/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* global browser, module, onMessageFromTab */ class AboutCompatBroker { constructor(bindings) { this._injections = bindings.injections; this._uaOverrides = bindings.uaOverrides; this._shims = bindings.shims; if (!this._injections && !this._uaOverrides && !this._shims) { throw new Error("No interventions; about:compat broker is not needed"); } this.portsToAboutCompatTabs = this.buildPorts(); this._injections?.bindAboutCompatBroker(this); this._uaOverrides?.bindAboutCompatBroker(this); this._shims?.bindAboutCompatBroker(this); } buildPorts() { const ports = new Set(); browser.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => { ports.add(port); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function() { ports.delete(port); }); }); async function broadcast(message) { for (const port of ports) { port.postMessage(message); } } return { broadcast }; } filterOverrides(overrides) { return overrides .filter(override => override.availableOnPlatform) .map(override => { const { id, active, bug, domain, hidden } = override; return { id, active, bug, domain, hidden }; }); } getInterventionById(id) { for (const [type, things] of Object.entries({ overrides: this._uaOverrides?.getAvailableOverrides() || [], interventions: this._injections?.getAvailableInjections() || [], shims: this._shims?.getAvailableShims() || [], })) { for (const what of things) { if (what.id === id) { return { type, what }; } } } return {}; } bootup() { onMessageFromTab(msg => { switch (msg.command || msg) { case "toggle": { const id = msg.id; const { type, what } = this.getInterventionById(id); if (!what) { return Promise.reject( `No such override or intervention to toggle: ${id}` ); } const active = type === "shims" ? !what.disabledReason : what.active; this.portsToAboutCompatTabs .broadcast({ toggling: id, active }) .then(async () => { switch (type) { case "interventions": { if (active) { await this._injections?.disableInjection(what); } else { await this._injections?.enableInjection(what); } break; } case "overrides": { if (active) { await this._uaOverrides?.disableOverride(what); } else { await this._uaOverrides?.enableOverride(what); } break; } case "shims": { if (active) { await this._shims?.disableShimForSession(id); } else { await this._shims?.enableShimForSession(id); } // no need to broadcast the "toggled" signal for shims, as // they send a shimsUpdated message themselves instead return; } } this.portsToAboutCompatTabs.broadcast({ toggled: id, active: !active, }); }); break; } case "getAllInterventions": { return Promise.resolve({ overrides: (this._uaOverrides?.isEnabled() && this.filterOverrides( this._uaOverrides?.getAvailableOverrides() )) || false, interventions: (this._injections?.isEnabled() && this.filterOverrides( this._injections?.getAvailableInjections() )) || false, shims: this._shims?.getAvailableShims() || false, }); } } return undefined; }); } } module.exports = AboutCompatBroker;