/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { BaseFeature } from "resource:///modules/urlbar/private/BaseFeature.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs", QuickSuggest: "resource:///modules/QuickSuggest.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", clearInterval: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", setInterval: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); const IMPRESSION_COUNTERS_RESET_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour // This object maps impression stats object keys to their corresponding keys in // the `extra` object of impression cap telemetry events. The main reason this // is necessary is because the keys of the `extra` object are limited to 15 // characters in length, which some stats object keys exceed. It also forces us // to be deliberate about keys we add to the `extra` object, since the `extra` // object is limited to 10 keys. const TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_CAP_EXTRA_KEYS = { // stats object key -> `extra` telemetry event object key intervalSeconds: "intervalSeconds", startDateMs: "startDate", count: "count", maxCount: "maxCount", impressionDateMs: "impressionDate", }; /** * Impression caps and stats for quick suggest suggestions. */ export class ImpressionCaps extends BaseFeature { constructor() { super(); lazy.UrlbarPrefs.addObserver(this); } get shouldEnable() { return ( lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestImpressionCapsSponsoredEnabled") || lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestImpressionCapsNonSponsoredEnabled") ); } enable(enabled) { if (enabled) { this.#init(); } else { this.#uninit(); } } /** * Increments the user's impression stats counters for the given type of * suggestion. This should be called only when a suggestion impression is * recorded. * * @param {string} type * The suggestion type, one of: "sponsored", "nonsponsored" */ updateStats(type) { this.logger.info("Starting impression stats update"); this.logger.debug( JSON.stringify({ type, currentStats: this.#stats, impression_caps: lazy.QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.config.impression_caps, }) ); // Don't bother recording anything if caps are disabled. let isSponsored = type == "sponsored"; if ( (isSponsored && !lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestImpressionCapsSponsoredEnabled")) || (!isSponsored && !lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestImpressionCapsNonSponsoredEnabled")) ) { this.logger.info("Impression caps disabled, skipping update"); return; } // Get the user's impression stats. Since stats are synced from caps, if the // stats don't exist then the caps don't exist, and don't bother recording // anything in that case. let stats = this.#stats[type]; if (!stats) { this.logger.info("Impression caps undefined, skipping update"); return; } // Increment counters. for (let stat of stats) { stat.count++; stat.impressionDateMs = Date.now(); // Record a telemetry event for each newly hit cap. if (stat.count == stat.maxCount) { this.logger.info(`'${type}' impression cap hit`); this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify({ type, hitStat: stat })); this.#recordCapEvent({ stat, eventType: "hit", suggestionType: type, }); } } // Save the stats. this.#updatingStats = true; try { lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set( "quicksuggest.impressionCaps.stats", JSON.stringify(this.#stats) ); } finally { this.#updatingStats = false; } this.logger.info("Finished impression stats update"); this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify({ newStats: this.#stats })); } /** * Returns a non-null value if an impression cap has been reached for the * given suggestion type and null otherwise. This method can therefore be used * to tell whether a cap has been reached for a given type. The actual return * value an object describing the impression stats that caused the cap to be * reached. * * @param {string} type * The suggestion type, one of: "sponsored", "nonsponsored" * @returns {object} * An impression stats object or null. */ getHitStats(type) { this.#resetElapsedCounters(); let stats = this.#stats[type]; if (stats) { let hitStats = stats.filter(s => s.maxCount <= s.count); if (hitStats.length) { return hitStats; } } return null; } /** * Called when a urlbar pref changes. * * @param {string} pref * The name of the pref relative to `browser.urlbar`. */ onPrefChanged(pref) { switch (pref) { case "quicksuggest.impressionCaps.stats": if (!this.#updatingStats) { this.logger.info( "browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.impressionCaps.stats changed" ); this.#loadStats(); } break; } } #init() { this.#loadStats(); // Validate stats against any changes to the impression caps in the config. this._onConfigSet = () => this.#validateStats(); lazy.QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.emitter.on( "config-set", this._onConfigSet ); // Periodically record impression counters reset telemetry. this.#setCountersResetInterval(); // On shutdown, record any final impression counters reset telemetry. this._shutdownBlocker = () => this.#resetElapsedCounters(); lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileChangeTeardown.addBlocker( "QuickSuggest: Record impression counters reset telemetry", this._shutdownBlocker ); } #uninit() { lazy.QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.emitter.off( "config-set", this._onConfigSet ); this._onConfigSet = null; lazy.clearInterval(this._impressionCountersResetInterval); this._impressionCountersResetInterval = 0; lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileChangeTeardown.removeBlocker( this._shutdownBlocker ); this._shutdownBlocker = null; } /** * Loads and validates impression stats. */ #loadStats() { let json = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.impressionCaps.stats"); if (!json) { this.#stats = {}; } else { try { this.#stats = JSON.parse( json, // Infinity, which is the `intervalSeconds` for the lifetime cap, is // stringified as `null` in the JSON, so convert it back to Infinity. (key, value) => key == "intervalSeconds" && value === null ? Infinity : value ); } catch (error) {} } this.#validateStats(); } /** * Validates impression stats, which includes two things: * * - Type checks stats and discards any that are invalid. We do this because * stats are stored in prefs where anyone can modify them. * - Syncs stats with impression caps so that there is one stats object * corresponding to each impression cap. See the `#stats` comment for info. */ #validateStats() { let { impression_caps } = lazy.QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.config; this.logger.info("Validating impression stats"); this.logger.debug( JSON.stringify({ impression_caps, currentStats: this.#stats, }) ); if (!this.#stats || typeof this.#stats != "object") { this.#stats = {}; } for (let [type, cap] of Object.entries(impression_caps || {})) { // Build a map from interval seconds to max counts in the caps. let maxCapCounts = (cap.custom || []).reduce( (map, { interval_s, max_count }) => { map.set(interval_s, max_count); return map; }, new Map() ); if (typeof cap.lifetime == "number") { maxCapCounts.set(Infinity, cap.lifetime); } let stats = this.#stats[type]; if (!Array.isArray(stats)) { stats = []; this.#stats[type] = stats; } // Validate existing stats: // // * Discard stats with invalid properties. // * Collect and remove stats with intervals that aren't in the caps. This // should only happen when caps are changed or removed. // * For stats with intervals that are in the caps: // * Keep track of the max `stat.count` across all stats so we can // update the lifetime stat below. // * Set `stat.maxCount` to the max count in the corresponding cap. let orphanStats = []; let maxCountInStats = 0; for (let i = 0; i < stats.length; ) { let stat = stats[i]; if ( typeof stat.intervalSeconds != "number" || typeof stat.startDateMs != "number" || typeof stat.count != "number" || typeof stat.maxCount != "number" || typeof stat.impressionDateMs != "number" ) { stats.splice(i, 1); } else { maxCountInStats = Math.max(maxCountInStats, stat.count); let maxCount = maxCapCounts.get(stat.intervalSeconds); if (maxCount === undefined) { stats.splice(i, 1); orphanStats.push(stat); } else { stat.maxCount = maxCount; i++; } } } // Create stats for caps that don't already have corresponding stats. for (let [intervalSeconds, maxCount] of maxCapCounts.entries()) { if (!stats.some(s => s.intervalSeconds == intervalSeconds)) { stats.push({ maxCount, intervalSeconds, startDateMs: Date.now(), count: 0, impressionDateMs: 0, }); } } // Merge orphaned stats into other ones if possible. For each orphan, if // its interval is no bigger than an existing stat's interval, then the // orphan's count can contribute to the existing stat's count, so merge // the two. for (let orphan of orphanStats) { for (let stat of stats) { if (orphan.intervalSeconds <= stat.intervalSeconds) { stat.count = Math.max(stat.count, orphan.count); stat.startDateMs = Math.min(stat.startDateMs, orphan.startDateMs); stat.impressionDateMs = Math.max( stat.impressionDateMs, orphan.impressionDateMs ); } } } // If the lifetime stat exists, make its count the max count found above. // This is only necessary when the lifetime cap wasn't present before, but // it doesn't hurt to always do it. let lifetimeStat = stats.find(s => s.intervalSeconds == Infinity); if (lifetimeStat) { lifetimeStat.count = maxCountInStats; } // Sort the stats by interval ascending. This isn't necessary except that // it guarantees an ordering for tests. stats.sort((a, b) => a.intervalSeconds - b.intervalSeconds); } this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify({ newStats: this.#stats })); } /** * Resets the counters of impression stats whose intervals have elapased. */ #resetElapsedCounters() { this.logger.info("Checking for elapsed impression cap intervals"); this.logger.debug( JSON.stringify({ currentStats: this.#stats, impression_caps: lazy.QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.config.impression_caps, }) ); let now = Date.now(); for (let [type, stats] of Object.entries(this.#stats)) { for (let stat of stats) { let elapsedMs = now - stat.startDateMs; let intervalMs = 1000 * stat.intervalSeconds; let elapsedIntervalCount = Math.floor(elapsedMs / intervalMs); if (elapsedIntervalCount) { // At least one interval period elapsed for the stat, so reset it. We // may also need to record a telemetry event for the reset. this.logger.info( `Resetting impression counter for interval ${stat.intervalSeconds}s` ); this.logger.debug( JSON.stringify({ type, stat, elapsedMs, elapsedIntervalCount }) ); let newStartDateMs = stat.startDateMs + elapsedIntervalCount * intervalMs; // Compute the portion of `elapsedIntervalCount` that happened after // startup. This will be the interval count we report in the telemetry // event. By design we don't report intervals that elapsed while the // app wasn't running. For example, if the user stopped using Firefox // for a year, we don't want to report a year's worth of intervals. // // First, compute the count of intervals that elapsed before startup. // This is the same arithmetic used above except here it's based on // the startup date instead of `now`. Keep in mind that startup may be // before the stat's start date. Then subtract that count from // `elapsedIntervalCount` to get the portion after startup. let startupDateMs = this._getStartupDateMs(); let elapsedIntervalCountBeforeStartup = Math.floor( Math.max(0, startupDateMs - stat.startDateMs) / intervalMs ); let elapsedIntervalCountAfterStartup = elapsedIntervalCount - elapsedIntervalCountBeforeStartup; if (elapsedIntervalCountAfterStartup) { this.#recordCapEvent({ eventType: "reset", suggestionType: type, eventDateMs: newStartDateMs, eventCount: elapsedIntervalCountAfterStartup, stat: { ...stat, startDateMs: stat.startDateMs + elapsedIntervalCountBeforeStartup * intervalMs, }, }); } // Reset the stat. stat.startDateMs = newStartDateMs; stat.count = 0; } } } this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify({ newStats: this.#stats })); } /** * Records an impression cap telemetry event. * * @param {object} options * Options object * @param {"hit" | "reset"} options.eventType * One of: "hit", "reset" * @param {string} options.suggestionType * One of: "sponsored", "nonsponsored" * @param {object} options.stat * The stats object whose max count was hit or whose counter was reset. * @param {number} options.eventCount * The number of intervals that elapsed since the last event. * @param {number} options.eventDateMs * The `eventDate` that should be recorded in the event's `extra` object. * We include this in `extra` even though events are timestamped because * "reset" events are batched during periods where the user doesn't perform * any searches and therefore impression counters are not reset. */ #recordCapEvent({ eventType, suggestionType, stat, eventCount = 1, eventDateMs = Date.now(), }) { // All `extra` object values must be strings. let extra = { type: suggestionType, eventDate: String(eventDateMs), eventCount: String(eventCount), }; for (let [statKey, value] of Object.entries(stat)) { let extraKey = TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_CAP_EXTRA_KEYS[statKey]; if (!extraKey) { throw new Error("Unrecognized stats object key: " + statKey); } extra[extraKey] = String(value); } Services.telemetry.recordEvent( lazy.QuickSuggest.TELEMETRY_EVENT_CATEGORY, "impression_cap", eventType, "", extra ); } /** * Creates a repeating timer that resets impression counters and records * related telemetry. Since counters are also reset when suggestions are * triggered, the only point of this is to make sure we record reset telemetry * events in a timely manner during periods when suggestions aren't triggered. * * @param {number} ms * The number of milliseconds in the interval. */ #setCountersResetInterval(ms = IMPRESSION_COUNTERS_RESET_INTERVAL_MS) { if (this._impressionCountersResetInterval) { lazy.clearInterval(this._impressionCountersResetInterval); } this._impressionCountersResetInterval = lazy.setInterval( () => this.#resetElapsedCounters(), ms ); } /** * Gets the timestamp of app startup in ms since Unix epoch. This is only * defined as its own method so tests can override it to simulate arbitrary * startups. * * @returns {number} * Startup timestamp in ms since Unix epoch. */ _getStartupDateMs() { return Services.startup.getStartupInfo().process.getTime(); } get _test_stats() { return this.#stats; } _test_reloadStats() { this.#stats = null; this.#loadStats(); } _test_resetElapsedCounters() { this.#resetElapsedCounters(); } _test_setCountersResetInterval(ms) { this.#setCountersResetInterval(ms); } // An object that keeps track of impression stats per sponsored and // non-sponsored suggestion types. It looks like this: // // { sponsored: statsArray, nonsponsored: statsArray } // // The `statsArray` values are arrays of stats objects, one per impression // cap, which look like this: // // { intervalSeconds, startDateMs, count, maxCount, impressionDateMs } // // {number} intervalSeconds // The number of seconds in the corresponding cap's time interval. // {number} startDateMs // The timestamp at which the current interval period started and the // object's `count` was reset to zero. This is a value returned from // `Date.now()`. When the current date/time advances past `startDateMs + // 1000 * intervalSeconds`, a new interval period will start and `count` // will be reset to zero. // {number} count // The number of impressions during the current interval period. // {number} maxCount // The maximum number of impressions allowed during an interval period. // This value is the same as the `max_count` value in the corresponding // cap. It's stored in the stats object for convenience. // {number} impressionDateMs // The timestamp of the most recent impression, i.e., when `count` was // last incremented. // // There are two types of impression caps: interval and lifetime. Interval // caps are periodically reset, and lifetime caps are never reset. For stats // objects corresponding to interval caps, `intervalSeconds` will be the // `interval_s` value of the cap. For stats objects corresponding to lifetime // caps, `intervalSeconds` will be `Infinity`. // // `#stats` is kept in sync with impression caps, and there is a one-to-one // relationship between stats objects and caps. A stats object's corresponding // cap is the one with the same suggestion type (sponsored or non-sponsored) // and interval. See `#validateStats()` for more. // // Impression caps are stored in the remote settings config. See // `QuickSuggestRemoteSettingsClient.confg.impression_caps`. #stats = {}; // Whether impression stats are currently being updated. #updatingStats = false; }