/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { checkVersionCompatibility, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/remote-debugging/version-checker.js"); const { RUNTIME_PREFERENCE, } = require("resource://devtools/client/aboutdebugging/src/constants.js"); const { WorkersListener, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/workers-listener.js"); const RootResourceCommand = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/root-resource/root-resource-command.js"); const PREF_TYPES = { BOOL: "BOOL", }; // Map of preference to preference type. const PREF_TO_TYPE = { [RUNTIME_PREFERENCE.CHROME_DEBUG_ENABLED]: PREF_TYPES.BOOL, [RUNTIME_PREFERENCE.CONNECTION_PROMPT]: PREF_TYPES.BOOL, [RUNTIME_PREFERENCE.PERMANENT_PRIVATE_BROWSING]: PREF_TYPES.BOOL, [RUNTIME_PREFERENCE.REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED]: PREF_TYPES.BOOL, [RUNTIME_PREFERENCE.SERVICE_WORKERS_ENABLED]: PREF_TYPES.BOOL, }; // Some events are fired by mainRoot rather than client. const MAIN_ROOT_EVENTS = ["addonListChanged", "tabListChanged"]; /** * The ClientWrapper class is used to isolate aboutdebugging from the DevTools client API * The modules of about:debugging should never call DevTools client APIs directly. */ class ClientWrapper { constructor(client) { this.client = client; this.workersListener = new WorkersListener(client.mainRoot); } once(evt, listener) { if (MAIN_ROOT_EVENTS.includes(evt)) { this.client.mainRoot.once(evt, listener); } else { this.client.once(evt, listener); } } on(evt, listener) { if (evt === "workersUpdated") { this.workersListener.addListener(listener); } else if (MAIN_ROOT_EVENTS.includes(evt)) { this.client.mainRoot.on(evt, listener); } else { this.client.on(evt, listener); } } off(evt, listener) { if (evt === "workersUpdated") { this.workersListener.removeListener(listener); } else if (MAIN_ROOT_EVENTS.includes(evt)) { this.client.mainRoot.off(evt, listener); } else { this.client.off(evt, listener); } } async getFront(typeName) { return this.client.mainRoot.getFront(typeName); } async getDeviceDescription() { const deviceFront = await this.getFront("device"); const description = await deviceFront.getDescription(); // Only expose a specific set of properties. return { canDebugServiceWorkers: description.canDebugServiceWorkers, channel: description.channel, deviceName: description.deviceName, name: description.brandName, os: description.os, version: description.version, }; } createRootResourceCommand() { return new RootResourceCommand({ rootFront: this.client.mainRoot }); } async checkVersionCompatibility() { return checkVersionCompatibility(this.client); } async setPreference(prefName, value) { const prefType = PREF_TO_TYPE[prefName]; const preferenceFront = await this.client.mainRoot.getFront("preference"); switch (prefType) { case PREF_TYPES.BOOL: return preferenceFront.setBoolPref(prefName, value); default: throw new Error("Unsupported preference" + prefName); } } async getPreference(prefName, defaultValue) { if (typeof defaultValue === "undefined") { throw new Error( "Default value is mandatory for getPreference, the actor will " + "throw if the preference is not set on the target runtime" ); } const prefType = PREF_TO_TYPE[prefName]; const preferenceFront = await this.client.mainRoot.getFront("preference"); switch (prefType) { case PREF_TYPES.BOOL: // TODO: Add server-side trait and methods to pass a default value to getBoolPref. // See Bug 1522588. let prefValue; try { prefValue = await preferenceFront.getBoolPref(prefName); } catch (e) { prefValue = defaultValue; } return prefValue; default: throw new Error("Unsupported preference:" + prefName); } } async listTabs() { return this.client.mainRoot.listTabs(); } async listAddons(options) { return this.client.mainRoot.listAddons(options); } async getAddon({ id }) { return this.client.mainRoot.getAddon({ id }); } async getMainProcess() { return this.client.mainRoot.getMainProcess(); } async getServiceWorkerFront({ id }) { return this.client.mainRoot.getWorker(id); } async listWorkers() { const { other, service, shared, } = await this.client.mainRoot.listAllWorkers(); return { otherWorkers: other, serviceWorkers: service, sharedWorkers: shared, }; } async close() { return this.client.close(); } isClosed() { return this.client._transportClosed; } // This method will be mocked to return a dummy URL during mochitests getPerformancePanelUrl() { return "chrome://devtools/content/performance-new/index.xhtml"; } /** * @param {Window} win - The window of the dialog window. * @param {Function} openAboutProfiling */ async loadPerformanceProfiler(win, openAboutProfiling) { const perfFront = await this.getFront("perf"); const { traits } = this.client; await win.gInit(perfFront, traits, "devtools-remote", openAboutProfiling); } /** * @param {Window} win - The window of the dialog window. * @param {Function} openRemoteDevTools */ async loadAboutProfiling(win, openRemoteDevTools) { const perfFront = await this.getFront("perf"); const isSupportedPlatform = await perfFront.isSupportedPlatform(); const supportedFeatures = await perfFront.getSupportedFeatures(); await win.gInit( "aboutprofiling-remote", isSupportedPlatform, supportedFeatures, openRemoteDevTools ); } } exports.ClientWrapper = ClientWrapper;