/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at . */
"use strict";
PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally(/Current state is running/);
PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally(/Connection closed/);
// Test that unusual objects have their contents shown in worker thread scopes.
add_task(async function() {
const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-worker-scopes.html", "scopes-worker.js");
await selectSource(dbg, "scopes-worker.js");
await addBreakpointViaGutter(dbg, 11);
await dbg.toolbox.target.waitForRequestsToSettle();
await waitForPaused(dbg, "scopes-worker.js");
await removeBreakpointViaGutter(dbg, 11);
// We should be paused at the first line of simple-worker.js
const workerSource2 = dbg.selectors.getSelectedSource();
assertPausedAtSourceAndLine(dbg, workerSource2.id, 11);
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_array");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "0") == '"mango"', "array elem0");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "1") == '"pamplemousse"', "array elem1");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "2") == '"pineapple"', "array elem2");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_array");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_tarray");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "0") == "42", "tarray elem0");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "1") == "43", "tarray elem1");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "2") == "44", "tarray elem2");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_tarray");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_set");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "0") == '"papaya"', "set elem0");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "1") == '"banana"', "set elem1");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_set");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_map");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
await toggleNode(dbg, "0");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, ""), "1");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, ""), '"one"');
await toggleNode(dbg, "0");
await toggleNode(dbg, "1");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, ""), "2");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, ""), '"two"');
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_map");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_weakmap");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
await toggleNode(dbg, "0");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "foo"), "foo");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "bar"), "bar");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_weakmap");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_weakset");
await toggleNode(dbg, "");
await toggleNode(dbg, "0");
ok(findNodeValue(dbg, "foo"), "foo");
await toggleNode(dbg, "var_weakset");
// Close the scopes in order to unmount the reps in order to force spawning
// the various `release` RDP requests which, otherwise, would happen in
// middle of the toolbox destruction. Then, wait for them to finish.
await toggleScopes(dbg);
await waitForRequestsToSettle(dbg);
function findNode(dbg, text) {
for (let index = 0; ; index++) {
const elem = findElement(dbg, "scopeNode", index);
if (elem?.innerText == text) {
return elem;
function toggleNode(dbg, text) {
return toggleObjectInspectorNode(findNode(dbg, text));
function findNodeValue(dbg, text) {
for (let index = 0; ; index++) {
const elem = findElement(dbg, "scopeNode", index);
if (elem?.innerText == text) {
return findElement(dbg, "scopeValue", index).innerText;
async function removeBreakpointViaGutter(dbg, line) {
const onRemoved = waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "REMOVE_BREAKPOINT");
await clickGutter(dbg, line);
await onRemoved;