"use strict"; let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; // This will show a directory listing, but we never actually load these so that's OK. const kDummyPage = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); const kAboutPagesRegistered = Promise.all([ BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-chrome-privs", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-chrome-privs2", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-unknown-linkable", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.MAKE_LINKABLE | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-unknown-linkable2", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.MAKE_LINKABLE | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-unknown-unlinkable", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-unknown-unlinkable2", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-content-unlinkable", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-content-unlinkable2", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-content-linkable", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT | Ci.nsIAboutModule.MAKE_LINKABLE | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "test-content-linkable2", kDummyPage, Ci.nsIAboutModule.URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT | Ci.nsIAboutModule.MAKE_LINKABLE | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT ), ]); const URLs = new Map([ [ "http://www.example.com", [ // For each of these entries, the booleans represent whether the parent URI can: // - load them // - load them without principal inheritance // - whether the URI can be created at all (some protocol handlers will // refuse to create certain variants) ["http://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["https://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["moz-icon:file:///foo/bar/baz.exe", false, false, true], ["moz-icon://.exe", false, false, true], ["chrome://foo/content/bar.xul", false, false, true], ["view-source:http://www.example2.com", false, false, true], ["view-source:https://www.example2.com", false, false, true], ["data:text/html,Hi", true, false, true], ["view-source:data:text/html,Hi", false, false, true], ["javascript:alert('hi')", true, false, true], ["moz://a", false, false, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], // Because this page doesn't have SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED, the web can't link to it: ["about:test-unknown-linkable", false, false, true], ], ], [ "view-source:http://www.example.com", [ ["http://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["https://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["moz-icon:file:///foo/bar/baz.exe", false, false, true], ["moz-icon://.exe", false, false, true], ["chrome://foo/content/bar.xul", false, false, true], ["view-source:http://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["view-source:https://www.example2.com", true, true, true], ["data:text/html,Hi", true, false, true], ["view-source:data:text/html,Hi", true, false, true], ["javascript:alert('hi')", true, false, true], ["moz://a", false, false, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], // Because this page doesn't have SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED, the web can't link to it: ["about:test-unknown-linkable", false, false, true], ], ], // about: related tests. [ "about:test-chrome-privs", [ ["about:test-chrome-privs", true, true, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs2", true, true, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs2?foo#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs2?foo", true, true, true], ["about:test-chrome-privs2#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable?foo", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable?foo#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-unknown-linkable", true, true, true], ["moz-icon:file:///foo/bar/baz.exe", true, true, true], ["moz-icon://.exe", true, true, true], ], ], [ "about:test-unknown-unlinkable", [ ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], // Can link to ourselves: ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", true, true, true], // Can't link to unlinkable content if we're not sure it's privileged: ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable2", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], // Because this page doesn't have SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED, the web can't link to it: ["about:test-unknown-linkable", false, false, true], ], ], [ "about:test-content-unlinkable", [ ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], // Can't link to unlinkable content if we're not sure it's privileged: ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2#bar", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-unknown-linkable", false, false, true], ], ], [ "about:test-unknown-linkable", [ ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], // Linkable content can't link to unlinkable content. ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2?foo#bar", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable2#bar", false, false, true], // ... but it can link to other linkable content. ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], // Can link to ourselves: ["about:test-unknown-linkable", true, true, true], // Because this page doesn't have SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED, the web can't link to it: ["about:test-unknown-linkable2", false, false, true], ], ], [ "about:test-content-linkable", [ ["about:test-chrome-privs", false, false, true], // Linkable content can't link to unlinkable content. ["about:test-unknown-unlinkable", false, false, true], ["about:test-content-unlinkable", false, false, true], // ... but it can link to itself and other linkable content. ["about:test-content-linkable", true, true, true], ["about:test-content-linkable2", true, true, true], // Because this page doesn't have SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED, the web can't link to it: ["about:test-unknown-linkable", false, false, true], ], ], ]); function testURL( source, target, canLoad, canLoadWithoutInherit, canCreate, flags ) { function getPrincipalDesc(principal) { if (principal.spec != "") { return principal.spec; } if (principal.isSystemPrincipal) { return "system principal"; } if (principal.isNullPrincipal) { return "null principal"; } return "unknown principal"; } let threw = false; let targetURI; try { targetURI = Services.io.newURI(target); } catch (ex) { ok( !canCreate, "Shouldn't be passing URIs that we can't create. Failed to create: " + target ); return; } ok( canCreate, "Created a URI for " + target + " which should " + (canCreate ? "" : "not ") + "be possible." ); try { ssm.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal(source, targetURI, flags); } catch (ex) { info(ex.message); threw = true; } let inheritDisallowed = flags & ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL; let shouldThrow = inheritDisallowed ? !canLoadWithoutInherit : !canLoad; ok( threw == shouldThrow, "Should " + (shouldThrow ? "" : "not ") + "throw an error when loading " + target + " from " + getPrincipalDesc(source) + (inheritDisallowed ? " without" : " with") + " principal inheritance." ); } add_task(async function() { // In this test we want to verify both http and https load // restrictions, hence we explicitly switch off the https-first // upgrading mechanism. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["dom.security.https_first", false]], }); await kAboutPagesRegistered; let baseFlags = ssm.STANDARD | ssm.DONT_REPORT_ERRORS; for (let [sourceString, targetsAndExpectations] of URLs) { let source; if (sourceString.startsWith("about:test-chrome-privs")) { source = ssm.getSystemPrincipal(); } else { source = ssm.createContentPrincipal(Services.io.newURI(sourceString), {}); } for (let [ target, canLoad, canLoadWithoutInherit, canCreate, ] of targetsAndExpectations) { testURL( source, target, canLoad, canLoadWithoutInherit, canCreate, baseFlags ); testURL( source, target, canLoad, canLoadWithoutInherit, canCreate, baseFlags | ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL ); } } // Now test blob URIs, which we need to do in-content. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("http://www.example.com/", async function( browser ) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [testURL.toString()], async function( testURLFn ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow , no-eval let testURL = eval("(" + testURLFn + ")"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow let baseFlags = ssm.STANDARD | ssm.DONT_REPORT_ERRORS; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars let b = new content.Blob(["I am a blob"]); let contentBlobURI = content.URL.createObjectURL(b); let contentPrincipal = content.document.nodePrincipal; // Loading this blob URI from the content page should work: testURL(contentPrincipal, contentBlobURI, true, true, true, baseFlags); testURL( contentPrincipal, contentBlobURI, true, true, true, baseFlags | ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL ); testURL( contentPrincipal, "view-source:" + contentBlobURI, false, false, true, baseFlags ); testURL( contentPrincipal, "view-source:" + contentBlobURI, false, false, true, baseFlags | ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL ); }); }); });