/** * Tests sync functionality. */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../services/sync/tests/unit/head_appinfo.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../services/common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../services/sync/tests/unit/head_helpers.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../services/sync/tests/unit/head_http_server.js */ "use strict"; const { Service } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/service.js"); const { SCORE_INCREMENT_XLARGE } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-sync/constants.js" ); const { sanitizeStorageObject, AutofillRecord, AddressesEngine, } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://autofill/FormAutofillSync.jsm"); Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.formautofill.loglevel", "Trace"); initTestLogging("Trace"); const TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME = "test-profile.json"; const TEST_PROFILE_1 = { "given-name": "Timothy", "additional-name": "John", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", organization: "World Wide Web Consortium", "street-address": "32 Vassar Street\nMIT Room 32-G524", "address-level2": "Cambridge", "address-level1": "MA", "postal-code": "02139", country: "US", tel: "+16172535702", email: "timbl@w3.org", }; const TEST_PROFILE_2 = { "street-address": "Some Address", country: "US", }; async function expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, expected) { let profiles = await profileStorage.addresses.getAll({ rawData: true, includeDeleted: true, }); expected.sort((a, b) => a.guid.localeCompare(b.guid)); profiles.sort((a, b) => a.guid.localeCompare(b.guid)); try { deepEqual( profiles.map(p => p.guid), expected.map(p => p.guid) ); for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { let thisExpected = expected[i]; let thisGot = profiles[i]; // always check "deleted". equal(thisExpected.deleted, thisGot.deleted); ok(objectMatches(thisGot, thisExpected)); } } catch (ex) { info("Comparing expected profiles:"); info(JSON.stringify(expected, undefined, 2)); info("against actual profiles:"); info(JSON.stringify(profiles, undefined, 2)); throw ex; } } async function setup() { let profileStorage = await initProfileStorage(TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME); // should always start with no profiles. Assert.equal( (await profileStorage.addresses.getAll({ includeDeleted: true })).length, 0 ); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.sync.log.logger.engine.addresses", "Trace" ); let engine = new AddressesEngine(Service); await engine.initialize(); // Avoid accidental automatic sync due to our own changes Service.scheduler.syncThreshold = 10000000; let syncID = await engine.resetLocalSyncID(); let server = serverForUsers( { foo: "password" }, { meta: { global: { engines: { addresses: { version: engine.version, syncID } } }, }, addresses: {}, } ); Service.engineManager._engines.addresses = engine; engine.enabled = true; engine._store._storage = profileStorage.addresses; generateNewKeys(Service.collectionKeys); await SyncTestingInfrastructure(server); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); return { profileStorage, server, collection, engine }; } async function cleanup(server) { let promiseStartOver = promiseOneObserver("weave:service:start-over:finish"); await Service.startOver(); await promiseStartOver; await promiseStopServer(server); } add_task(async function test_log_sanitization() { let sanitized = sanitizeStorageObject(TEST_PROFILE_1); // all strings have been mangled. for (let key of Object.keys(TEST_PROFILE_1)) { let val = TEST_PROFILE_1[key]; if (typeof val == "string") { notEqual(sanitized[key], val); } } // And check that stringifying a sync record is sanitized. let record = new AutofillRecord("collection", "some-id"); record.entry = TEST_PROFILE_1; let serialized = record.toString(); // None of the string values should appear in the output. for (let key of Object.keys(TEST_PROFILE_1)) { let val = TEST_PROFILE_1[key]; if (typeof val == "string") { ok(!serialized.includes(val), `"${val}" shouldn't be in: ${serialized}`); } } }); add_task(async function test_outgoing() { let { profileStorage, server, collection, engine } = await setup(); try { equal(engine._tracker.score, 0); let existingGUID = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // And a deleted item. let deletedGUID = profileStorage.addresses._generateGUID(); await profileStorage.addresses.add({ guid: deletedGUID, deleted: true }); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: existingGUID, }, { guid: deletedGUID, deleted: true, }, ]); await engine._tracker.asyncObserver.promiseObserversComplete(); // The tracker should have a score recorded for the 2 additions we had. equal(engine._tracker.score, SCORE_INCREMENT_XLARGE * 2); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); Assert.equal(collection.count(), 2); Assert.ok(collection.wbo(existingGUID)); Assert.ok(collection.wbo(deletedGUID)); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: existingGUID, }, { guid: deletedGUID, deleted: true, }, ]); strictEqual( getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, existingGUID), 0 ); strictEqual(getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, deletedGUID), 0); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_incoming_new() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let profileID = Utils.makeGUID(); let deletedID = Utils.makeGUID(); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( profileID, encryptPayload({ id: profileID, entry: Object.assign( { version: 1, }, TEST_PROFILE_1 ), }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( deletedID, encryptPayload({ id: deletedID, deleted: true, }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); // The tracker should start with no score. equal(engine._tracker.score, 0); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: profileID, }, { guid: deletedID, deleted: true, }, ]); strictEqual(getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, profileID), 0); strictEqual(getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, deletedID), 0); // The sync applied new records - ensure our tracker knew it came from // sync and didn't bump the score. equal(engine._tracker.score, 0); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_incoming_existing() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid1 = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); let guid2 = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_2); // an initial sync so we don't think they are locally modified. await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // now server records that modify the existing items. let modifiedEntry1 = Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_1, { version: 1, "given-name": "NewName", }); let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( guid1, encryptPayload({ id: guid1, entry: modifiedEntry1, }), lastSync + 10 ) ); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( guid2, encryptPayload({ id: guid2, deleted: true, }), lastSync + 10 ) ); await engine.sync(); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ Object.assign({}, modifiedEntry1, { guid: guid1 }), { guid: guid2, deleted: true }, ]); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_tombstones() { let { profileStorage, server, collection, engine } = await setup(); try { let existingGUID = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); Assert.equal(collection.count(), 1); let payload = collection.payloads()[0]; equal(payload.id, existingGUID); equal(payload.deleted, undefined); profileStorage.addresses.remove(existingGUID); await engine.sync(); // should still exist, but now be a tombstone. Assert.equal(collection.count(), 1); payload = collection.payloads()[0]; equal(payload.id, existingGUID); equal(payload.deleted, true); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_applyIncoming_both_deleted() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Delete synced record locally. profileStorage.addresses.remove(guid); // Delete same record remotely. let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); collection.insert( guid, encryptPayload({ id: guid, deleted: true, }), lastSync + 10 ); await engine.sync(); ok( !(await await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid)), "Should not return record for locally deleted item" ); let localRecords = await profileStorage.addresses.getAll({ includeDeleted: true, }); equal(localRecords.length, 1, "Only tombstone should exist locally"); equal(collection.count(), 1, "Only tombstone should exist on server"); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_applyIncoming_nonexistent_tombstone() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = profileStorage.addresses._generateGUID(); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); collection.insert( guid, encryptPayload({ id: guid, deleted: true, }), Date.now() / 1000 ); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); ok( !(await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid)), "Should not return record for uknown deleted item" ); let localTombstone = ( await profileStorage.addresses.getAll({ includeDeleted: true, }) ).find(record => record.guid == guid); ok(localTombstone, "Should store tombstone for unknown item"); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_applyIncoming_incoming_deleted() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Delete the record remotely. let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); collection.insert( guid, encryptPayload({ id: guid, deleted: true, }), lastSync + 10 ); await engine.sync(); ok( !(await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid)), "Should delete unmodified item locally" ); let localTombstone = ( await profileStorage.addresses.getAll({ includeDeleted: true, }) ).find(record => record.guid == guid); ok(localTombstone, "Should keep local tombstone for remotely deleted item"); strictEqual( getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, guid), 0, "Local tombstone should be marked as syncing" ); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_applyIncoming_incoming_restored() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // Upload the record to the server. await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Removing a synced record should write a tombstone. profileStorage.addresses.remove(guid); // Modify the deleted record remotely. let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); let serverPayload = JSON.parse( JSON.parse(collection.payload(guid)).ciphertext ); serverPayload.entry["street-address"] = "I moved!"; let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); collection.insert(guid, encryptPayload(serverPayload), lastSync + 10); // Sync again. await engine.sync(); // We should replace our tombstone with the server's version. let localRecord = await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid); ok( objectMatches(localRecord, { "given-name": "Timothy", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", "street-address": "I moved!", }) ); let maybeNewServerPayload = JSON.parse( JSON.parse(collection.payload(guid)).ciphertext ); deepEqual( maybeNewServerPayload, serverPayload, "Should not change record on server" ); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_applyIncoming_outgoing_restored() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // Upload the record to the server. await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Modify the local record. let localCopy = Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_1); localCopy["street-address"] = "I moved!"; await profileStorage.addresses.update(guid, localCopy); // Replace the record with a tombstone on the server. let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); collection.insert( guid, encryptPayload({ id: guid, deleted: true, }), lastSync + 10 ); // Sync again. await engine.sync(); // We should resurrect the record on the server. let serverPayload = JSON.parse( JSON.parse(collection.payload(guid)).ciphertext ); ok(!serverPayload.deleted, "Should resurrect record on server"); ok( objectMatches(serverPayload.entry, { "given-name": "Timothy", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", "street-address": "I moved!", }) ); let localRecord = await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid); ok(localRecord, "Modified record should not be deleted locally"); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); // Unlike most sync engines, we want "both modified" to inspect the records, // and if materially different, create a duplicate. add_task(async function test_reconcile_both_modified_identical() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // create a record locally. let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // and an identical record on the server. server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( guid, encryptPayload({ id: guid, entry: TEST_PROFILE_1, }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [{ guid }]); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_incoming_dupes() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // Create a profile locally, then sync to upload the new profile to the // server. let guid1 = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Create another profile locally, but don't sync it yet. await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_2); // Now create two records on the server with the same contents as our local // profiles, but different GUIDs. let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let guid1_dupe = Utils.makeGUID(); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( guid1_dupe, encryptPayload({ id: guid1_dupe, entry: Object.assign( { version: 1, }, TEST_PROFILE_1 ), }), lastSync + 10 ) ); let guid2_dupe = Utils.makeGUID(); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( guid2_dupe, encryptPayload({ id: guid2_dupe, entry: Object.assign( { version: 1, }, TEST_PROFILE_2 ), }), lastSync + 10 ) ); // Sync again. We should download `guid1_dupe` and `guid2_dupe`, then // reconcile changes. await engine.sync(); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ // We uploaded `guid1` during the first sync. Even though its contents // are the same as `guid1_dupe`, we keep both. Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_1, { guid: guid1 }), Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_1, { guid: guid1_dupe }), // However, we didn't upload `guid2` before downloading `guid2_dupe`, so // we *should* dedupe `guid2` to `guid2_dupe`. Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_2, { guid: guid2_dupe }), ]); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_dedupe_identical_unsynced() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // create a record locally. let localGuid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // and an identical record on the server but different GUID. let remoteGuid = Utils.makeGUID(); notEqual(localGuid, remoteGuid); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( remoteGuid, encryptPayload({ id: remoteGuid, entry: Object.assign( { version: 1, }, TEST_PROFILE_1 ), }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // Should have 1 item locally with GUID changed to the remote one. // There's no tombstone as the original was unsynced. await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: remoteGuid, }, ]); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_dedupe_identical_synced() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // create a record locally. let localGuid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // sync it - it will no longer be a candidate for de-duping. await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); // and an identical record on the server but different GUID. let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let remoteGuid = Utils.makeGUID(); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( remoteGuid, encryptPayload({ id: remoteGuid, entry: Object.assign( { version: 1, }, TEST_PROFILE_1 ), }), lastSync + 10 ) ); await engine.sync(); // Should have 2 items locally, since the first was synced. await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: localGuid }, { guid: remoteGuid }, ]); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_dedupe_multiple_candidates() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // It's possible to have duplicate local profiles, with the same fields but // different GUIDs. After a node reassignment, or after disconnecting and // reconnecting to Sync, we might dedupe a local record A to a remote record // B, if we see B before we download and apply A. Since A and B are dupes, // that's OK. We'll write a tombstone for A when we dedupe A to B, and // overwrite that tombstone when we see A. let localRecord = { "given-name": "Mark", "family-name": "Hammond", organization: "Mozilla", country: "AU", tel: "+12345678910", }; let serverRecord = Object.assign( { version: 1, }, localRecord ); // We don't pass `sourceSync` so that the records are marked as NEW. let aGuid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(localRecord); let bGuid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(localRecord); // Insert B before A. server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( bGuid, encryptPayload({ id: bGuid, entry: serverRecord, }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); server.insertWBO( "foo", "addresses", new ServerWBO( aGuid, encryptPayload({ id: aGuid, entry: serverRecord, }), Date.now() / 1000 ) ); await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid: aGuid, "given-name": "Mark", "family-name": "Hammond", organization: "Mozilla", country: "AU", tel: "+12345678910", }, { guid: bGuid, "given-name": "Mark", "family-name": "Hammond", organization: "Mozilla", country: "AU", tel: "+12345678910", }, ]); // Make sure these are both syncing. strictEqual( getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, aGuid), 0, "A should be marked as syncing" ); strictEqual( getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, bGuid), 0, "B should be marked as syncing" ); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); // Unlike most sync engines, we want "both modified" to inspect the records, // and if materially different, create a duplicate. add_task(async function test_reconcile_both_modified_conflict() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { // create a record locally. let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); // Upload the record to the server. await engine.setLastSync(0); await engine.sync(); strictEqual( getSyncChangeCounter(profileStorage.addresses, guid), 0, "Original record should be marked as syncing" ); // Change the same field locally and on the server. let localCopy = Object.assign({}, TEST_PROFILE_1); localCopy["street-address"] = "I moved!"; await profileStorage.addresses.update(guid, localCopy); let lastSync = await engine.getLastSync(); let collection = server.user("foo").collection("addresses"); let serverPayload = JSON.parse( JSON.parse(collection.payload(guid)).ciphertext ); serverPayload.entry["street-address"] = "I moved, too!"; collection.insert(guid, encryptPayload(serverPayload), lastSync + 10); // Sync again. await engine.sync(); // Since we wait to pull changes until we're ready to upload, both records // should now exist on the server; we don't need a follow-up sync. let serverPayloads = collection.payloads(); equal(serverPayloads.length, 2, "Both records should exist on server"); let forkedPayload = serverPayloads.find(payload => payload.id != guid); ok(forkedPayload, "Forked record should exist on server"); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [ { guid, "given-name": "Timothy", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", "street-address": "I moved, too!", }, { guid: forkedPayload.id, "given-name": "Timothy", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", "street-address": "I moved!", }, ]); let changeCounter = getSyncChangeCounter( profileStorage.addresses, forkedPayload.id ); strictEqual(changeCounter, 0, "Forked record should be marked as syncing"); } finally { await cleanup(server); } }); add_task(async function test_wipe() { let { profileStorage, server, engine } = await setup(); try { let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(TEST_PROFILE_1); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, [{ guid }]); let promiseObserved = promiseOneObserver("formautofill-storage-changed"); await engine._wipeClient(); let { subject, data } = await promiseObserved; Assert.equal( subject.wrappedJSObject.sourceSync, true, "it should be noted this came from sync" ); Assert.equal( subject.wrappedJSObject.collectionName, "addresses", "got the correct collection" ); Assert.equal(data, "removeAll", "a removeAll should be noted"); await expectLocalProfiles(profileStorage, []); } finally { await cleanup(server); } });