var ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; function makeURI(uri) { return; } function checkThrows(f) { var threw = false; try { f(); } catch (e) { threw = true; } Assert.ok(threw); } function checkCrossOrigin(a, b) { Assert.ok(!a.equals(b)); Assert.ok(!a.equalsConsideringDomain(b)); Assert.ok(!a.subsumes(b)); Assert.ok(!a.subsumesConsideringDomain(b)); Assert.ok(!b.subsumes(a)); Assert.ok(!b.subsumesConsideringDomain(a)); } function checkOriginAttributes(prin, attrs, suffix) { attrs = attrs || {}; Assert.equal( prin.originAttributes.inIsolatedMozBrowser, attrs.inIsolatedMozBrowser || false ); Assert.equal(prin.originSuffix, suffix || ""); Assert.equal(ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(attrs), suffix || ""); Assert.ok( ChromeUtils.originAttributesMatchPattern(prin.originAttributes, attrs) ); if (!prin.isNullPrincipal && !prin.origin.startsWith("[")) { Assert.ok(ssm.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin(prin.origin).equals(prin)); } else { checkThrows(() => ssm.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin(prin.origin)); } } function checkSandboxOriginAttributes(arr, attrs, options) { options = options || {}; var sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(arr, options); checkOriginAttributes( Cu.getObjectPrincipal(sandbox), attrs, ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(attrs) ); } // utility function useful for debugging // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function printAttrs(name, attrs) { info( name + " {\n" + "\tuserContextId: " + attrs.userContextId + ",\n" + "\tinIsolatedMozBrowser: " + attrs.inIsolatedMozBrowser + ",\n" + "\tprivateBrowsingId: '" + attrs.privateBrowsingId + "',\n" + "\tfirstPartyDomain: '" + attrs.firstPartyDomain + "'\n}" ); } function checkValues(attrs, values) { values = values || {}; // printAttrs("attrs", attrs); // printAttrs("values", values); Assert.equal(attrs.userContextId, values.userContextId || 0); Assert.equal( attrs.inIsolatedMozBrowser, values.inIsolatedMozBrowser || false ); Assert.equal(attrs.privateBrowsingId, values.privateBrowsingId || ""); Assert.equal(attrs.firstPartyDomain, values.firstPartyDomain || ""); } function run_test() { // Attributeless origins. Assert.equal(ssm.getSystemPrincipal().origin, "[System Principal]"); checkOriginAttributes(ssm.getSystemPrincipal()); var exampleOrg = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI(""), {} ); Assert.equal(exampleOrg.origin, ""); checkOriginAttributes(exampleOrg); var exampleCom = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI(""), {} ); Assert.equal(exampleCom.origin, ""); checkOriginAttributes(exampleCom); var nullPrin = Cu.getObjectPrincipal(new Cu.Sandbox(null)); Assert.ok( /^moz-nullprincipal:\{([0-9]|[a-z]|\-){36}\}$/.test(nullPrin.origin) ); checkOriginAttributes(nullPrin); var ipv6Prin = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI("https://[2001:db8::ff00:42:8329]:123"), {} ); Assert.equal(ipv6Prin.origin, "https://[2001:db8::ff00:42:8329]:123"); checkOriginAttributes(ipv6Prin); var ipv6NPPrin = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI("https://[2001:db8::ff00:42:8329]"), {} ); Assert.equal(ipv6NPPrin.origin, "https://[2001:db8::ff00:42:8329]"); checkOriginAttributes(ipv6NPPrin); var ep = Cu.getObjectPrincipal( Cu.Sandbox([exampleCom, nullPrin, exampleOrg]) ); checkOriginAttributes(ep); checkCrossOrigin(exampleCom, exampleOrg); checkCrossOrigin(exampleOrg, nullPrin); // nsEP origins should be in lexical order. Assert.equal( ep.origin, `[Expanded Principal [${exampleOrg.origin}, ${exampleCom.origin}, ${nullPrin.origin}]]` ); // Make sure createContentPrincipal does what the rest of gecko does. Assert.ok( exampleOrg.equals( Cu.getObjectPrincipal(new Cu.Sandbox("")) ) ); // // Test origin attributes. // // Just browser. var exampleOrg_browser = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI(""), { inIsolatedMozBrowser: true } ); var nullPrin_browser = ssm.createNullPrincipal({ inIsolatedMozBrowser: true, }); checkOriginAttributes( exampleOrg_browser, { inIsolatedMozBrowser: true }, "^inBrowser=1" ); checkOriginAttributes( nullPrin_browser, { inIsolatedMozBrowser: true }, "^inBrowser=1" ); Assert.equal(exampleOrg_browser.origin, "^inBrowser=1"); // First party Uri var exampleOrg_firstPartyDomain = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI(""), { firstPartyDomain: "" } ); checkOriginAttributes( exampleOrg_firstPartyDomain, { firstPartyDomain: "" }, "^" ); Assert.equal( exampleOrg_firstPartyDomain.origin, "^" ); // Just userContext. var exampleOrg_userContext = ssm.createContentPrincipal( makeURI(""), { userContextId: 42 } ); checkOriginAttributes( exampleOrg_userContext, { userContextId: 42 }, "^userContextId=42" ); Assert.equal( exampleOrg_userContext.origin, "^userContextId=42" ); checkSandboxOriginAttributes(null, {}); checkSandboxOriginAttributes("", {}); checkSandboxOriginAttributes( "", {}, { originAttributes: {} } ); checkSandboxOriginAttributes([""], {}); checkSandboxOriginAttributes( [""], {}, { originAttributes: {} } ); // Check that all of the above are cross-origin. checkCrossOrigin(exampleOrg_browser, nullPrin_browser); checkCrossOrigin(exampleOrg_firstPartyDomain, exampleOrg); checkCrossOrigin(exampleOrg_userContext, exampleOrg); // Check Principal kinds. function checkKind(prin, kind) { Assert.equal(prin.isNullPrincipal, kind == "nullPrincipal"); Assert.equal(prin.isContentPrincipal, kind == "contentPrincipal"); Assert.equal(prin.isExpandedPrincipal, kind == "expandedPrincipal"); Assert.equal(prin.isSystemPrincipal, kind == "systemPrincipal"); } checkKind(ssm.createNullPrincipal({}), "nullPrincipal"); checkKind( ssm.createContentPrincipal(makeURI(""), {}), "contentPrincipal" ); checkKind( Cu.getObjectPrincipal( Cu.Sandbox([ ssm.createContentPrincipal(makeURI(""), {}), ]) ), "expandedPrincipal" ); checkKind(ssm.getSystemPrincipal(), "systemPrincipal"); // // Test Origin Attribute Manipulation // // check that we can create an empty origin attributes dict with default // members and values. var emptyAttrs = ChromeUtils.fillNonDefaultOriginAttributes({}); checkValues(emptyAttrs); var uri = ""; var tests = [ ["", {}], ["^userContextId=3", { userContextId: 3 }], ["^inBrowser=1", { inIsolatedMozBrowser: true }], ["^", { firstPartyDomain: "" }], ]; // check that we can create an origin attributes from an origin properly tests.forEach(t => { let attrs = ChromeUtils.createOriginAttributesFromOrigin(uri + t[0]); checkValues(attrs, t[1]); Assert.equal(ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(attrs), t[0]); }); // check that we can create an origin attributes from a dict properly tests.forEach(t => { let attrs = ChromeUtils.fillNonDefaultOriginAttributes(t[1]); checkValues(attrs, t[1]); Assert.equal(ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(attrs), t[0]); }); // each row in the dflt_tests array has these values: // [0] - the suffix used to create an origin attribute from // [1] - the expected result of creating an origin attributes from [0] // [2] - the expected result after setting userContextId to the default // [3] - the expected result of creating a suffix from [2] var dflt_tests = [ ["", {}, {}, ""], ["^userContextId=3", { userContextId: 3 }, {}, ""], ]; // check that we can set the userContextId to default properly dflt_tests.forEach(t => { let orig = ChromeUtils.createOriginAttributesFromOrigin(uri + t[0]); checkValues(orig, t[1]); let mod = orig; mod.userContextId = 0; checkValues(mod, t[2]); Assert.equal(ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(mod), t[3]); }); // each row in the dflt2_tests array has these values: // [0] - the suffix used to create an origin attribute from // [1] - the expected result of creating an origin attributes from [0] // [2] - the expected result after setting firstPartyUri to the default // [3] - the expected result of creating a suffix from [2] var dflt2_tests = [ ["", {}, {}, ""], ["^", { firstPartyDomain: "" }, {}, ""], ]; // check that we can set the userContextId to default properly dflt2_tests.forEach(t => { let orig = ChromeUtils.createOriginAttributesFromOrigin(uri + t[0]); checkValues(orig, t[1]); let mod = orig; mod.firstPartyDomain = ""; checkValues(mod, t[2]); Assert.equal(ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix(mod), t[3]); }); var fileURI = makeURI("file:///foo/bar").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL); var fileTests = [ [true, fileURI.spec], [false, "file://UNIVERSAL_FILE_URI_ORIGIN"], ]; fileTests.forEach(t => { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy", t[0]); var filePrin = ssm.createContentPrincipal(fileURI, {}); Assert.equal(filePrin.origin, t[1]); }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy"); var aboutBlankURI = makeURI("about:blank"); var aboutBlankPrin = ssm.createContentPrincipal(aboutBlankURI, {}); Assert.ok( /^moz-nullprincipal:\{([0-9]|[a-z]|\-){36}\}$/.test(aboutBlankPrin.origin) ); }