"use strict"; /** * Bug 1800131 - Cannot use date fields on Almosafer mobile page * * This patch ensures that the search input never has the [disabled] * attribute, so that users may tap/click on it to search. * * See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1800131 for details. */ const SELECTOR = ` input[data-testid="FlightHome__DatePicker__DepartureDate"][disabled], input[data-testid="FlightHome__DatePicker__ReturnDate"][disabled] `; function check(target) { if (target.nodeName === "INPUT" && target.matches(SELECTOR)) { target.removeAttribute("disabled"); return true; } return false; } new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const { addedNodes, target, attributeName } of mutations) { if (attributeName === "disabled") { check(target); } else { addedNodes?.forEach(node => { if (!check(node)) { node .querySelectorAll?.(SELECTOR) ?.forEach(n => n.removeAttribute("disabled")); } }); } } }).observe(document, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });