/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Basic tests for the quick suggest provider using the remote settings source. // See also test_quicksuggest_merino.js. "use strict"; const TELEMETRY_REMOTE_SETTINGS_LATENCY = "FX_URLBAR_QUICK_SUGGEST_REMOTE_SETTINGS_LATENCY_MS"; const SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING = "frab"; const NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING = "nonspon"; const HTTP_SEARCH_STRING = "http prefix"; const HTTPS_SEARCH_STRING = "https prefix"; const PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL = "example.com/prefix-test"; const { TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE, TIMESTAMP_LENGTH } = QuickSuggest; const TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING = "timestamp"; const TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL = `http://example.com/timestamp-${TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE}`; const TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_CLICK_URL = `http://click.reporting.test.com/timestamp-${TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE}-foo`; const REMOTE_SETTINGS_RESULTS = [ { id: 1, url: "http://test.com/q=frabbits", title: "frabbits", keywords: [SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING], click_url: "http://click.reporting.test.com/", impression_url: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/", advertiser: "TestAdvertiser", iab_category: "22 - Shopping", }, { id: 2, url: "http://test.com/?q=nonsponsored", title: "Non-Sponsored", keywords: [NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING], click_url: "http://click.reporting.test.com/nonsponsored", impression_url: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/nonsponsored", advertiser: "TestAdvertiserNonSponsored", iab_category: "5 - Education", }, { id: 3, url: "http://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, title: "http suggestion", keywords: [HTTP_SEARCH_STRING], click_url: "http://click.reporting.test.com/prefix", impression_url: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/prefix", advertiser: "TestAdvertiserPrefix", iab_category: "22 - Shopping", }, { id: 4, url: "https://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, title: "https suggestion", keywords: [HTTPS_SEARCH_STRING], click_url: "http://click.reporting.test.com/prefix", impression_url: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/prefix", advertiser: "TestAdvertiserPrefix", iab_category: "22 - Shopping", }, { id: 5, url: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL, title: "Timestamp suggestion", keywords: [TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING], click_url: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_CLICK_URL, impression_url: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/timestamp", advertiser: "TestAdvertiserTimestamp", iab_category: "22 - Shopping", }, ]; const EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT = { type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, heuristic: false, payload: { qsSuggestion: "frab", title: "frabbits", url: "http://test.com/q=frabbits", originalUrl: "http://test.com/q=frabbits", icon: null, sponsoredImpressionUrl: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/", sponsoredClickUrl: "http://click.reporting.test.com/", sponsoredBlockId: 1, sponsoredAdvertiser: "TestAdvertiser", sponsoredIabCategory: "22 - Shopping", isSponsored: true, helpUrl: QuickSuggest.HELP_URL, helpL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-learn-more" }, isBlockable: false, blockL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-block" }, displayUrl: "http://test.com/q=frabbits", source: "remote-settings", }, }; const EXPECTED_NONSPONSORED_RESULT = { type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, heuristic: false, payload: { qsSuggestion: "nonspon", title: "Non-Sponsored", url: "http://test.com/?q=nonsponsored", originalUrl: "http://test.com/?q=nonsponsored", icon: null, sponsoredImpressionUrl: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/nonsponsored", sponsoredClickUrl: "http://click.reporting.test.com/nonsponsored", sponsoredBlockId: 2, sponsoredAdvertiser: "TestAdvertiserNonSponsored", sponsoredIabCategory: "5 - Education", isSponsored: false, helpUrl: QuickSuggest.HELP_URL, helpL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-learn-more" }, isBlockable: false, blockL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-block" }, displayUrl: "http://test.com/?q=nonsponsored", source: "remote-settings", }, }; const EXPECTED_HTTP_RESULT = { type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, heuristic: false, payload: { qsSuggestion: HTTP_SEARCH_STRING, title: "http suggestion", url: "http://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, originalUrl: "http://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, icon: null, sponsoredImpressionUrl: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/prefix", sponsoredClickUrl: "http://click.reporting.test.com/prefix", sponsoredBlockId: 3, sponsoredAdvertiser: "TestAdvertiserPrefix", sponsoredIabCategory: "22 - Shopping", isSponsored: true, helpUrl: QuickSuggest.HELP_URL, helpL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-learn-more" }, isBlockable: false, blockL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-block" }, displayUrl: "http://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, source: "remote-settings", }, }; const EXPECTED_HTTPS_RESULT = { type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, heuristic: false, payload: { qsSuggestion: HTTPS_SEARCH_STRING, title: "https suggestion", url: "https://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, originalUrl: "https://" + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, icon: null, sponsoredImpressionUrl: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/prefix", sponsoredClickUrl: "http://click.reporting.test.com/prefix", sponsoredBlockId: 4, sponsoredAdvertiser: "TestAdvertiserPrefix", sponsoredIabCategory: "22 - Shopping", isSponsored: true, helpUrl: QuickSuggest.HELP_URL, helpL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-learn-more" }, isBlockable: false, blockL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-block" }, displayUrl: PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL, source: "remote-settings", }, }; let cleanUpQuickSuggest; add_task(async function init() { UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.shouldShowOnboardingDialog", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.remoteSettings.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("merino.enabled", false); // Install a default test engine. let engine = await addTestSuggestionsEngine(); await Services.search.setDefault( engine, Ci.nsISearchService.CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN ); cleanUpQuickSuggest = await QuickSuggestTestUtils.ensureQuickSuggestInit({ remoteSettingsResults: REMOTE_SETTINGS_RESULTS, }); }); // Tests with only non-sponsored suggestions enabled with a matching search // string. add_task(async function nonsponsoredOnly_match() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_NONSPONSORED_RESULT], }); }); // Tests with only non-sponsored suggestions enabled with a non-matching search // string. add_task(async function nonsponsoredOnly_noMatch() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [] }); }); // Tests with only sponsored suggestions enabled with a matching search string. add_task(async function sponsoredOnly_sponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); }); // Tests with only sponsored suggestions enabled with a non-matching search // string. add_task(async function sponsoredOnly_nonsponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext(NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [] }); }); // Tests with both sponsored and non-sponsored suggestions enabled with a // search string that matches the sponsored suggestion. add_task(async function both_sponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); }); // Tests with both sponsored and non-sponsored suggestions enabled with a // search string that matches the non-sponsored suggestion. add_task(async function both_nonsponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext(NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_NONSPONSORED_RESULT], }); }); // Tests with both sponsored and non-sponsored suggestions enabled with a // search string that doesn't match either suggestion. add_task(async function both_noMatch() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext("this doesn't match anything", { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [] }); }); // Tests with both the main and sponsored prefs disabled with a search string // that matches the sponsored suggestion. add_task(async function neither_sponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [] }); }); // Tests with both the main and sponsored prefs disabled with a search string // that matches the non-sponsored suggestion. add_task(async function neither_nonsponsored() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(NONSPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [] }); }); // Search string matching should be case insensitive and ignore leading spaces. add_task(async function caseInsensitiveAndLeadingSpaces() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let context = createContext(" " + SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING.toUpperCase(), { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); }); // Results should be returned even when `browser.search.suggest.enabled` is // false. add_task(async function browser_search_suggest_enabled() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("browser.search.suggest.enabled", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); }); // Results should be returned even when `browser.urlbar.suggest.searches` is // false. add_task(async function browser_search_suggest_enabled() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); }); // Neither sponsored nor non-sponsored results should appear in private contexts // even when suggestions in private windows are enabled. add_task(async function privateContext() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); for (let privateSuggestionsEnabled of [true, false]) { UrlbarPrefs.set( "browser.search.suggest.enabled.private", privateSuggestionsEnabled ); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: true, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [], }); } UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled.private"); }); // When search suggestions come before general results and the only general // result is a quick suggest result, it should come last. add_task(async function suggestionsBeforeGeneral_only() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("browser.search.suggest.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("showSearchSuggestionsFirst", true); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " foo", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " bar", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT, ], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("showSearchSuggestionsFirst"); }); // When search suggestions come before general results and there are other // general results besides quick suggest, the quick suggest result should come // last. add_task(async function suggestionsBeforeGeneral_others() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("browser.search.suggest.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("showSearchSuggestionsFirst", true); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); // Add some history that will match our query below. let maxResults = UrlbarPrefs.get("maxRichResults"); let historyResults = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxResults; i++) { let url = "http://example.com/" + SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + i; historyResults.push( makeVisitResult(context, { uri: url, title: "test visit for " + url, }) ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(url); } historyResults = historyResults.reverse().slice(0, historyResults.length - 4); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " foo", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " bar", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), ...historyResults, EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT, ], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("showSearchSuggestionsFirst"); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); // When general results come before search suggestions and the only general // result is a quick suggest result, it should come before suggestions. add_task(async function generalBeforeSuggestions_only() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("browser.search.suggest.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("showSearchSuggestionsFirst", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT, makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " foo", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " bar", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), ], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("showSearchSuggestionsFirst"); }); // When general results come before search suggestions and there are other // general results besides quick suggest, the quick suggest result should be the // last general result. add_task(async function generalBeforeSuggestions_others() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("browser.search.suggest.enabled", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("showSearchSuggestionsFirst", false); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); // Add some history that will match our query below. let maxResults = UrlbarPrefs.get("maxRichResults"); let historyResults = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxResults; i++) { let url = "http://example.com/" + SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + i; historyResults.push( makeVisitResult(context, { uri: url, title: "test visit for " + url, }) ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(url); } historyResults = historyResults.reverse().slice(0, historyResults.length - 4); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), ...historyResults, EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT, makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " foo", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeSearchResult(context, { query: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, suggestion: SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING + " bar", engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), ], }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("showSearchSuggestionsFirst"); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); add_task(async function dedupeAgainstURL_samePrefix() { await doDedupeAgainstURLTest({ searchString: HTTP_SEARCH_STRING, expectedQuickSuggestResult: EXPECTED_HTTP_RESULT, otherPrefix: "http://", expectOther: false, }); }); add_task(async function dedupeAgainstURL_higherPrefix() { await doDedupeAgainstURLTest({ searchString: HTTPS_SEARCH_STRING, expectedQuickSuggestResult: EXPECTED_HTTPS_RESULT, otherPrefix: "http://", expectOther: false, }); }); add_task(async function dedupeAgainstURL_lowerPrefix() { await doDedupeAgainstURLTest({ searchString: HTTP_SEARCH_STRING, expectedQuickSuggestResult: EXPECTED_HTTP_RESULT, otherPrefix: "https://", expectOther: true, }); }); /** * Tests how the muxer dedupes URL results against quick suggest results. * Depending on prefix rank, quick suggest results should be preferred over * other URL results with the same stripped URL: Other results should be * discarded when their prefix rank is lower than the prefix rank of the quick * suggest. They should not be discarded when their prefix rank is higher, and * in that case both results should be included. * * This function adds a visit to the URL formed by the given `otherPrefix` and * `PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL`. The visit's title will be set to the given * `searchString` so that both the visit and the quick suggest will match it. * * @param {object} options * Options object. * @param {string} options.searchString * The search string that should trigger one of the mock prefix-test quick * suggest results. * @param {object} options.expectedQuickSuggestResult * The expected quick suggest result. * @param {string} options.otherPrefix * The visit will be created with a URL with this prefix, e.g., "http://". * @param {boolean} options.expectOther * Whether the visit result should appear in the final results. */ async function doDedupeAgainstURLTest({ searchString, expectedQuickSuggestResult, otherPrefix, expectOther, }) { // Disable search suggestions. UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", false); // Add a visit that will match our query below. let otherURL = otherPrefix + PREFIX_SUGGESTIONS_STRIPPED_URL; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: otherURL, title: searchString }); // First, do a search with quick suggest disabled to make sure the search // string matches the visit. info("Doing first query"); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(searchString, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: searchString, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), makeVisitResult(context, { uri: otherURL, title: searchString, }), ], }); // Now do another search with quick suggest enabled. UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); context = createContext(searchString, { isPrivate: false }); let expectedResults = [ makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: searchString, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }), ]; if (expectOther) { expectedResults.push( makeVisitResult(context, { uri: otherURL, title: searchString, }) ); } expectedResults.push(expectedQuickSuggestResult); info("Doing second query"); await check_results({ context, matches: expectedResults }); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); } // Tests the remote settings latency histogram. add_task(async function latencyTelemetry() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( TELEMETRY_REMOTE_SETTINGS_LATENCY ); histogram.clear(); let context = createContext(SPONSORED_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [EXPECTED_SPONSORED_RESULT], }); // In the latency histogram, there should be a single value across all // buckets. Assert.deepEqual( Object.values(histogram.snapshot().values).filter(v => v > 0), [1], "Latency histogram updated after search" ); Assert.ok( !TelemetryStopwatch.running(TELEMETRY_REMOTE_SETTINGS_LATENCY, context), "Stopwatch not running after search" ); }); // Tests setup and teardown of the remote settings client depending on whether // quick suggest is enabled. add_task(async function setupAndTeardown() { // Disable the suggest prefs so the settings client starts out torn down. UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is null after disabling suggest prefs" ); // Setting one of the suggest prefs should cause the client to be set up. We // assume all previous tasks left `quicksuggest.enabled` true (from the init // task). UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is non-null after enabling suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is null after disabling suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is non-null after enabling suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client remains non-null after enabling suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client remains non-null after disabling suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is null after disabling suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is non-null after enabling suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored" ); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.enabled", false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client is null after disabling quicksuggest.enabled" ); // Leave the prefs in the same state as when the task started. UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.enabled", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "Settings client remains null at end of task" ); }); // Timestamp templates in URLs should be replaced with real timestamps. add_task(async function timestamps() { UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); // Do a search. let context = createContext(TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); let controller = UrlbarTestUtils.newMockController({ input: { isPrivate: context.isPrivate, onFirstResult() { return false; }, getSearchSource() { return "dummy-search-source"; }, window: { location: { href: AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL, }, }, }, }); await controller.startQuery(context); // Should be one quick suggest result. Assert.equal(context.results.length, 1, "One result returned"); let result = context.results[0]; QuickSuggestTestUtils.assertTimestampsReplaced(result, { url: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL, sponsoredClickUrl: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_CLICK_URL, }); }); // Real quick suggest URLs include a timestamp template that // UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest fills in when it fetches suggestions. When the // user picks a quick suggest, its URL with its particular timestamp is added to // history. If the user triggers the quick suggest again later, its new // timestamp may be different from the one in the user's history. In that case, // the two URLs should be treated as dupes and only the quick suggest should be // shown, not the URL from history. add_task(async function dedupeAgainstURL_timestamps() { // Disable search suggestions. UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.searches", false); // Add a visit that will match the query below and dupe the quick suggest. let dupeURL = TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL.replace( TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE, "2013051113" ); // Add other visits that will match the query and almost dupe the quick // suggest but not quite because they have invalid timestamps. let badTimestamps = [ // not numeric digits "x".repeat(TIMESTAMP_LENGTH), // too few digits "5".repeat(TIMESTAMP_LENGTH - 1), // empty string, too few digits "", ]; let badTimestampURLs = badTimestamps.map(str => TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL.replace(TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE, str) ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits( [dupeURL, ...badTimestampURLs].map(uri => ({ uri, title: TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, })) ); // First, do a search with quick suggest disabled to make sure the search // string matches all the other URLs. info("Doing first query"); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); let context = createContext(TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); let expectedHeuristic = makeSearchResult(context, { heuristic: true, query: TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, engineName: Services.search.defaultEngine.name, }); let expectedDupeResult = makeVisitResult(context, { uri: dupeURL, title: TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, }); let expectedBadTimestampResults = [...badTimestampURLs].reverse().map(uri => makeVisitResult(context, { uri, title: TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, }) ); await check_results({ context, matches: [ expectedHeuristic, ...expectedBadTimestampResults, expectedDupeResult, ], }); // Now do another search with quick suggest enabled. info("Doing second query"); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", true); UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); context = createContext(TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, { isPrivate: false }); // The expected quick suggest result without the timestamp-related payload // properties. let expectedQuickSuggest = { type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, heuristic: false, payload: { originalUrl: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL, qsSuggestion: TIMESTAMP_SEARCH_STRING, title: "Timestamp suggestion", icon: null, sponsoredImpressionUrl: "http://impression.reporting.test.com/timestamp", sponsoredBlockId: 5, sponsoredAdvertiser: "TestAdvertiserTimestamp", sponsoredIabCategory: "22 - Shopping", isSponsored: true, helpUrl: QuickSuggest.HELP_URL, helpL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-learn-more" }, isBlockable: false, blockL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-urlbar-block" }, source: "remote-settings", }, }; let expectedResults = [ expectedHeuristic, ...expectedBadTimestampResults, expectedQuickSuggest, ]; let controller = UrlbarTestUtils.newMockController({ input: { isPrivate: false, onFirstResult() { return false; }, getSearchSource() { return "dummy-search-source"; }, window: { location: { href: AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL, }, }, }, }); await controller.startQuery(context); info("Actual results: " + JSON.stringify(context.results)); Assert.equal( context.results.length, expectedResults.length, "Found the expected number of results" ); function getPayload(result, keysToIgnore = []) { let payload = {}; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.payload)) { if (value !== undefined && !keysToIgnore.includes(key)) { payload[key] = value; } } return payload; } // Check actual vs. expected result properties. for (let i = 0; i < expectedResults.length; i++) { let actual = context.results[i]; let expected = expectedResults[i]; info( `Comparing results at index ${i}:` + " actual=" + JSON.stringify(actual) + " expected=" + JSON.stringify(expected) ); Assert.equal( actual.type, expected.type, `result.type at result index ${i}` ); Assert.equal( actual.source, expected.source, `result.source at result index ${i}` ); Assert.equal( actual.heuristic, expected.heuristic, `result.heuristic at result index ${i}` ); // Check payloads except for the last result, which should be the quick // suggest. if (i != expectedResults.length - 1) { Assert.deepEqual( getPayload(context.results[i]), getPayload(expectedResults[i]), "Payload at index " + i ); } } // Check the quick suggest's payload excluding the timestamp-related // properties. let actualQuickSuggest = context.results[context.results.length - 1]; let timestampKeys = [ "displayUrl", "sponsoredClickUrl", "url", "urlTimestampIndex", ]; Assert.deepEqual( getPayload(actualQuickSuggest, timestampKeys), getPayload(expectedQuickSuggest, timestampKeys), "Quick suggest payload excluding timestamp-related keys" ); // Now check the timestamps in the payload. QuickSuggestTestUtils.assertTimestampsReplaced(actualQuickSuggest, { url: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_URL, sponsoredClickUrl: TIMESTAMP_SUGGESTION_CLICK_URL, }); // Clean up. UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored"); UrlbarPrefs.clear("suggest.searches"); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); // Tests the API for blocking suggestions and the backing pref. add_task(async function blockedSuggestionsAPI() { // Start with no blocked suggestions. await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.clear(); Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, 0, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests is empty" ); Assert.equal( UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.blockedDigests"), "", "quicksuggest.blockedDigests is an empty string" ); // Make some URLs. let urls = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { urls.push("http://example.com/" + i); } // Block each URL in turn and make sure previously blocked URLs are still // blocked and the remaining URLs are not blocked. for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.add(urls[i]); for (let j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) { Assert.equal( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(urls[j]), j <= i, `Suggestion at index ${j} is blocked or not as expected` ); } } // Make sure all URLs are blocked for good measure. for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url), `Suggestion is blocked: ${url}` ); } // Check `blockedSuggestions._test_digests` and `quicksuggest.blockedDigests`. Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, urls.length, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests has correct size" ); let array = JSON.parse(UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.blockedDigests")); Assert.ok(Array.isArray(array), "Parsed value of pref is an array"); Assert.equal(array.length, urls.length, "Array has correct length"); // Write some junk to `quicksuggest.blockedDigests`. // `blockedSuggestions._test_digests` should not be changed and all previously // blocked URLs should remain blocked. UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.blockedDigests", "not a json array"); await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_readyPromise; for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url), `Suggestion remains blocked: ${url}` ); } Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, urls.length, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests still has correct size" ); // Block a new URL. All URLs should remain blocked and the pref should be // updated. let newURL = "http://example.com/new-block"; await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.add(newURL); urls.push(newURL); for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url), `Suggestion is blocked: ${url}` ); } Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, urls.length, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests has correct size" ); array = JSON.parse(UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.blockedDigests")); Assert.ok(Array.isArray(array), "Parsed value of pref is an array"); Assert.equal(array.length, urls.length, "Array has correct length"); // Add a new URL digest directly to the JSON'ed array in the pref. newURL = "http://example.com/direct-to-pref"; urls.push(newURL); array = JSON.parse(UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.blockedDigests")); array.push(await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_getDigest(newURL)); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.blockedDigests", JSON.stringify(array)); await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_readyPromise; // All URLs should remain blocked and the new URL should be blocked. for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url), `Suggestion is blocked: ${url}` ); } Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, urls.length, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests has correct size" ); // Clear the pref. All URLs should be unblocked. UrlbarPrefs.clear("quicksuggest.blockedDigests"); await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_readyPromise; for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( !(await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url)), `Suggestion is no longer blocked: ${url}` ); } Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, 0, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests is now empty" ); // Block all the URLs again and test `blockedSuggestions.clear()`. for (let url of urls) { await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.add(url); } for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url), `Suggestion is blocked: ${url}` ); } await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.clear(); for (let url of urls) { Assert.ok( !(await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.has(url)), `Suggestion is no longer blocked: ${url}` ); } Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions._test_digests.size, 0, "blockedSuggestions._test_digests is now empty" ); }); // Test whether the blocking for remote settings results works. add_task(async function block() { for (const result of REMOTE_SETTINGS_RESULTS) { await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.add(result.url); } for (const result of REMOTE_SETTINGS_RESULTS) { const context = createContext(result.keywords[0], { providers: [UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.name], isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, matches: [], }); } await QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.clear(); }); // Makes sure remote settings data is fetched using the correct `type` based on // the value of the `quickSuggestRemoteSettingsDataType` Nimbus variable. add_task(async function remoteSettingsDataType() { // `QuickSuggestTestUtils.ensureQuickSuggestInit()` stubs // `QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._queueSettingsSync()`, which we want to test // below, so remove the stub by calling the cleanup function it returned. await cleanUpQuickSuggest(); // We need to spy on `QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.#rs.get()`, but `#rs` is // created lazily. Set `suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` to trigger its // creation. UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let spy = sandbox.spy(QuickSuggest.remoteSettings._test_rs, "get"); for (let dataType of [undefined, "test-data-type"]) { // Set up a mock Nimbus rollout with the data type. let value = {}; if (dataType) { value.quickSuggestRemoteSettingsDataType = dataType; } let cleanUpNimbus = await UrlbarTestUtils.initNimbusFeature(value); // Re-enable remote settings to trigger `remoteSettings.#rs.get()`. await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.enable(false); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.enable(true); await QuickSuggest.remoteSettings.readyPromise; let expectedDataType = dataType || "data"; Assert.ok( spy.calledWith({ filters: { type: expectedDataType } }), "#rs.get() called with expected data type: " + expectedDataType ); spy.resetHistory(); await cleanUpNimbus(); } sandbox.restore(); // Restore the stub for the remainder of the test. cleanUpQuickSuggest = await QuickSuggestTestUtils.ensureQuickSuggestInit( REMOTE_SETTINGS_RESULTS ); });