/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This module exports a provider that provides preloaded site results. These * are intended to populate address bar results when the user has no history. * They can be both autofilled and provided as regular results. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { UrlbarProvider, UrlbarUtils, } from "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ProfileAge: "resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs", UrlbarTokenizer: "resource:///modules/UrlbarTokenizer.sys.mjs", }); const MS_PER_DAY = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 function PreloadedSite(url, title) { this.uri = Services.io.newURI(url); this.title = title; this._matchTitle = title.toLowerCase(); this._hasWWW = this.uri.host.startsWith("www."); this._hostWithoutWWW = this._hasWWW ? this.uri.host.slice(4) : this.uri.host; } /** * Storage object for Preloaded Sites. * add(url, title): adds a site to storage * populate(sites) : populates the storage with array of [url,title] * sites[]: resulting array of sites (PreloadedSite objects) */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "PreloadedSiteStorage", () => Object.seal({ sites: [], add(url, title) { let site = new PreloadedSite(url, title); this.sites.push(site); }, populate(sites) { this.sites = []; for (let site of sites) { this.add(site[0], site[1]); } }, }) ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "ProfileAgeCreatedPromise", async () => { let times = await lazy.ProfileAge(); return times.created; }); /** * Class used to create the provider. */ class ProviderPreloadedSites extends UrlbarProvider { constructor() { super(); if (lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) { fetch("chrome://browser/content/urlbar/preloaded-top-urls.json") .then(response => response.json()) .then(sites => lazy.PreloadedSiteStorage.populate(sites)) .catch(ex => this.logger.error(ex)); } } /** * Returns the name of this provider. * * @returns {string} the name of this provider. */ get name() { return "PreloadedSites"; } /** * Returns the type of this provider. * * @returns {integer} one of the types from UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.* */ get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.HEURISTIC; } /** * Whether this provider should be invoked for the given context. * If this method returns false, the providers manager won't start a query * with this provider, to save on resources. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query context object * @returns {boolean} Whether this provider should be invoked for the search. */ async isActive(queryContext) { let instance = this.queryInstance; // This is usually reset on canceling or completing the query, but since we // query in isActive, it may not have been canceled by the previous call. // It is an object with values { result: UrlbarResult, instance: Query }. // See the documentation for _getAutofillData for more information. this._autofillData = null; await this._checkPreloadedSitesExpiry(); if (instance != this.queryInstance) { return false; } if (!lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) { return false; } if ( !lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill") || !queryContext.allowAutofill || queryContext.tokens.length != 1 ) { return false; } // Trying to autofill an extremely long string would be expensive, and // not particularly useful since the filled part falls out of screen anyway. if (queryContext.searchString.length > UrlbarUtils.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { return false; } [this._strippedPrefix, this._searchString] = UrlbarUtils.stripURLPrefix( queryContext.searchString ); if (!this._searchString || !this._searchString.length) { return false; } this._lowerCaseSearchString = this._searchString.toLowerCase(); this._strippedPrefix = this._strippedPrefix.toLowerCase(); // As an optimization, don't try to autofill if the search term includes any // whitespace. if (lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.REGEXP_SPACES.test(queryContext.searchString)) { return false; } // Fetch autofill result now, rather than in startQuery. We do this so the // muxer doesn't have to wait on autofill for every query, since startQuery // will be guaranteed to return a result very quickly using this approach. // Bug 1651101 is filed to improve this behaviour. let result = await this._getAutofillResult(queryContext); if (instance != this.queryInstance) { return false; } this._autofillData = { result, instance }; return true; } /** * Starts querying. * * @param {object} queryContext The query context object * @param {Function} addCallback Callback invoked by the provider to add a new * result. * @returns {Promise} resolved when the query stops. */ async startQuery(queryContext, addCallback) { // Check if the query was cancelled while the autofill result was being // fetched. We don't expect this to be true since we also check the instance // in isActive and clear _autofillData in cancelQuery, but we sanity check it. if ( this._autofillData.result && this._autofillData.instance == this.queryInstance ) { this._autofillData.result.heuristic = true; addCallback(this, this._autofillData.result); this._autofillData = null; } // Now, add non-autofill preloaded sites. for (let site of lazy.PreloadedSiteStorage.sites) { let url = site.uri.spec; if ( (!this._strippedPrefix || url.startsWith(this._strippedPrefix)) && (site.uri.host.includes(this._lowerCaseSearchString) || site._matchTitle.includes(this._lowerCaseSearchString)) ) { let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { title: [site.title, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], url: [url, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], icon: UrlbarUtils.getIconForUrl(url), }) ); addCallback(this, result); } } } /** * Cancels a running query. * * @param {object} queryContext The query context object */ cancelQuery(queryContext) { if (this._autofillData?.instance == this.queryInstance) { this._autofillData = null; } } /** * Populates the preloaded site cache with a list of sites. Intended for tests * only. * * @param {Array} list * An array of URLs mapped to titles. See preloaded-top-urls.json for * the format. */ populatePreloadedSiteStorage(list) { lazy.PreloadedSiteStorage.populate(list); } async _getAutofillResult(queryContext) { let matchedSite = lazy.PreloadedSiteStorage.sites.find(site => { return ( (!this._strippedPrefix || site.uri.spec.startsWith(this._strippedPrefix)) && (site.uri.host.startsWith(this._lowerCaseSearchString) || site.uri.host.startsWith("www." + this._lowerCaseSearchString)) ); }); if (!matchedSite) { return null; } let url = matchedSite.uri.spec; let [title] = UrlbarUtils.stripPrefixAndTrim(url, { stripHttp: true, trimEmptyQuery: true, trimSlash: !this._searchString.includes("/"), }); let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { title: [title, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], url: [url, UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], icon: UrlbarUtils.getIconForUrl(url), }) ); let value = UrlbarUtils.stripURLPrefix(url)[1]; value = this._strippedPrefix + value.substr(value.indexOf(this._searchString)); let autofilledValue = queryContext.searchString + value.substring(queryContext.searchString.length); result.autofill = { type: "preloaded", value: autofilledValue, selectionStart: queryContext.searchString.length, selectionEnd: autofilledValue.length, }; return result; } async _checkPreloadedSitesExpiry() { if (!lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) { return; } let profileCreationDate = await lazy.ProfileAgeCreatedPromise; let daysSinceProfileCreation = (Date.now() - profileCreationDate) / MS_PER_DAY; if ( daysSinceProfileCreation > lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.expire_days") ) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "browser.urlbar.usepreloadedtopurls.enabled", false ); } } } export var UrlbarProviderPreloadedSites = new ProviderPreloadedSites();