/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This module exports a provider that provides an autofill result. */ import { UrlbarProvider, UrlbarUtils, } from "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AboutPagesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/AboutPagesUtils.sys.mjs", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs", UrlbarSearchUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarSearchUtils.sys.mjs", UrlbarTokenizer: "resource:///modules/UrlbarTokenizer.sys.mjs", }); // AutoComplete query type constants. // Describes the various types of queries that we can process rows for. const QUERYTYPE = { AUTOFILL_ORIGIN: 1, AUTOFILL_URL: 2, AUTOFILL_ADAPTIVE: 3, }; // `WITH` clause for the autofill queries. autofill_frecency_threshold.value is // the mean of all moz_origins.frecency values + stddevMultiplier * one standard // deviation. This is inlined directly in the SQL (as opposed to being a custom // Sqlite function for example) in order to be as efficient as possible. const SQL_AUTOFILL_WITH = ` WITH frecency_stats(count, sum, squares) AS ( SELECT CAST((SELECT IFNULL(value, 0.0) FROM moz_meta WHERE key = 'origin_frecency_count') AS REAL), CAST((SELECT IFNULL(value, 0.0) FROM moz_meta WHERE key = 'origin_frecency_sum') AS REAL), CAST((SELECT IFNULL(value, 0.0) FROM moz_meta WHERE key = 'origin_frecency_sum_of_squares') AS REAL) ), autofill_frecency_threshold(value) AS ( SELECT CASE count WHEN 0 THEN 0.0 WHEN 1 THEN sum ELSE (sum / count) + (:stddevMultiplier * sqrt((squares - ((sum * sum) / count)) / count)) END FROM frecency_stats ) `; const SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD = `host_frecency >= ( SELECT value FROM autofill_frecency_threshold )`; function originQuery(where) { // `frecency`, `bookmarked` and `visited` are partitioned by the fixed host, // without `www.`. `host_prefix` instead is partitioned by full host, because // we assume a prefix may not work regardless of `www.`. let selectVisited = where.includes("visited") ? `MAX(EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE origin_id = o.id AND visit_count > 0 )) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)) > 0` : "0"; let selectTitle; let joinBookmarks; if (where.includes("bookmarked")) { selectTitle = "ifnull(b.title, h.title)"; joinBookmarks = "LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.fk = h.id"; } else { selectTitle = "h.title"; joinBookmarks = ""; } return `/* do not warn (bug no): cannot use an index to sort */ ${SQL_AUTOFILL_WITH}, origins(id, prefix, host_prefix, host, fixed, host_frecency, frecency, bookmarked, visited) AS ( SELECT id, prefix, first_value(prefix) OVER ( PARTITION BY host ORDER BY frecency DESC, prefix = "https://" DESC, id DESC ), host, fixup_url(host), TOTAL(frecency) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)), frecency, MAX(EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE origin_id = o.id AND foreign_count > 0 )) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)), ${selectVisited} FROM moz_origins o WHERE prefix NOT IN ('about:', 'place:') AND ((host BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF') OR (host BETWEEN 'www.' || :searchString AND 'www.' || :searchString || X'FFFF')) ), matched_origin(host_fixed, url) AS ( SELECT iif(instr(host, :searchString) = 1, host, fixed) || '/', ifnull(:prefix, host_prefix) || host || '/' FROM origins ${where} ORDER BY frecency DESC, prefix = "https://" DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT :query_type AS query_type, :searchString AS search_string, matched_origin.host_fixed AS host_fixed, matched_origin.url AS url, ${selectTitle} AS title FROM matched_origin LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.url_hash = hash(matched_origin.url) ${joinBookmarks} `; } function urlQuery(where1, where2, isBookmarkContained) { // We limit the search to places that are either bookmarked or have a frecency // over some small, arbitrary threshold (20) in order to avoid scanning as few // rows as possible. Keep in mind that we run this query every time the user // types a key when the urlbar value looks like a URL with a path. let selectTitle; let joinBookmarks; if (isBookmarkContained) { selectTitle = "ifnull(b.title, matched_url.title)"; joinBookmarks = "LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.fk = matched_url.id"; } else { selectTitle = "matched_url.title"; joinBookmarks = ""; } return `/* do not warn (bug no): cannot use an index to sort */ WITH matched_url(url, title, frecency, bookmarked, visited, stripped_url, is_exact_match, id) AS ( SELECT url, title, frecency, foreign_count > 0 AS bookmarked, visit_count > 0 AS visited, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(url) AS stripped_url, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(url) = strip_prefix_and_userinfo(:strippedURL) AS is_exact_match, id FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = :revHost ${where1} UNION ALL SELECT url, title, frecency, foreign_count > 0 AS bookmarked, visit_count > 0 AS visited, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(url) AS stripped_url, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(url) = 'www.' || strip_prefix_and_userinfo(:strippedURL) AS is_exact_match, id FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = :revHost || 'www.' ${where2} ORDER BY is_exact_match DESC, frecency DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT :query_type AS query_type, :searchString AS search_string, :strippedURL AS stripped_url, matched_url.url AS url, ${selectTitle} AS title FROM matched_url ${joinBookmarks} `; } // Queries const QUERY_ORIGIN_HISTORY_BOOKMARK = originQuery( `WHERE bookmarked OR ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD}` ); const QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_HISTORY_BOOKMARK = originQuery( `WHERE prefix BETWEEN :prefix AND :prefix || X'FFFF' AND (bookmarked OR ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD})` ); const QUERY_ORIGIN_HISTORY = originQuery( `WHERE visited AND ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD}` ); const QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_HISTORY = originQuery( `WHERE prefix BETWEEN :prefix AND :prefix || X'FFFF' AND visited AND ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD}` ); const QUERY_ORIGIN_BOOKMARK = originQuery(`WHERE bookmarked`); const QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_BOOKMARK = originQuery( `WHERE prefix BETWEEN :prefix AND :prefix || X'FFFF' AND bookmarked` ); const QUERY_URL_HISTORY_BOOKMARK = urlQuery( `AND (bookmarked OR frecency > 20) AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :strippedURL AND :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND (bookmarked OR frecency > 20) AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN 'www.' || :strippedURL AND 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, true ); const QUERY_URL_PREFIX_HISTORY_BOOKMARK = urlQuery( `AND (bookmarked OR frecency > 20) AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || :strippedURL AND :prefix || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND (bookmarked OR frecency > 20) AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL AND :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, true ); const QUERY_URL_HISTORY = urlQuery( `AND (visited OR NOT bookmarked) AND frecency > 20 AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :strippedURL AND :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND (visited OR NOT bookmarked) AND frecency > 20 AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN 'www.' || :strippedURL AND 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, false ); const QUERY_URL_PREFIX_HISTORY = urlQuery( `AND (visited OR NOT bookmarked) AND frecency > 20 AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || :strippedURL AND :prefix || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND (visited OR NOT bookmarked) AND frecency > 20 AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL AND :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, false ); const QUERY_URL_BOOKMARK = urlQuery( `AND bookmarked AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :strippedURL AND :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND bookmarked AND stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN 'www.' || :strippedURL AND 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, true ); const QUERY_URL_PREFIX_BOOKMARK = urlQuery( `AND bookmarked AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || :strippedURL AND :prefix || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, `AND bookmarked AND url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL AND :prefix || 'www.' || :strippedURL || X'FFFF'`, true ); /** * Class used to create the provider. */ class ProviderAutofill extends UrlbarProvider { constructor() { super(); } /** * Returns the name of this provider. * * @returns {string} the name of this provider. */ get name() { return "Autofill"; } /** * Returns the type of this provider. * * @returns {integer} one of the types from UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.* */ get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.HEURISTIC; } /** * Whether this provider should be invoked for the given context. * If this method returns false, the providers manager won't start a query * with this provider, to save on resources. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query context object * @returns {boolean} Whether this provider should be invoked for the search. */ async isActive(queryContext) { let instance = this.queryInstance; // This is usually reset on canceling or completing the query, but since we // query in isActive, it may not have been canceled by the previous call. // It is an object with values { result: UrlbarResult, instance: Query }. // See the documentation for _getAutofillData for more information. this._autofillData = null; // First of all, check for the autoFill pref. if (!lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill")) { return false; } if (!queryContext.allowAutofill) { return false; } if (queryContext.tokens.length != 1) { return false; } // Trying to autofill an extremely long string would be expensive, and // not particularly useful since the filled part falls out of screen anyway. if (queryContext.searchString.length > UrlbarUtils.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { return false; } // autoFill can only cope with history, bookmarks, and about: entries. if ( !queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) && !queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { return false; } // Autofill doesn't search tags or titles if ( queryContext.tokens.some( t => t.type == lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_TAG || t.type == lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_TITLE ) ) { return false; } [this._strippedPrefix, this._searchString] = UrlbarUtils.stripURLPrefix( queryContext.searchString ); this._strippedPrefix = this._strippedPrefix.toLowerCase(); // Don't try to autofill if the search term includes any whitespace. // This may confuse completeDefaultIndex cause the AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH // tokenizer ends up trimming the search string and returning a value // that doesn't match it, or is even shorter. if (lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.REGEXP_SPACES.test(queryContext.searchString)) { return false; } // Fetch autofill result now, rather than in startQuery. We do this so the // muxer doesn't have to wait on autofill for every query, since startQuery // will be guaranteed to return a result very quickly using this approach. // Bug 1651101 is filed to improve this behaviour. let result = await this._getAutofillResult(queryContext); if (!result || instance != this.queryInstance) { return false; } this._autofillData = { result, instance }; return true; } /** * Gets the provider's priority. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query context object * @returns {number} The provider's priority for the given query. */ getPriority(queryContext) { // Priority search results are restricting. if ( this._autofillData && this._autofillData.instance == this.queryInstance && this._autofillData.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Starts querying. * * @param {object} queryContext The query context object * @param {Function} addCallback Callback invoked by the provider to add a new * result. * @returns {Promise} resolved when the query stops. */ async startQuery(queryContext, addCallback) { // Check if the query was cancelled while the autofill result was being // fetched. We don't expect this to be true since we also check the instance // in isActive and clear _autofillData in cancelQuery, but we sanity check it. if ( !this._autofillData || this._autofillData.instance != this.queryInstance ) { this.logger.error("startQuery invoked with an invalid _autofillData"); return; } this._autofillData.result.heuristic = true; addCallback(this, this._autofillData.result); this._autofillData = null; } /** * Cancels a running query. * * @param {object} queryContext The query context object */ cancelQuery(queryContext) { if (this._autofillData?.instance == this.queryInstance) { this._autofillData = null; } } /** * Filters hosts by retaining only the ones over the autofill threshold, then * sorts them by their frecency, and extracts the one with the highest value. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The current queryContext. * @param {Array} hosts Array of host names to examine. * @returns {Promise} * Resolved when the filtering is complete. Resolves with the top matching * host, or null if not found. */ async getTopHostOverThreshold(queryContext, hosts) { let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); let conditions = []; // Pay attention to the order of params, since they are not named. let params = [lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill.stddevMultiplier"), ...hosts]; let sources = queryContext.sources; if ( sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) && sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { conditions.push(`(bookmarked OR ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD})`); } else if (sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY)) { conditions.push(`visited AND ${SQL_AUTOFILL_FRECENCY_THRESHOLD}`); } else if (sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS)) { conditions.push("bookmarked"); } let rows = await db.executeCached( ` ${SQL_AUTOFILL_WITH}, origins(id, prefix, host_prefix, host, fixed, host_frecency, frecency, bookmarked, visited) AS ( SELECT id, prefix, first_value(prefix) OVER ( PARTITION BY host ORDER BY frecency DESC, prefix = "https://" DESC, id DESC ), host, fixup_url(host), TOTAL(frecency) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)), frecency, MAX(EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE origin_id = o.id AND foreign_count > 0 )) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)), MAX(EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE origin_id = o.id AND visit_count > 0 )) OVER (PARTITION BY fixup_url(host)) FROM moz_origins o WHERE o.host IN (${new Array(hosts.length).fill("?").join(",")}) ) SELECT host FROM origins ${conditions.length ? "WHERE " + conditions.join(" AND ") : ""} ORDER BY frecency DESC, prefix = "https://" DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1 `, params ); if (!rows.length) { return null; } return rows[0].getResultByName("host"); } /** * Obtains the query to search for autofill origin results. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext * The current queryContext. * @returns {Array} consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ _getOriginQuery(queryContext) { // At this point, searchString is not a URL with a path; it does not // contain a slash, except for possibly at the very end. If there is // trailing slash, remove it when searching here to match the rest of the // string because it may be an origin. let searchStr = this._searchString.endsWith("/") ? this._searchString.slice(0, -1) : this._searchString; let opts = { query_type: QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_ORIGIN, searchString: searchStr.toLowerCase(), stddevMultiplier: lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill.stddevMultiplier"), }; if (this._strippedPrefix) { opts.prefix = this._strippedPrefix; } if ( queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) && queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_HISTORY_BOOKMARK : QUERY_ORIGIN_HISTORY_BOOKMARK, opts, ]; } if (queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY)) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_HISTORY : QUERY_ORIGIN_HISTORY, opts, ]; } if (queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS)) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_ORIGIN_PREFIX_BOOKMARK : QUERY_ORIGIN_BOOKMARK, opts, ]; } throw new Error("Either history or bookmark behavior expected"); } /** * Obtains the query to search for autoFill url results. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext * The current queryContext. * @returns {Array} consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ _getUrlQuery(queryContext) { // Try to get the host from the search string. The host is the part of the // URL up to either the path slash, port colon, or query "?". If the search // string doesn't look like it begins with a host, then return; it doesn't // make sense to do a URL query with it. const urlQueryHostRegexp = /^[^/:?]+/; let hostMatch = urlQueryHostRegexp.exec(this._searchString); if (!hostMatch) { return [null, null]; } let host = hostMatch[0].toLowerCase(); let revHost = host .split("") .reverse() .join("") + "."; // Build a string that's the URL stripped of its prefix, i.e., the host plus // everything after. Use queryContext.trimmedSearchString instead of // this._searchString because this._searchString has had unEscapeURIForUI() // called on it. It's therefore not necessarily the literal URL. let strippedURL = queryContext.trimmedSearchString; if (this._strippedPrefix) { strippedURL = strippedURL.substr(this._strippedPrefix.length); } strippedURL = host + strippedURL.substr(host.length); let opts = { query_type: QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_URL, searchString: this._searchString, revHost, strippedURL, }; if (this._strippedPrefix) { opts.prefix = this._strippedPrefix; } if ( queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) && queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_URL_PREFIX_HISTORY_BOOKMARK : QUERY_URL_HISTORY_BOOKMARK, opts, ]; } if (queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY)) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_URL_PREFIX_HISTORY : QUERY_URL_HISTORY, opts, ]; } if (queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS)) { return [ this._strippedPrefix ? QUERY_URL_PREFIX_BOOKMARK : QUERY_URL_BOOKMARK, opts, ]; } throw new Error("Either history or bookmark behavior expected"); } _getAdaptiveHistoryQuery(queryContext) { let sourceCondition; if ( queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) && queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { sourceCondition = "(h.foreign_count > 0 OR h.frecency > 20)"; } else if ( queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY) ) { sourceCondition = "((h.visit_count > 0 OR h.foreign_count = 0) AND h.frecency > 20)"; } else if ( queryContext.sources.includes(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) ) { sourceCondition = "h.foreign_count > 0"; } else { return []; } let selectTitle; let joinBookmarks; if (UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) { selectTitle = "ifnull(b.title, matched.title)"; joinBookmarks = "LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.fk = matched.id"; } else { selectTitle = "matched.title"; joinBookmarks = ""; } const params = { queryType: QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_ADAPTIVE, // `fullSearchString` is the value the user typed including a prefix if // they typed one. `searchString` has been stripped of the prefix. fullSearchString: queryContext.searchString.toLowerCase(), searchString: this._searchString, strippedPrefix: this._strippedPrefix, useCountThreshold: lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get( "autoFillAdaptiveHistoryUseCountThreshold" ), }; const query = ` WITH matched(input, url, title, stripped_url, is_exact_match, starts_with, id) AS ( SELECT i.input AS input, h.url AS url, h.title AS title, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(h.url) AS stripped_url, strip_prefix_and_userinfo(h.url) = :searchString AS is_exact_match, (strip_prefix_and_userinfo(h.url) COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF') AS starts_with, h.id AS id FROM moz_places h JOIN moz_inputhistory i ON i.place_id = h.id WHERE LENGTH(i.input) != 0 AND :fullSearchString BETWEEN i.input AND i.input || X'FFFF' AND ${sourceCondition} AND i.use_count >= :useCountThreshold AND (:strippedPrefix = '' OR get_prefix(h.url) = :strippedPrefix) AND ( starts_with OR (stripped_url COLLATE NOCASE BETWEEN 'www.' || :searchString AND 'www.' || :searchString || X'FFFF') ) ORDER BY is_exact_match DESC, i.use_count DESC, h.frecency DESC, h.id DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT :queryType AS query_type, :searchString AS search_string, input, url, iif(starts_with, stripped_url, fixup_url(stripped_url)) AS url_fixed, ${selectTitle} AS title, stripped_url FROM matched ${joinBookmarks} `; return [query, params]; } /** * Processes a matched row in the Places database. * * @param {object} row * The matched row. * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext * The query context. * @returns {UrlbarResult} a result generated from the matches row. */ _processRow(row, queryContext) { let queryType = row.getResultByName("query_type"); let title = row.getResultByName("title"); // `searchString` is `this._searchString` or derived from it. It is // stripped, meaning the prefix (the URL protocol) has been removed. let searchString = row.getResultByName("search_string"); // `fixedURL` is the part of the matching stripped URL that starts with the // stripped search string. The important point here is "www" handling. If a // stripped URL starts with "www", we allow the user to omit the "www" and // still match it. So if the matching stripped URL starts with "www" but the // stripped search string does not, `fixedURL` will also omit the "www". // Otherwise `fixedURL` will be equivalent to the matching stripped URL. // // Example 1: // stripped URL: www.example.com/ // searchString: exam // fixedURL: example.com/ // Example 2: // stripped URL: www.example.com/ // searchString: www.exam // fixedURL: www.example.com/ // Example 3: // stripped URL: example.com/ // searchString: exam // fixedURL: example.com/ let fixedURL; // `finalCompleteValue` will be the UrlbarResult's URL. If the matching // stripped URL starts with "www" but the user omitted it, // `finalCompleteValue` will include it to properly reflect the real URL. let finalCompleteValue; let autofilledType; let adaptiveHistoryInput; switch (queryType) { case QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_ORIGIN: { fixedURL = row.getResultByName("host_fixed"); finalCompleteValue = row.getResultByName("url"); autofilledType = "origin"; break; } case QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_URL: { let url = row.getResultByName("url"); let strippedURL = row.getResultByName("stripped_url"); if (!UrlbarUtils.canAutofillURL(url, strippedURL, true)) { return null; } // We autofill urls to-the-next-slash. // http://mozilla.org/foo/bar/baz will be autofilled to: // - http://mozilla.org/f[oo/] // - http://mozilla.org/foo/b[ar/] // - http://mozilla.org/foo/bar/b[az] // And, toLowerCase() is preferred over toLocaleLowerCase() here // because "COLLATE NOCASE" in the SQL only handles ASCII characters. let strippedURLIndex = url .toLowerCase() .indexOf(strippedURL.toLowerCase()); let strippedPrefix = url.substr(0, strippedURLIndex); let nextSlashIndex = url.indexOf( "/", strippedURLIndex + strippedURL.length - 1 ); fixedURL = nextSlashIndex < 0 ? url.substr(strippedURLIndex) : url.substring(strippedURLIndex, nextSlashIndex + 1); finalCompleteValue = strippedPrefix + fixedURL; if (finalCompleteValue !== url) { title = null; } autofilledType = "url"; break; } case QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_ADAPTIVE: { adaptiveHistoryInput = row.getResultByName("input"); fixedURL = row.getResultByName("url_fixed"); finalCompleteValue = row.getResultByName("url"); autofilledType = "adaptive"; break; } } // Compute `autofilledValue`, the full value that will be placed in the // input. It includes two parts: the part the user already typed in the // character case they typed it (`queryContext.searchString`), and the // autofilled part, which is the portion of the fixed URL starting after the // stripped search string. let autofilledValue = queryContext.searchString + fixedURL.substring(searchString.length); // If more than an origin was autofilled and the user typed the full // autofilled value, override the final URL by using the exact value the // user typed. This allows the user to visit a URL that differs from the // autofilled URL only in character case (for example "wikipedia.org/RAID" // vs. "wikipedia.org/Raid") by typing the full desired URL. if ( queryType != QUERYTYPE.AUTOFILL_ORIGIN && queryContext.searchString.length == autofilledValue.length ) { // Use `new URL().href` to lowercase the domain in the final completed // URL. This isn't necessary since domains are case insensitive, but it // looks nicer because it means the domain will remain lowercased in the // input, and it also reflects the fact that Firefox will visit the // lowercased name. const originalCompleteValue = new URL(finalCompleteValue).href; let strippedAutofilledValue = autofilledValue.substring( this._strippedPrefix.length ); finalCompleteValue = new URL( finalCompleteValue.substring( 0, finalCompleteValue.length - strippedAutofilledValue.length ) + strippedAutofilledValue ).href; // If the character case of except origin part of the original // finalCompleteValue differs from finalCompleteValue that includes user's // input, we set title null because it expresses different web page. if (finalCompleteValue !== originalCompleteValue) { title = null; } } const hasTitle = title !== null; if (!hasTitle) { let [autofilled] = UrlbarUtils.stripPrefixAndTrim(finalCompleteValue, { stripHttp: true, trimEmptyQuery: true, trimSlash: !this._searchString.includes("/"), }); title = [autofilled, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED]; } let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { title, url: [finalCompleteValue, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], icon: UrlbarUtils.getIconForUrl(finalCompleteValue), }) ); result.autofill = { adaptiveHistoryInput, value: autofilledValue, selectionStart: queryContext.searchString.length, selectionEnd: autofilledValue.length, type: autofilledType, hasTitle, }; return result; } async _getAutofillResult(queryContext) { // We may be autofilling an about: link. let result = this._matchAboutPageForAutofill(queryContext); if (result) { return result; } // It may also look like a URL we know from the database. result = await this._matchKnownUrl(queryContext); if (result) { return result; } // Or we may want to fill a search engine domain regardless of the threshold. result = await this._matchSearchEngineDomain(queryContext); if (result) { return result; } return null; } _matchAboutPageForAutofill(queryContext) { // Check that the typed query is at least one character longer than the // about: prefix. if (this._strippedPrefix != "about:" || !this._searchString) { return null; } for (const aboutUrl of lazy.AboutPagesUtils.visibleAboutUrls) { if (aboutUrl.startsWith(`about:${this._searchString.toLowerCase()}`)) { let [trimmedUrl] = UrlbarUtils.stripPrefixAndTrim(aboutUrl, { stripHttp: true, trimEmptyQuery: true, trimSlash: !this._searchString.includes("/"), }); let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { title: [trimmedUrl, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], url: [aboutUrl, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], icon: UrlbarUtils.getIconForUrl(aboutUrl), }) ); let autofilledValue = queryContext.searchString + aboutUrl.substring(queryContext.searchString.length); result.autofill = { type: "about", value: autofilledValue, selectionStart: queryContext.searchString.length, selectionEnd: autofilledValue.length, }; return result; } } return null; } async _matchKnownUrl(queryContext) { let conn = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); if (!conn) { return null; } // We try to autofill with adaptive history first. if ( lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFillAdaptiveHistoryEnabled") && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFillAdaptiveHistoryMinCharsThreshold") <= queryContext.searchString.length ) { const [query, params] = this._getAdaptiveHistoryQuery(queryContext); if (query) { const resultSet = await conn.executeCached(query, params); if (resultSet.length) { return this._processRow(resultSet[0], queryContext); } } } // The adaptive history query is passed queryContext.searchString (the full // search string), but the origin and URL queries are passed the prefix // (this._strippedPrefix) and the rest of the search string // (this._searchString) separately. The user must specify a non-prefix part // to trigger origin and URL autofill. if (!this._searchString.length) { return null; } // If search string looks like an origin, try to autofill against origins. // Otherwise treat it as a possible URL. When the string has only one slash // at the end, we still treat it as an URL. let query, params; if ( lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.looksLikeOrigin(this._searchString, { ignoreKnownDomains: true, }) ) { [query, params] = this._getOriginQuery(queryContext); } else { [query, params] = this._getUrlQuery(queryContext); } // _getUrlQuery doesn't always return a query. if (query) { let rows = await conn.executeCached(query, params); if (rows.length) { return this._processRow(rows[0], queryContext); } } return null; } async _matchSearchEngineDomain(queryContext) { if ( !lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill.searchEngines") || !this._searchString.length ) { return null; } // enginesForDomainPrefix only matches against engine domains. // Remove an eventual trailing slash from the search string (without the // prefix) and check if the resulting string is worth matching. // Later, we'll verify that the found result matches the original // searchString and eventually discard it. let searchStr = this._searchString; if (searchStr.indexOf("/") == searchStr.length - 1) { searchStr = searchStr.slice(0, -1); } // If the search string looks more like a url than a domain, bail out. if ( !lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.looksLikeOrigin(searchStr, { ignoreKnownDomains: true, }) ) { return null; } // Since we are autofilling, we can only pick one matching engine. Use the // first. let engine = ( await lazy.UrlbarSearchUtils.enginesForDomainPrefix(searchStr) )[0]; if (!engine) { return null; } let url = engine.searchForm; let domain = engine.getResultDomain(); // Verify that the match we got is acceptable. Autofilling "example/" to // "example.com/" would not be good. if ( (this._strippedPrefix && !url.startsWith(this._strippedPrefix)) || !(domain + "/").includes(this._searchString) ) { return null; } // The value that's autofilled in the input is the prefix the user typed, if // any, plus the portion of the engine domain that the user typed. Append a // trailing slash too, as is usual with autofill. let value = this._strippedPrefix + domain.substr(domain.indexOf(searchStr)) + "/"; let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { engine: [engine.name, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], icon: engine.iconURI?.spec, }) ); let autofilledValue = queryContext.searchString + value.substring(queryContext.searchString.length); result.autofill = { value: autofilledValue, selectionStart: queryContext.searchString.length, selectionEnd: autofilledValue.length, }; return result; } } export var UrlbarProviderAutofill = new ProviderAutofill();