/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* globals main, browser, catcher, log */ "use strict"; this.analytics = (function() { const exports = {}; let telemetryEnabled; exports.incrementCount = function(scalar) { const allowedScalars = [ "download", "upload", "copy", "visible", "full_page", "custom", "element", ]; if (!allowedScalars.includes(scalar)) { const err = `incrementCount passed an unrecognized scalar ${scalar}`; log.warn(err); return Promise.resolve(); } return browser.telemetry .scalarAdd(`screenshots.${scalar}`, 1) .catch(err => { log.warn(`incrementCount failed with error: ${err}`); }); }; exports.refreshTelemetryPref = function() { return browser.telemetry.canUpload().then( result => { telemetryEnabled = result; }, error => { // If there's an error reading the pref, we should assume that we shouldn't send data telemetryEnabled = false; throw error; } ); }; exports.isTelemetryEnabled = function() { catcher.watchPromise(exports.refreshTelemetryPref()); return telemetryEnabled; }; return exports; })();