/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const HEURISTIC_FALLBACK_PROVIDERNAME = "HeuristicFallback"; const PLACES_PROVIDERNAME = "Places"; // "example.com/foo/" should match http://example.com/foo/. testEngine_setup(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.quickactions"); }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.quickactions", false); add_task(async function multipleSlashes() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/foo/", }, ]); let context = createContext("example.com/foo/", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "example.com/foo/", completed: "http://example.com/foo/", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/foo/", title: "test visit for http://example.com/foo/", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // "example.com:8888/f" should match http://example.com:8888/foo. add_task(async function port() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo", }, ]); let context = createContext("example.com:8888/f", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "example.com:8888/foo", completed: "http://example.com:8888/foo", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo", title: "test visit for http://example.com:8888/foo", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // "example.com:8999/f" should *not* autofill http://example.com:8888/foo. add_task(async function portNoMatch() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo", }, ]); let context = createContext("example.com:8999/f", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, uri: "http://example.com:8999/f", title: "http://example.com:8999/f", iconUri: "page-icon:http://example.com:8999/", heuristic: true, providerName: HEURISTIC_FALLBACK_PROVIDERNAME, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // autofill to the next slash add_task(async function port() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", }, ]); let context = createContext("example.com:8888/foo/b", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "example.com:8888/foo/bar/", completed: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/", hasAutofillTitle: false, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/", title: "example.com:8888/foo/bar/", heuristic: true, }), makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", title: "test visit for http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", tags: [], providerName: PLACES_PROVIDERNAME, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // autofill to the next slash, end of url add_task(async function port() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", }, ]); let context = createContext("example.com:8888/foo/bar/b", { isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", completed: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", title: "test visit for http://example.com:8888/foo/bar/baz", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // autofill with case insensitive from history and bookmark. add_task(async function caseInsensitiveFromHistoryAndBookmark() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", true); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/foo", }, ]); await testCaseInsensitive(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history"); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // autofill with case insensitive from history. add_task(async function caseInsensitiveFromHistory() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", false); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", true); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/foo", }, ]); await testCaseInsensitive(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history"); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // autofill with case insensitive from bookmark. add_task(async function caseInsensitiveFromBookmark() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", false); await PlacesTestUtils.addBookmarkWithDetails({ uri: "http://example.com/foo", }); await testCaseInsensitive(true); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history"); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // should *not* autofill if the URI fragment does not match with case-sensitive. add_task(async function uriFragmentCaseSensitive() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/#TEST", }, ]); const context = createContext("http://example.com/#t", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, uri: "http://example.com/#t", title: "http://example.com/#t", heuristic: true, }), makeVisitResult(context, { source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, uri: "http://example.com/#TEST", title: "test visit for http://example.com/#TEST", tags: [], }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // should autofill if the URI fragment matches with case-sensitive. add_task(async function uriFragmentCaseSensitive() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/#TEST", }, ]); const context = createContext("http://example.com/#T", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "http://example.com/#TEST", completed: "http://example.com/#TEST", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, uri: "http://example.com/#TEST", title: "test visit for http://example.com/#TEST", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); add_task(async function uriCase() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }, ]); const testData = [ { input: "example.COM", expected: { autofilled: "example.COM/", completed: "http://example.com/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/", title: "example.com", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.COM/", expected: { autofilled: "example.COM/", completed: "http://example.com/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/", title: "example.com/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.COM/a", expected: { autofilled: "example.COM/aBC/", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/", title: "example.com/ABC/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/ab", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abC/", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/", title: "example.com/ABC/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/abc", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abc/", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/", title: "example.com/ABC/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/abc/", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abc/", completed: "http://example.com/abc/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/abc/", title: "example.com/abc/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/abc/d", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abc/dEF", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/abc/de", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abc/deF", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "example.com/abc/def", expected: { autofilled: "example.com/abc/def", completed: "http://example.com/abc/def", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/abc/def", title: "example.com/abc/def", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "http://example.com/a", expected: { autofilled: "http://example.com/aBC/", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/", title: "example.com/ABC/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "http://example.com/abc/", expected: { autofilled: "http://example.com/abc/", completed: "http://example.com/abc/", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/abc/", title: "example.com/abc/", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "http://example.com/abc/d", expected: { autofilled: "http://example.com/abc/dEF", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "http://example.com/abc/def", expected: { autofilled: "http://example.com/abc/def", completed: "http://example.com/abc/def", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/abc/def", title: "example.com/abc/def", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, { input: "http://eXAMple.com/ABC/DEF", expected: { autofilled: "http://eXAMple.com/ABC/DEF", completed: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "http://eXAMple.com/abc/def", expected: { autofilled: "http://eXAMple.com/abc/def", completed: "http://example.com/abc/def", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/abc/def", title: "example.com/abc/def", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/ABC/DEF", title: "test visit for http://example.com/ABC/DEF", }), ], }, }, ]; for (const { input, expected } of testData) { const context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: expected.autofilled, completed: expected.completed, hasAutofillTitle: expected.hasAutofillTitle, matches: expected.results.map(f => f(context)), }); } await cleanupPlaces(); }); async function testCaseInsensitive(isBookmark = false) { const testData = [ { input: "example.com/F", expectedAutofill: "example.com/Foo", }, { // Test with prefix. input: "http://example.com/F", expectedAutofill: "http://example.com/Foo", }, ]; for (const { input, expectedAutofill } of testData) { const context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false, }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: expectedAutofill, completed: "http://example.com/foo", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://example.com/foo", title: isBookmark ? "A bookmark" : "test visit for http://example.com/foo", heuristic: true, }), ], }); } await cleanupPlaces(); } // Checks a URL with an origin that looks like a prefix: a scheme with no dots + // a port. add_task(async function originLooksLikePrefix1() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo", }, ]); const context = createContext("localhost:8888/f", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "localhost:8888/foo", completed: "http://localhost:8888/foo", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo", title: "test visit for http://localhost:8888/foo", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // Same as previous (originLooksLikePrefix1) but uses a URL whose path has two // slashes, not one. add_task(async function originLooksLikePrefix2() { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", }, ]); let context = createContext("localhost:8888/f", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "localhost:8888/foo/", completed: "http://localhost:8888/foo/", hasAutofillTitle: false, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo/", title: "localhost:8888/foo/", heuristic: true, }), makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", title: "test visit for http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", providerName: PLACES_PROVIDERNAME, tags: [], }), ], }); context = createContext("localhost:8888/foo/b", { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, autofilled: "localhost:8888/foo/bar", completed: "http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", hasAutofillTitle: true, matches: [ makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", title: "test visit for http://localhost:8888/foo/bar", heuristic: true, }), ], }); await cleanupPlaces(); }); // Checks view-source pages as a prefix // Uses bookmark because addVisits does not allow non-http uri's add_task(async function viewSourceAsPrefix() { let address = "view-source:https://www.example.com/"; let title = "A view source bookmark"; await PlacesTestUtils.addBookmarkWithDetails({ uri: address, title, }); let testData = [ { input: "view-source:h", completed: "view-source:https:/", autofilled: "view-source:https:/", }, { input: "view-source:http", completed: "view-source:https:/", autofilled: "view-source:https:/", }, { input: "VIEW-SOURCE:http", completed: "view-source:https:/", autofilled: "VIEW-SOURCE:https:/", }, ]; // Only autofills from view-source:h to view-source:https:/ for (let { input, completed, autofilled } of testData) { let context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, completed, autofilled, hasAutofillTitle: false, matches: [ { heuristic: true, type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, }, makeBookmarkResult(context, { uri: address, iconUri: "chrome://global/skin/icons/defaultFavicon.svg", title, }), ], }); } await cleanupPlaces(); }); // Checks data url prefixes // Uses bookmark because addVisits does not allow non-http uri's add_task(async function dataAsPrefix() { let address = "data:text/html,%3Ch1%3EHello%2C World!%3C%2Fh1%3E"; let title = "A data url bookmark"; await PlacesTestUtils.addBookmarkWithDetails({ uri: address, title, }); let testData = [ { input: "data:t", completed: "data:text/", autofilled: "data:text/", }, { input: "data:text", completed: "data:text/", autofilled: "data:text/", }, { input: "DATA:text", completed: "data:text/", autofilled: "DATA:text/", }, ]; for (let { input, completed, autofilled } of testData) { let context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, completed, autofilled, hasAutofillTitle: false, matches: [ { heuristic: true, type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, }, makeBookmarkResult(context, { uri: address, iconUri: "chrome://global/skin/icons/defaultFavicon.svg", title, }), ], }); } await cleanupPlaces(); }); // Checks about prefixes add_task(async function aboutAsPrefix() { let testData = [ { input: "about:abou", completed: "about:about", autofilled: "about:about", }, { input: "ABOUT:abou", completed: "about:about", autofilled: "ABOUT:about", }, ]; for (let { input, completed, autofilled } of testData) { let context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, completed, autofilled, matches: [ { heuristic: true, type: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, source: UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, }, ], }); } await cleanupPlaces(); }); // Checks a URL that has www name in history. add_task(async function wwwHistory() { const testData = [ { input: "example.com/", visitHistory: [{ uri: "http://www.example.com/", title: "Example" }], expected: { autofilled: "example.com/", completed: "http://www.example.com/", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "http://www.example.com/", title: "Example", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "https://example.com/", visitHistory: [{ uri: "https://www.example.com/", title: "Example" }], expected: { autofilled: "https://example.com/", completed: "https://www.example.com/", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "https://www.example.com/", title: "Example", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "https://example.com/abc", visitHistory: [{ uri: "https://www.example.com/abc", title: "Example" }], expected: { autofilled: "https://example.com/abc", completed: "https://www.example.com/abc", hasAutofillTitle: true, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "https://www.example.com/abc", title: "Example", heuristic: true, }), ], }, }, { input: "https://example.com/ABC", visitHistory: [{ uri: "https://www.example.com/abc", title: "Example" }], expected: { autofilled: "https://example.com/ABC", completed: "https://www.example.com/ABC", hasAutofillTitle: false, results: [ context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "https://www.example.com/ABC", title: "https://www.example.com/ABC", heuristic: true, }), context => makeVisitResult(context, { uri: "https://www.example.com/abc", title: "Example", }), ], }, }, ]; for (const { input, visitHistory, expected } of testData) { await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visitHistory); const context = createContext(input, { isPrivate: false }); await check_results({ context, completed: expected.completed, autofilled: expected.autofilled, hasAutofillTitle: expected.hasAutofillTitle, matches: expected.results.map(f => f(context)), }); await cleanupPlaces(); } });