"use strict"; /** * Bug 1472075 - Build UA override for Bank of America for OSX & Linux * WebCompat issue #2787 - https://webcompat.com/issues/2787 * * BoA is showing a red warning to Linux and macOS users, while accepting * Windows users without warning. From our side, there is no difference here * and we receive a lot of user complains about the warnings, so we spoof * as Firefox on Windows in those cases. */ /* globals exportFunction */ if (!navigator.platform.includes("Win")) { console.info( "The user agent has been overridden for compatibility reasons. See https://webcompat.com/issues/2787 for details." ); const WINDOWS_UA = navigator.userAgent.replace( /\(.*; rv:/i, "(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:" ); Object.defineProperty(window.navigator.wrappedJSObject, "userAgent", { get: exportFunction(function() { return WINDOWS_UA; }, window), set: exportFunction(function() {}, window), }); Object.defineProperty(window.navigator.wrappedJSObject, "appVersion", { get: exportFunction(function() { return "appVersion"; }, window), set: exportFunction(function() {}, window), }); Object.defineProperty(window.navigator.wrappedJSObject, "platform", { get: exportFunction(function() { return "Win64"; }, window), set: exportFunction(function() {}, window), }); }