && count != setA.size; }; return ( intersect(currentSet, previousSet) || intersect(previousSet, currentSet) ); } _getStartInteractionType(event, searchString) { if (event.interactionType) { return event.interactionType; } else if (event.type == "input") { return lazy.UrlbarUtils.isPasteEvent(event) ? "pasted" : "typed"; } else if (event.type == "drop") { return "dropped"; } else if (searchString) { return "typed"; } return "topsites"; } /** * Resets the currently tracked user-generated event that was registered via * start(), so it won't be recorded. If there's no tracked event, this is a * no-op. */ discard() { this.clearPauseImpressionTimer(); if (this._startEventInfo) { this._startEventInfo = null; this._discarded = true; } } /** * Extracts a telemetry type from an element for event telemetry. * * @param {Element} element The element to analyze. * @returns {string} a string type for the telemetry event. */ typeFromElement(element) { if (!element) { return "none"; } let row = element.closest(".urlbarView-row"); if (row.result && row.result.providerName != "UrlbarProviderTopSites") { // Element handlers go here. if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-button-help")) { return row.result.type == lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP ? "tiphelp" : "help"; } if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-button-block")) { return "block"; } } // Now handle the result. return lazy.UrlbarUtils.telemetryTypeFromResult(row.result); } /** * Reset the internal state. This function is used for only when testing. */ reset() { this.#previousSearchWordsSet = null; } #previousSearchWordsSet = null; }