/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ /** * Redux actions for the sources state * @module actions/sources */ import { insertSourceActors } from "../../actions/source-actors"; import { makeSourceId, createGeneratedSource, createSourceMapOriginalSource, createSourceActor, } from "../../client/firefox/create"; import { toggleBlackBox } from "./blackbox"; import { syncBreakpoint } from "../breakpoints"; import { createLocation } from "../../utils/location"; import { loadSourceText } from "./loadSourceText"; import { togglePrettyPrint } from "./prettyPrint"; import { selectLocation, setBreakableLines } from "../sources"; import { getRawSourceURL, isPrettyURL, isInlineScript, } from "../../utils/source"; import { getBlackBoxRanges, getSource, getSourceFromId, hasSourceActor, getSourceByActorId, getPendingSelectedLocation, getPendingBreakpointsForSource, getContext, getSourceTextContent, getSourceActor, } from "../../selectors"; import { prefs } from "../../utils/prefs"; import sourceQueue from "../../utils/source-queue"; import { validateNavigateContext, ContextError } from "../../utils/context"; function loadSourceMaps(cx, sources) { return async function({ dispatch }) { try { const sourceList = await Promise.all( sources.map(async sourceActor => { const originalSourcesInfo = await dispatch( loadSourceMap(cx, sourceActor) ); originalSourcesInfo.forEach( sourcesInfo => (sourcesInfo.sourceActor = sourceActor) ); sourceQueue.queueOriginalSources(originalSourcesInfo); return originalSourcesInfo; }) ); await sourceQueue.flush(); return sourceList.flat(); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof ContextError)) { throw error; } } return []; }; } /** * @memberof actions/sources * @static */ function loadSourceMap(cx, sourceActor) { return async function({ dispatch, getState, sourceMapLoader }) { if (!prefs.clientSourceMapsEnabled || !sourceActor.sourceMapURL) { return []; } let data = null; try { // Ignore sourceMapURL on scripts that are part of HTML files, since // we currently treat sourcemaps as Source-wide, not SourceActor-specific. const source = getSourceByActorId(getState(), sourceActor.id); if (source) { data = await sourceMapLoader.getOriginalURLs({ // Using source ID here is historical and eventually we'll want to // switch to all of this being per-source-actor. id: source.id, url: sourceActor.url || "", sourceMapBaseURL: sourceActor.sourceMapBaseURL || "", sourceMapURL: sourceActor.sourceMapURL || "", isWasm: sourceActor.introductionType === "wasm", }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } if (!data || !data.length) { // If this source doesn't have a sourcemap or there are no original files // existing, enable it for pretty printing dispatch({ type: "CLEAR_SOURCE_ACTOR_MAP_URL", cx, id: sourceActor.id, }); return []; } validateNavigateContext(getState(), cx); return data; }; } // If a request has been made to show this source, go ahead and // select it. function checkSelectedSource(cx, sourceId) { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); const pendingLocation = getPendingSelectedLocation(state); if (!pendingLocation || !pendingLocation.url) { return; } const source = getSource(state, sourceId); if (!source || !source.url) { return; } const pendingUrl = pendingLocation.url; const rawPendingUrl = getRawSourceURL(pendingUrl); if (rawPendingUrl === source.url) { if (isPrettyURL(pendingUrl)) { const prettySource = await dispatch(togglePrettyPrint(cx, source.id)); dispatch(checkPendingBreakpoints(cx, prettySource.id, null)); return; } await dispatch( selectLocation(cx, { sourceId: source.id, line: typeof pendingLocation.line === "number" ? pendingLocation.line : 0, column: pendingLocation.column, }) ); } }; } function checkPendingBreakpoints(cx, sourceId, sourceActorId) { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { // source may have been modified by selectLocation const source = getSource(getState(), sourceId); if (!source) { return; } const pendingBreakpoints = getPendingBreakpointsForSource( getState(), source ); if (pendingBreakpoints.length === 0) { return; } const sourceActor = getSourceActor(getState(), sourceActorId); // load the source text if there is a pending breakpoint for it await dispatch(loadSourceText(cx, source, sourceActor)); await dispatch(setBreakableLines(cx, source.id)); await Promise.all( pendingBreakpoints.map(bp => { return dispatch(syncBreakpoint(cx, sourceId, bp)); }) ); }; } function restoreBlackBoxedSources(cx, sources) { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const currentRanges = getBlackBoxRanges(getState()); if (!Object.keys(currentRanges).length) { return; } for (const source of sources) { const ranges = currentRanges[source.url]; if (ranges) { // If the ranges is an empty then the whole source was blackboxed. await dispatch(toggleBlackBox(cx, source, true, ranges)); } } }; } export function newOriginalSources(originalSourcesInfo) { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); const seen = new Set(); const actors = []; const actorsSources = {}; for (const { id, url, sourceActor } of originalSourcesInfo) { if (seen.has(id) || getSource(state, id)) { continue; } seen.add(id); if (!actorsSources[sourceActor.actor]) { actors.push(sourceActor); actorsSources[sourceActor.actor] = []; } actorsSources[sourceActor.actor].push( createSourceMapOriginalSource(id, url) ); } const cx = getContext(state); // Add the original sources per the generated source actors that // they are primarily from. actors.forEach(sourceActor => { dispatch({ type: "ADD_ORIGINAL_SOURCES", cx, originalSources: actorsSources[sourceActor.actor], generatedSourceActor: sourceActor, }); }); // Accumulate the sources back into one list const actorsSourcesValues = Object.values(actorsSources); let sources = []; if (actorsSourcesValues.length) { sources = actorsSourcesValues.reduce((acc, sourceList) => acc.concat(sourceList) ); } await dispatch(checkNewSources(cx, sources)); for (const source of sources) { dispatch(checkPendingBreakpoints(cx, source.id, null)); } return sources; }; } // Wrapper around newGeneratedSources, only used by tests export function newGeneratedSource(sourceInfo) { return async ({ dispatch }) => { const sources = await dispatch(newGeneratedSources([sourceInfo])); return sources[0]; }; } export function newGeneratedSources(sourceResources) { return async ({ dispatch, getState, client }) => { if (!sourceResources.length) { return []; } const resultIds = []; const newSourcesObj = {}; const newSourceActors = []; for (const sourceResource of sourceResources) { // By the time we process the sources, the related target // might already have been destroyed. It means that the sources // are also about to be destroyed, so ignore them. // (This is covered by browser_toolbox_backward_forward_navigation.js) if (sourceResource.targetFront.isDestroyed()) { continue; } const id = makeSourceId(sourceResource); if (!getSource(getState(), id) && !newSourcesObj[id]) { newSourcesObj[id] = createGeneratedSource(sourceResource); } const actorId = sourceResource.actor; // We are sometimes notified about a new source multiple times if we // request a new source list and also get a source event from the server. if (!hasSourceActor(getState(), actorId)) { newSourceActors.push( createSourceActor( sourceResource, getSource(getState(), id) || newSourcesObj[id] ) ); } resultIds.push(id); } const newSources = Object.values(newSourcesObj); const cx = getContext(getState()); dispatch(addSources(cx, newSources)); dispatch(insertSourceActors(newSourceActors)); for (const newSourceActor of newSourceActors) { const location = createLocation({ sourceId: newSourceActor.source.id, sourceActorId: newSourceActor.actor, }); // Fetch breakable lines for new HTML scripts // when the HTML file has started loading if ( isInlineScript(newSourceActor) && getSourceTextContent(getState(), location) != null ) { dispatch(setBreakableLines(cx, newSourceActor.source)).catch(error => { if (!(error instanceof ContextError)) { throw error; } }); } } await dispatch(checkNewSources(cx, newSources)); (async () => { await dispatch(loadSourceMaps(cx, newSourceActors)); // We would like to sync breakpoints after we are done // loading source maps as sometimes generated and original // files share the same paths. for (const { source, actor } of newSourceActors) { dispatch(checkPendingBreakpoints(cx, source, actor)); } })(); return resultIds.map(id => getSourceFromId(getState(), id)); }; } function addSources(cx, sources) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { dispatch({ type: "ADD_SOURCES", cx, sources }); }; } function checkNewSources(cx, sources) { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { for (const source of sources) { dispatch(checkSelectedSource(cx, source.id)); } await dispatch(restoreBlackBoxedSources(cx, sources)); return sources; }; }